Papers by Marijana Prodanović

Revista Publicando
This essay aims to illustrate the phenomenon of (in-)definiteness in three languages – them being... more This essay aims to illustrate the phenomenon of (in-)definiteness in three languages – them being English, Spanish, and Serbian. Not many similarities could be found among the three languages. While English and Spanish recognise the notion of definite-indefinite article, there is no article in the Serbian language. However, what Serbian does have is the concept of definite and indefinite aspect in adjectives – which, it is assumed, could serve as a compensation for the definite-indefinite article on many occasions. With this in mind, a brief survey among Serbian native speakers who study both English and Spanish was conducted. The results it yielded showed that Serbian speakers do recognise, though to a certain extent only, the difference between definite and indefinite aspect in adjectives in their mother tongue. The lack of full awareness of the mentioned aspects leads to them not using this potential of Serbian when dealing with Spanish and English articles.

The New Educational Review
This paper aims to shed some light on the correlation between teacher stress, on the one hand, an... more This paper aims to shed some light on the correlation between teacher stress, on the one hand, and motivation of teachers and students, on the other hand – observed in an EFL environment. The data sample comprising responses given by EFL teachers and students from the primary education cycle was collected via the teacher stress measurement scale and motivation for learning scale, applied for teachers and students, respectively. Apart from the basic descriptive statistics used to describe the relationship between the variables, the paper’s methodology is also characterised by applying the Pearson correlation coefficient. The results led to interesting conclusions; while, as expected, workload directly affects stress levels of teachers, who, following the results, are highly motivated to work with teenagers, contrary to what could be believed, teacher motivation is not directly related to student motivation, what could be further analysed in the future studies.

Društvene i humanističke studije, Oct 30, 2022
stabilnog, trajnog znanja, pa se s pravom postavlja pitanje koliko je zaista nešto usvojeno, a ko... more stabilnog, trajnog znanja, pa se s pravom postavlja pitanje koliko je zaista nešto usvojeno, a koliko samo trenutno zapamćeno i zaboravljeno posle prve provere. Kako bi se navedena praksa ostavila po strani, a na njeno mesto uvela ona koja bi, ne samo pospešila razumevanje predmetne materije, nego dovela do aktivne, pravilnije i slobodnije upotrebe usvojenog, ovaj rad, u formi stručnog predloga, proisteklog iz uvida u analizirani korpus, nastoji da osvetli status engleskog prezent perfekta u procesu prevođenja sa srpskog na engleski jezik, odnosno-da ukaže na potencijalne nedoslednosti, prepreke, kao i pristupe i metode kojim bi se isti mogli izbeći ili uspešno savladati. 2. MEĐUPREDMETNA SARADNJA U NASTAVI STRANOG JEZIKA Kolaborativno učenje, odnosno učenje u paru ili grupi, pozitivno utiče na ishode, na usvojeno znanje i veštine, ali i, tokom samog procesa učenja, na motivaciju, inhibiciju, anksioznost (Rutherford, ed. 2014). Uz podršku i pomoć školskih prijatelja, tj. drugova iz grupe, učenici će, bez obzira na predmetnu materiju, da pokažu više samopouzdanja, preuzmu inicijativu, pa čak i rizik, nekada za svoje, a nekada za dobro grupe kojoj pripadaju-što će, u konačnici, dovesti do boljitka na opštem planu. I dok se nastavnici često odlučuju da aktivnosti organizuju upravo na ovaj načinkoji uključuje saradnju, čini se, sudeći po nastavnim aktivnostima koje nas okružuju, čiji smo sastavni deo, da saradnja među nastavnicima, srodna onoj kojoj su učenici izloženi, ostavlja još prostora za napredak. Upravo ovakva međusobna saradnja se podrazumeva i u okvirima modela projektno-usmerene nastave, koji je već decenijama zastupljen u praksi mnogih nastavnika (

