Books and Book Chapters by Denise DeGarmo
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the grave breaches of the Four... more The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Conventions by the State of Israel since the Oslo Accords. It is only through such analysis that one can understand Israel’s true intentions toward Palestinian territory: occupation as a tool to achieve full annexation of Palestinian territories to create a homeland for Jews alone at any price, even the refusal to be guided by international law.
This paper examines the implications of the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance on the proposed “two ... more This paper examines the implications of the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance on the proposed “two state solution.” This alliance has its roots in common values and mutuality of national interests, interests that have produced intelligence sharing, technology transfer, and military assistance between the U.S. and Israel. These exchanges have led to extensive U.S. support of Israel’s militarization in the Jordan Valley. It is also this strategic alliance that serves to support the continued annexation of the West Bank while diminishing future attempts at reaching a proposed “two state solution.”

Israel’s continuation of the settlement enterprise, including both the building of settlements a... more Israel’s continuation of the settlement enterprise, including both the building of settlements and associated infrastructure, in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, is a grave breach of international humanitarian and human rights law. It is also a breach of international criminal law as articulated in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Despite declarations by the Hague Regulations (1907) and Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) that occupation is a temporary condition, the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel, including East Jerusalem, is the longest occupation in history – it has lasted nearly 50 years. Throughout these five decades, Palestinian’s have been denied not only their inalienable rights as human beings, they have been consistently denied their rights to self-determination.
Despite continuous calls from the international community to cease settlement construction, Israel continues to employ a host of policies and practices that incessantly undermine the ability of Palestinians to exercise complete control over their economic, social and political development. These policies and practices include but are not limited to:
building of settlements and related infrastructure such as Israeli-only roads
confiscation of Palestinian land, property, and natural resources
transference of thousands of Israeli settlers into the Israeli occupied lands of Palestine, including East Jerusalem
construction of a massive Segregation Wall that: 1) severely fragments the Palestinian land and peoples; 2) provides Israel with an opportunity to advance their land grab; 3) is being built on 85% of occupied Palestinian territory; and, 4) was found illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004.
The displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian as a result of the confiscation of their lands by Israel for the purpose of the settlement enterprise.
These illegal undertakings have cast serious doubt on future prospects for peace and the two-state solution. According to Richard Falk, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, “the impact of illegal Israeli settlements on the territorial contiguity of the Palestinians land and on the environment and natural resources has reached a point where much of the damage might already be in fact be irreversible.”
The illegality of the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as its claims to sovereignty over East Jerusalem, is a position held by both Palestinians and the international community based definitively in the body of international law, such as the United Nations Charter and Fourth Geneva Convention. Occupation will not end nor peace achieved until these violations are fully addressed by the international community and the Palestinian people are able to realize their inalienable human rights, especially the right to self-determination.

Music has historically been an important part of Palestinian peaceful
resistance. Since the Al-Aq... more Music has historically been an important part of Palestinian peaceful
resistance. Since the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2002, resistance movements in the
West Bank and Gaza have been infused with a new creativity—hip hop.
This music genre purposely addresses issues such as Palestinian self-determination,
racism, ethnocide, violence, and occupation. In other words, hip
hop serves as a Palestinian Al Jazeera. It expresses the political, economic,
social, and cultural realities faced by Palestinians and has become one of the
most important forms of peaceful resistance to Israeli occupation. Peaceful
resistance in this context refers to any person who is producing work that
challenges stereotypes and state or foreign policies or creates work that
reflects Palestinian culture and history. Thus, hip hop becomes a means
of communicating themes targeting local populations, and Palestinian hip
hop artists are creating lyrics about their life in Occupied Palestine and
“apartheid” Israel.
While violent episodes of resistance still dot the landscape, since the end
of the Second Intifada most Palestinians acknowledge an intentional move
away from violence to more “passive or peaceful” ways to protest Israeli
occupation. Peaceful resistance includes “Apartheid Wall” protests, public
art, wall murals, theater, photography, and hip hop. As Sarah Daynes
suggests in her book, “when individual memories are threatened by erasure,
music provides individuals with a way to build community” (Daynes 2010:
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Liberation hip hop 113
10). For Palestinian hip hop artists, the genre is a powerful and popular
way for people to share their views about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, as well as on a myriad of other issues.
