Papers by Hwang Ming-chorng
14 黃銘崇,〈晚商王朝的政治地景〉,頁 267-286。 15 黃銘崇,〈晚商王朝的政治地景〉,頁 214-236;安陽市文物考古研究所,〈河南安陽市 榕樹灣一號商墓〉,《考古》2009.5:... more 14 黃銘崇,〈晚商王朝的政治地景〉,頁 267-286。 15 黃銘崇,〈晚商王朝的政治地景〉,頁 214-236;安陽市文物考古研究所,〈河南安陽市 榕樹灣一號商墓〉,《考古》2009.5:26-35。 16 安陽市文物考古研究所,〈河南安陽市榕樹灣一號商墓〉。 17 壽光縣博物館,〈山東壽光縣發現一批紀國銅器〉,《文物》1985.3:1-11。壽光這批青 銅器的族徽為「竝」而非「己」,墓主的日干為「己」,所以非「紀國」銅器。臨沂文物 收集組,〈山東蒼山縣出土青銅器〉,《文物》1965.7:27-30。 18 戴尊德,〈山西靈石旌介村商代墓和青銅器〉,《文物資料叢刊》3 (1980):46-49;山西 省考古研究所、靈石縣文化局,〈山西靈石旌介村商墓〉,《文物》1986.11:1-18;海金 樂、韓炳華,《靈石旌介商墓》(北京:科學出版社,2006);李伯謙,〈從靈石旌介商 墓的發現看晉陝高原青銅文化的歸屬〉,氏著,《中國青銅文化結構體系研究》(北京: 科學出版社,1998),頁 167-184。 19 河北省文物研究所、保定地區文物管理所,〈定州北莊子商墓發掘簡報〉,《文物春秋》 1992 增刊:230-240;謝飛、王會民,〈貨場下的貴族亡靈-定州商代墓葬〉,《中國 十年百大考古新發現》(北京:文物出版社,2002),頁 323-329。 20 河南省信陽地區文管會、河南羅山縣文化館,〈羅山天湖商周墓地〉,《考古學報》 1986.2:153-197;〈河南羅山縣蟒張商代墓地第一次發掘簡報〉,《考古》1981.2:111

Genes, Language Families, and Writing Systems: Rethinking the 105 Origin of Chinese Writing, 2019
S cholars studying the Chinese writing system, whether they be from the East or the West, agree t... more S cholars studying the Chinese writing system, whether they be from the East or the West, agree that the earliest writing system in East Asia is that which appeared in the latter Shang period (ca. 1300-1050 bce) at Anyang 安陽. The different media of writing, oracle bone scripts and bronze inscriptions, together constitute a complete writing system that is able to represent the language used by the nobility in the Shang dynasty, the ancient Chinese (guhanyu 古漢語). Another consensus among the researchers is that writing shown on oracle bones, bronzeware, pottery, and other durable materials provide only partial evidence of the Anyang writing. During the Shang dynasty, most writing were done on bamboo and wooden slips, which deteriorate easily over time. Anyang writing, thus, serves as a starting point for the study of the origin of Chinese writing. 1 Several pottery marks and bronze inscriptions were found from the Erligang 二里崗 site of early Shang Culture (ca. 1600-1400 bce) and the Xiaoshuangqiao 小雙橋 site of the middle-Shang period (ca. 1400-1300 bce), and some were identified by scholars as resembling the clan emblems of the late-Shang period. 2 A piece of oracle bone was also found at the Erligang site, further proving that Erligang was a society that used the written word. Its writing system is probably similar to that of the late-Shang dynasty; however, due to the limited data currently available, scholars are not sure about the extent that this writing system was used, 3 or whether the writing in the Erligang Culture could fully express its language. Any further conclusions await future excavated evidence.