Komunikacija i kultura online, 2021
nepoznatu situaciju, u kojoj je, gotovo preko noći, bilo potrebno korenito promeniti dotadašnje n... more nepoznatu situaciju, u kojoj je, gotovo preko noći, bilo potrebno korenito promeniti dotadašnje navike, pristupe, kao i metode, sredstva i nastavne materijale. UNESCO je, tokom meseca aprila 2020. godine, potvrdio da je 1.575.270.054 učenika (u širem smislu) doživelo preokret u procesu obrazovanja (Huang et al., 2020, str. 97). Administracije širom sveta, zajedno sa obrazovnim institucijama i svim učesnicima nastavnog procesa, reagovale su na nove zahteve promptno, nastojeći da započete aktivnosti, koliko god je to moguće, završe onako kako je prvobitno bilo planirano. Celokupan nastavni proces, na svim obrazovnim nivoima, nastavio je da se odvija u novom, onlajn okruženju. Uvođenje digitalizacije u nastavne procese na svim nivoima, jedna je od vodećih preporuka EU dokumenata koji se odnose na politiku obrazovanja; digitalizacija, i pre same pandemije, nije bila nepoznanica, te nastavnici, idući u korak sa savremenim tokovima, poslednjih godina, u svojim svakodnevnim aktivnostima, sve više primenjuju digitalna sredstva. Ipak, iako su prednosti uključivanja digitalnog u obrazovanje nebrojene, i dalje je prisutan nemali broj ograničenja koja predstavljaju

Филолог – часопис за језик књижевност и културу, 2016
Shari an, Farzad [ed.] (2015), e Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture, New York: Routledge.... more Shari an, Farzad [ed.] (2015), e Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture, New York: Routledge. Kulturološke osobenosti u jeziku su neminovno odslikane i, neretko, veoma uočljive na samoj površini jezičkih izraza. Otuda ne samo da je važno poznavati fonološka, sintaksička ili sva druga pravila sistema nekog jezika nego je, za potrebe uspešnih komunikacionih procesa, poznavanje osobina kulture u kojoj se jezik govori od nemerljive važnosti. Kultura i jezik su, uobičajeno, posmatrani kao fenomeni koji poseduju svojevrsni karaker kolektiva, odnosno-kao kolektvni društveni entiteti (collective social entities) (Kronenfeld: 165 1). Premda je činjenica da pojedinca, u izrazu svake vrste, pa i u jezičkom izrazu, ne određuje u potpunosti kultura u kojoj obitava, odnosno kolektivni kulturološki modeli, činjenica je, takođe, i to da, kao pripadnik kulture, pojedinac učestvuje u stvaranju takvih modela. Naime, "u istoj meri u kolikoj je poimanje pojedinca odraz ličnog identiteta, u toj meri je i odraz kulturološkog identiteta" (Human conceptualisation is as much a cultural as it is an individual phenomenon) (Shari an 2011: 3; citirano prema: Frank, 499). Kognicija/poimanje jedne kulture je sačinjena/-o od kulturoloških shema i kulturoloških kategorija, koje, zapravo, predstavljaju kulturološke koceptualizacije, tj. način poimanja pripadnika jedne kulture (cultural conceptualisation) (Shari an, 487). Valja napomenuti da sponu jezika, misli i kulture, zapravo, pronalazimo najpre u radovima mislilaca kao što su: fon Humbolt, Vorf, Pajk, Sapir itd. Premda je sintagma kulturološka lingvistika, zapravo, osavremenjeni imenitelj grane koja je, ranijih

Улога коју превод има у интеркултуралној комуникацији је изразито значајна и стога је важно компл... more Улога коју превод има у интеркултуралној комуникацији је изразито значајна и стога је важно комплексна значења културолошких елемената из текста језика оригинала тачно и веродостојно пренети на циљни језик. Будући да књижевна дела у себи носе историјска, културна и национална обележја једног народа, неопходно је неговати и подстицати изучавање, с једне стране, односа језика и културе, а с друге карактеристика превода чиме би се допринело очувању појединачних култура развијању интеркултуралне компетенције у глобалном свету. Предмет овог рада је анализа преводних еквивалената лексичких јединица са српског на енглески језик које носе специфичне културолошке особености и компоненте значења. Овај рад за циљ има да утврди на који начин се лексичке јединице преносе са изворног на циљни језик, и у којој мери се приликом изналажења семантичких еквивалената аутентични израз мења на плану семантике и синтаксичке структуре реченице.

