Socijalno preduzetništvo doživelo je u poslednjoj deceniji renesansu u svetu. Poslovni sektor, pr... more Socijalno preduzetništvo doživelo je u poslednjoj deceniji renesansu u svetu. Poslovni sektor, pritisnut ekonomskom krizom i imperativima društvene odgovornosti, počeo je da se okreće održivijim organizacionim modelima, koji u sebi objedinjavaju dobitnu i odgovornu orijentaciju. Socijalno preduzetništvo u celini karakteriše podrška i pomoć zajednici ili osetljivim društvenim grupama. Socijalni preduzetnici predstavljaju dokaz da finansijski uspeh ne isključuje odgovorno ponašanje prema društvenoj zajednici i životnoj sredini, kao i da društveno-koristan cilj može da bude uspešan poslovni pokretač. Ujedno, socijalna preduzeća mogu biti veoma koristan izvor preduzetničkih ideja u ekonomijama koje prolaze kroz tranziciju, sa visokim stopama nezaposlenosti. Popunjavanje praznina u pružanju određenih društvenih usluga, uz istovremeno ostvarivanje dobiti i mogućnost angažovanja čitave porodice, samo su neke od odlika socijalnih preduzeća, koja bi mogla da postanu jedan od vodećih modela privređivanja i u srpskoj privredi.
For the central entertainment industry of the 21st century - online gaming, children are undoubte... more For the central entertainment industry of the 21st century - online gaming, children are undoubtedly the key consumer group. Although research on the impact of the gaming industry on children mainly deals with adverse effects such as addiction, violent content, inappropriate conduct and monetisation of personal data, there are also many positive effects – family fun, virtual socialising, improving cognitive skills and using games as a teaching tool. Therefore, all participants' task in the gaming industry value chain is to maximise the positive and minimise the negative impacts on children. A survey conducted among 893 young gamers in Serbia exposed their habits in consuming online games and indicated whether their rights are protected during the gameplay. The conclusion provides recommendations for key stakeholders in the gaming industry's ecosystem on making the digital playground inclusive, safe, and responsible for respecting children's rights.
The main aim of the article is to explore if there is a synergy between proactive website managem... more The main aim of the article is to explore if there is a synergy between proactive website management and better organic visibility of websites on Google, evidenced through their search engine optimisation (SEO) score. The analysis was conducted using 63 responses to an electronic survey completed in summer 2017 by Serbian cultural institutions of national importance. The dependent variable was the SEO score, whereas the independent variables were the existence of Google Analytics, the state of content freshness and social media activity. To examine the differences between the SEO score with respect to each independent variable, a t-test for independent samples was used. Higher SEO scores were recorded for websites that use web analytics, perform a weekly content update and use more than one social network, which combined contribute to the efforts to attract more online users, increase awareness of the institutional activities and strengthen its online brand visibility. Instead of using disparate online tools and channels in website management, the goal should be achieving synergy between web analytics, social media, content generation and SEO, which is contributing to the online value creation. The research findings can contribute to website managers for making betterinformed decisions regarding their online strategies and resource allocation.
Ako je prošlu deceniju bankarskog poslovanja obeležila prekomerna kreditna ekspanzija, danas govo... more Ako je prošlu deceniju bankarskog poslovanja obeležila prekomerna kreditna ekspanzija, danas govorimo u deceniji njegove digitalne transformacije. Usled uticaja digitalnih medija, velikih tehnoloških i promena u potrebama potrošača, banke su izložene digitalnom narušavanju svog poslovnog modela spolja i iznutra, što dovodi do inovacija u proizvodima, uslugama, distributivnim i prodajnim kanalima, poslovnim modelima i organizacionoj kulturi. Sektorske analize ukazuju da će buduća dobit sektora biti preusmerena ka onim finansijskim organizacijama koje uspešno koriste digitalne tehnologije za automatizaciju svojih procesa i kao analitička oruđa, kreiraju nove usluge i vrednosti za klijente koji žele da im banka bude uvek i svuda dostupna i transformišu organizacionu kulturu u agilnu i orijentisanu ka inovacijama. Uspešne bankarske strategije zasnovane su na razumevanju kako digitalna transformacija poslovanja može da stvori novu vrednost, tržišnim promena, a koje donose fin-teh inovatori, sveobuhvatnom poznavanju navika i očekivanja klijenata i postavljanju prioriteta prema investicijama u digitalno poslovanje.
U članku se istražuje primena teorije upravljanja zainteresovanim stranama u slučaju Srbije, u ko... more U članku se istražuje primena teorije upravljanja zainteresovanim stranama u slučaju Srbije, u kojoj je praksa savremenog društvenoodgovornog poslovanja (DOP) nedavno uvedena, uprkos bogatoj tradiciji zadužbinarstva i dobročinstva. Radi provere teorije, utvrdili smo tri hipoteze, pretpostavljajući da se upravljanje zainteresovanim stranama kao deo DOP prevashodno koristi kao oruđe odnosa s javnošću, da kvalitet korporativnog upravljanja zavisi od funkcije DOP u organizaciji, kao i da u više uređenim industrijama kao što su građevina i bankarstvo postoji naprednije upravljanje zainteresovanim stranama. Hipoteze su ispitivane na osnovu raspoložive literature i sveobuhvatnog empirijskog istraživanja (kabinetsko istraživanje, anketiranje i dubinski intervjui poslovnih rukovodioca, upoređeni sa najboljom evropskom praksom). Ukazano je da finansijski sektor najviše pažnje poklanja klijentima, dok građevina (cementna industrija) u središte poslovanja stavlja zajednicu u kojoj posluje i svoje zaposlene, što odgovara i međunarodnoj praksi. Međutim, služba za odnose s javnošću ili marketinga prevashodno se bave odnosima sa zainteresovanim stranama u Srbiji, iz ugla slike preduzeća u javnosti, bez dovoljnog razumevanja uloge zainteresovanih strana u unapređenju poslovnog učinka preduzeća, što pokazuje niži stepen razvijenosti privrede i rani stepen tranzicije ka najboljim praksama Evropske unije.
