Smart Cities and Sustainable Manufacturing Innovations for a Greener Future, 2025
Batteries are an essential component of electric vehicles (EVs), transferring
power to the drive ... more Batteries are an essential component of electric vehicles (EVs), transferring power to the drive train and their managing thermal performance becomes increasingly crucial to achieving consistent temperatures across the entire battery pack. A normal EV lithium-ion battery pack performs at its optimal level between 15°C and 35°C [1]. Liquid cooling is essential for maximizing battery performance by minimizing temperature spikes and ensuring consistent temperatures across the battery. Compared to other thermal management methods for EV batteries, immersion cooling offers a significant safety advantage. Immersion cooling for battery thermal management systems (BTMS) is a technique where the battery pack is immersed in dielectric fluid which absorbs heat directly from the battery cells due to close contact
Efficient power density (EPD), defined as the ratio of efficient power to the maximum volume of w... more Efficient power density (EPD), defined as the ratio of efficient power to the maximum volume of working fluid, is taken as the objective for performance analysis and optimisation of an internally and externally irreversible radiative Carnot heat engine model from the viewpoint of finite-time thermodynamics or entropy generation minimisation. Maximising the value of EPD gives maximum efficient power density (MEPD). Results obtained are compared with those obtained using maximum efficient power (MEP) criteria, maximum power density (MPD) criteria and maximum power (MP) criteria. The results showed that the engine design at MEPD conditions has an advantage of smaller size and is more efficient than those designed at MP, MPD and MEP conditions.
Many engine specialists have utilized various oxygenated blends such as methyl and ethyl esters, ... more Many engine specialists have utilized various oxygenated blends such as methyl and ethyl esters, alcoholic fuels, and ether to boost the efficiency of dual fuel engine (DFE). However, there hasn’t been much study done to examine the effects of di-ethyl ether (DEE) in a gaseous fueled engine. Hence, in the present study, the author has examined the impact of the DEE/diesel mixture on the combustion, performance, and exhaust emissions in the acetylene-fueled customized engine. The acetylene is injected at 4 l/min (LPM) through the intake manifold while neat diesel, BD05, BD10, BD15, and BD20 blends are used as ignition sources at various engine loads. It is found that when the engine is operated with an ABD10 fuel combination the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) inclines by 1.7% as compared to standard diesel. The BTE is escalated due to an increased DEE proportion of up to 10% using BD10 pilot fuel at 80% load. However, further increasing the proportion of DEE results is a bit inferior in comparison to conventional diesel mode. Moreover, HC, CO, NOx, and smoke reduce considerably by 27%, 45%, 22%, and 43% respectively in comparison to neat diesel at 80% load while utilizing ABD10 fuel. This may be attributed to the superior physico-chemical properties of the pilot fuel blends permitting legitimate burning of the acetylene-air mixture. Additionally, it is also observed that consumption of neat diesel is decreased by 40% under high load using BD10 mixture as pilot fuel. Consequently, it is recommended to use DEE up to 10% with standard diesel in an acetylene-fueled engine for increasing BTE as well as to mitigate exhaust pollutants.
An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and e... more An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of a twin-cylinder diesel engine fuelled with mahua oil methyl ester (MOME)/diesel blends. The physicochemical properties of blended fuels were compared with baseline diesel as per the ASTM standard. Major challenges with mahua biodiesel are reduced thermal efficiency and a higher rate of oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) emissions hence to resolve this issue Di-ethyl ether (DEE) which has a higher cetane index, as well as lesser auto-ignition temperature, was mixed further with 20 % mahua biodiesel/80 % diesel blend(B-20) to improve the combustion characteristics of the blend. Initially, the engine was operated on the different blend proportion (5 to 20 %) of mahua biodiesel mixed with neat diesel. The highest brake thermal efficiency was observed for AD-20(B-20+20%DEE) blend viz., around 30 % at full load and 3% higher than neat diesel. Brake specific fuel consumption fo...
A laser micro machining is becoming popular in the industrial world due to its unique characteris... more A laser micro machining is becoming popular in the industrial world due to its unique characteristics. Miniaturization has changed the path of machining of various materials. The various properties such as high peak intensity, precision, non-thermal interaction and flexibility make micro-laser machining a well accepted tool of machining. The major advantage of laser micro machining is lower aspect ratio, precise laser cutting zone, flexibility and fast processing. The objective of this review article is to analyze the various laser micromachining techniques, challenges in application, research carried out and their characteristics. This article also depicts the comparison between different laser micro-machining sources which have direct impact on the quality of machined surfaces. A comparison between pico-second, micro-second and nano-second laser has been explained with respect to fluence ablation in the machining zone.
4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE-2019), 2019
In this current study performance and exhaust emissions of acetylene fuelled CI engine was predic... more In this current study performance and exhaust emissions of acetylene fuelled CI engine was predicted with the help of artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The experimentation was carried out to feed the input data, further to train data and finally to verify the results. The backpropagation method with forward networks was utilized as a learning algorithm of ANN .The selected engine parameters for optimizing performance were variable gas flow rate (2,4,6 and 8 LPM), variable loading condition (0,20,40,60,80 and 100%), calorific value of pilot fuel as well as gaseous fuel and fuel properties. It was found that more accurate results were obtained with the usage of ANN to predict desired performance and exhaust emissions. The results obtained could help in designing real engines in near future.
India’s growing dependence on imported oil products
and the domestic rise in the crude oil prices... more India’s growing dependence on imported oil products and the domestic rise in the crude oil prices have recently been of great concern which affects the country’s economy and development. Air pollution is a serious threat with the major sources being vehicle emission. In recent years in the context of climate changes and of increasing prices for diesel, biodiesel is now being presented as a renewable alternative energy to petro-diesel by different researchers. This paper presents an experimental investigation on a four-stroke single cylinder diesel engine fuelled with the blends of Mahua oil methyl ester (MOME) and diesel. The performance and emission test has been carried out in B20 (mixture of 80% diesel by volume with 20%MOME). From the experimental observation, B20 blend of Mahua biodiesel can be recommended for use in diesel engine as per as engine performance and emission profile are concerned.
22nd World conference on applied science engineering and technology (WCASET-2019), 2019
Fossil fuels are exhausting day by day at a very faster rate due to excessive demand for energy.