Društvene i humanističke studije (Online), 2022
As a result of ever-growing changes affecting educational discourse, the roles and importance of ... more As a result of ever-growing changes affecting educational discourse, the roles and importance of textbooks have often been reexamined and redefined. This article reports the findings obtained from a comparative analysis of three English language textbooks used in the third grade in primary school. The main criterion used for the selection of these textbooks relates to the cultural and linguistic background of their authors. This study examines the complex nature of textbooks and the multifaceted perspectives involved in the evaluation of their quality and purposefulness within the learner-oriented teaching framework. It compares structural organization and linguistic devices used in three English language textbooks written by authors coming from different backgrounds, intending to establish differences or similarities in approaches and methods utilized to present a certain content. This article also aims at drawing attention to the importance of employing textbook theory knowledge w...

Inovacije u nastavi, 2020
Starting from the analysis of the legislation regulating the education system in the Republic of ... more Starting from the analysis of the legislation regulating the education system in the Republic of Serbia, and through the prism of the theoretical review of the project-based teaching as a model of interactive and innovative teaching, as well as the fundamental principles set out in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, this paper aims to explore what opportunities the project-based teaching provides for the purpose of strengthening students' language skills in the context of learning English for Specific Purposes, particularly English for Medical Profession at secondary level. Theoretical assumptions were tested empirically using a case study. The qualitative analysis showed that project-based teaching, a model placing students and their needs in the centre of the teaching process, is an effective didactic system that teachers can use in organising and implementing instruction that encourages the development of all language skills.
The New Educational Review, 2021
Th is paper reports on the results of interviews conducted with ESP teachers examining their atti... more Th is paper reports on the results of interviews conducted with ESP teachers examining their attitudes towards diff erent aspects of online language teaching. Th e aim of this case study is to investigate how confi dent the teachers feel while teaching online in synchronous mode and to examine whether this emotive attitude is in correlation with their prior experience in both formal and informal online environments. It also aims to establish correlations between the respondents' attitudes towards the degree of diffi culties and challenges pertaining to teaching all language skills in an online education context. Th e fi ndings derived from the analysis of the respondents' answers point out to the need to investigate the possibilities off ered by digital technologies in order to help learners enhance their language skills and competencies.

In the unprecedented era education systems around the world are witnessing, where our daily decis... more In the unprecedented era education systems around the world are witnessing, where our daily decisions are influenced by the COVID-19-related measures, this paper aims to cast some additional light on the phenomena of motivation in a (virtual) language classroom. Relying on corpora comprising the answers provided by a group of primary-school graduates, this paper, in both quantitative and qualitative manner, reports on the students’ attitudes towards various motivational factors affecting the process of learning English in an online environment. Though it can be said that present-day language learners show interest for learning English, being aware of the surrounding contemporary needs, the results of analysing the answers they gave in the study point to the need to incorporate interaction and synchronous communication in teaching-learning practices in order to increase their motivation to participate and study.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2021
This paper focuses on a diachronic study of compound adjectives found in the Old and Middle Engli... more This paper focuses on a diachronic study of compound adjectives found in the Old and Middle English texts of the Helsinki Corpus. The compound adjectives of both periods are analysed, and further classified into types on the basis of the word class their constituent elements belong to. The aim of the research is to follow the development courses of compound adjective types in the two language periods and to investigate what happened to them in Modern English. The comparison of the types results in the description of the character of these changes, illuminating which Old English types survived into the subsequent periods, which were lost from the language, and what were the new ones introduced in the Middle English period.

Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини, 2020
This paper focuses on students' perspectives on the quality of online teaching and learning e... more This paper focuses on students' perspectives on the quality of online teaching and learning environment, created, and organized as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak, which unexpectedly interrupted the traditional face-to-face education context and changed the delivery and mode of classes overnight. The aim of this research is to gather information pertaining to students' learning experience in an online education environment, and to gain a deeper insight into the nature of online delivery of classes as perceived by students who had not had any similar learning experience prior to this newly created educational context. The theoretical framework of the paper states the latest EU education policies passed as an immediate and urgent response to the pandemic and its aftermath. This pilot study relies on a qualitative research which includes the analysis of a corpus of questionnaires taken by a group of 52 undergraduate students majoring in English. The main part of the questio...

