Hi! I'm Jason Garber.

I’m a Web developer, musician, community organizer, photographer, and occasional author living in Washington, DC.

You can find me all over the Web, typically as “jgarber.” I use the pronouns he/him/his.

Recent Posts

  1. 877 Days

    Published on .

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Recent Photos

  1. All Hail The King

    Taken on .

  2. The Gang Visits The USS Yorktown

    Taken on .

  3. F/A-18A Hornet

    Taken on .

  4. Gauges II

    Taken on .

  5. Gauges I

    Taken on .

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Selected Works

  1. rel-me.cc

    Discover a URL’s published rel=“me” links, .
  2. IndieWeb Endpoints

    Discover a URL’s IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, and Webmention endpoints, .
  3. Apogee, Perigee

    by The Orchid, .
  4. FrancisCMS

    An IndieWeb-friendly content management system built with Ruby on Rails, .
  5. SpaceHolder

    A space-themed image placeholder service, .
  6. Shadowing Lull EP

    by The Orchid, .
  7. Find Your Inner Animal

    just-for-fun survey built for World Wildlife Fund, .
  8. Foundation HTML5 with CSS3

    co-authored with Craig Cook, published by Apress, .
  9. Beyond The Vast, Endless Sea

    by The Orchid, released on Liberty Fuse Records, .
  10. Data Picker Application

    U.S. Patent 8,190,622, .
  11. Ficly

    social micro-fiction website created with Kevin Lawver, .


  1. Atom
  2. Bandcamp
  3. CodePen
  4. Discogs
  5. Flickr
  6. GitHub
  7. Goodreads
  8. Huffduffer
  9. IndieWeb
  10. Instagram
  11. Instapaper
  12. Kickstarter
  13. Letterboxd
  14. Mastodon
  15. Medium
  16. npm
  17. RubyGems
  18. Speaker Deck
  19. Upcoming
  20. Vimeo