Site Kit allows you to easily connect your site to multiple Google services. Search Console is a required service for Site Kit. During initial Site Kit setup, you will be asked to connect your site to an existing Search Console property, or if you do not already have one, Site Kit will create a new property for you. There is also an option to connect to Analytics as part of the initial setup. 

The Site Kit setup window
Step 1 in the set up phase
Step 2 in the set up phase
Step 3 in the set up phase
Congratulations message after setup

Additional modules can be connected from Site Kit > Settings > Connect More Services.

Connect More Services Settings page

The following services can be connected in Site Kit:

Google Search Console

Useful for: Everyone
How it Connects: Site Kit allows you to connect with an existing account or property or create a new account and/or property. 

Explore how many people saw and clicked on your site in Google Search, what queries showed your site in Search, and your average search position. The data includes clicks, impressions, CTR, and position for your site, as well as query strings that users were searching for. Search Console is enabled for all sites in Site Kit. Learn more about Search Console.

Google Analytics

Useful for: Everyone
How it Connects: Site Kit allows you to connect with an existing account or property or create a new account and/or property.  Once selected it adds a Google Analytics 4 (GA4) script to your site’s <head>, or if you wish you can place your code snippet manually, and not allow Site Kit to insert the code snippet. For more details, see this guide.

Analytics shows how users navigate your site by showing what pages are popular and how many people see each page. Learn more about Google Analytics.

Google AdSense 

Useful for: Anyone who wants to earn money using ads
How it Connects: If you already have an AdSense account, Site Kit will connect your site to AdSense. If you don’t have an existing AdSense account, Site Kit prompts you to fill out the AdSense Sign Up form. The plugin can insert the AdSense code snippet on your site, and recognise the existing AdSense code snippet already placed. Note that AdSense accounts must be reviewed and approved by the AdSense team before ads will display. For more details, see this guide.

AdSense allows you to earn money by automatically placing ads on your site. If you already use AdSense, you can track ad performance for your site within Site Kit. Learn more about AdSense.

PageSpeed Insights

Useful for: Developers
How it Connects: No code is added to your site. Site Kit shows your site’s PageSpeed Insights results within the dashboard by default. This module is enabled by default.

Understand the real-world performance of your site as experienced by Chrome users; note that metrics may not be shown if not enough real-world users came to your site via Chrome. Get recommendations for optimizing your site speed. Learn more about PageSpeed Insights.

Tag Manager

Useful for: Marketers, small businesses
How it Connects: Site Kit requests access to your Google Tag Manager container and its subcomponents and then adds GTM code snippets associated with the account and property you selected to your site’s <head> and <body> by default. If you don’t have an existing Tag Manager account then you can select to create a new account where Site Kit will direct you to the GTM platform to complete this. The plugin can recognize existing Tag Manager code snippets, providing you with the option to insert the Tag Manager code snippet on your site. For more details, see this guide.

If you use marketing tags on your site, you can use Site Kit to set up Tag Manager easily for your site — no code editing required. Then, manage your tags in Tag Manager. Learn more about Tag Manager.

Google Ads

Useful for: Business owners who want more visibility
How it Connects: Google Ads is a product that you can use to promote your business, help sell products or services, raise awareness and increase traffic to your website. Site Kit will provide the ability for you to save your Conversion Tracking ID within an Ads settings area, provided you have an Ads account, and place the Ads code snippet on your site. Learn more about Ads.

Reader Revenue Manager

Useful for: Publishers
How it Connects: Reader Revenue Manager helps publishers grow, retain, and engage their audiences, creating new revenue opportunities through subscription, contribution, ad optimization, and reader insight tools. Site Kit provides you the ability to connect your Reader Revenue Manager account and publication for publication tracking. Learn more about Reader Revenue Manager.

Sign in with Google

Useful for: Everyone
How it Connects: Sign in with Google helps you to quickly manage user authentication on your website. It allows users to easily and securely sign into your site with their Google Account and securely share their profile information with your site without using a username and password. Learn more about Sign in with Google. .