In this chapter, we will analyze hip hop music’s role as an alternative to
traditional armed resistance. To this end, we first discuss the logic behind
the use of peaceful resistance in Palestine. Next, we will provide an overview
of the rise of hip hop in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We go on to
examine why this particular music genre is “ripe” for the move toward
peaceful resistance. In the final section, some of the predominant socialpolitical
themes present in contemporary hip hop lyrics will be analyzed
using inductive content analysis. Our analysis reveals that Palestinian hip
hop is used as a form of dialogue to educate the global community about the
occupation, perpetuate Palestinian national identity, and mobilize peaceful
resistance to the Israeli colonial project. This examination is important
because there have been relatively few attempts to seriously analyze hip hop’s
significance in passive resistance in today’s Occupied Palestinian Territories.

This book seeks to provide an examination of the history and consequences of the atomic legacy of... more This book seeks to provide an examination of the history and consequences of the atomic legacy of St. Louis and the Metro-East by appealing to historians, WWII enthusiasts, environmentalists, as well as individuals interested in domestic and international nuclear policy. Dating back to the beginning of the “Atomic Age,” 2.5 million cubic yards of radioactive wastes have been dispersed throughout the St. Louis area. This waste resulted from atomic weapons work carried out by Mallinckrodt Chemical Works for the US government under secret contract. Between 1942 and 1966, over 300,000 tons of uranium had been processed in the downtown St. Louis and Weldon Spring plants. While bits and pieces of information regarding the atomic legacy of St. Louis can be found on a number of internet sites and in a few historical accounts of the Manhattan Project, to date there has been no comprehensive study of the secret contracting effort that made Mallinckrodt Chemical Works one of the most important contributors to the atomic bomb project. Nor has there been adequate discussion of the long-term consequences of this atomic program on the health and environment of the community.
Despite the growing recognition of the importance of environmental issues for nation-state securi... more Despite the growing recognition of the importance of environmental issues for nation-state security, current research on international environmental security is insufficient. Although scholars in the field of International Relations believe that there is an appropriate role for international relations theory in analyzing global environmental concerns, the existing literature is predominantly descriptive or prescriptive rather than analytical. This study attempts to remedy this problem by conducting an empirical analysis of nation-state behavior in the international environmental realm.
Papers by Denise DeGarmo

The Futurists criticized Shakespeare as the epitome of passéist drama in several of their manifes... more The Futurists criticized Shakespeare as the epitome of passéist drama in several of their manifestos, and, at times, followed up on their own proposal to reshape his dramaturgy through their synthetic techniques. The Reduced Shakespeare Company abridged the entire Bard's oeuvre to a single evening, but without reference to the Futurists. This article, going beyond the usual placement of the American troupe within the framework of popular Shakespeare, views their work as a contemporary embodiment of the Futurist Synthetic Theatre. Although Shakespeare is frequently quoted as stating that-brevity is the soul of wit,‖ in reality it is one of his characters who pronounces these words in an ironic context. Polonius contradicts their literal sense by adding a plethora of long-winded expressions to the simple statement that Hamlet is mad. 1 In truth, despite employing brevity locally as a rhetorical device (Smith), the Bard never really took it to a global level: after all, even his shortest play, The Comedy of Errors, remains a full-length work. But, due to its popularity, Shakespeare's oeuvre has often inspired reactions and rewritings in a more or less parodic tone, many of which resorted to abbreviation. Among these, two artistic experiences in the last one hundred years stand out because they based their notion of theatre on extreme dramatic condensation: the Futurist Synthetic Theatre and the Reduced Shakespeare Company. Thus, what brings together early twentiethcentury Italian Futurism 2 and a contemporary American troupe beyond their 1-POLONIUS. My liege, and madam, to expostulate / What majesty should be, what duty is, / Why day is day, night night, and time is time, / were nothing but to waste night, day, and time. / Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, / and tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, / I will be brief. Your noble son is mad. / Mad call I it, for to define true madness, / What is't but to be nothing else but mad?‖ (Ham. 2.2.86-94). For the widespread appropriation of Shakespeare out of context in support of practically any agenda, see Drakakis. 2 The movement was officially born on 20 February 1909 with the publication of The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism on the French newspaper Le Figaro and-was the first European avant-garde that aspired to embrace and penetrate reality in all its aspects‖ (Antonucci, Storia 17). Led by the indefatigable Marinetti, Futurism gradually attracted an extremely diverse group of artists whose creativity was applied to everything, from

