This plugin is solution for well known flaw in WordPress architecture:
automatic resizing uploaded images in each of registered media sizes.
Although price of hosting space is low and we have gigabytes available that can be issue if you have dozen
(or more) registered sizes and because of that your backup files became larger then 10Gb.
Sooner or later you will be in situation to download (or even worse – to upload) that backup file.
Our analysis shows that vast majority of resized thumbnails are not used anywhere in website.
For typical theme with WooCommerce and additional 3 custom media sizes that percentage can be over 90%,
with 6 custom media sizes it is over 96% !!!
Because of that developers are often uncomfortable with registering more media sizes trying to find
some workarounds or violating design to accommodate existing similar sizes.
Purpose of this plugin is to eliminate that overhead and allow developer to register as much sizes as he need.
It will intercept uploading process to prevent creation of thumbnails and intercept getters
(wp_get_attachment_image_src(), get_the_post_thumbnail_url(), the_post_thumbnail(),…) to create thumbnail if needed.
Additionally it will register in database each created thumbnail allowing WordPress to delete it automatically
when parent image is deleted.
At „Settings“ tab of this tool you can pick individually for which size you want to enable or disable this functionality.
Typically you will enable it for all sizes.
Button „Delete“ on „Utilities“ tab will remove all thumbnails for sizes that are handled by this plugin.
That will significantly reduce size of your „uploads“ directory allowing new thumbnails to be recreated on demand.
Video demonstration:
Please, send bug reports and feature requests to [email protected]
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Prispievatelia a vývojári
“FWS On-Demand-Resizer” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„FWS On-Demand-Resizer“ bol preložený do 2 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
Preložiť „FWS On-Demand-Resizer“ do vašho jazyka.
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Zoznam zmien
Release Date – 11 October 2022
- Enhancement – Added internationalization to plugin. Created project at https://translate.wordpress.org/ and translated to Serbian and Dutch.
- Fix – Improved performances while handling too small images.
Release Date – 28 November 2021
- Enhancement – Added compatibility with „Regenerate Thumbnails“ plugin. Thanks to Florian Reuschel.
- Enhancement – Added compatibility with „SVG Support“ plugin. Thanks to Florian Reuschel
- Enhancement – Added debug logging feature.
- Dev – Added filter „fws_rod_avoid_mime_types“ to specify mime-types that have to be skipped by Utilities/Delete feature.
- Dev – Added filter „fws_rod_enable_sizes“ to configure plugin to handle specified image-sizes.
- Dev – Added filter „fws_rod_disable_sizes“ to configure plugin to avoid handling specified image-sizes.
Release Date – 19 November 2021
- Fix – Fixed bug in handling core image sizes (thumbnail, medium, large).