In the digital age struggling with the pandemic, theatres strive to gain new and retain old audie... more In the digital age struggling with the pandemic, theatres strive to gain new and retain old audiences by providing user experiences online. Information about events, electronic ticket purchasing, and live streaming require improved website functionality, where Page Experience Signals, the latest practice recommended by Google, have been gaining importance. As part of this research, five experiential signals were analyzed on a sample consisting of 18 Belgrade theatres' homepages: Core Web Vitals, Mobile-friendliness, Safe browsing, Secure connection, and the absence of intrusive interstitials. All analyzed websites were found to provide safe internet search and generally did not contain disruptive content on their homepages. Given that an increasing number of visitors are using mobile devices to search for and purchase tickets, several theatres should pay attention to the need to optimize their website for mobile visits, and to secure the data transfer protocol. In addition, common weaknesses in the theatres' Page Experience Signals were highlighted-the slow homepage loading performance and achieving their visual stability; the webmasters were also given proposals on overcoming them during the transition period after the algorithm change. The recommendation for future research is to assess at the end of 2021 whether the Page Experience Signals of the Belgrade theatres have contributed positively or negatively to their organic search performance on Google.
Virtuelni timovi, kao grupa ljudi kojа obavlja posao međuzavisno uz podelu odgovornosti u ishodim... more Virtuelni timovi, kao grupa ljudi kojа obavlja posao međuzavisno uz podelu odgovornosti u ishodima radnih zadataka, značajno se oslanjaju na tehnologiju koja podržava njihovu komunikaciju i svakodnevni rad. Tema ovog rada je istraživanje povezanosti faktora poverenje (individualno, institucionalno i kognitivno) i deljenje znanja u timu u kontekstu efikasnosti virtuelnih timova. U tu svrhu, na neslučajno-prigodnom uzorku od 132 ispitanika kojeg čine zaposleni iz timova koji funkcionišu isključivo kao virtuelni, multikulturalni i multinacionalni, sprovedeno je korelacionoregresiono istraživanje. Takođe, ispitivan je i medijatorski efekat faktora deljenja znanja u odnosu poverenja i efikasnosti virtuelnih timova. Dobijeni rezultati potvrdili su da su sve dimenzije poverenja-individualno i institucionalno i kognitivno značajne za efikasno funkcionisanje virtuelnih timova. Suprotno kreiranim hipotezama, pokazalo se da faktor deljenje znanja u virtuelnim timovima nije prediktor ni poverenja, ni efikasnosti virtuelnih timova.
The implementation of Children's Rights and Business Principles in the corporate social responsib... more The implementation of Children's Rights and Business Principles in the corporate social responsibility strategy of Serbian enterprises APSTRAKT: Koncept društveno-odgovornog poslovanja (DOP) evoluirao je zajedno sa poslovnim sektorom, od dobrotvorstva, poslovne etike, društvenog marketinga, odnosa s zainteresovanim stranama, do strateške povezanosti sa poslovnim ciljevima i njegove nacionalne i internacionalne institucionalizacije. Iako neizostavni deo DOP-ačini zaštita ljudskih prava, uticaj poslovnog sektora na prava dece često se prenebregava. Istraživanje zasnovano na primeni međunarodnih Principa poslovanja i prava dece koje je sprovela organizacija UNICEF u Srbiji, ukazalo je da poslovni sektor visoko vrednuje aktivnosti ka deci, ali da dečja prava nisu regulisana u poslovnim strategijama. Sistemsko uvođenje i unapređenje prava dece u odgovorno poslovanje preduzeća u Srbiji može se podržati uključivanjem Principa poslovanja i prava dece u procese izveštavanja i sertifikacije DOP-a. Članak daje prikaz uključivanja predmetnih Principa u jedinu nacionalnu metodologiju za objektivno poređenje učinka preduzeća u oblasti društvene odgovornosti-"CSR indeks Srbija", na bazi primene kriterijuma Globalne inicijative za izveštavanje. Kao rezultat, omogućilo bi se strateško praćenje uticaja srpskog poslovnog sektora na ceo spektar prava dece. KLJUČNE REČI: društveno odgovorno poslovanje (DOP), dečja prava, poslovni sektor.
