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Sister Winter Fics!'s Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Sister Winter Fics!'s LiveJournal:

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Sunday, November 13th, 2011
12:04 am
Riptides- Part Two (Song for Fernando Torres)

Title: Riptides  (Part Two- Song for Fernando Torres)
Pairings/Characters: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres,  Xabi Alonso/Steven Gerrard, Cesc Fabregas, Gerard Pique, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Wayne Rooney.
Rating: NC 17
Word Count:3,838
Disclaimer: Real people, fabricated events and situations.
Summary: “You stupid, stupid child. Have you even thought for a second about what you have done, and what you have gotten us all into now?” 
Notes: Character death, a little bit of gruesome stuff. This is part 2 of three. Enjoy, and as always feedback is appreciated.


PART TWOCollapse )

Current Mood: calm
Friday, November 11th, 2011
8:38 pm
Riptides- Part One (Dustbowl Dance)
Title: Riptides  (Part One)
Pairings/Characters: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres, Later- Xabi Alonso/Steven Gerrard, Cesc Fabregas, Gerard Pique, John Terry, Frank Lampard, Wayne Rooney.
Rating: Eventual NC-17
Word Count: 1,203
Disclaimer: Real people, fabricated events and situations.
Summary: The terror and shock that held onto Fernando before he blacked out, and long after he woke up, was something that he swore would be impossible to ever feel again, the emotion so great in magnitude it could never be repeated.
Notes: Character Death.This chapter was  written to Dustbowl Dance by Mumford and Sons This is a very short start, but it gets a lot longer.

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Current Mood: nostalgic
Monday, October 31st, 2011
6:49 pm
Love in Two Parts - Part 2.
Title: Love in Two Parts
Characters: Cesc Fabregas/Lionel Messi
Word Count: 3694
Rating: PG 13
DIsclaimer: This may be real people, but the situation and everything else isn't
Summary: Cesc;s love life, split into two relationships.
Authors Notes: This was supposed to be two parts, hence the title. But I got a bit carried away with Part Two, so... Enjoy! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. 

Part One

Part Two!Collapse )

Current Mood: flirty
Friday, October 28th, 2011
6:58 pm
Title- Heavy Metal Lover
Characters- Lionel Messi, David Villa, Cesc Fabregas
Word Count- 850
Warnings- None
Rating- PG 13
Summary- There is a rule; he is sure, somewhere too, like a law or something. He makes a mental note to have his accountant look it up in the Income Tax Act, just to double check.
Disclaimer- It is not real, it is not true.

Click here! :)Collapse )

Current Mood: drunk
Wednesday, October 5th, 2011
9:07 pm
Assorted Ficlets
Title: Untitled 1-5
Characters: Steven Gerrard/Xabi Alonso; Lionel Messi/Cesc Fabregas; Owen Hargreaves; Sergio Ramos/Iker Casillas; Fernando Torres/Cesc Fabregas
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 1191
Disclaimer: No real, not even a little
Summary: 5 ficlets I wrote while listening to ( ) by Sigur Ros. To challange myself I had to write whatever came to mind, and only allowed myself the length of the song to write each ficlet. As always, feedback is appreciated.

Click Here to Read More!Collapse )

Current Mood: horny
Thursday, September 29th, 2011
12:09 am
Love in Two Parts
Title: Love in Two Parts (Part One)
Characters/Pairings: Cesc Fabregas/Robin Van Persie, eventual Cesc/ Lionel Messi, Tomas Rosicky, Nicklas Bendtner
Rating: Eventual R
Word Count: 2217
DIsclaimer: Not Mine, not real.
Summary:He couldn’t help but feeling the Robin had a
little more than just friendship on his mind. He had never really liked, or
even been attracted to Robin, but in the sake of trying anything once, Francesc
kept his mind open and friendship seemed to blossom.

A/N: I hope you all enjoy. It isn't beta'd so make allowances fo mistakes! I will try to reread again late to catch anything I may have missed.