... more Fossil fuels are exhausting day by day at a very faster rate due to excessive demand for energy. Diesel engines are important prime movers used in different industries. When liquid petroleum fuels are burnt in diesel engines they emit harmful exhaust emissions which pollute the environment and may cause severe chronic diseases. Hence to mitigate over-dependency of crude oil and to protect the environment from harmful emissions, different engine experts and scientists have proposed dual fuel combustion technology to utilize low emissions renewable gaseous fuels without compromising its performance. Most of the work in the literature concentrate on utilizing gaseous fuels such as CNG, LPG, biogas, and hydrogen whereas very little quantum of work has been done to utilize acetylene in the IC engine. The higher flame velocity, high auto-ignition temperature, and high calorific value are the important combustion properties of acetylene which makes it more advantageous in CI engine than the available feedstock. The acetylene can be easily produced from calcium carbonate and water. Hence, the author has considered acetylene as a primary fuel in the present study and diesel as a pilot fuel in the modified CI engine. In this experimental investigation, the author has optimized the flow rate of acetylene by analyzing the performance and emission characteristics of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine at different loads and finally, the obtained results were compared with the neat diesel. The acetylene was inducted at a different gas flow rate of 2 LPM, 3 LPM, and 5 LPM. The results show that when acetylene induction takes place at 2 LPM, the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases by 1.4 % at full load during dual fuel mode compared to neat diesel. Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) increases during acetylene induction whereas carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and smoke decrease particularly at medium to high engine loads this may be due to homogenous charge mixture formation, leading to stable combustion. However, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen emissions, which may be due to higher flame speed causing uncontrolled combustion at peak loads relative to baseline diesel.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE-2017), 2017
This paper analyses the characteristics and
application of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) as a
potential f... more This paper analyses the characteristics and application of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) as a potential fuel for compression-ignition (CI) engines.To specify the practicability of DME, the author distinguishes its important features with those of gasoline and diesel fuel. High cetane number and low autoignition temperature of DME makes more suitable with the diesel engine. Moreover, it has a low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio and high oxygen content which results in smoke-free combustion in CI engines. Both conventional, as well as common-rail systems, can be used as fuel injection techniques. DME dual fuel engine requires slight modifications in engine hardware to overcome low lubricity and to escape corrosion. The spray characteristics are found comparable with baseline diesel fuel. Some challenges are lower viscosity and lower density while using DME as fuel. The lower particulate matter emission from DME driven engines provide adequate justification for its consideration as a latent fuel. Modern technological advancement in DME dual fuelled engine indicates similar output performance like the diesel engine. By the use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) techniques oxides of nitrogen (NOx) can be controlled to meet stringent emissions protocols. This review work provides a brief insight of a DME fuelled CI engine to justify the viability of DME as a future fuel.
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2018
In this study, collecting of wheat utilizing crop shaper was evaluated. Results demonstrated that... more In this study, collecting of wheat utilizing crop shaper was evaluated. Results demonstrated that the field limit of yield express was 2.44 occasions higher than the manual activity. The work prerequisite was 32.74 and 149.25 man-hr/ha for harvest shaper and manual activity, individually. If there should arise an occurrence of wheat, the field limit of product shaper was 2.23 occasions more noteworthy than manual reaping and work contribution was 23.20 and 115.74 man - hr/ha for yield shaper and manual task, separately. It is expected by the use of this harvesting machine the farmers will be benefiting in terms of money as well as the physical task will be reduced significantly. Overall the cost of this manufactured machine was approx. 6000 INR.
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 2019
— In today’s world, technologies with automation
are the future and there is a need for pneumatic... more — In today’s world, technologies with automation are the future and there is a need for pneumatics for small scale industries and labs due to higher demand. Sheet metal cutting operation does not require sophisticated devices but are very important part of manufacturing. The motivation behind carrying work on automatic pneumatic sheet metal cutting machine was to manufacture low cost machine to serve lab work purposes. Designing was done with the help of solid work and with optimizing blade design the machine was successfully assembled. The machine was operated continuously to analyze its performance
An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and e... more An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of a twin-cylinder diesel engine fuelled with mahua oil methyl ester (MOME)/diesel blends. The physicochemical properties of blended fuels were compared with baseline diesel as per the ASTM standard. Major challenges with mahua biodiesel are reduced thermal efficiency and a higher rate of oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) emissions hence to resolve this issue Di-ethyl ether (DEE) which has a higher cetane index, as well as lesser auto-ignition temperature, was mixed further with 20 % mahua biodiesel/80 % diesel blend(B-20) to improve the combustion characteristics of the blend. Initially, the engine was operated on the different blend proportion (5 to 20 %) of mahua biodiesel mixed with neat diesel. The highest brake thermal efficiency was observed for AD-20(B-20+20%DEE) blend viz., around 30 % at full load and 3% higher than neat diesel. Brake specific fuel consumption for the same blend was observed to be minimum viz., 12.16 % reduction than neat diesel owing to improved ignition quality of the MOME blend causing complete combustion with the addition of DEE. Furthermore, the exhaust emissions such as smoke, NOx, unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC), and carbon monoxide (CO) were alleviated significantly by 55%, 7%, 35%, and 53%, respectively in comparison to normal diesel for AD-20 blend at maximum load. Hence, it can be concluded that MOME/diesel blend (B-20) mixed with 20% DEE gives the best result among all tested fuels.
In this current study, the author has conducted an experimental investigation on the acetylene du... more In this current study, the author has conducted an experimental investigation on the acetylene dual fuel CI engine at different mass flow rates of LPM (2, 4, 6 and 8) in CI engine. The performance, emission and combustion characteristics of the acetylene dual-fuel engine (DFE) at various loading conditions were evaluated and compared with that of baseline diesel. It was observed that when acetylene was inducted at 4 LPM, the modified CI engine has comparable BTE, i.e. 30.3%. CO, HC and smoke decrease by 17%, 24%, 27% and 32%, respectively, at peak loads for 4 LPM acetylene dual-fuel engine with a slight penalty of NO x emission during the DFE mode. The consumption of diesel was reduced significantly by 26% at maximum load for 4 LPM. Overall, it can be concluded that the optimum flow rate of acetylene should be maintained at 4 LPM for effective utilisation of acetylene. Abbreviation: BMEP: brake mean effective pressure; BSU: Bosch smoke unit; BTE: brake thermal efficiency;
Many scientists have utilized acetylene as a renewable fuel in the dual-fuel engine without consi... more Many scientists have utilized acetylene as a renewable fuel in the dual-fuel engine without considering the significance of induction length. This paper aims to study and analyze the effect of induction length for acetylene fueled CI engine. In this present study, the author has conducted an experimental investigation on a modified diesel engine in which acetylene is being inducted at different induction length of 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm and 100 cm away from the cylinder head. The results show that when acetylene is introduced with a constant flow rate of 1 LPM at 50 cm induction length, BTE is marginally lesser than neat diesel by 0.8%. BSEC increases during acetylene induction under lower loads due to the higher flame velocity of acetylene and minimum value i.e. 10.8 MJ/kWh is observed at full load when induction length is 50 cm for DFE. EGT is slightly lower than diesel for entire loading conditions for acetylene DFE. From the several trials which were conducted, the highest obtained value of peak cylinder pressure is 77.34 bar and the HRR is 51.9 J/°CA when the fuel is inducted at 50 cm. Moreover, CO value is 0.0087%, and HC is 0.024 g/kWh for 50 cm induction length, which is also lower than baseline diesel at full load. However, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen at peak loads, which may be due to the higher combustion temperature. Overall, it can be concluded that the optimum length for acetylene induction is 50 cm.