Nataša Krstić * uDC 005.5:005.331 Scientific rewiev paper STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT FROM THE BUSINES... more Nataša Krstić * uDC 005.5:005.331 Scientific rewiev paper STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT FROM THE BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE In an increasingly global and highly competitive business world of today, the business sector pays meticulous attention to stakeholders-groups or individuals, which affect or are affected by business decisions. The paper examines the methodology of identifying key stakeholders, demonstrates the process of their various mapping models, as well as the manner in which stakeholders, in cooperation with a corporation, create the opportunity to be engaged at an early stage of a project, activity or business decision, thus establishing a precedent according to which both sides benefit. By doing so, the business sector can ensure that its actions will receive "a social licence to operate", whereas various groups of stakeholders will be offered a possibility to be included in business dealings for the sake of protecting their interests. The authors of the paper have analysed a two-way process of stakeholder management in establishing corporate reputation which is reflected in business performance and results. It was concluded that stakeholder engagement should foster innovation and lead to broader social prosperity, achieving the main goal of sustainability: business excellence according to the principles of the triple final result, by realizing synergy between the social community, environment and profit.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Nov 11, 2020
PurposeThe purpose is to determine whether there is a gap between what children and youth expect ... more PurposeThe purpose is to determine whether there is a gap between what children and youth expect from their parents' workplaces and the family-friendly business practices that employers apply, as well as whether COVID-19 has accelerated the introduction of these practices or contributed to any paradigm change.Design/methodology/approachDescriptive methodological research was done through electronic surveys with two target groups. The first group of respondents consisted of 1,279 children and youth who expressed their opinion on the impact of the parental workplace on them and what needs to be done to make companies more family oriented. The second survey involved 64 employers, who shared their views on achieving a balance between work and family and provided insight into the pre-pandemic and pandemic family-friendly workplace practices.FindingsAn apparent gap was identified between the family-friendly workplace practices offered by employers and the needs that children have regarding their parents' workplace. Although employers confirm that COVID-19 provides an opportunity to encourage FFW practices, during the outbreak of the virus, they demonstrated responsibility towards employees but neglected their family members.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings cannot be generalised to the entire business sector as the survey is not nationally representative. Also, the surveyed children do not come from the surveyed employers' work collectives, so it was not possible to intersect the findings.Practical implicationsThe research is vital for human resource managers as creators and implementers of family-friendly workplaces, as it indicates the need to involve the important but overlooked stakeholders in this process – the children of employees.Originality/valueThe research gap in the family-friendly workplace paradigm is addressed by comparing the attitudes of children with the employers' practices, before and during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The business sector has a strong direct and indirect impact on children, at the workplace, on the... more The business sector has a strong direct and indirect impact on children, at the workplace, on the marketplace, in the community, and through the supply chain, where risks arise in terms of endangering children and their rights. This paper aims to provide new evidence of the impact of the business sector on children's rights in Serbia. The analysis of the impact of the Serbian business sector on children's rights was carried out through cabinet research of three sectors identified as a priority based on their influence on the economy and children's rights-ICT, food and agriculture, and financial sector. After interviews with managers responsible for corporate social responsibility in the leading companies from these sectors, their potential impact on children's rights has been mapped together with sectoral risks, while opportunities for shared-value engagement between businesses and organizations and institutions supporting children and their rights were extracted. Our research suggests that shared value in the context of the promotion of children's rights goes far beyond traditional corporate philanthropy, and audits how core business operations, assets and practices, advocacy initiatives, skills, and know-how can support children's rights in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to identify the common issues affecting the cultural institu... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to identify the common issues affecting the cultural institutions' websites in terms of organic search visibility and to detect if there are some category specifics for the national libraries, archives and museums. Design/methodology/approach-In the first phase, an online survey was conducted involving the cultural institutions of national importance, aiming to map the current state of their websites in organizational and functional terms, to collect the information about the used domains, their social media activity and the use of analytical tools to monitor the visitor behavior and online traffic. In the second phase, the cultural institutions' websites were analyzed using the "White Hat SEO" technics of optimization on Google. Findings-From the category perspective, the historical archives have the best Technical search engine optimization (SEO) position due to the low coding errors and fair site speed, the libraries are leading in content generation and the museums have a very good total SEO index due to their strong social media activities. Common issues are detected in the description of web images, non-existence of sitemaps and low website mobile friendliness. Research limitations/implications-The data were collected from the personnel of the national cultural institutions based on their pre-assumed knowledge and understanding of website management. Practical implications-The research methodology can be used to analyze the organic visibility of any national culture on search engines. Originality/value-A research gap in addressing the cultural institutions' websites from the search engine perspective was identified and addressed within the paper.
Predmetni rad nastoji da analizira organsku vidljivost vebsajtova na internet pretraživačima, na ... more Predmetni rad nastoji da analizira organsku vidljivost vebsajtova na internet pretraživačima, na primeru banaka u Srbiji, koristeći istraživački pristup prema korišćenju internet pretraživača kao jednog od vodećih kanala za informisanje, prodaju i interakcije u bankarskom sektoru. U primenjenoj metodologiji, kao izvor za prikupljanje podataka o učinku vebsajtova korišćeni su veb alati i SEO softveri. Generisani podaci su potom upoređeni sa faktorima za rangiranje finansijskih vebsajtova, s ciljem da se odredi učinak srpskih banaka na Google pretraživaču, kao i zajednički problemi i propuštene prilike u vidljivosti organskih rezultata pretrage. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja pokazuju da najveće banke u zemlji koriste optimizaciju vebsajta na internet pretraživačima kao strategiju internet marketinga, ali da im nedostaje strateško usmerenje u oblastima relevantnosti veb sadržaja, brzini mobilnih vebsajtova, generisanja veb saobraćaj sa sajtova-preporuka, imejl marketinga, sticanja kvalitetnih linkova i kod signala sa društvenih mreža.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important element of corporate strategy today... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important element of corporate strategy today. In this article, we wanted to examine whether CSR in the transition market of Serbia is conducted as an integral part of the business strategy based on core activities and stakeholder relations. A quantitative research involving business managers was further validated with the in-depth interviews with business executives, and compared to the theoretical concepts on CSR, domestic studies and the internationally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on the impact of CSR. The results show that CSR has become an applied business activity for many companies in Serbia, but generally devoid of a strategic approach. We also confirmed the gap between the more and less developed economies in applying advanced business strategies, which includes the social responsibility of enterprises.