Physics Today, Sep 1, 2006
When one studies the atomic bomb era, it is easy to get lost in the brilliance of the science and... more When one studies the atomic bomb era, it is easy to get lost in the brilliance of the science and forget about the personal lives of the men and women involved. And sometimes, those personal lives are incorporated into their work. A case in point is renowned physicist Enrico Fermi. In 1939 at New York's Columbia University, Fermi confirmed the discovery of fission and began work on the first sustained nuclear reaction. In 1942 he moved to the University of Chicago, where he continued his work on that project, which culminated in such a reaction in December of that year. During my own research into the early development of the atomic bomb, I ran across several references to Fermi's fondness for Winnie-the-Pooh stories, apparently as a way to help him learn English. 1 In particular, it seemed that Fermi named some of his instruments after characters in the Pooh stories. How charming, I thought. However, there did not appear to be any direct evidence to support the assertions beyond the recollections of some of his colleagues and students. Was this just some kind of urban legend? Then, while looking for information on the contribution of St. Louis's Mallinckrodt Chemical Works to the atomic project at the University of Chicago, I came across a small pocket calendar used by Fermi in August 1942. Something in the week of 2-7 August caught my eye (see figure 1). Three columns were written in the calendar: The first indicated the layer number of the graphite pile; the second was simply labeled "Pos" and contained what appeared to be a series of readings; the third column was labeled "Roo." 2 Here was proof that Fermi had indeed named at least one of his instruments after a character in Winnie-the-Pooh. Another document turned up a few days later: an inventory list of Fermi's equipment that had been transferred from Columbia University to the Metallurgical Laboratory at the University of Chicago in
The Organic Globalizer : Hip hop, political development, and movement culture
Open Journal of Political Science, 2016
This paper examines the implications of the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance on the proposed "two ... more This paper examines the implications of the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance on the proposed "two state solution". This alliance has its roots in common values and mutuality of national interests, interests that have produced intelligence sharing, technology transfer, and military assistance between the U.S. and Israel. These exchanges have led to extensive U.S. support of Israel's militarization in the Jordan Valley. It is also this strategic alliance that serves to support the continued annexation of the West Bank while diminishing future attempts at reaching a proposed "two state solution".

The most common challenge confronting instructors of international relations is engaging "resista... more The most common challenge confronting instructors of international relations is engaging "resistant populations" in meaningful dialogue. The use of simulations has long been touted as an effective way to overcome challenges associated with student learning. Simulations provide experiential learning, which helps students develop the crucial skills required for the study of the international politics. While this claim seems logical, there have been few studies that have actually measured the impact of simulations on student learning in the classroom. Additionally, the "resistant population" is often absent from discussions of this kind. A preliminary study of the effect of simulations on the "resistant population's" learning was conducted in the Introduction to International Relations (POLS370) course at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in the Fall 2005 semester. Doug Eder, Vice Provost and Director of the Office of Undergraduate Assessment and Program Review, provided support for this project in the area of assessment. In addition to discussing the characteristics of the "resistant population, this paper discusses the simulation mechanism and assessment devices used in this study. The paper also provides an overview of the preliminary findings of the study.
Retour page d'accueil Chercher, sur, Tous les supports. Retour page d'accueil, ... more Retour page d'accueil Chercher, sur, Tous les supports. Retour page d'accueil, Plus de 1.626.000 de titres à notre catalogue ! Notice. ...
Israel’s continuation of the settlement enterprise, including both the building of settlements an... more Israel’s continuation of the settlement enterprise, including both the building of settlements and associated infrastructure, in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem, is a grave breach of international humanitarian and human rights law. It is also a breach of international criminal law as articulated in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Despite declarations by the Hague Regulations (1907) and Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) that occupation is a temporary condition, the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel, including East Jerusalem, is the longest occupation in history – it has lasted nearly 50 years. Through out these five decades, Palestinian’s have been denied not only their inalienable rights as human beings, they have been consistently denied their rights to self-determination.