Društvene i humanističke studije (Online), 2021
Assessing students’ progress and creating objective and reliable tests occupy an important place ... more Assessing students’ progress and creating objective and reliable tests occupy an important place in the ELT sphere. This paper focuses on the analysis of the answers provided by a group of undergraduate students majoring in English. They responded to two grammar online tests assessing the knowledge of the verb tenses used in context. The analysis includes the comparison of the results obtained via the low-stakes test comprising fill-in type tasks, on the one hand, and the high-stakes test containing multiple-choice tasks on the other hand. This study aims at exploring which tense-related aspects the students find either the most or least demanding and whether there are similarities or differences in the outcomes gained from two different tests and task types. The findings show that the analyzed answers exhibit similar characteristics regardless of the format and type of testing. The pedagogical implications arising from this study point to the areas which could be improved in terms ...

Revista Publicando, 2021
The organisation of the overall teaching and learning process during the ongoing pandemic has bro... more The organisation of the overall teaching and learning process during the ongoing pandemic has brought to light a complex range of educational aspects which need to be considered while reexamining and reevaluating the quality of teaching practices. The unavoidable criterion relevant for creating a meaningful educational context includes students’ perspectives and thoughts on these aspects of the processes they are active participants of. This paper focuses on university students‘ satisfaction with various aspects of online teaching and learning organisation. It reports on the answers the respondents, students majoring in English, gave to the Students‘ Satisfactory Survey, which consisted of a set of five-point Likert scale and one open-ended questions. The aim of this study is to investigate how satisfied the university students are with the online teaching-learning context – its overall organisation and the quality of lectures organised, delivered and assessed in a virtual environme...

Bastina, 2020
Language change is an important characteristic of any language, and its manifestations are most o... more Language change is an important characteristic of any language, and its manifestations are most obvious in the structure and content of the lexicon. The lexicon of the Serbian language has been changing not only as a result of various word formation processes, but also under the influence of the process of borrowing, particularly from the English language, nowadays a dominant global language which permeates all areas of human activity. English loanwords play a significant role in the change of the lexicon of the Serbian language, and are being adopted and used in everyday oral and written communication, particularly by younger people, who are more open to accept these changes. This paper investigates the status of some English loanwords among secondary school students, and how these words affect their lexicon. The research focuses on the analysis of students' answers to the questions containing a corpus of selected loanwords taken from the dictionary 'Rečnik novijih angliciz...

Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference - Sinteza 2018, 2018
Savremeno tržište rada, ali i savremeni oblici poslovanja, u potrazi su za pojedincima koji posed... more Savremeno tržište rada, ali i savremeni oblici poslovanja, u potrazi su za pojedincima koji poseduju ne samo veštine i znanja potrebne za uspešno bavljenje odabranom profesijom, no i one koje se odnose na jezičke obrasce koji se vezuju za datu profesiju, odnosno-jezik struke, a čija upotreba, bez sumnje, dovodi do uspešnije komunikacije u vezi sa svim pitanjima koje data struka postavlja ili na koja odgovara. Upravo iz tog razloga, ne bi li odgovorili na sve zahteve kojima su okruženi, očekuje se da obrazovne institucije, koje su deo sistema visokog obrazovanja, svojim diplomcima, pored znanja i veština u vezi sa užim stručnim oblastima, za koje su se opredelili, omoguće i sticanje znanja u vezi sa jezikom za posebne ili akademske namene. Ovaj rad teži osvetljavanju statusa engleskog, kao stranog jezika, na univerzitetima u Srbiji, sa posebnim osvrtom na status jezika za posebne i akademske namene. Pored toga što ilustruje trenutnu praksu, a u vezi sa izučavanjem i podučavanjem navedenih fenomena u sistemu visokog obrazovanja u Srbiji, rad upoređuje navedenu praksu sa modelima koji se primenjuju u zemljama iz okruženja, dok, u zaključku, navodi svojevrsne predloge, koji se odnose na pristup, kao i potrebe jezika struke, odnosno-jezika za akademske namene.