In today?s postinformation society, digital technology has the technological means and innovative... more In today?s postinformation society, digital technology has the technological means and innovative solutions which can personalize and customize services to meet the requirements of every user without any barriers. Service personalization is most apparent in the use of the internet, mobile phones, TV, and e-government. Consequently, due to its characteristics, adaptability and openness, digital technology can greatly facilitate and accelerate inclusive processes in society. Mobile devices and services, the internet together with digital cable and terrestrial TV network are just some of technological tools available to modern society for the inclusion of marginalized social groups, including the persons with disabilities. The introductory chapter considers the basis for the use of digital technology in developing an inclusive society, while the research shows the extent to which digital technology is used, as well as the real needs of persons with disabilities for the purpose of finding potential to improve the quality of their life. The conducted research is based on a quantitative testing of two hypotheses, namely, whether persons with disabilities use digital technology to the same extent as persons without disabilities, and whether there are any differences with respect to the improvements of the quality of life as a result of the use of digital technology. For the purpose of testing the hypotheses, based on the sample group of 185 respondents, with 95 of them being persons with disabilities and 90 being persons without disabilities, a comparison was done of average values through t-test, as well as the comparison of relative frequencies by applying x2 test for independent samples. The results have shown that persons with disabilities use digital technology less than persons without disabilities, which only exacerbates the digital exclusion of persons with disabilities. Nevertheless, both groups have the same expectations with respect to the possibility of improving their lives. Noticeable potential for improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities has been noted by raising the use of digital technology to a higher level, especially with the use of mobile phones and the internet. The analysis of the research results has provided data which are significant for estimating the capacity of digital technology and further application of the technology in developing an inclusive society. This paper also proved that an interdisciplinary approach to such a vulnerable subject as inclusion and the social status of persons with disabilities can have beneficial results, as it can be used as guidance in further development of available tools, applications and other digital gadgets.
Google is the most dominant search engine in the world. Due to its monopoly, it is often targeted... more Google is the most dominant search engine in the world. Due to its monopoly, it is often targeted by regulators, accused of imposing its services, platforms and bias algorithm. The paper aims to determine whether a presence on Google-owned platforms improves the website visibility on the search engine, expressed through the search engine optimisation (SEO) score. For this purpose, the web presence of eight private universities in Serbia on Google My Business, Google Maps, YouTube and Google Images were analysed with software screening and observation of the search engine result page. The research results confirmed that Google favours its platforms, as universities with a symbiotic presence on all of them recorded the highest SEO score. Furthermore, Google gives the highest priority to a verified Google My Business listing, as it signals the authority of the university web presence. Since Google uses more than 250 factors in website ranking, the findings should be interpreted with caution.
Apart from the increasing attention paid to the role of business in society, with an expanded awa... more Apart from the increasing attention paid to the role of business in society, with an expanded awareness of the link between the business sector and human rights, over the last decade, there has been a trend of trying to understand the relative impact of businesses on children's rights. After the promotion of the Children's Rights and Business Principles in 2012, the impact of the business sector began to be viewed through the diversity of its possible effects on children in the workplace, the marketplace, in the community or in relation to environmental protection. A quantitative survey of children and young people in Serbia conducted via UNICEF's U-Report platform aiming to test the hypothesis"Are children and youth in Serbia aware of the impact that the business sector has on them?" identified their attitudes that companies can help them in their future development paths, that the greatest area of impact on children's rights comes from the workplace-by providing decent work for young workers and parents and making future jobs more accessible to young people through education and training programmes.At the same time, the expectation of children and youth in Serbia for greater participation of companies in supporting and realising the rights of children in society was emphasised.
INTERNET AND CLOUD COMPUTING Rezime: U cilju obezbeđivanja jednakih prava za sve članove zajednic... more INTERNET AND CLOUD COMPUTING Rezime: U cilju obezbeđivanja jednakih prava za sve članove zajednice, savremeno društvo ima na raspolaganju digitalnu tehnologiju koja može da podrži i unapredi društvenu inkluziju. Cilj sprovedenog istraživanja bio je da se ispita da li kod osoba sa invaliditetom digitalna tehnologija može da izazove zavisnost i teškoće pri korišćenju. Rezultati su pokazali da za osobe sa invaliditetom ne postoji bojazan da mogu postati zavisne od digitalne tehnologije, ali da imaju teškoće pri korišćenju. Budući razvoj digitalnih tehnologija treba da bude u funkciji uklanjanja barijera u korišćenju kod osoba sa invaliditetom, čime bi se uticalo na poboljšanje njihovog položaja u društvu.
Položaj osoba sa invaliditetom na tržištu rada i pravo na rad kao jedno od osnovnih ljudskih prav... more Položaj osoba sa invaliditetom na tržištu rada i pravo na rad kao jedno od osnovnih ljudskih prava garantovano Ustavom Republike Srbije i međunarodnim konvencijama su česta tema diskusije u akademskoj literaturi i istraživanjima nevladinog sektora. Nakon usvajanja Zakona o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom (u daljem tekstu: Zakon) u 2009. godini, došlo je do značajnog pomaka u zapošljavanju ove osetljive društvene grupe na tržištu rada u Srbiji. Namera istraživanja bila je razmotriti učinke sprovođenja Zakona iz perspektive poslovnog sektora, kroz stavove i izazove sa kojima se suočavaju poslodavci u praksi. Sprovedena je anketa u kojoj su učestvovala preduzeća iz različitih sektora i veličine, i rezultati su ukršteni sa nalazima iz intervjua s izabranim poslodavcima i predstavnicima državne uprave. Kao rezultat, otkrivene su brojne prepreke kod poslodavaca u pogledu nerazumevanja kod načina primene Zakona, zajedno sa disbalansom između potreba tržišta rada (strana tražnje), i broja i kvaliteta osoba s invaliditetom podobnih za zapošljavanje (strana ponude). U zaključku, date su preporuke za potencijalno poboljšanje Zakona i njegovo približavanje realnim mogućnostima i potrebama poslovnog sektora. Na taj način, poslodavci bi dobili osećaj vlasništva nad ovom značajnom merom socijalnog uključivanja na tržištu rada, uz istovremenu korist od angažovanja osoba sa invaliditetom koji mogu da budu jak motivacioni faktor među zaposlenima. Ključne reči: osobe sa invaliditetom, poslodavci, zapošljavanje osoba sa invaliditetom, Zakon o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba sa invaliditetom, društvena inkluzija, Srbija
Socijalno preduzetništvo doživelo je u poslednjoj deceniji renesansu u svetu. Poslovni sektor, pr... more Socijalno preduzetništvo doživelo je u poslednjoj deceniji renesansu u svetu. Poslovni sektor, pritisnut ekonomskom krizom i imperativima društvene odgovornosti, počeo je da se okreće održivijim organizacionim modelima, koji u sebi objedinjavaju dobitnu i odgovornu orijentaciju. Socijalno preduzetništvo u celini karakteriše podrška i pomoć zajednici ili osetljivim društvenim grupama. Socijalni preduzetnici predstavljaju dokaz da finansijski uspeh ne isključuje odgovorno ponašanje prema društvenoj zajednici i životnoj sredini, kao i da društveno-koristan cilj može da bude uspešan poslovni pokretač. Ujedno, socijalna preduzeća mogu biti veoma koristan izvor preduzetničkih ideja u ekonomijama koje prolaze kroz tranziciju, sa visokim stopama nezaposlenosti. Popunjavanje praznina u pružanju određenih društvenih usluga, uz istovremeno ostvarivanje dobiti i mogućnost angažovanja čitave porodice, samo su neke od odlika socijalnih preduzeća, koja bi mogla da postanu jedan od vodećih modela privređivanja i u srpskoj privredi.
