Academic Year 2024-25   (rev.  9/17/2024  A3)  


Previously published Graduate Bulletin policies, rules, and regulations are superseded by this document.
Click the link to download a complete PDF copy of the Graduate Bulletin 2024-25   (ver.  9/17/2024  A3)   (approx. 68 pages,  `approx. 1.2 MB).
Graduate School Policies Website: https://grad.georgetown.edu/academics/current-students/#policies-and-procedures
Graduate School Website:  http://grad.georgetown.edu



     II.     REGISTRATION                         A.  Registration Eligibility                                  B.  Registration Requirements                                         C.  Enrollment Certification                               D.  Enrollment Requirements of International Students                                     E.  The Registration Process                                          1.  Registration Holds                                              2.  Registration                                           3.  Language Study Scholarships                                          4.  Tuition and Fees                                                 5.  Late Registration and Late Payment Fees                                                6.  The Add/Drop Process                                        7.  Withdrawal from Courses and Refund Schedule                              F.  Standard Modes of Registration and Enrollment Time Status                                         1.  Academic Course Credits                                                2.  Tutorial Courses                                                3.  Prerequisites and Skills Courses                                       4.  Thesis Research                                       5.  Continuous Registration                              G.  Other Modes of Registration                                       1.  Enrollment under Special Student Status                                       2.  Enrollment during Summer Session                                           3.  Enrollment through the Consortium                                          4.  Enrollment in Georgetown University Law Center Courses                                            5.  Enrollment in Study Abroad Programs                              H.  Withdrawal from Graduate School                                      1.  Voluntary Withdrawal                                       2.  Forced Withdrawal for Failure to Maintain Registration                                    3.  Reinstatement or Readmission to the Graduate School after Withdrawal  
       III.   ACADEMIC REGULATIONS & PROCEDURES                                   A.  The Grading System                                    1.  Grades for Graduate Coursework                                              2.  Pass / Fail Options                                   3.  Auditing Classes                                          4.  Completion of Coursework; "Incomplete" Courses                                  5.  “NR” Grades                                      6.  Appeals Contesting Grades or Other Forms of Assessment                                     B.  Transfer of Credit, Advanced Standing, and Prior Graduate School Enrollment                                             1.  Transfer of Credit toward the Master’s or Doctoral Degree                                            2.  Advanced Standing toward the Doctoral Degree                                     3.   Use of Graduate Credits Earned in Another Graduate School Program                              C.  Time Limits for Completing Degrees                                   1.  Master’s Degrees                                             2.  Doctoral Degrees                                              3.  Dual-degree Programs                                      4.  Requests for Extension of Time Limits                                 D.   Standards of Satisfactory Academic Performance                                 E.   Faculty Mentoring                               F.   Request to Change Graduate Program                                              1.   Request for Change of Program via Petition or Application                                           2.  Use of Earned Course Credits When Changing Programs                                       G.  Appeals Regarding Termination of Degree Candidacy                                              1.  Termination for Failure to Make Satisfactory Progress Toward a Degree                                     2.  Termination for Findings of Academic Misconduct           
        IV.   REQUIREMENTS FOR DEGREES                            A.  "Thesis" and "Non-Thesis" Programs                                      B.  Thesis, Doctoral Project, and Dissertation Guidelines                                     1.  Thesis, Doctoral Project, or Dissertation Proposal                                             2.  Research on Human Subjects                                C.  Language Requirements                                   D.  The Master's Degree                                     1.  Comprehensive Examination for the Master's Degree                                          2.  Final Defense of the Master's Thesis                                           3.  Award of a Master’s Degree “In Passing” or as a “Terminal” Degree                                 E.  The Doctoral Degree                                    1.  Qualifying and Comprehensive Examinations for the Doctoral Degree                                        2.  Doctoral Candidacy                                         3.  Dissertation/Doctoral Project Committee                                               4.  Final Defense of the Dissertation/Doctoral Project                                      F.  Dual-Degree and Joint-Degree Programs                                    G.  Concurrent Degree Programs                                        H.  Individualized Dual-Degree Programs                           I.   Requirements for Individual Degree Programs                                    1,   Arts & Sciences Degrees                                    2.   Biomedical Degrees                                    3.   Business Degrees                                    4.   Continuing Studies Degrees                                    5.   Foreign Service Degrees                                   6,  Public Policy Degrees                    V.    GRADUATION & COMMENCEMENT                                  A.  Application for Graduate Degree                                   B.  Publication of Theses, Doctoral Projects, and Dissertations                                 C.  Diplomas and Transcripts                                 D.  Annual Commencement Ceremony     
         VI.   ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: POLICIES & PROCEDURES                                       A.  Definition of Academic Integrity                                   B.  Responsibility for Academic Integrity                                       C.  Violations of Academic Integrity: Academic Misconduct                                    D.  Jurisdiction                                      1.  Students in Doctoral Programs                                       2.  Students in Master’s-only, Certificate, and Non-degree Programs                                                3.  MBA Students in the McDonough School of Business                                  4.  Students Enrolled in Dual-degree Programs                                           5.  Students Enrolled in Consortium Courses or at Other Universities                                        E.  Reporting Allegations of Academic Misconduct                                      F.  Procedures for Students in Doctoral Programs                                                 1.  Adjudication of Allegations                                              2.  Sanctions                                               3.  Transcript Notations                                           4.  Appeals     
        VII.  GRADUATE STUDENT LEAVE POLICIES                                      A.  Personal Leave of Absence                                B.  Medical Leave of Absence                                 C.  U.S. Military Service Leave and Re-Enrollment Policy                                              1.  Military Leave and Refund Procedures                                     2.  Military Re-Enrollment Procedures                                      D.  Parental Leave Policy for Graduate Students                               E.  Leave Policies for Graduate Research Assistants, Teaching Assistants, and Teaching Associates                          F.  Mandated Leave of Absence
            VIII.  INFRINGEMENT OF NON-ACADEMIC RULES                       IX.  OTHER UNIVERSITY AND MAIN CAMPUS POLICIES                                      A.  Non-Discrimination Policy                                B.  Policy Statement on Sexual Misconduct                                     C.  Faculty Responsibilities Code                                       D.  Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act                                  E.  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA/Buckley Amendment)                          F.  Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy                                  G.  University Email Policy                                     H.  Student Location Policy, Contact Information, and Change of Name or Address                                I.    Instructional Continuity                                    J.    Student Billing and Payment Policies                          K.  Student Statuses and Privileges: Leaves of Absence, Suspension or Withdrawal, and Degree Completion