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2016
The vast majority of messages we exchange on a daily basis is digital in its nature, and it could... more The vast majority of messages we exchange on a daily basis is digital in its nature, and it could be said that computermediated communication has become common in all spheres of human endeavour. Despite the fact that CMC is an omnipresent phenomenon, it is usually the case that the choices regarding the language patterns to be used are made on our own; namely, it seems that there is no precise writing etiquette to be followed. This aim of this paper is to analyse the nature of computermediated communication performed in an academic environment. Using a language corpus composed of authentic email requests, sent by university students (Serbian native speakers) to a faculty staff member, in a time frame encompassing a few semesters, the language formulae used in email openings and closings and the orientation of the posed requestive head acts have been examined. The results of the analysis have shown that hearer orientation is dominantly employed in the requests and that the choices with regard to salutations and complimentary closings are rather inconsistent. Finally, the study answers questions regarding the appropriateness of such ecommunication patterns; it also sheds some light on the role of educators and/or educational institutions in communication processes of this kind and their forms. computermediated communication, students, requests, power asymmetry, Serbian language. introduction: computer-Mediated communication in an academic Environment It is an inherent characteristic of humans to communicate-moreover, as Labov and Fanshel put it, ''[o]ne of the most human things that human beings do is talk to one another'' (Labov & Fanshel, 1977: 1). When it comes to various forms of communicative processes, both written and spoken, there have always been certain conventions established for the purpose of better communication. Viewed through the prism of contemporary global society, it would seem that it has never been so easy and, at the same time, so difficult to communicate properly.

Методички видици, 1970
is fun 1, English is fun 2, English is fun 3 (Engleski jezik za 3, 4. i 5. razred osnovne škole),... more is fun 1, English is fun 2, English is fun 3 (Engleski jezik za 3, 4. i 5. razred osnovne škole), Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, Istočno Sarajevo 2015. Navedeni udžbenici nastali su za potrebe realizacije nastavnog plana i programa trećeg, četvrtog i petog razreda osnovne škole, odnosno izučavanja engleskog jezika kao predmeta na tim obrazovnim nivoima. Udžbenike prate i radne sveske, kao i višestruko korisni priručnici za nastavnike. Tokom proteklih decenija, predmet Engleski jezik (od početaka učenja, pa sve do završnih razreda osnovne, ali i srednje škole) predstavlja/-o se učenicima posredstvom udžbenika koji su nastali van granica zemlje (ali i Balkana, uopšte), tj. onih koje su pisali autori čiji je maternji jezik engleski (za izdavače poput: Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Macmillan, itd.). U tom smislu, pomenuta izdanja (English is Fun 1, 2, 3) čine iskorak kada je u pitanju nastava engleskog jezika (kao stranog) na ovim prostorima. Zapravo, budući da su ih pisali domaći autori, udžbenici English is Fun 1, 2, 3 predstavljaju jedan savremeno koncipiran povratak domaćoj nastavnoj literaturi. U isto vreme, imajući u vidu njihovu formu i sadržaj, navedeni udžbenici su i tržištu i učeničkim (ali i nastavničkim) potrebama prilagođen nastavni materijal. Na prvom mestu uočljiva je upotreba američke varijante engleskog jezika koja je, za razliku od britanske varijante (dominantne u udžbenicima stranih, a među njima i prethodno navedenih izdavača), prihvatljivija učenicima iz mnogo razloga. Naime, usled rasta i razvoja sredstava masovne komunikacije, a najpre televizije i interneta, najrazličitiji umetnički, ali i ostali sadržaji postali su dostupni širom sveta. Takođe, budući da je engleski jezik, posebno u američkoj varijanti, nesumnjivo lingua franca savremenog doba, ne iznenađuje njegovo dominantno pisustvo u takvim sadržajima. Upravo na taj način, savremeni engleski jezik ojačava svoj uticaj na korisnike spomenutih sadržaja, a među njima i na učenike sa domaćih prostora. U vezi sa tim, neretko se u procesu nastave jave nedoumice i pitanja povodom toga zašto se neka reč ne kaže "onako

Operations Management Research, 2015
Stock-outs are one of a retail chains' biggest problems because they lead directly to lost sales,... more Stock-outs are one of a retail chains' biggest problems because they lead directly to lost sales, reduced profits, and the potential loss of customers. This research applied probit regression to determine the relationship between various stock-keeping unit (SKU) attributes and retail stock-out performance. The data sample came from a large grocery retailer in Serbia and included two high-risk product categories consisting of a total of 115 SKUs and 98 stores. For the identification of stock-outs, a perpetual inventory aggregation method was used. Regardless of the category observed, the variables that were identified as having a detrimental impact on stock-out performance include stock-out at the distribution center, promotion, and high sales speed. On the other hand, a beneficial effect in terms of a reduced number of stock-outs was observed when the ordering process was performed using an automated ordering system.
Papers by Marijana Prodanović