Ever-growing energy demand has motivated engine researchers to find eco-friendly and sustainable
... more Ever-growing energy demand has motivated engine researchers to find eco-friendly and sustainable cleaner fuels for diesel engines. Many scientists have used different oxygenated additives to enhance the performance of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine, whereas no work has been found in the literature to utilize n-butanol as an additive in acetylene dual-fuel engine. Hence, considering this important literature gap, the author has investigated the effect of n-butanol in acetylene fuelled CI engine by analysing combustion, performance and emission parameters. In the current study, an experimental investigation has been conducted on a modified diesel engine in which acetylene is being inducted at 4 LPM whereas neat diesel, B05, and B10 blend was used as a pilot fuel for different loads. The results show that when the proportion of n-butanol is increased to 10% the BTE increases by 2% than normal diesel at full load, maybe due to sufficient amount of oxygen available to combust whole acetylene-air mixture. BSEC increases marginally during acetylene induction due to the higher flame velocity of acetylene. The EGT is lower than normal diesel for entire loading conditions while running the engine on dual fuel mode. The highest value of peak cylinder pressure is 77.87 bar and the HRR is 53 J/oCA when the B10 fuel is injected as pilot fuel. Moreover, CO value reduces by 23% than baseline diesel at maximum load whereas HC increases by 8% than normal diesel at full loading conditions. However, NOx reduces considerably i.e. 18% lower than neat diesel at peak loads, while injecting B10 blend this may be due to the higher latent heat of vaporization of n-butanol/ diesel blend causes reduced combustion temperature. The smoke opacity is lowest i.e. 44% lower than normal diesel at maximum load while injecting B10 blend in DFE. The percentage energy shared by acetylenevaries from 60% to 31% for zero loads to peak load while utilizing B10 blend as pilot fuel furthermore consumption of diesel was reduced significantly by 32% at maximum load. Overall, it can be concluded that 10% of n-butanol can be blend with neat diesel for efficient utilization of acetylene in DFE.
A novel realistic Work Criteria Function (WCF) approach has been used to analyze the ideal air-st... more A novel realistic Work Criteria Function (WCF) approach has been used to analyze the ideal air-standard Diesel cycle. The WCF formulation gives rise to a new performance criterion which is termed as efficient power density (EPD). Thermodynamic analysis under maximum efficient power density (MEPD) conditions has been performed and compared with other available performance criteria using variable specific heats of the working fluid. The results obtained from this analysis prove that the engine designed under MEPD conditions is very efficient and the size of the engine is reduced significantly compared to those designed under maximum efficient power (MEP), maximum power density (MPD), and maximum power (MP) criteria. Harmful emissions like NO x may decrease considerably at higher values of the maximum cycle temperature ratio (ξ). The effect of variable specific heats of operational fluid on the actual cycle's performance has a significant impact on engine performance and should be incorporated when evaluating practical cycle engines. The results obtained in the current study have scientific importance and could be an essential guide for the design of real Diesel engines by engine manufacturers.
To cite this article: Roshan Raman & Govind Maheshwari (2016): Performance analysis of a generali... more To cite this article: Roshan Raman & Govind Maheshwari (2016): Performance analysis of a generalised radiative heat engine based on new maximum efficient power density approach, ABSTRACT Efficient power density (EPD), defined as the ratio of efficient power to the maximum volume of working fluid, is taken as the objective for performance analysis and optimisation of an internally and externally irreversible radiative Carnot heat engine model from the viewpoint of finite-time thermodynamics or entropy generation minimisation. Maximising the value of EPD gives maximum efficient power density (MEPD). Results obtained are compared with those obtained using maximum efficient power (MEP) criteria, maximum power density (MPD) criteria and maximum power (MP) criteria. The results showed that the engine design at MEPD conditions has an advantage of smaller size and is more efficient than those designed at MP, MPD and MEP conditions.
The history of Heat engine’s efficiency at
Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of
con... more The history of Heat engine’s efficiency at Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of concern for all the scientists & co-workers associating with it. Almost a decade after the declaration of very important mother article published by Curzon & Ahlborn in 1975 Which gives birth to the fundamental concept of Finite Time Thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics, the two very important but forgotten name was found i.e Chambadal & Novikov(1957).Though their work was devoted to Nuclear Science but their concept was similar & leading to the important formula(2).When we go back to few years an important name arises Yvon(1955) whose conference work adds an important ingredient to this sinuous history. I would like to thanks all the scientists for their important contribution for the derivation of Root formula(2).In addition I will emphasize the least exposed work of H.B.Reitlinger through his written book,where we can get a definite evidence that this root formula has already been derived by him almost half century before what Curzon & Ahlborn did in 1975.It was way back in 1929 by Reitlinger but due to the linguistic barrier his work was not spread globally & still most of us are unaware of this important piece of information. So by this article I want to upgrade the valuable scientific information & hope that different scientific society round a globe would consider this important work of Reitlinger & place his work where it deserved for in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics.
Thermodynamic analysis of an ideal air standard Atkinson cycle using Work Criteria Function (WCF)... more Thermodynamic analysis of an ideal air standard Atkinson cycle using Work Criteria Function (WCF) is presented in this paper. Three past known criteria in the context of Finite time thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization i.e Power, Power density & efficient power are re-casted in terms of Work Criteria Function which is relatively a new approach to analyze the performance & maximize the power output of any heat engines. The formulation of this concept gives rise to new performance criteria i.e Efficient power density(EPD) which is defined as the efficient power divided by maximum volume of working fluid & its maximum value gives Maximum Efficient Power Density(MEPD).This theory has been implemented to calculate the Power output & efficiency of an Atkinson cycle. Finally a comparative study of different criteria has been made to draw the inference & thus result is obtained. The result obtained from this analysis showed that engine designed at MEPD condition have an advantage of smaller size , more efficient & requires lesser pressure ratio than those designed at MP ,MPD & MEP conditions. This work has been carried out by incorporating relative air fuel ratio, fuel mass flow rate & residual fraction such that these parameters are the function of variable specific heat & it is observed that the efficiency increases with the increase of relative air fuel ratio & residual fraction. This result can be helpful in the thermodynamic modeling & design of practical Atkinson engine
Smart Cities and Sustainable Manufacturing Innovations for a Greener Future, 2025
Batteries are an essential component of electric vehicles (EVs), transferring
power to the drive ... more Batteries are an essential component of electric vehicles (EVs), transferring power to the drive train and their managing thermal performance becomes increasingly crucial to achieving consistent temperatures across the entire battery pack. A normal EV lithium-ion battery pack performs at its optimal level between 15°C and 35°C [1]. Liquid cooling is essential for maximizing battery performance by minimizing temperature spikes and ensuring consistent temperatures across the battery. Compared to other thermal management methods for EV batteries, immersion cooling offers a significant safety advantage. Immersion cooling for battery thermal management systems (BTMS) is a technique where the battery pack is immersed in dielectric fluid which absorbs heat directly from the battery cells due to close contact
Efficient power density (EPD), defined as the ratio of efficient power to the maximum volume of w... more Efficient power density (EPD), defined as the ratio of efficient power to the maximum volume of working fluid, is taken as the objective for performance analysis and optimisation of an internally and externally irreversible radiative Carnot heat engine model from the viewpoint of finite-time thermodynamics or entropy generation minimisation. Maximising the value of EPD gives maximum efficient power density (MEPD). Results obtained are compared with those obtained using maximum efficient power (MEP) criteria, maximum power density (MPD) criteria and maximum power (MP) criteria. The results showed that the engine design at MEPD conditions has an advantage of smaller size and is more efficient than those designed at MP, MPD and MEP conditions.
