Welcome to the Type 2 Diabetes Lesson Collection
The Foundational Units
Complementary curricula that teach Health and Biology concepts through the phenomenon of Type 2 Diabetes.
Designed for high school classes.
5 complete lessons plus assessments.
For use in online, hybrid, or in-person settings.
Student Roadmaps hyperlinked to activities, videos, worksheets, and more.
What's new?
Our web-game Blood Sugar Balance models glucose homeostasis. Players keep blood sugar levels within range through their food choices and exercise decisions, while regulating insulin and glucagon levels in the body. Students collect and analyze game data and explore the impacts of health status and access to resources. This game is an extension of the popular Metabolism Model Board in our Biology Curriculum.
Culinary Macromolecules explores proteins, fats, and carbohydrates through the lens of food sciences. For use in culinary, food sciences, and biology classes.
Additional Lessons
Bioethical principles in action, plus a Structured Academic Controversy
Lesson Resources, including Slide Set