Universitas Batanghari Jambi
Organizational effectiveness positively impacts sustainability and competitiveness of organizations. Higher Education is no exception. To gain sustainability and effectiveness of organizations, diagnosis should be implemented... more
Organizational effectiveness positively impacts sustainability and competitiveness of organizations. Higher Education is no exception. To gain sustainability and effectiveness of organizations, diagnosis should be implemented... more
SMEs are a very important economic sector in almost all countries. Not only in developed countries but also in developing countries. The reason is, this sector contributes greatly to economic growth, especially to the GDP and employment.... more
This research aims to investigate the role of HC mediation and individual performance in the relationship of MSDM practice with organizational performance in the context of IMK. To achieve this goal, a set of questionnaires was... more
Organizational performance is an important issue for researchers and managers including managers in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) for it can be the indicator of success. It also provides accurate information for startegic decision... more
HRM practices have a significant effect on organizational performance. If HRM practices are effective, organizational performance will improve. This applies not only to large organizations but also to small organizations. However, in the... more
It is believed that managerial skills of a leader significantly affect the motivation of employees. This research aims at finding whether or not deans’ managerial skills of Pedagogics Faculty (X1), Economics Faculty (X2), Law Faculty... more
Today education is considered as an investment. Hence, parents are very selective in choosing schools for their children. In response with this public attitude, our government i.e. Ministry of Education has issued Regulation No 63 Year... more
Today, competition among private universities (read private higher education institutions) to attract prospective students has become much tougher. The competition is not only among the private universities themselves but also between... more
One of the crucial and classical problems faced by English teachers in Indonesia is lesson planning. For several past decades. many models of teaching have been introduced. Even, in line with the implemention of K'13, a teaching model... more
Many factors affect the relationship of management and performance both in the context of profit and non-profit organization. One of the factors is culture. Researches have shown that culture may mediate or moderate the relationship. This... more
Persepsi merupakan pendapat, opini, atau pandangan seseorang terhadap sesuatu, peristiwa atau fenomena. Mutu sebuah pelayanan dapat dilihat dari bagaimana stakeholder atau pelanggan mempersepsikan layanan tersebut. Perguruan Tinggi (PT)... more
Perception is an opinion, opinions, or perceptions of an event or phenomenon. The quality of a service that can be seen of how stakeholders or customers perceive the service. Professionalism is one form of service to stakeholders or... more
The implementation of electronic procurement of goods and services (e-procurement) in Indonesia has proven to reduce costs and increase time efficiency. Unfortunately, the level of satisfaction of stakeholders with the Electronic... more
Training does not always directly contribute to employee performance, especially in the context of small organizations. Therefore, researchers must take a mediation approach. This study aims to verify whether motivation can act as an... more
MSMEs need to innovate, especially product innovation and process innovation to increase their competitiveness in facing the onslaught of various external changes. This article aims to inform the role of innovation capability in mediating... more
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the contribution of the number of hotels, the number of hotel rooms and tourists to the absorption of labor. Tourism sector is one of the strategic sectors that must be utilized... more
This research was conducted to look at the influence of Brand Image Trust, and eWOM on Loyalty at the center of souvenirs typical of Jambi. The study was conducted on 100 consumers of The Typical Souvenir Center of Jambi (Temphoyac... more
This research aims to determine the influence of services, bank characteristics, knowledge, location on customer decisions using Bank Syariah Indonesia (Case Study of Muara Bulian Central Branch Office). This study used sampling... more
The purpose of the Author to make this study is to see how much influence independent variables consisting of Participation (X1), Motivation (X2) and Delegation of Authority (X3) To dependent variables namely Performance (Y) Government... more