The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences establishes minimum requirements for admission and the award of degrees; departments and programs are encouraged to set higher standards. Students should therefore familiarize themselves with all the rules, regulations, and procedures relevant to their pursuit of a Graduate School degree, including those published in this Graduate School Bulletin, the online Graduate School Catalog, and the relevant graduate student handbook or other document published by their departments or programs.

Other University regulations, such as the registration schedule and withdrawal deadlines published each semester by the University Registrar, must also be observed. In addition, recipients of Graduate School financial aid must abide by the terms of their obligation statement.

Unawareness of these rules will not be accepted as an excuse for failure to act in accordance with them.

The academic policies, rules, regulations, and procedures serve several purposes: to codify the legislation of the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Executive Committee, to enable students to proceed efficiently through their courses of study, and to enable the Graduate School to deal with all of its students in an equitable and consistent manner.

Exceptions to any of the Graduate School’s rules, regulations, and procedures must be secured in writing from the Graduate School. No other University officials, including faculty members, are authorized to grant such exceptions independently. Any student who is in doubt about how a rule, regulation, or procedure applies to them should seek clarification from the Graduate School.

Members of the Graduate School staff are available to discuss specific matters with you. Our offices are located in Suite 400 of the Car Barn, located at 3520 Prospect Street. N.W.  The office is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding University holidays. Appointments are preferred.  Contact information for specific Graduate School staff can be found at:  https://grad.georgetown.edu/people/

The Graduate School and Georgetown University reserve the right to alter such academic or financial conditions as the following: admission requirements; the arrangement of courses; graduation or degree requirements; eligibility and conditions for receiving financial aid; and tuition rates and fees. Other provisions affecting students may also be changed as necessary.

Such rules, regulations, and procedures may govern both new and continuing students and will be considered effective and an integral part of this codification after notice of the change has been posted on the Graduate School website.

Students should recognize that certain types of advanced degree research may depend upon receipt of external funding. The University will always attempt to secure such funding, but availability cannot be guaranteed. Research courses dependent upon such funding may not be offered.

The Graduate School website is: https://grad.georgetown.edu    

In addition, you should feel free to contact any of the following University officials:


     Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

     (202) 687-5603    [email protected]

     Vice President for Student Affairs

     Division of Student Affairs

     (202) 687-4056   [email protected]

     Graduate Program Director

     Office of Student Financial Services

     (202) 687-4547   [email protected]


     Office of Global Services

     (202) 687-5867    [email protected]

     University Registrar

     Office of the University Registrar

     (202) 687-3608     [email protected]

     Associate Director

     Revenue, Receivables & Payables Department

     (202) 687-7100    [email protected]