Many engine specialists have utilized various oxygenated blends such as methyl and ethyl esters, ... more Many engine specialists have utilized various oxygenated blends such as methyl and ethyl esters, alcoholic fuels, and ether to boost the efficiency of dual fuel engine (DFE). However, there hasn’t been much study done to examine the effects of di-ethyl ether (DEE) in a gaseous fueled engine. Hence, in the present study, the author has examined the impact of the DEE/diesel mixture on the combustion, performance, and exhaust emissions in the acetylene-fueled customized engine. The acetylene is injected at 4 l/min (LPM) through the intake manifold while neat diesel, BD05, BD10, BD15, and BD20 blends are used as ignition sources at various engine loads. It is found that when the engine is operated with an ABD10 fuel combination the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) inclines by 1.7% as compared to standard diesel. The BTE is escalated due to an increased DEE proportion of up to 10% using BD10 pilot fuel at 80% load. However, further increasing the proportion of DEE results is a bit inferior in comparison to conventional diesel mode. Moreover, HC, CO, NOx, and smoke reduce considerably by 27%, 45%, 22%, and 43% respectively in comparison to neat diesel at 80% load while utilizing ABD10 fuel. This may be attributed to the superior physico-chemical properties of the pilot fuel blends permitting legitimate burning of the acetylene-air mixture. Additionally, it is also observed that consumption of neat diesel is decreased by 40% under high load using BD10 mixture as pilot fuel. Consequently, it is recommended to use DEE up to 10% with standard diesel in an acetylene-fueled engine for increasing BTE as well as to mitigate exhaust pollutants.
An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and e... more An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of a twin-cylinder diesel engine fuelled with mahua oil methyl ester (MOME)/diesel blends. The physicochemical properties of blended fuels were compared with baseline diesel as per the ASTM standard. Major challenges with mahua biodiesel are reduced thermal efficiency and a higher rate of oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) emissions hence to resolve this issue Di-ethyl ether (DEE) which has a higher cetane index, as well as lesser auto-ignition temperature, was mixed further with 20 % mahua biodiesel/80 % diesel blend(B-20) to improve the combustion characteristics of the blend. Initially, the engine was operated on the different blend proportion (5 to 20 %) of mahua biodiesel mixed with neat diesel. The highest brake thermal efficiency was observed for AD-20(B-20+20%DEE) blend viz., around 30 % at full load and 3% higher than neat diesel. Brake specific fuel consumption fo...
A laser micro machining is becoming popular in the industrial world due to its unique characteris... more A laser micro machining is becoming popular in the industrial world due to its unique characteristics. Miniaturization has changed the path of machining of various materials. The various properties such as high peak intensity, precision, non-thermal interaction and flexibility make micro-laser machining a well accepted tool of machining. The major advantage of laser micro machining is lower aspect ratio, precise laser cutting zone, flexibility and fast processing. The objective of this review article is to analyze the various laser micromachining techniques, challenges in application, research carried out and their characteristics. This article also depicts the comparison between different laser micro-machining sources which have direct impact on the quality of machined surfaces. A comparison between pico-second, micro-second and nano-second laser has been explained with respect to fluence ablation in the machining zone.
4th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE-2019), 2019
In this current study performance and exhaust emissions of acetylene fuelled CI engine was predic... more In this current study performance and exhaust emissions of acetylene fuelled CI engine was predicted with the help of artificial neural network (ANN) modeling. The experimentation was carried out to feed the input data, further to train data and finally to verify the results. The backpropagation method with forward networks was utilized as a learning algorithm of ANN .The selected engine parameters for optimizing performance were variable gas flow rate (2,4,6 and 8 LPM), variable loading condition (0,20,40,60,80 and 100%), calorific value of pilot fuel as well as gaseous fuel and fuel properties. It was found that more accurate results were obtained with the usage of ANN to predict desired performance and exhaust emissions. The results obtained could help in designing real engines in near future.
India’s growing dependence on imported oil products
and the domestic rise in the crude oil prices... more India’s growing dependence on imported oil products and the domestic rise in the crude oil prices have recently been of great concern which affects the country’s economy and development. Air pollution is a serious threat with the major sources being vehicle emission. In recent years in the context of climate changes and of increasing prices for diesel, biodiesel is now being presented as a renewable alternative energy to petro-diesel by different researchers. This paper presents an experimental investigation on a four-stroke single cylinder diesel engine fuelled with the blends of Mahua oil methyl ester (MOME) and diesel. The performance and emission test has been carried out in B20 (mixture of 80% diesel by volume with 20%MOME). From the experimental observation, B20 blend of Mahua biodiesel can be recommended for use in diesel engine as per as engine performance and emission profile are concerned.
22nd World conference on applied science engineering and technology (WCASET-2019), 2019
Fossil fuels are exhausting day by day at a very faster rate due to excessive demand for energy.
... more Fossil fuels are exhausting day by day at a very faster rate due to excessive demand for energy. Diesel engines are important prime movers used in different industries. When liquid petroleum fuels are burnt in diesel engines they emit harmful exhaust emissions which pollute the environment and may cause severe chronic diseases. Hence to mitigate over-dependency of crude oil and to protect the environment from harmful emissions, different engine experts and scientists have proposed dual fuel combustion technology to utilize low emissions renewable gaseous fuels without compromising its performance. Most of the work in the literature concentrate on utilizing gaseous fuels such as CNG, LPG, biogas, and hydrogen whereas very little quantum of work has been done to utilize acetylene in the IC engine. The higher flame velocity, high auto-ignition temperature, and high calorific value are the important combustion properties of acetylene which makes it more advantageous in CI engine than the available feedstock. The acetylene can be easily produced from calcium carbonate and water. Hence, the author has considered acetylene as a primary fuel in the present study and diesel as a pilot fuel in the modified CI engine. In this experimental investigation, the author has optimized the flow rate of acetylene by analyzing the performance and emission characteristics of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine at different loads and finally, the obtained results were compared with the neat diesel. The acetylene was inducted at a different gas flow rate of 2 LPM, 3 LPM, and 5 LPM. The results show that when acetylene induction takes place at 2 LPM, the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases by 1.4 % at full load during dual fuel mode compared to neat diesel. Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) increases during acetylene induction whereas carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and smoke decrease particularly at medium to high engine loads this may be due to homogenous charge mixture formation, leading to stable combustion. However, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen emissions, which may be due to higher flame speed causing uncontrolled combustion at peak loads relative to baseline diesel.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICETMIE-2017), 2017
This paper analyses the characteristics and
application of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) as a
potential f... more This paper analyses the characteristics and application of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) as a potential fuel for compression-ignition (CI) engines.To specify the practicability of DME, the author distinguishes its important features with those of gasoline and diesel fuel. High cetane number and low autoignition temperature of DME makes more suitable with the diesel engine. Moreover, it has a low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio and high oxygen content which results in smoke-free combustion in CI engines. Both conventional, as well as common-rail systems, can be used as fuel injection techniques. DME dual fuel engine requires slight modifications in engine hardware to overcome low lubricity and to escape corrosion. The spray characteristics are found comparable with baseline diesel fuel. Some challenges are lower viscosity and lower density while using DME as fuel. The lower particulate matter emission from DME driven engines provide adequate justification for its consideration as a latent fuel. Modern technological advancement in DME dual fuelled engine indicates similar output performance like the diesel engine. By the use of exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) techniques oxides of nitrogen (NOx) can be controlled to meet stringent emissions protocols. This review work provides a brief insight of a DME fuelled CI engine to justify the viability of DME as a future fuel.