For the central entertainment industry of the 21st century - online gaming, children are undoubte... more For the central entertainment industry of the 21st century - online gaming, children are undoubtedly the key consumer group. Although research on the impact of the gaming industry on children mainly deals with adverse effects such as addiction, violent content, inappropriate conduct and monetisation of personal data, there are also many positive effects – family fun, virtual socialising, improving cognitive skills and using games as a teaching tool. Therefore, all participants' task in the gaming industry value chain is to maximise the positive and minimise the negative impacts on children. A survey conducted among 893 young gamers in Serbia exposed their habits in consuming online games and indicated whether their rights are protected during the gameplay. The conclusion provides recommendations for key stakeholders in the gaming industry's ecosystem on making the digital playground inclusive, safe, and responsible for respecting children's rights.
The main aim of the article is to explore if there is a synergy between proactive website managem... more The main aim of the article is to explore if there is a synergy between proactive website management and better organic visibility of websites on Google, evidenced through their search engine optimisation (SEO) score. The analysis was conducted using 63 responses to an electronic survey completed in summer 2017 by Serbian cultural institutions of national importance. The dependent variable was the SEO score, whereas the independent variables were the existence of Google Analytics, the state of content freshness and social media activity. To examine the differences between the SEO score with respect to each independent variable, a t-test for independent samples was used. Higher SEO scores were recorded for websites that use web analytics, perform a weekly content update and use more than one social network, which combined contribute to the efforts to attract more online users, increase awareness of the institutional activities and strengthen its online brand visibility. Instead of using disparate online tools and channels in website management, the goal should be achieving synergy between web analytics, social media, content generation and SEO, which is contributing to the online value creation. The research findings can contribute to website managers for making betterinformed decisions regarding their online strategies and resource allocation.
Ako je prošlu deceniju bankarskog poslovanja obeležila prekomerna kreditna ekspanzija, danas govo... more Ako je prošlu deceniju bankarskog poslovanja obeležila prekomerna kreditna ekspanzija, danas govorimo u deceniji njegove digitalne transformacije. Usled uticaja digitalnih medija, velikih tehnoloških i promena u potrebama potrošača, banke su izložene digitalnom narušavanju svog poslovnog modela spolja i iznutra, što dovodi do inovacija u proizvodima, uslugama, distributivnim i prodajnim kanalima, poslovnim modelima i organizacionoj kulturi. Sektorske analize ukazuju da će buduća dobit sektora biti preusmerena ka onim finansijskim organizacijama koje uspešno koriste digitalne tehnologije za automatizaciju svojih procesa i kao analitička oruđa, kreiraju nove usluge i vrednosti za klijente koji žele da im banka bude uvek i svuda dostupna i transformišu organizacionu kulturu u agilnu i orijentisanu ka inovacijama. Uspešne bankarske strategije zasnovane su na razumevanju kako digitalna transformacija poslovanja može da stvori novu vrednost, tržišnim promena, a koje donose fin-teh inovatori, sveobuhvatnom poznavanju navika i očekivanja klijenata i postavljanju prioriteta prema investicijama u digitalno poslovanje.
U članku se istražuje primena teorije upravljanja zainteresovanim stranama u slučaju Srbije, u ko... more U članku se istražuje primena teorije upravljanja zainteresovanim stranama u slučaju Srbije, u kojoj je praksa savremenog društvenoodgovornog poslovanja (DOP) nedavno uvedena, uprkos bogatoj tradiciji zadužbinarstva i dobročinstva. Radi provere teorije, utvrdili smo tri hipoteze, pretpostavljajući da se upravljanje zainteresovanim stranama kao deo DOP prevashodno koristi kao oruđe odnosa s javnošću, da kvalitet korporativnog upravljanja zavisi od funkcije DOP u organizaciji, kao i da u više uređenim industrijama kao što su građevina i bankarstvo postoji naprednije upravljanje zainteresovanim stranama. Hipoteze su ispitivane na osnovu raspoložive literature i sveobuhvatnog empirijskog istraživanja (kabinetsko istraživanje, anketiranje i dubinski intervjui poslovnih rukovodioca, upoređeni sa najboljom evropskom praksom). Ukazano je da finansijski sektor najviše pažnje poklanja klijentima, dok građevina (cementna industrija) u središte poslovanja stavlja zajednicu u kojoj posluje i svoje zaposlene, što odgovara i međunarodnoj praksi. Međutim, služba za odnose s javnošću ili marketinga prevashodno se bave odnosima sa zainteresovanim stranama u Srbiji, iz ugla slike preduzeća u javnosti, bez dovoljnog razumevanja uloge zainteresovanih strana u unapređenju poslovnog učinka preduzeća, što pokazuje niži stepen razvijenosti privrede i rani stepen tranzicije ka najboljim praksama Evropske unije.
