siri (sirinek) wrote in siriphoto,

  • Mood:
The first picture (with druidnaogma as my model) made honorable mention in the Novice category at the monthly contest with the Roswell Photographic Society.

tygerlilly's pic won first! But I'll let her post it since it's her picture...

Here's one I took in my garden today.


  • (no subject)

    Screwed Canon EOS20D, 100mm macro, 1/250, f/11, ISO 100

  • (no subject)

    junk in the trunk Canon EOS20D, 100mm macro, 1/500, f/5.6, ISO1600, handheld

  • car

    Playing with flash and I thought of something I saw on Strobist. "Car in Green". The foreground lighting came from my monolight at 1/16…

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