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Inherent · Decadence

Humanity's children are returning home. Today.

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Title: Trust Book 1: We Know Not What We Do
Characters: Gina Inviere/Erin Mathias, Athena, Adama/Roslin, Cottle, Gina/Cain, Starbuck, Lots of Pilots and Marines, Dualla.
Rating: hard R, it's Gina, it's dark, but not explicit, an itty bit of sex - eventually
Summary:Gina is caught after killing Cain and ends up in Galactica's brig. When the fleet faces starvation, she must grapple with the past, present and Gunny Mathias to decide if she wants a future.
This is a re-imagining of Trust by olli01a. Written for last years bsg_big bang and Olli, Revised.
Warnings: there are confrontations with a rapist and non-graphic flashbacks. Major characters are dead.
Word Count: 43,000
For those in all these communities - sorry for the spam

(Part One: Killing Time )
(Part Two: Killing the Undercarriage)
(Part Three: Killing Cylons)
(Part Four: Killing God)
(Part Five: Killing Humans)
(Part Six: Living)

Masterlist with disclaimers and credits
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Title: Flinch
Author: sunshine_queen
Summary: Gina's heart and memory are faulty.
Characters: Gina, Admiral Helena Cain, Gaius Baltar
Pairings: Cain/Gina
Rating: PG-13
Beta Thanks: littledivinity, nicole_anell and non_horation, and special thanks to miabicicletta for brainstorming with me.
Author Notes: "Hatred would have been easier. With hatred, I would have known what to do. Hatred is clear, metallic, one-handed, unwavering; unlike love."
— Margaret Atwood (Cat's Eye)
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Author: Green_animation
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica / Final fantasy VII crossover
Characters: Six, Cloud Strife
Rating: PG-13
Timeline/Spoilers: No specific timeline/No Spoilers
Summary: The last Six is still desperate to find Earth.

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Title: the sinews of thy heart
Author: sunshine_queen
Rating: PG at the most.
Timeline: Season 4.5
Summary: Ellen visits Caprica in sickbay after 'Deadlock.'
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Art: Strict Machine
Character: Six
Resources: Swimchick. Domino88. Aaskie.
Size: 323x400
*Tell me if I need any tags.

6. Strict Machine.
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Title: beyond this place of wrath and tears
Author: sunshine_queen
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Gina/Gaius
Timeline: Lay Down Your Burdens, Pt II
Summary: She wants her own decisions. She wants the word no.
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[18] Alias (for alias_ichalleng and sydney_stills)
[24] Battlestar Galactica (for bsg_stillness)
[08] Criminal minds (for cmepic)
[20] Harper's Island
[05] The Moomin trolls (Moominwalley)
[Total: 75 icons]

x Please credit the community paper_ducks, when you take an icon:

x Comment (on the original entry) when you take something.
x Please don't edit/modify/add anything. If you want anything changed just ask and l'll happily do it for you.
x Please do not upload these to fanpop or other forums/massage boards, my icons are ONLY for livejournal and dreamwidth.
x Please do not hotlink/direct link. If you don't know what hotlinking is read this.


more here at paper_ducks
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Wow, I'm totally spamming this comm. Baltar, Six, and Baltar/Six icons.
-Don't hotlink.
-Feel free to snag, but credit me.

Icons under cut...Collapse )
Current Mood:
accomplished accomplished
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I made a picspam of Six in the miniseries. Here at my lj.
Current Mood:
artistic artistic
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20 BSG (Hero, 33, misc)
39 SG1 (Redemption, Paradise Lost, Continuum promos)
10 Amanda Tapping, Richard Dean Anderson (+ 1 banner)


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