This book examines the implications of the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance on the proposed “two s... more This book examines the implications of the U.S.-Israeli strategic alliance on the proposed “two state solution”. This alliance has its roots in common values and mutuality of national interests, interests that have produced intelligence sharing, technology transfer, and military assistance between the U.S. and Israel. These exchanges have led to extensive U.S. support of Israel’s militarization in the Jordan Valley. It is also this strategic alliance that serves to support the continued annexation of the West Bank while diminishing future attempts at reaching a proposed “two state solution”.
The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the grave breaches of the Four... more The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention by the State of Israel since the Oslo Accords. It is only through such analysis that one can understand Israel’s true intentions toward Palestinian territory: occupation as a tool to achieve full annexation of Palestinian territories to create a homeland for Jews alone at any price, even the refusal to be guided by international law.
Books and Book Chapters by Denise DeGarmo
Despite declarations by the Hague Regulations (1907) and Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) that occupation is a temporary condition, the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel, including East Jerusalem, is the longest occupation in history – it has lasted nearly 50 years. Throughout these five decades, Palestinian’s have been denied not only their inalienable rights as human beings, they have been consistently denied their rights to self-determination.
Despite continuous calls from the international community to cease settlement construction, Israel continues to employ a host of policies and practices that incessantly undermine the ability of Palestinians to exercise complete control over their economic, social and political development. These policies and practices include but are not limited to:
building of settlements and related infrastructure such as Israeli-only roads
confiscation of Palestinian land, property, and natural resources
transference of thousands of Israeli settlers into the Israeli occupied lands of Palestine, including East Jerusalem
construction of a massive Segregation Wall that: 1) severely fragments the Palestinian land and peoples; 2) provides Israel with an opportunity to advance their land grab; 3) is being built on 85% of occupied Palestinian territory; and, 4) was found illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004.
The displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian as a result of the confiscation of their lands by Israel for the purpose of the settlement enterprise.
These illegal undertakings have cast serious doubt on future prospects for peace and the two-state solution. According to Richard Falk, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, “the impact of illegal Israeli settlements on the territorial contiguity of the Palestinians land and on the environment and natural resources has reached a point where much of the damage might already be in fact be irreversible.”
The illegality of the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as its claims to sovereignty over East Jerusalem, is a position held by both Palestinians and the international community based definitively in the body of international law, such as the United Nations Charter and Fourth Geneva Convention. Occupation will not end nor peace achieved until these violations are fully addressed by the international community and the Palestinian people are able to realize their inalienable human rights, especially the right to self-determination.
resistance. Since the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2002, resistance movements in the
West Bank and Gaza have been infused with a new creativity—hip hop.
This music genre purposely addresses issues such as Palestinian self-determination,
racism, ethnocide, violence, and occupation. In other words, hip
hop serves as a Palestinian Al Jazeera. It expresses the political, economic,
social, and cultural realities faced by Palestinians and has become one of the
most important forms of peaceful resistance to Israeli occupation. Peaceful
resistance in this context refers to any person who is producing work that
challenges stereotypes and state or foreign policies or creates work that
reflects Palestinian culture and history. Thus, hip hop becomes a means
of communicating themes targeting local populations, and Palestinian hip
hop artists are creating lyrics about their life in Occupied Palestine and
“apartheid” Israel.
While violent episodes of resistance still dot the landscape, since the end
of the Second Intifada most Palestinians acknowledge an intentional move
away from violence to more “passive or peaceful” ways to protest Israeli
occupation. Peaceful resistance includes “Apartheid Wall” protests, public
art, wall murals, theater, photography, and hip hop. As Sarah Daynes
suggests in her book, “when individual memories are threatened by erasure,
music provides individuals with a way to build community” (Daynes 2010:
9781628920055_txt_print.indd 112 23/09/2014 09:03
Liberation hip hop 113
10). For Palestinian hip hop artists, the genre is a powerful and popular
way for people to share their views about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, as well as on a myriad of other issues.