In the digital age struggling with the pandemic, theatres strive to gain new and retain old audie... more In the digital age struggling with the pandemic, theatres strive to gain new and retain old audiences by providing user experiences online. Information about events, electronic ticket purchasing, and live streaming require improved website functionality, where Page Experience Signals, the latest practice recommended by Google, have been gaining importance. As part of this research, five experiential signals were analyzed on a sample consisting of 18 Belgrade theatres' homepages: Core Web Vitals, Mobile-friendliness, Safe browsing, Secure connection, and the absence of intrusive interstitials. All analyzed websites were found to provide safe internet search and generally did not contain disruptive content on their homepages. Given that an increasing number of visitors are using mobile devices to search for and purchase tickets, several theatres should pay attention to the need to optimize their website for mobile visits, and to secure the data transfer protocol. In addition, common weaknesses in the theatres' Page Experience Signals were highlighted-the slow homepage loading performance and achieving their visual stability; the webmasters were also given proposals on overcoming them during the transition period after the algorithm change. The recommendation for future research is to assess at the end of 2021 whether the Page Experience Signals of the Belgrade theatres have contributed positively or negatively to their organic search performance on Google.
Virtuelni timovi, kao grupa ljudi kojа obavlja posao međuzavisno uz podelu odgovornosti u ishodim... more Virtuelni timovi, kao grupa ljudi kojа obavlja posao međuzavisno uz podelu odgovornosti u ishodima radnih zadataka, značajno se oslanjaju na tehnologiju koja podržava njihovu komunikaciju i svakodnevni rad. Tema ovog rada je istraživanje povezanosti faktora poverenje (individualno, institucionalno i kognitivno) i deljenje znanja u timu u kontekstu efikasnosti virtuelnih timova. U tu svrhu, na neslučajno-prigodnom uzorku od 132 ispitanika kojeg čine zaposleni iz timova koji funkcionišu isključivo kao virtuelni, multikulturalni i multinacionalni, sprovedeno je korelacionoregresiono istraživanje. Takođe, ispitivan je i medijatorski efekat faktora deljenja znanja u odnosu poverenja i efikasnosti virtuelnih timova. Dobijeni rezultati potvrdili su da su sve dimenzije poverenja-individualno i institucionalno i kognitivno značajne za efikasno funkcionisanje virtuelnih timova. Suprotno kreiranim hipotezama, pokazalo se da faktor deljenje znanja u virtuelnim timovima nije prediktor ni poverenja, ni efikasnosti virtuelnih timova.
The implementation of Children's Rights and Business Principles in the corporate social responsib... more The implementation of Children's Rights and Business Principles in the corporate social responsibility strategy of Serbian enterprises APSTRAKT: Koncept društveno-odgovornog poslovanja (DOP) evoluirao je zajedno sa poslovnim sektorom, od dobrotvorstva, poslovne etike, društvenog marketinga, odnosa s zainteresovanim stranama, do strateške povezanosti sa poslovnim ciljevima i njegove nacionalne i internacionalne institucionalizacije. Iako neizostavni deo DOP-ačini zaštita ljudskih prava, uticaj poslovnog sektora na prava dece često se prenebregava. Istraživanje zasnovano na primeni međunarodnih Principa poslovanja i prava dece koje je sprovela organizacija UNICEF u Srbiji, ukazalo je da poslovni sektor visoko vrednuje aktivnosti ka deci, ali da dečja prava nisu regulisana u poslovnim strategijama. Sistemsko uvođenje i unapređenje prava dece u odgovorno poslovanje preduzeća u Srbiji može se podržati uključivanjem Principa poslovanja i prava dece u procese izveštavanja i sertifikacije DOP-a. Članak daje prikaz uključivanja predmetnih Principa u jedinu nacionalnu metodologiju za objektivno poređenje učinka preduzeća u oblasti društvene odgovornosti-"CSR indeks Srbija", na bazi primene kriterijuma Globalne inicijative za izveštavanje. Kao rezultat, omogućilo bi se strateško praćenje uticaja srpskog poslovnog sektora na ceo spektar prava dece. KLJUČNE REČI: društveno odgovorno poslovanje (DOP), dečja prava, poslovni sektor.
Nataša Krstić * uDC 005.5:005.331 Scientific rewiev paper STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT FROM THE BUSINES... more Nataša Krstić * uDC 005.5:005.331 Scientific rewiev paper STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT FROM THE BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE In an increasingly global and highly competitive business world of today, the business sector pays meticulous attention to stakeholders-groups or individuals, which affect or are affected by business decisions. The paper examines the methodology of identifying key stakeholders, demonstrates the process of their various mapping models, as well as the manner in which stakeholders, in cooperation with a corporation, create the opportunity to be engaged at an early stage of a project, activity or business decision, thus establishing a precedent according to which both sides benefit. By doing so, the business sector can ensure that its actions will receive "a social licence to operate", whereas various groups of stakeholders will be offered a possibility to be included in business dealings for the sake of protecting their interests. The authors of the paper have analysed a two-way process of stakeholder management in establishing corporate reputation which is reflected in business performance and results. It was concluded that stakeholder engagement should foster innovation and lead to broader social prosperity, achieving the main goal of sustainability: business excellence according to the principles of the triple final result, by realizing synergy between the social community, environment and profit.