International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, 2018
In this study, collecting of wheat utilizing crop shaper was evaluated. Results demonstrated that... more In this study, collecting of wheat utilizing crop shaper was evaluated. Results demonstrated that the field limit of yield express was 2.44 occasions higher than the manual activity. The work prerequisite was 32.74 and 149.25 man-hr/ha for harvest shaper and manual activity, individually. If there should arise an occurrence of wheat, the field limit of product shaper was 2.23 occasions more noteworthy than manual reaping and work contribution was 23.20 and 115.74 man - hr/ha for yield shaper and manual task, separately. It is expected by the use of this harvesting machine the farmers will be benefiting in terms of money as well as the physical task will be reduced significantly. Overall the cost of this manufactured machine was approx. 6000 INR.
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 2019
— In today’s world, technologies with automation
are the future and there is a need for pneumatic... more — In today’s world, technologies with automation are the future and there is a need for pneumatics for small scale industries and labs due to higher demand. Sheet metal cutting operation does not require sophisticated devices but are very important part of manufacturing. The motivation behind carrying work on automatic pneumatic sheet metal cutting machine was to manufacture low cost machine to serve lab work purposes. Designing was done with the help of solid work and with optimizing blade design the machine was successfully assembled. The machine was operated continuously to analyze its performance
An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and e... more An experimental investigation has been carried out to evaluate the performance, combustion, and emission characteristics of a twin-cylinder diesel engine fuelled with mahua oil methyl ester (MOME)/diesel blends. The physicochemical properties of blended fuels were compared with baseline diesel as per the ASTM standard. Major challenges with mahua biodiesel are reduced thermal efficiency and a higher rate of oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) emissions hence to resolve this issue Di-ethyl ether (DEE) which has a higher cetane index, as well as lesser auto-ignition temperature, was mixed further with 20 % mahua biodiesel/80 % diesel blend(B-20) to improve the combustion characteristics of the blend. Initially, the engine was operated on the different blend proportion (5 to 20 %) of mahua biodiesel mixed with neat diesel. The highest brake thermal efficiency was observed for AD-20(B-20+20%DEE) blend viz., around 30 % at full load and 3% higher than neat diesel. Brake specific fuel consumption for the same blend was observed to be minimum viz., 12.16 % reduction than neat diesel owing to improved ignition quality of the MOME blend causing complete combustion with the addition of DEE. Furthermore, the exhaust emissions such as smoke, NOx, unburnt hydrocarbon (UHC), and carbon monoxide (CO) were alleviated significantly by 55%, 7%, 35%, and 53%, respectively in comparison to normal diesel for AD-20 blend at maximum load. Hence, it can be concluded that MOME/diesel blend (B-20) mixed with 20% DEE gives the best result among all tested fuels.
In this current study, the author has conducted an experimental investigation on the acetylene du... more In this current study, the author has conducted an experimental investigation on the acetylene dual fuel CI engine at different mass flow rates of LPM (2, 4, 6 and 8) in CI engine. The performance, emission and combustion characteristics of the acetylene dual-fuel engine (DFE) at various loading conditions were evaluated and compared with that of baseline diesel. It was observed that when acetylene was inducted at 4 LPM, the modified CI engine has comparable BTE, i.e. 30.3%. CO, HC and smoke decrease by 17%, 24%, 27% and 32%, respectively, at peak loads for 4 LPM acetylene dual-fuel engine with a slight penalty of NO x emission during the DFE mode. The consumption of diesel was reduced significantly by 26% at maximum load for 4 LPM. Overall, it can be concluded that the optimum flow rate of acetylene should be maintained at 4 LPM for effective utilisation of acetylene. Abbreviation: BMEP: brake mean effective pressure; BSU: Bosch smoke unit; BTE: brake thermal efficiency;
Many scientists have utilized acetylene as a renewable fuel in the dual-fuel engine without consi... more Many scientists have utilized acetylene as a renewable fuel in the dual-fuel engine without considering the significance of induction length. This paper aims to study and analyze the effect of induction length for acetylene fueled CI engine. In this present study, the author has conducted an experimental investigation on a modified diesel engine in which acetylene is being inducted at different induction length of 25 cm, 50 cm, 75 cm and 100 cm away from the cylinder head. The results show that when acetylene is introduced with a constant flow rate of 1 LPM at 50 cm induction length, BTE is marginally lesser than neat diesel by 0.8%. BSEC increases during acetylene induction under lower loads due to the higher flame velocity of acetylene and minimum value i.e. 10.8 MJ/kWh is observed at full load when induction length is 50 cm for DFE. EGT is slightly lower than diesel for entire loading conditions for acetylene DFE. From the several trials which were conducted, the highest obtained value of peak cylinder pressure is 77.34 bar and the HRR is 51.9 J/°CA when the fuel is inducted at 50 cm. Moreover, CO value is 0.0087%, and HC is 0.024 g/kWh for 50 cm induction length, which is also lower than baseline diesel at full load. However, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen at peak loads, which may be due to the higher combustion temperature. Overall, it can be concluded that the optimum length for acetylene induction is 50 cm.
Ever-growing energy demand has motivated engine researchers to find eco-friendly and sustainable
... more Ever-growing energy demand has motivated engine researchers to find eco-friendly and sustainable cleaner fuels for diesel engines. Many scientists have used different oxygenated additives to enhance the performance of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine, whereas no work has been found in the literature to utilize n-butanol as an additive in acetylene dual-fuel engine. Hence, considering this important literature gap, the author has investigated the effect of n-butanol in acetylene fuelled CI engine by analysing combustion, performance and emission parameters. In the current study, an experimental investigation has been conducted on a modified diesel engine in which acetylene is being inducted at 4 LPM whereas neat diesel, B05, and B10 blend was used as a pilot fuel for different loads. The results show that when the proportion of n-butanol is increased to 10% the BTE increases by 2% than normal diesel at full load, maybe due to sufficient amount of oxygen available to combust whole acetylene-air mixture. BSEC increases marginally during acetylene induction due to the higher flame velocity of acetylene. The EGT is lower than normal diesel for entire loading conditions while running the engine on dual fuel mode. The highest value of peak cylinder pressure is 77.87 bar and the HRR is 53 J/oCA when the B10 fuel is injected as pilot fuel. Moreover, CO value reduces by 23% than baseline diesel at maximum load whereas HC increases by 8% than normal diesel at full loading conditions. However, NOx reduces considerably i.e. 18% lower than neat diesel at peak loads, while injecting B10 blend this may be due to the higher latent heat of vaporization of n-butanol/ diesel blend causes reduced combustion temperature. The smoke opacity is lowest i.e. 44% lower than normal diesel at maximum load while injecting B10 blend in DFE. The percentage energy shared by acetylenevaries from 60% to 31% for zero loads to peak load while utilizing B10 blend as pilot fuel furthermore consumption of diesel was reduced significantly by 32% at maximum load. Overall, it can be concluded that 10% of n-butanol can be blend with neat diesel for efficient utilization of acetylene in DFE.
A novel realistic Work Criteria Function (WCF) approach has been used to analyze the ideal air-st... more A novel realistic Work Criteria Function (WCF) approach has been used to analyze the ideal air-standard Diesel cycle. The WCF formulation gives rise to a new performance criterion which is termed as efficient power density (EPD). Thermodynamic analysis under maximum efficient power density (MEPD) conditions has been performed and compared with other available performance criteria using variable specific heats of the working fluid. The results obtained from this analysis prove that the engine designed under MEPD conditions is very efficient and the size of the engine is reduced significantly compared to those designed under maximum efficient power (MEP), maximum power density (MPD), and maximum power (MP) criteria. Harmful emissions like NO x may decrease considerably at higher values of the maximum cycle temperature ratio (ξ). The effect of variable specific heats of operational fluid on the actual cycle's performance has a significant impact on engine performance and should be incorporated when evaluating practical cycle engines. The results obtained in the current study have scientific importance and could be an essential guide for the design of real Diesel engines by engine manufacturers.
