Advanced Timeline Gutenberg Block


Advanced Timeline Block is a custom Gutenberg Block developed with Gutenberg Native Components. You can easily design your stories or events timeline in Gutenberg Editor. It is highly customizable with a number of options. It allows you to design your timeline content as per your need.


Key Features

  • Simple, light-weight, and super-fast
  • Unlimited Inner Blocks for Timeline Content
  • Only CSS based Timeline
  • Built with only Gutenberg Native Components
  • No Block Builder at all
  • 100% Responsive
  • Unlimited Timeline Content
  • Responsive 3 Types of Timeline Style
    • Both Sides Timeline
    • Only Left Side Timeline
    • Only Right Side Timeline
  • Unlimited Color
  • FontAwesome Icon for Timeline Marker
  • Highly Customizable with a lot of Options
  • Easy to Use in Gutenberg Editor
  • Drag & Drop Use

About Developer

Designed & Developed By Zakaria Binsaifullah. Available for any freelance work, feel free to Contact Me



Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.

  • Timeline Build timeline easily in Gutenberg Editor


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/advanced-timeline-block directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ screen in WordPress
  3. Simply go to Gutenberg Block Editor and you will find a new category with a new Block named „Advanced Timeline Block“
  4. Drag and drop to use it.

Časté otázky

Is it responsive?

Sure, it is 100% Responsive

Have you used any block builder?

No, it is built with 100% Gutenberg Native Components only.


1. októbra 2024
I have tried many time line plugins and ended up here. this what exactly i was looking to maintain a simple time line page. hope to see more features in the Future developments.
9. septembra 2024
After playing with it for a year or two I’ve found it a great block for adding multiple timelines around a site, for general site news or progress reports and highlights on a given project. This is what distinguished the block over other offerings which limit you to only one timeline on a site. Here you can create multiple timelines. The block-based management and customization of the timelines is clean, clear and simple, and powerful enough to satisfy most users, and can be tweaked with CSS overrides when needed. I’m sure many users will ask for more but I appreciate the creator is going to need a few thousand more users to encourage his work. Keep up the good work and best wishes for the future of this great little building block for great sites.
10. júla 2023
Few recommendation just change your plugin name Advanced Timeline Gutenberg Block to Advanced Timeline Block for better search query. Other than that your timeline support the inner block that makes it unique from others. I would like to more features in future.
Prečítať všetkých 9 recenzií

Prispievatelia a vývojári

“Advanced Timeline Gutenberg Block” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


Zoznam zmien

2.1.2 – Compatibility with WordPress 6.6.1
2.0.0 – A major update with a lot of new features and more optimization
1.0.0 – Initial Release