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Nov 11, 2020
PurposeThe purpose is to determine whether there is a gap between what children and youth expect ... more PurposeThe purpose is to determine whether there is a gap between what children and youth expect from their parents' workplaces and the family-friendly business practices that employers apply, as well as whether COVID-19 has accelerated the introduction of these practices or contributed to any paradigm change.Design/methodology/approachDescriptive methodological research was done through electronic surveys with two target groups. The first group of respondents consisted of 1,279 children and youth who expressed their opinion on the impact of the parental workplace on them and what needs to be done to make companies more family oriented. The second survey involved 64 employers, who shared their views on achieving a balance between work and family and provided insight into the pre-pandemic and pandemic family-friendly workplace practices.FindingsAn apparent gap was identified between the family-friendly workplace practices offered by employers and the needs that children have regarding their parents' workplace. Although employers confirm that COVID-19 provides an opportunity to encourage FFW practices, during the outbreak of the virus, they demonstrated responsibility towards employees but neglected their family members.Research limitations/implicationsThe findings cannot be generalised to the entire business sector as the survey is not nationally representative. Also, the surveyed children do not come from the surveyed employers' work collectives, so it was not possible to intersect the findings.Practical implicationsThe research is vital for human resource managers as creators and implementers of family-friendly workplaces, as it indicates the need to involve the important but overlooked stakeholders in this process – the children of employees.Originality/valueThe research gap in the family-friendly workplace paradigm is addressed by comparing the attitudes of children with the employers' practices, before and during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The business sector has a strong direct and indirect impact on children, at the workplace, on the... more The business sector has a strong direct and indirect impact on children, at the workplace, on the marketplace, in the community, and through the supply chain, where risks arise in terms of endangering children and their rights. This paper aims to provide new evidence of the impact of the business sector on children's rights in Serbia. The analysis of the impact of the Serbian business sector on children's rights was carried out through cabinet research of three sectors identified as a priority based on their influence on the economy and children's rights-ICT, food and agriculture, and financial sector. After interviews with managers responsible for corporate social responsibility in the leading companies from these sectors, their potential impact on children's rights has been mapped together with sectoral risks, while opportunities for shared-value engagement between businesses and organizations and institutions supporting children and their rights were extracted. Our research suggests that shared value in the context of the promotion of children's rights goes far beyond traditional corporate philanthropy, and audits how core business operations, assets and practices, advocacy initiatives, skills, and know-how can support children's rights in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to identify the common issues affecting the cultural institu... more Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to identify the common issues affecting the cultural institutions' websites in terms of organic search visibility and to detect if there are some category specifics for the national libraries, archives and museums. Design/methodology/approach-In the first phase, an online survey was conducted involving the cultural institutions of national importance, aiming to map the current state of their websites in organizational and functional terms, to collect the information about the used domains, their social media activity and the use of analytical tools to monitor the visitor behavior and online traffic. In the second phase, the cultural institutions' websites were analyzed using the "White Hat SEO" technics of optimization on Google. Findings-From the category perspective, the historical archives have the best Technical search engine optimization (SEO) position due to the low coding errors and fair site speed, the libraries are leading in content generation and the museums have a very good total SEO index due to their strong social media activities. Common issues are detected in the description of web images, non-existence of sitemaps and low website mobile friendliness. Research limitations/implications-The data were collected from the personnel of the national cultural institutions based on their pre-assumed knowledge and understanding of website management. Practical implications-The research methodology can be used to analyze the organic visibility of any national culture on search engines. Originality/value-A research gap in addressing the cultural institutions' websites from the search engine perspective was identified and addressed within the paper.
Predmetni rad nastoji da analizira organsku vidljivost vebsajtova na internet pretraživačima, na ... more Predmetni rad nastoji da analizira organsku vidljivost vebsajtova na internet pretraživačima, na primeru banaka u Srbiji, koristeći istraživački pristup prema korišćenju internet pretraživača kao jednog od vodećih kanala za informisanje, prodaju i interakcije u bankarskom sektoru. U primenjenoj metodologiji, kao izvor za prikupljanje podataka o učinku vebsajtova korišćeni su veb alati i SEO softveri. Generisani podaci su potom upoređeni sa faktorima za rangiranje finansijskih vebsajtova, s ciljem da se odredi učinak srpskih banaka na Google pretraživaču, kao i zajednički problemi i propuštene prilike u vidljivosti organskih rezultata pretrage. Rezultati sprovedenog istraživanja pokazuju da najveće banke u zemlji koriste optimizaciju vebsajta na internet pretraživačima kao strategiju internet marketinga, ali da im nedostaje strateško usmerenje u oblastima relevantnosti veb sadržaja, brzini mobilnih vebsajtova, generisanja veb saobraćaj sa sajtova-preporuka, imejl marketinga, sticanja kvalitetnih linkova i kod signala sa društvenih mreža.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important element of corporate strategy today... more Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an important element of corporate strategy today. In this article, we wanted to examine whether CSR in the transition market of Serbia is conducted as an integral part of the business strategy based on core activities and stakeholder relations. A quantitative research involving business managers was further validated with the in-depth interviews with business executives, and compared to the theoretical concepts on CSR, domestic studies and the internationally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on the impact of CSR. The results show that CSR has become an applied business activity for many companies in Serbia, but generally devoid of a strategic approach. We also confirmed the gap between the more and less developed economies in applying advanced business strategies, which includes the social responsibility of enterprises.