To cite this article: Roshan Raman & Govind Maheshwari (2016): Performance analysis of a generali... more To cite this article: Roshan Raman & Govind Maheshwari (2016): Performance analysis of a generalised radiative heat engine based on new maximum efficient power density approach, ABSTRACT Efficient power density (EPD), defined as the ratio of efficient power to the maximum volume of working fluid, is taken as the objective for performance analysis and optimisation of an internally and externally irreversible radiative Carnot heat engine model from the viewpoint of finite-time thermodynamics or entropy generation minimisation. Maximising the value of EPD gives maximum efficient power density (MEPD). Results obtained are compared with those obtained using maximum efficient power (MEP) criteria, maximum power density (MPD) criteria and maximum power (MP) criteria. The results showed that the engine design at MEPD conditions has an advantage of smaller size and is more efficient than those designed at MP, MPD and MEP conditions.
The history of Heat engine’s efficiency at
Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of
con... more The history of Heat engine’s efficiency at Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of concern for all the scientists & co-workers associating with it. Almost a decade after the declaration of very important mother article published by Curzon & Ahlborn in 1975 Which gives birth to the fundamental concept of Finite Time Thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics, the two very important but forgotten name was found i.e Chambadal & Novikov(1957).Though their work was devoted to Nuclear Science but their concept was similar & leading to the important formula(2).When we go back to few years an important name arises Yvon(1955) whose conference work adds an important ingredient to this sinuous history. I would like to thanks all the scientists for their important contribution for the derivation of Root formula(2).In addition I will emphasize the least exposed work of H.B.Reitlinger through his written book,where we can get a definite evidence that this root formula has already been derived by him almost half century before what Curzon & Ahlborn did in 1975.It was way back in 1929 by Reitlinger but due to the linguistic barrier his work was not spread globally & still most of us are unaware of this important piece of information. So by this article I want to upgrade the valuable scientific information & hope that different scientific society round a globe would consider this important work of Reitlinger & place his work where it deserved for in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics.
Thermodynamic analysis of an ideal air standard Atkinson cycle using Work Criteria Function (WCF)... more Thermodynamic analysis of an ideal air standard Atkinson cycle using Work Criteria Function (WCF) is presented in this paper. Three past known criteria in the context of Finite time thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization i.e Power, Power density & efficient power are re-casted in terms of Work Criteria Function which is relatively a new approach to analyze the performance & maximize the power output of any heat engines. The formulation of this concept gives rise to new performance criteria i.e Efficient power density(EPD) which is defined as the efficient power divided by maximum volume of working fluid & its maximum value gives Maximum Efficient Power Density(MEPD).This theory has been implemented to calculate the Power output & efficiency of an Atkinson cycle. Finally a comparative study of different criteria has been made to draw the inference & thus result is obtained. The result obtained from this analysis showed that engine designed at MEPD condition have an advantage of smaller size , more efficient & requires lesser pressure ratio than those designed at MP ,MPD & MEP conditions. This work has been carried out by incorporating relative air fuel ratio, fuel mass flow rate & residual fraction such that these parameters are the function of variable specific heat & it is observed that the efficiency increases with the increase of relative air fuel ratio & residual fraction. This result can be helpful in the thermodynamic modeling & design of practical Atkinson engine
power to the drive train and their managing thermal performance becomes
increasingly crucial to achieving consistent temperatures across the entire battery pack. A normal EV lithium-ion battery pack performs at its optimal level
between 15°C and 35°C [1]. Liquid cooling is essential for maximizing battery performance by minimizing temperature spikes and ensuring consistent
temperatures across the battery. Compared to other thermal management
methods for EV batteries, immersion cooling offers a significant safety
advantage. Immersion cooling for battery thermal management systems
(BTMS) is a technique where the battery pack is immersed in dielectric fluid
which absorbs heat directly from the battery cells due to close contact
to boost the efficiency of dual fuel engine (DFE). However, there hasn’t been much study done to examine the effects of
di-ethyl ether (DEE) in a gaseous fueled engine. Hence, in the present study, the author has examined the impact of the
DEE/diesel mixture on the combustion, performance, and exhaust emissions in the acetylene-fueled customized engine.
The acetylene is injected at 4 l/min (LPM) through the intake manifold while neat diesel, BD05, BD10, BD15, and BD20
blends are used as ignition sources at various engine loads. It is found that when the engine is operated with an ABD10
fuel combination the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) inclines by 1.7% as compared to standard diesel. The BTE is escalated
due to an increased DEE proportion of up to 10% using BD10 pilot fuel at 80% load. However, further increasing
the proportion of DEE results is a bit inferior in comparison to conventional diesel mode. Moreover, HC, CO, NOx, and
smoke reduce considerably by 27%, 45%, 22%, and 43% respectively in comparison to neat diesel at 80% load while utilizing
ABD10 fuel. This may be attributed to the superior physico-chemical properties of the pilot fuel blends permitting legitimate burning of the acetylene-air mixture. Additionally, it is also observed that consumption of neat diesel is
decreased by 40% under high load using BD10 mixture as pilot fuel. Consequently, it is recommended to use DEE up to
10% with standard diesel in an acetylene-fueled engine for increasing BTE as well as to mitigate exhaust pollutants.
and the domestic rise in the crude oil prices have
recently been of great concern which affects the
country’s economy and development. Air pollution is
a serious threat with the major sources being vehicle
emission. In recent years in the context of climate
changes and of increasing prices for diesel, biodiesel
is now being presented as a renewable alternative
energy to petro-diesel by different researchers. This
paper presents an experimental investigation on a
four-stroke single cylinder diesel engine fuelled with
the blends of Mahua oil methyl ester (MOME) and
diesel. The performance and emission test has been
carried out in B20 (mixture of 80% diesel by volume
with 20%MOME). From the experimental observation,
B20 blend of Mahua biodiesel can be recommended
for use in diesel engine as per as engine performance
and emission profile are concerned.