Part One

clicky!!Collapse )

Current Mood: tired
Tuesday, September 13th, 2011
7:48 pm
Roll away your stone
Title: Roll away your Stone
Characters: Iker Casillas, Sergio Ramos, Fernando Torres
Word Count: 2,395
Rating: PG 13 (language and a lttle bit of smoking)
Disclaimer: Not real, not even a little.
Summary: Fernando just has to start scoring goals, and his firends are determined to help him.
a/n: not beta'd, so please be kind. I also took alot of liberties with Iker just an fyi.

Fragile subtance of your soulCollapse )

Current Mood: devious
Sunday, September 4th, 2011
9:09 pm
Stress - Fernando Torres/Sergio Ramos (part 2)

Title: Stress (Part 2/2)
Pairing: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres
Rating: R/NC 17
Word Count: 3,911
Summary:  Sergio has a heart to heart with a stripper. Cesc learns new things. Fernando teaches his best friend to keep calm and carry on.
Disclaimer. Story is mine, people aren't. It ain't real peeps.
A/N: Not beta'd. Apologies. I made up a stripper, because come one. Sergio would totally be the guy who pours it out to stripper.

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Saturday, September 3rd, 2011
11:32 am
Stress - Fernando Torres/Sergio Ramos
Title: Stress (Part 1/2)
Pairing: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres
Rating: R- eventually
Word Count: 1,603
Summary:  But those are the fucking idiots that just don’t seem to understand that the smallest thing in your personal life can be the largest in your professional career.
Disclaimer. Story is mine, people aren't. It ain't real peeps.
A/N: I had to research strip clubs for this. Did you know brothels/protitution are legal in Spain. Huh.

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Click awayCollapse )

Current Mood: creative
10:00 am
Cave-o-sapien Fernando Torres/Sergio Ramos
Title: Cave-o-sapien
Pairing: Fernando Torres/Sergio Ramos
Rating: R
Word count: 1,461
Summary: Sergio has Fernando until he goes
Disclaimer: Not real, sadly.

Click for happy timesCollapse )

Current Mood: chipper
Wednesday, August 18th, 2010
9:58 pm
Mad Men Pete/Peggy R

Title: Gentle Hours
Rating: R
Fandom: Mad Men
Word count: 3949
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Summary: Pete has good news that doesn't last. He finds solace in Peggy.
A/N: Minor spoiler from the latest episode. Not Beta'd yet, so it may be riddled with mistakes. Enjoy!



It's such a pleasure to touch your heartCollapse )


Current Mood: creative
Monday, June 23rd, 2008
7:59 pm
Fic: Sernando!
Title: The Hardest Part
Pairing: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, not anything.
Word Count: 5,137
Summary: He should have known it would have turned out the way it did. In retrospect, it all seems so obvious. 
A/N: I have been working on this beast for about month now, and I haven't written anything this long since january. I have read over it several times, but sometimes I seriously suck at catching my own mistakes. I just, really, really want to post this finally. But fill me in with mistakes you find and I shall fix ASAP.  This is meant to take place after the FIRST Euro Cup game they played, so I guess it's a teeny bit AU. Also, if this jinx's the team, I am beyond sorry. As always, con-crit is love.


Current Mood: sympathetic
Sunday, June 8th, 2008
10:45 pm
Fic: Heart Beats Pt.2
Title: Heart Beats (2)
Characters: Daniel Agger/Steve Finnan, also Xabi Alonso!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, not anything.
Summary: "It’s risky, and tricky, but if what I am describing is nothing close to what you feel, then it’s worth it.”
A/N: This is the second of three parts. I was going to do this last part in one go, but I have to work tommorow and will not have enough time. This is still un-beta'd but I did my best to spot any boo-boos. Let me know what you think, and I always love con-crit!


Current Mood: gloomy
Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008
9:15 pm
Fic: Fagger!
Title: Heart Beats
Characters: Steve Finnan/Daniel Agger
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, not anything.
Summary: I am very sorry Mr. Agger, but you do need a new heart.
A/N: I have been out commison for a while, and I am trying to get my writting shtick back, so if this is sub-par. I apologize. It's my first AU to boot! I may add on a second chapter or something, depending on whether you guys like it or not! As always, I love comments and con-crit!

