TGI Fernando
Educational Qualifications:
B.Sc. (Mathematics)(USJ)(Sri Lanka) – 1993
M.Sc. (Industrial Mathematics)(USJ) (Sri Lanka) – 1998
M.Sc. (Computer Science)(AIT)(Thailand) – 2002
Ph.D. (Intelligent Systems)(Brunel)(UK) – 2009
Supervision work:
MPhil (Computer Science), Dilini Thalagala, Human Age Classification using Deep Architectures (ongoing research project)
MPhil (Computer Science), MKA Ariyaratne, Designing and Developing Nature-Inspired Algorithms to solve nonlinear equations (ongoing research project)
BSc (Computer Science – Special), TYT Totagamuwa, A Comparative Study on Weight Optimization of Neural Networks using Nature-inspired Algorithms with Cuckoo Search Algorithm (2013-14)
BSc (Computer Science – Special), WMKS Ilmini, Persons’ Personality Traits Recognition using Machine Learning Algorithms and Image Processing Techniques (2013-14)
BSc (Computer Science – Special), TMTM Perera, Multi Agent System for Doctor, Patient, Hospital and Pharmacy (2013-14)
MPhil (Computer Science), IDID Ariyasinghe, Designing and Developing Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Multi Objective Optimization Problems (ongoing research project)
BSc (Computer Science), MKA Ariyaratne, A Comparative Study on Nature-Inspired Algorithms with Firefly Algorithm (ongoing research project)
BSc (Computer Science), Janaki Wanigasooriya, Multi-Vehicle Passenger Allocation and Route Optimization for Employee Transportation using Genetic Algorithms (2011-12)
MSc (Industrial Mathematics), Ranga P Abeysooriya, Genetic Optimization of Cut Order Planning in Apparel Manufacturing (2011)
BSc (Computer Science), KAG Udeshani, Lung Cancer Detection System Using Neural Networks and Image Processing Techniques (2010)
BSc (Mathematics), PCP Peiris, Review of the citations of the research paper: A variant of Newton’s method with accelerated third-order convergence (2010)
BSc (Computer Science), DVS Hettiarachchi, Mobile Navigation System (2009)
BSc (Mathematics), MDL Salgado, Degree Reduction of Bezier Curves (2009)
MSc (Industrial Mathematics), CP Amarajeewa, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of Sinhala Characters by Feature Analysis Followed by Matrix Matching (2002).
MSc (Industrial Mathematics), PAS Pathiraja, Modelling Sinhala Characters using Cubic Rational Bézier Curves (2002).
Academic awards/Scholarships:
Presidential Award Winner (2000) – For the appreciation of Authorship of “A Variant of Newton’s Methods with Accelerated Third-Order Convergence.”
Received a Sri Lanka/ADB (Asian Development Bank) scholarship (2000) to study an MSc in Computer Science at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
President’s fund, Sri Lanka awarded a scholarship of Rs. 1,500,000/- to study a PhD in a foreign university in 2004.
Brunel University, UK awarded a scholarship to study a PhD in 2005 .
Best poster – Science, ”MDL Salgado, S Weerakoon & TGI Fernando, Degree Reduction of Bezier Curves”, 50th Anniversary Academic Conference, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 2009.
Referee work:
Reviewer of the Journal of Numerical Algorithms (Springer)
Reviewer of proceedings of annual sessions of Sri Lankan Association for Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI)
Judger of the best paper award, Proceedings of annual sessions of Sri Lankan Association for Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI).
Reviewer of proceedings of annual sessions of Information Technology Research Unit (ITRU), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Judger of the best paper award, Proceedings of annual sessions of Information Technology Research Unit (ITRU), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Reviewer of the Journal of the Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (JNSF)
Address: Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Applied Science,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Sri Lanka.