Diesel engines are important prime movers used in different industries. When liquid petroleum fuels are
burnt in diesel engines they emit harmful exhaust emissions which pollute the environment and may
cause severe chronic diseases. Hence to mitigate over-dependency of crude oil and to protect the
environment from harmful emissions, different engine experts and scientists have proposed dual fuel
combustion technology to utilize low emissions renewable gaseous fuels without compromising its
performance. Most of the work in the literature concentrate on utilizing gaseous fuels such as CNG, LPG,
biogas, and hydrogen whereas very little quantum of work has been done to utilize acetylene in the IC
engine. The higher flame velocity, high auto-ignition temperature, and high calorific value are the
important combustion properties of acetylene which makes it more advantageous in CI engine than the
available feedstock. The acetylene can be easily produced from calcium carbonate and water. Hence, the
author has considered acetylene as a primary fuel in the present study and diesel as a pilot fuel in the
modified CI engine. In this experimental investigation, the author has optimized the flow rate of acetylene
by analyzing the performance and emission characteristics of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine at
different loads and finally, the obtained results were compared with the neat diesel. The acetylene was
inducted at a different gas flow rate of 2 LPM, 3 LPM, and 5 LPM. The results show that when acetylene
induction takes place at 2 LPM, the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases by 1.4 % at full load during
dual fuel mode compared to neat diesel. Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) increases during
acetylene induction whereas carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and smoke decrease particularly at medium
to high engine loads this may be due to homogenous charge mixture formation, leading to stable
combustion. However, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen emissions, which may be due to
higher flame speed causing uncontrolled combustion at peak loads relative to baseline diesel.
application of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) as a
potential fuel for compression-ignition (CI)
engines.To specify the practicability of
DME, the author distinguishes its important
features with those of gasoline and diesel
fuel. High cetane number and low autoignition
temperature of DME makes more
suitable with the diesel engine. Moreover, it
has a low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio and high
oxygen content which results in smoke-free
combustion in CI engines. Both
conventional, as well as common-rail
systems, can be used as fuel injection
techniques. DME dual fuel engine requires
slight modifications in engine hardware to
overcome low lubricity and to escape
corrosion. The spray characteristics are
found comparable with baseline diesel fuel.
Some challenges are lower viscosity and
lower density while using DME as fuel. The
lower particulate matter emission from
DME driven engines provide adequate
justification for its consideration as a latent
fuel. Modern technological advancement in
DME dual fuelled engine indicates similar
output performance like the diesel engine.
By the use of exhaust gas recirculation
(EGR) techniques oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
can be controlled to meet stringent
emissions protocols. This review work
provides a brief insight of a DME fuelled CI
engine to justify the viability of DME as a
future fuel.
express was 2.44 occasions higher than the manual activity. The work prerequisite was 32.74 and 149.25 man-hr/ha
for harvest shaper and manual activity, individually. If there should arise an occurrence of wheat, the field limit of
product shaper was 2.23 occasions more noteworthy than manual reaping and work contribution was 23.20 and
115.74 man - hr/ha for yield shaper and manual task, separately. It is expected by the use of this harvesting machine
the farmers will be benefiting in terms of money as well as the physical task will be reduced significantly. Overall the
cost of this manufactured machine was approx. 6000 INR.
are the future and there is a need for pneumatics for small
scale industries and labs due to higher demand. Sheet metal
cutting operation does not require sophisticated devices but
are very important part of manufacturing. The motivation
behind carrying work on automatic pneumatic sheet metal
cutting machine was to manufacture low cost machine to
serve lab work purposes. Designing was done with the help
of solid work and with optimizing blade design the machine
was successfully assembled. The machine was operated
continuously to analyze its performance
cleaner fuels for diesel engines. Many scientists have used different oxygenated additives to enhance
the performance of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine, whereas no work has been found in the
literature to utilize n-butanol as an additive in acetylene dual-fuel engine. Hence, considering this
important literature gap, the author has investigated the effect of n-butanol in acetylene fuelled CI
engine by analysing combustion, performance and emission parameters. In the current study, an
experimental investigation has been conducted on a modified diesel engine in which acetylene is
being inducted at 4 LPM whereas neat diesel, B05, and B10 blend was used as a pilot fuel for different
loads. The results show that when the proportion of n-butanol is increased to 10% the BTE increases
by 2% than normal diesel at full load, maybe due to sufficient amount of oxygen available to combust
whole acetylene-air mixture. BSEC increases marginally during acetylene induction due to the higher
flame velocity of acetylene. The EGT is lower than normal diesel for entire loading conditions while
running the engine on dual fuel mode. The highest value of peak cylinder pressure is 77.87 bar and
the HRR is 53 J/oCA when the B10 fuel is injected as pilot fuel. Moreover, CO value reduces by 23%
than baseline diesel at maximum load whereas HC increases by 8% than normal diesel at full loading
conditions. However, NOx reduces considerably i.e. 18% lower than neat diesel at peak loads, while
injecting B10 blend this may be due to the higher latent heat of vaporization of n-butanol/ diesel
blend causes reduced combustion temperature. The smoke opacity is lowest i.e. 44% lower than normal
diesel at maximum load while injecting B10 blend in DFE. The percentage energy shared by acetylenevaries from 60% to 31% for zero loads to peak load while utilizing B10 blend as pilot fuel furthermore
consumption of diesel was reduced significantly by 32% at maximum load. Overall, it can be concluded
that 10% of n-butanol can be blend with neat diesel for efficient utilization of acetylene in DFE.
Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of
concern for all the scientists & co-workers associating with
it. Almost a decade after the declaration of very important
mother article published by Curzon & Ahlborn in 1975
Which gives birth to the fundamental concept of Finite Time
Thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization in
the context of Quantum Thermodynamics, the two very
important but forgotten name was found i.e Chambadal &
Novikov(1957).Though their work was devoted to Nuclear
Science but their concept was similar & leading to the
important formula(2).When we go back to few years an
important name arises Yvon(1955) whose conference work
adds an important ingredient to this sinuous history. I would
like to thanks all the scientists for their important
contribution for the derivation of Root formula(2).In
addition I will emphasize the least exposed work of
H.B.Reitlinger through his written book,where we can get a
definite evidence that this root formula has already been
derived by him almost half century before what Curzon &
Ahlborn did in 1975.It was way back in 1929 by Reitlinger
but due to the linguistic barrier his work was not spread
globally & still most of us are unaware of this important
piece of information. So by this article I want to upgrade the
valuable scientific information & hope that different
scientific society round a globe would consider this
important work of Reitlinger & place his work where it
deserved for in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics.
power to the drive train and their managing thermal performance becomes
increasingly crucial to achieving consistent temperatures across the entire battery pack. A normal EV lithium-ion battery pack performs at its optimal level
between 15°C and 35°C [1]. Liquid cooling is essential for maximizing battery performance by minimizing temperature spikes and ensuring consistent
temperatures across the battery. Compared to other thermal management
methods for EV batteries, immersion cooling offers a significant safety
advantage. Immersion cooling for battery thermal management systems
(BTMS) is a technique where the battery pack is immersed in dielectric fluid
which absorbs heat directly from the battery cells due to close contact
to boost the efficiency of dual fuel engine (DFE). However, there hasn’t been much study done to examine the effects of
di-ethyl ether (DEE) in a gaseous fueled engine. Hence, in the present study, the author has examined the impact of the
DEE/diesel mixture on the combustion, performance, and exhaust emissions in the acetylene-fueled customized engine.