Current Mood: creative
Tuesday, March 11th, 2008
6:59 pm
Fic: Gerrard/Torres
Title: Hands
Pairing: Steven Gerrard/Fernando Torres
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, not anything
Summary: It started out in a very simple fashion. Steven was trying to sign a form and not a pen was in sight.
A/N: As always, I love your feedback and comments, so feed the starving writer. Also, I effeminized the hell out of Gerrard. I apologize in advance.

Current Mood: embarrassed
Friday, March 7th, 2008
2:25 pm
Sernando and Ole/Scholesy!

Pairings: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres and Ole Solskjaer/Paul Scholes
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, not real, not anything
A/N: As always, I love constructive criticism. Especially for the Ole/Scholes because  I have never written those two in my life, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I wanted the Gingers to be together. My f-list will understand.

Current Mood: mellow
Saturday, March 1st, 2008
12:54 am
Fic: Torrard!
Title: Time To Pretend
Rating: R
Pairing: Steven Gerrard/Fernando Torres
Disclaimer: Not mine, Not real. Not anything
Summary: “I think I would like that pretend.”
A/N: This is for nadi_wamos! Yay for porno and internal rhymes! The tenses in here are a bit... scattered, and I am not entirely pleased with this. But considering how it has been an obscenely long time since I have written, be kind. Other than that. I do love constructive criticism. Also, this fic has a couple lines from the song Time to Pretend by the band MGMT. Werd.

Current Mood: disappointed
Sunday, January 27th, 2008
10:48 pm
Fic: Gen!
Title: The Tenth Floor
Characters: (Oh holy jesus) Wayne Rooney, Cristiano Ronaldo, Xabi Alonso, Iker Casillas, Peter Crouch, Dirk Kuyt, Robin Van Persie, Edwin van der Sar, Michael Ballack, Fabio Cannavaro, Tomas Rosicky, Cesc Fabregas, Fernando Torres, Sergio Ramos, Philippe Senderos, Thierry Henry, as well as a guest appearance by Shaqueel van Persie!
Rating: PG-13 (Lot's of swearing)
Disclaimer: Not Mine, Not real, Not anything
Warnings: Swearing, and general boys being incredibly uncouth.
Summary: A fictional tale of one evening on floor 10 of a snazzy Austrian hotel during the Euro Cup.
A/N: This is wierd, and I wrote it on a whim. I like the idea, but I have had a few fics like that and then people wonder if I am on crack. This is mainly the result of hanging out with filthy-minded stock boys, and I wanted to try my hand at different characters. So, if their characterization is off... Oops. That being said, I love it when you help me be a better writter and tell me where I did and did not bomb!


Current Mood: amused
Saturday, January 26th, 2008
3:38 pm
Fic! Sernando: Eyes Open
Title: Eyes Open
Pairing: Sergio Ramos/Fernando Torres
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: Not mine, Not Real, Not anything
Summary:You need to open your eyes and realize how ready for greatness you are.
A/N: I am only barely satisfied with this, but all the same constructive criticism is always welcome, and if you spot and glaring mistakes let me know! Enjoy!

Current Mood: rejected
Sunday, January 13th, 2008
11:23 pm
Three Drabbles!
In light of my recent good fortune that my f-list knows all about, I wrote some fic. I am not uber pleased, but here it is all the same!

Three Drabbles
Pairings/Characters: Fernando Torres/Sergio Ramos, Xabi Alonso/Cesc Fabregas, Xabi Alonso/Steve Finnan
Rating: All around PG14
Disclaimer: Not Mine, Not Real, Not anything.
A/N: I realize that to an extent these make no sense, but does anything I write ever make sense? Also, please tell me if this is riddled with mistakes, or any criticism you have is always welcome, I was rather tired when I wrote this.

Current Mood: creative
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