B.Sc. (Mathematics)(USJ)(Sri Lanka) – 1993
M.Sc. (Industrial Mathematics)(USJ) (Sri Lanka) – 1998
M.Sc. (Computer Science)(AIT)(Thailand) – 2002
Ph.D. (Intelligent Systems)(Brunel)(UK) – 2009
Supervision work:
MPhil (Computer Science), Dilini Thalagala, Human Age Classification using Deep Architectures (ongoing research project)
MPhil (Computer Science), MKA Ariyaratne, Designing and Developing Nature-Inspired Algorithms to solve nonlinear equations (ongoing research project)
BSc (Computer Science – Special), TYT Totagamuwa, A Comparative Study on Weight Optimization of Neural Networks using Nature-inspired Algorithms with Cuckoo Search Algorithm (2013-14)
BSc (Computer Science – Special), WMKS Ilmini, Persons’ Personality Traits Recognition using Machine Learning Algorithms and Image Processing Techniques (2013-14)
BSc (Computer Science – Special), TMTM Perera, Multi Agent System for Doctor, Patient, Hospital and Pharmacy (2013-14)
MPhil (Computer Science), IDID Ariyasinghe, Designing and Developing Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Multi Objective Optimization Problems (ongoing research project)
BSc (Computer Science), MKA Ariyaratne, A Comparative Study on Nature-Inspired Algorithms with Firefly Algorithm (ongoing research project)
BSc (Computer Science), Janaki Wanigasooriya, Multi-Vehicle Passenger Allocation and Route Optimization for Employee Transportation using Genetic Algorithms (2011-12)
MSc (Industrial Mathematics), Ranga P Abeysooriya, Genetic Optimization of Cut Order Planning in Apparel Manufacturing (2011)
BSc (Computer Science), KAG Udeshani, Lung Cancer Detection System Using Neural Networks and Image Processing Techniques (2010)
BSc (Mathematics), PCP Peiris, Review of the citations of the research paper: A variant of Newton’s method with accelerated third-order convergence (2010)
BSc (Computer Science), DVS Hettiarachchi, Mobile Navigation System (2009)
BSc (Mathematics), MDL Salgado, Degree Reduction of Bezier Curves (2009)
MSc (Industrial Mathematics), CP Amarajeewa, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of Sinhala Characters by Feature Analysis Followed by Matrix Matching (2002).
MSc (Industrial Mathematics), PAS Pathiraja, Modelling Sinhala Characters using Cubic Rational Bézier Curves (2002).
Academic awards/Scholarships:
Presidential Award Winner (2000) – For the appreciation of Authorship of “A Variant of Newton’s Methods with Accelerated Third-Order Convergence.”
Received a Sri Lanka/ADB (Asian Development Bank) scholarship (2000) to study an MSc in Computer Science at Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand.
President’s fund, Sri Lanka awarded a scholarship of Rs. 1,500,000/- to study a PhD in a foreign university in 2004.
Brunel University, UK awarded a scholarship to study a PhD in 2005 .
Best poster – Science, ”MDL Salgado, S Weerakoon & TGI Fernando, Degree Reduction of Bezier Curves”, 50th Anniversary Academic Conference, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, 2009.
Referee work:
Reviewer of the Journal of Numerical Algorithms (Springer)
Reviewer of proceedings of annual sessions of Sri Lankan Association for Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI)
Judger of the best paper award, Proceedings of annual sessions of Sri Lankan Association for Artificial Intelligence (SLAAI).
Reviewer of proceedings of annual sessions of Information Technology Research Unit (ITRU), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka
Judger of the best paper award, Proceedings of annual sessions of Information Technology Research Unit (ITRU), University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Reviewer of the Journal of the Science Foundation of Sri Lanka (JNSF)
Address: Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Applied Science,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,
Sri Lanka.
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InterestsView All (14)
Books by TGI Fernando
Existing methods of representing characters and theoretical background about Bézier curves and B-Spline curves are reviewed in this study.
Further, we have developed a Visual Basic program called “Fontica” for designing characters by using Bezier and B-Spline curves. With the help of this new program we could design 10 Sinhala (my mother language) characters.
In addition, we have proposed a new technique for approximating the degree reduction of Bezier curves. This approximation appears to perform satisfactory.
Proposed scheme replaces the rectangular approximation of the indefinite integral involved in Newton's Method by a trapezium. It is shown that 'the order of convergence of the new method is at least three for functions of one variable. Computational results overwhelmingly support this theory and the computational order
of convergence is even more than three for certain functions.
Algorithms constructed were implemented by using the high level computer language Turbo Pascal (Ver. 7)
Key words: Convergence, Newton's method, Improved Newton's method, Nonlinear equations, Root finding, Order of convergence, Iterative methods
Papers by TGI Fernando
Existing methods of representing characters and theoretical background about Bézier curves and B-Spline curves are reviewed in this study.
Further, we have developed a Visual Basic program called “Fontica” for designing characters by using Bezier and B-Spline curves. With the help of this new program we could design 10 Sinhala (my mother language) characters.
In addition, we have proposed a new technique for approximating the degree reduction of Bezier curves. This approximation appears to perform satisfactory.
Proposed scheme replaces the rectangular approximation of the indefinite integral involved in Newton's Method by a trapezium. It is shown that 'the order of convergence of the new method is at least three for functions of one variable. Computational results overwhelmingly support this theory and the computational order
of convergence is even more than three for certain functions.
Algorithms constructed were implemented by using the high level computer language Turbo Pascal (Ver. 7)
Key words: Convergence, Newton's method, Improved Newton's method, Nonlinear equations, Root finding, Order of convergence, Iterative methods