In today?s postinformation society, digital technology has the technological means and innovative... more In today?s postinformation society, digital technology has the technological means and innovative solutions which can personalize and customize services to meet the requirements of every user without any barriers. Service personalization is most apparent in the use of the internet, mobile phones, TV, and e-government. Consequently, due to its characteristics, adaptability and openness, digital technology can greatly facilitate and accelerate inclusive processes in society. Mobile devices and services, the internet together with digital cable and terrestrial TV network are just some of technological tools available to modern society for the inclusion of marginalized social groups, including the persons with disabilities. The introductory chapter considers the basis for the use of digital technology in developing an inclusive society, while the research shows the extent to which digital technology is used, as well as the real needs of persons with disabilities for the purpose of finding potential to improve the quality of their life. The conducted research is based on a quantitative testing of two hypotheses, namely, whether persons with disabilities use digital technology to the same extent as persons without disabilities, and whether there are any differences with respect to the improvements of the quality of life as a result of the use of digital technology. For the purpose of testing the hypotheses, based on the sample group of 185 respondents, with 95 of them being persons with disabilities and 90 being persons without disabilities, a comparison was done of average values through t-test, as well as the comparison of relative frequencies by applying x2 test for independent samples. The results have shown that persons with disabilities use digital technology less than persons without disabilities, which only exacerbates the digital exclusion of persons with disabilities. Nevertheless, both groups have the same expectations with respect to the possibility of improving their lives. Noticeable potential for improving the quality of life for persons with disabilities has been noted by raising the use of digital technology to a higher level, especially with the use of mobile phones and the internet. The analysis of the research results has provided data which are significant for estimating the capacity of digital technology and further application of the technology in developing an inclusive society. This paper also proved that an interdisciplinary approach to such a vulnerable subject as inclusion and the social status of persons with disabilities can have beneficial results, as it can be used as guidance in further development of available tools, applications and other digital gadgets.
Google is the most dominant search engine in the world. Due to its monopoly, it is often targeted... more Google is the most dominant search engine in the world. Due to its monopoly, it is often targeted by regulators, accused of imposing its services, platforms and bias algorithm. The paper aims to determine whether a presence on Google-owned platforms improves the website visibility on the search engine, expressed through the search engine optimisation (SEO) score. For this purpose, the web presence of eight private universities in Serbia on Google My Business, Google Maps, YouTube and Google Images were analysed with software screening and observation of the search engine result page. The research results confirmed that Google favours its platforms, as universities with a symbiotic presence on all of them recorded the highest SEO score. Furthermore, Google gives the highest priority to a verified Google My Business listing, as it signals the authority of the university web presence. Since Google uses more than 250 factors in website ranking, the findings should be interpreted with caution.
Apart from the increasing attention paid to the role of business in society, with an expanded awa... more Apart from the increasing attention paid to the role of business in society, with an expanded awareness of the link between the business sector and human rights, over the last decade, there has been a trend of trying to understand the relative impact of businesses on children's rights. After the promotion of the Children's Rights and Business Principles in 2012, the impact of the business sector began to be viewed through the diversity of its possible effects on children in the workplace, the marketplace, in the community or in relation to environmental protection. A quantitative survey of children and young people in Serbia conducted via UNICEF's U-Report platform aiming to test the hypothesis"Are children and youth in Serbia aware of the impact that the business sector has on them?" identified their attitudes that companies can help them in their future development paths, that the greatest area of impact on children's rights comes from the workplace-by providing decent work for young workers and parents and making future jobs more accessible to young people through education and training programmes.At the same time, the expectation of children and youth in Serbia for greater participation of companies in supporting and realising the rights of children in society was emphasised.
INTERNET AND CLOUD COMPUTING Rezime: U cilju obezbeđivanja jednakih prava za sve članove zajednic... more INTERNET AND CLOUD COMPUTING Rezime: U cilju obezbeđivanja jednakih prava za sve članove zajednice, savremeno društvo ima na raspolaganju digitalnu tehnologiju koja može da podrži i unapredi društvenu inkluziju. Cilj sprovedenog istraživanja bio je da se ispita da li kod osoba sa invaliditetom digitalna tehnologija može da izazove zavisnost i teškoće pri korišćenju. Rezultati su pokazali da za osobe sa invaliditetom ne postoji bojazan da mogu postati zavisne od digitalne tehnologije, ali da imaju teškoće pri korišćenju. Budući razvoj digitalnih tehnologija treba da bude u funkciji uklanjanja barijera u korišćenju kod osoba sa invaliditetom, čime bi se uticalo na poboljšanje njihovog položaja u društvu.
Položaj osoba sa invaliditetom na tržištu rada i pravo na rad kao jedno od osnovnih ljudskih prav... more Položaj osoba sa invaliditetom na tržištu rada i pravo na rad kao jedno od osnovnih ljudskih prava garantovano Ustavom Republike Srbije i međunarodnim konvencijama su česta tema diskusije u akademskoj literaturi i istraživanjima nevladinog sektora. Nakon usvajanja Zakona o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba s invaliditetom (u daljem tekstu: Zakon) u 2009. godini, došlo je do značajnog pomaka u zapošljavanju ove osetljive društvene grupe na tržištu rada u Srbiji. Namera istraživanja bila je razmotriti učinke sprovođenja Zakona iz perspektive poslovnog sektora, kroz stavove i izazove sa kojima se suočavaju poslodavci u praksi. Sprovedena je anketa u kojoj su učestvovala preduzeća iz različitih sektora i veličine, i rezultati su ukršteni sa nalazima iz intervjua s izabranim poslodavcima i predstavnicima državne uprave. Kao rezultat, otkrivene su brojne prepreke kod poslodavaca u pogledu nerazumevanja kod načina primene Zakona, zajedno sa disbalansom između potreba tržišta rada (strana tražnje), i broja i kvaliteta osoba s invaliditetom podobnih za zapošljavanje (strana ponude). U zaključku, date su preporuke za potencijalno poboljšanje Zakona i njegovo približavanje realnim mogućnostima i potrebama poslovnog sektora. Na taj način, poslodavci bi dobili osećaj vlasništva nad ovom značajnom merom socijalnog uključivanja na tržištu rada, uz istovremenu korist od angažovanja osoba sa invaliditetom koji mogu da budu jak motivacioni faktor među zaposlenima. Ključne reči: osobe sa invaliditetom, poslodavci, zapošljavanje osoba sa invaliditetom, Zakon o profesionalnoj rehabilitaciji i zapošljavanju osoba sa invaliditetom, društvena inkluzija, Srbija
Papers by Natasa Krstic