In this chapter, we will analyze hip hop music’s role as an alternative to
traditional armed resistance. To this end, we first discuss the logic behind
the use of peaceful resistance in Palestine. Next, we will provide an overview
of the rise of hip hop in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We go on to
examine why this particular music genre is “ripe” for the move toward
peaceful resistance. In the final section, some of the predominant socialpolitical
themes present in contemporary hip hop lyrics will be analyzed
using inductive content analysis. Our analysis reveals that Palestinian hip
hop is used as a form of dialogue to educate the global community about the
occupation, perpetuate Palestinian national identity, and mobilize peaceful
resistance to the Israeli colonial project. This examination is important
because there have been relatively few attempts to seriously analyze hip hop’s
significance in passive resistance in today’s Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Papers by Denise DeGarmo
Despite declarations by the Hague Regulations (1907) and Fourth Geneva Convention (1949) that occupation is a temporary condition, the occupation of the Palestinian territories by Israel, including East Jerusalem, is the longest occupation in history – it has lasted nearly 50 years. Throughout these five decades, Palestinian’s have been denied not only their inalienable rights as human beings, they have been consistently denied their rights to self-determination.
Despite continuous calls from the international community to cease settlement construction, Israel continues to employ a host of policies and practices that incessantly undermine the ability of Palestinians to exercise complete control over their economic, social and political development. These policies and practices include but are not limited to:
building of settlements and related infrastructure such as Israeli-only roads
confiscation of Palestinian land, property, and natural resources
transference of thousands of Israeli settlers into the Israeli occupied lands of Palestine, including East Jerusalem
construction of a massive Segregation Wall that: 1) severely fragments the Palestinian land and peoples; 2) provides Israel with an opportunity to advance their land grab; 3) is being built on 85% of occupied Palestinian territory; and, 4) was found illegal by the International Court of Justice in 2004.
The displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinian as a result of the confiscation of their lands by Israel for the purpose of the settlement enterprise.
These illegal undertakings have cast serious doubt on future prospects for peace and the two-state solution. According to Richard Falk, Special Rapporteur on the Situation of Human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967, “the impact of illegal Israeli settlements on the territorial contiguity of the Palestinians land and on the environment and natural resources has reached a point where much of the damage might already be in fact be irreversible.”
The illegality of the Israeli settlement enterprise, as well as its claims to sovereignty over East Jerusalem, is a position held by both Palestinians and the international community based definitively in the body of international law, such as the United Nations Charter and Fourth Geneva Convention. Occupation will not end nor peace achieved until these violations are fully addressed by the international community and the Palestinian people are able to realize their inalienable human rights, especially the right to self-determination.
resistance. Since the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2002, resistance movements in the
West Bank and Gaza have been infused with a new creativity—hip hop.
This music genre purposely addresses issues such as Palestinian self-determination,
racism, ethnocide, violence, and occupation. In other words, hip
hop serves as a Palestinian Al Jazeera. It expresses the political, economic,
social, and cultural realities faced by Palestinians and has become one of the
most important forms of peaceful resistance to Israeli occupation. Peaceful
resistance in this context refers to any person who is producing work that
challenges stereotypes and state or foreign policies or creates work that
reflects Palestinian culture and history. Thus, hip hop becomes a means
of communicating themes targeting local populations, and Palestinian hip
hop artists are creating lyrics about their life in Occupied Palestine and
“apartheid” Israel.
While violent episodes of resistance still dot the landscape, since the end
of the Second Intifada most Palestinians acknowledge an intentional move
away from violence to more “passive or peaceful” ways to protest Israeli
occupation. Peaceful resistance includes “Apartheid Wall” protests, public
art, wall murals, theater, photography, and hip hop. As Sarah Daynes
suggests in her book, “when individual memories are threatened by erasure,
music provides individuals with a way to build community” (Daynes 2010:
9781628920055_txt_print.indd 112 23/09/2014 09:03
Liberation hip hop 113
10). For Palestinian hip hop artists, the genre is a powerful and popular
way for people to share their views about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian
conflict, as well as on a myriad of other issues.
In this chapter, we will analyze hip hop music’s role as an alternative to
traditional armed resistance. To this end, we first discuss the logic behind
the use of peaceful resistance in Palestine. Next, we will provide an overview
of the rise of hip hop in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We go on to
examine why this particular music genre is “ripe” for the move toward
peaceful resistance. In the final section, some of the predominant socialpolitical
themes present in contemporary hip hop lyrics will be analyzed
using inductive content analysis. Our analysis reveals that Palestinian hip
hop is used as a form of dialogue to educate the global community about the
occupation, perpetuate Palestinian national identity, and mobilize peaceful
resistance to the Israeli colonial project. This examination is important
because there have been relatively few attempts to seriously analyze hip hop’s
significance in passive resistance in today’s Occupied Palestinian Territories.