Anyang was the last capital of the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600-1050 BCE) of China. Archaeological exc... more Anyang was the last capital of the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600-1050 BCE) of China. Archaeological excavations at Anyang since 1928 has yielded inscriptions and artifacts that authenticated the Shang history and enriched our understanding of their material culture and technical achievement. Here, we have performed micro-Raman spectral analysis of artifacts recovered from royal tombs unearthed last century at Yinxu, Anyang, including a block of colored clay impressed with motif from perished woodcrafts, a stone knife, a set of small bullet-shape bronze containers, and a pottery color-container. In addition, we used micro-Raman and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to analyze the soil sample collected from the tomb M103 excavated at Wangyukou village, Anyang in 2009. The results showed that all red coloration on artifacts and coffin soils was due to cinnabar, suggesting a wide use of cinnabar in Shang society. We also showed that micro-Raman and XRF analysis can be carried out directly on soils adsorbed on Q-tip, providing a convenient means for future on-site soil sampling and spectral analysis of cinnabar in grave area. Based on literature information we estimated that the amount of cinnabar used in Shang society would make the scale of its production on par with other major industries, such as bones, jades, and bronzes.

Anyang was the last capital of the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600-1050 BCE) of China. Archaeological exc... more Anyang was the last capital of the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1600-1050 BCE) of China. Archaeological excavations at Anyang since 1928 has yielded inscriptions and artifacts that authenticated the Shang history and enriched our understanding of their material culture and technical achievement. Here, we have performed micro-Raman spectral analysis of artifacts recovered from royal tombs unearthed last century at Yinxu, Anyang, including a block of colored clay impressed with motif from perished woodcrafts, a stone knife, a set of small bullet-shape bronze containers, and a pottery color-container. In addition, we used micro-Raman and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) to analyze the soil sample collected from the tomb M103 excavated at Wangyukou village, Anyang in 2009. The results showed that all red coloration on artifacts and coffin soils was due to cinnabar, suggesting a wide use of cinnabar in Shang society. We also showed that micro-Raman and XRF analysis can be carried out directly on soils adsorbed on Q-tip, providing a convenient means for future on-site soil sampling and spectral analysis of cinnabar in grave area. Based on literature information we estimated that the amount of cinnabar used in Shang society would make the scale of its production on par with other major industries, such as bones, jades, and bronzes.
Underhill/A Companion to Chinese Archaeology, 2013
Bronze casting technology was one of the "presents" brought into East Asia via the Eurasia steppe... more Bronze casting technology was one of the "presents" brought into East Asia via the Eurasia steppe. This paper briefly discusses the characteristics of East Asian bronze technology--the section-mold casting technology and based on bronze artifacts and clay molds from archaeological discovery, the author presents a developmental process from steppe bi-sectional stone mold technology to East Asian multi-sectional clay mold technology.
This paper proposed a possibility of research on ancient Yüe people in southern China and Southea... more This paper proposed a possibility of research on ancient Yüe people in southern China and Southeast Asia by using materials from traditional texts, Historical Linguistics, DNA and archaeological materials.
This paper proposed a possibility of research on ancient Yüe people in southern China and Southea... more This paper proposed a possibility of research on ancient Yüe people in southern China and Southeast Asia by using materials from traditional texts, Historical Linguistics, DNA and archaeological materials.
The content, structure and prospect for studies of the formation of early Chinese civilization
An analysis of economical/ecological landscape and social landscape of late Shang Dynasty
a preliminary proposal of an East Asian prehistory research project
A comparison of Shang and Zhou kinship systems.
The climatic condition of the East Asia continent reached the bottom at around 800 BCE, the nomad... more The climatic condition of the East Asia continent reached the bottom at around 800 BCE, the nomads "occupied" all the land north of the Yellow River. The agricultural states in the north of the Yellow River struggled for survive. When the climate turned to the favor of the farmers in the 6th-5th centuries BCE, the agricultural states took back the land from the nomad. The expansion of the State of Jin can be viewed with this background. Tomb no.1 of Shanbiaozhen cemetery can be understood as part of the expansion of Jin.
The turtle envoys in the pre-Qin cosmology.....
A note on Laozi, a possible connection between a chapter in Laozi and the four directional winds ... more A note on Laozi, a possible connection between a chapter in Laozi and the four directional winds and gods in the Shang oracle bone inscriptions....
Papers by Hwang Ming-chorng