The acetylene is injected at 4 l/min (LPM) through the intake manifold while neat diesel, BD05, BD10, BD15, and BD20
blends are used as ignition sources at various engine loads. It is found that when the engine is operated with an ABD10
fuel combination the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) inclines by 1.7% as compared to standard diesel. The BTE is escalated
due to an increased DEE proportion of up to 10% using BD10 pilot fuel at 80% load. However, further increasing
the proportion of DEE results is a bit inferior in comparison to conventional diesel mode. Moreover, HC, CO, NOx, and
smoke reduce considerably by 27%, 45%, 22%, and 43% respectively in comparison to neat diesel at 80% load while utilizing
ABD10 fuel. This may be attributed to the superior physico-chemical properties of the pilot fuel blends permitting legitimate burning of the acetylene-air mixture. Additionally, it is also observed that consumption of neat diesel is
decreased by 40% under high load using BD10 mixture as pilot fuel. Consequently, it is recommended to use DEE up to
10% with standard diesel in an acetylene-fueled engine for increasing BTE as well as to mitigate exhaust pollutants.
and the domestic rise in the crude oil prices have
recently been of great concern which affects the
country’s economy and development. Air pollution is
a serious threat with the major sources being vehicle
emission. In recent years in the context of climate
changes and of increasing prices for diesel, biodiesel
is now being presented as a renewable alternative
energy to petro-diesel by different researchers. This
paper presents an experimental investigation on a
four-stroke single cylinder diesel engine fuelled with
the blends of Mahua oil methyl ester (MOME) and
diesel. The performance and emission test has been
carried out in B20 (mixture of 80% diesel by volume
with 20%MOME). From the experimental observation,
B20 blend of Mahua biodiesel can be recommended
for use in diesel engine as per as engine performance
and emission profile are concerned.
Diesel engines are important prime movers used in different industries. When liquid petroleum fuels are
burnt in diesel engines they emit harmful exhaust emissions which pollute the environment and may
cause severe chronic diseases. Hence to mitigate over-dependency of crude oil and to protect the
environment from harmful emissions, different engine experts and scientists have proposed dual fuel
combustion technology to utilize low emissions renewable gaseous fuels without compromising its
performance. Most of the work in the literature concentrate on utilizing gaseous fuels such as CNG, LPG,
biogas, and hydrogen whereas very little quantum of work has been done to utilize acetylene in the IC
engine. The higher flame velocity, high auto-ignition temperature, and high calorific value are the
important combustion properties of acetylene which makes it more advantageous in CI engine than the
available feedstock. The acetylene can be easily produced from calcium carbonate and water. Hence, the
author has considered acetylene as a primary fuel in the present study and diesel as a pilot fuel in the
modified CI engine. In this experimental investigation, the author has optimized the flow rate of acetylene
by analyzing the performance and emission characteristics of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine at
different loads and finally, the obtained results were compared with the neat diesel. The acetylene was
inducted at a different gas flow rate of 2 LPM, 3 LPM, and 5 LPM. The results show that when acetylene
induction takes place at 2 LPM, the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) increases by 1.4 % at full load during
dual fuel mode compared to neat diesel. Brake specific energy consumption (BSEC) increases during
acetylene induction whereas carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, and smoke decrease particularly at medium
to high engine loads this may be due to homogenous charge mixture formation, leading to stable
combustion. However, there is a slight increase in oxides of nitrogen emissions, which may be due to
higher flame speed causing uncontrolled combustion at peak loads relative to baseline diesel.
application of Di-Methyl Ether (DME) as a
potential fuel for compression-ignition (CI)
engines.To specify the practicability of
DME, the author distinguishes its important
features with those of gasoline and diesel
fuel. High cetane number and low autoignition
temperature of DME makes more
suitable with the diesel engine. Moreover, it
has a low carbon-to-hydrogen ratio and high
oxygen content which results in smoke-free
combustion in CI engines. Both
conventional, as well as common-rail
systems, can be used as fuel injection
techniques. DME dual fuel engine requires
slight modifications in engine hardware to
overcome low lubricity and to escape
corrosion. The spray characteristics are
found comparable with baseline diesel fuel.
Some challenges are lower viscosity and
lower density while using DME as fuel. The
lower particulate matter emission from
DME driven engines provide adequate
justification for its consideration as a latent
fuel. Modern technological advancement in
DME dual fuelled engine indicates similar
output performance like the diesel engine.
By the use of exhaust gas recirculation
(EGR) techniques oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
can be controlled to meet stringent
emissions protocols. This review work
provides a brief insight of a DME fuelled CI
engine to justify the viability of DME as a
future fuel.
express was 2.44 occasions higher than the manual activity. The work prerequisite was 32.74 and 149.25 man-hr/ha
for harvest shaper and manual activity, individually. If there should arise an occurrence of wheat, the field limit of
product shaper was 2.23 occasions more noteworthy than manual reaping and work contribution was 23.20 and
115.74 man - hr/ha for yield shaper and manual task, separately. It is expected by the use of this harvesting machine
the farmers will be benefiting in terms of money as well as the physical task will be reduced significantly. Overall the
cost of this manufactured machine was approx. 6000 INR.
are the future and there is a need for pneumatics for small
scale industries and labs due to higher demand. Sheet metal
cutting operation does not require sophisticated devices but
are very important part of manufacturing. The motivation
behind carrying work on automatic pneumatic sheet metal
cutting machine was to manufacture low cost machine to
serve lab work purposes. Designing was done with the help
of solid work and with optimizing blade design the machine
was successfully assembled. The machine was operated
continuously to analyze its performance
cleaner fuels for diesel engines. Many scientists have used different oxygenated additives to enhance
the performance of the acetylene fuelled diesel engine, whereas no work has been found in the
literature to utilize n-butanol as an additive in acetylene dual-fuel engine. Hence, considering this
important literature gap, the author has investigated the effect of n-butanol in acetylene fuelled CI
engine by analysing combustion, performance and emission parameters. In the current study, an
experimental investigation has been conducted on a modified diesel engine in which acetylene is
being inducted at 4 LPM whereas neat diesel, B05, and B10 blend was used as a pilot fuel for different
loads. The results show that when the proportion of n-butanol is increased to 10% the BTE increases
by 2% than normal diesel at full load, maybe due to sufficient amount of oxygen available to combust
whole acetylene-air mixture. BSEC increases marginally during acetylene induction due to the higher
flame velocity of acetylene. The EGT is lower than normal diesel for entire loading conditions while
running the engine on dual fuel mode. The highest value of peak cylinder pressure is 77.87 bar and
the HRR is 53 J/oCA when the B10 fuel is injected as pilot fuel. Moreover, CO value reduces by 23%
than baseline diesel at maximum load whereas HC increases by 8% than normal diesel at full loading
conditions. However, NOx reduces considerably i.e. 18% lower than neat diesel at peak loads, while
injecting B10 blend this may be due to the higher latent heat of vaporization of n-butanol/ diesel
blend causes reduced combustion temperature. The smoke opacity is lowest i.e. 44% lower than normal
diesel at maximum load while injecting B10 blend in DFE. The percentage energy shared by acetylenevaries from 60% to 31% for zero loads to peak load while utilizing B10 blend as pilot fuel furthermore
consumption of diesel was reduced significantly by 32% at maximum load. Overall, it can be concluded
that 10% of n-butanol can be blend with neat diesel for efficient utilization of acetylene in DFE.
Maximum power criteria has always been a matter of
concern for all the scientists & co-workers associating with
it. Almost a decade after the declaration of very important
mother article published by Curzon & Ahlborn in 1975
Which gives birth to the fundamental concept of Finite Time
Thermodynamics or Entropy Generation Minimization in
the context of Quantum Thermodynamics, the two very
important but forgotten name was found i.e Chambadal &
Novikov(1957).Though their work was devoted to Nuclear
Science but their concept was similar & leading to the
important formula(2).When we go back to few years an
important name arises Yvon(1955) whose conference work
adds an important ingredient to this sinuous history. I would
like to thanks all the scientists for their important
contribution for the derivation of Root formula(2).In
addition I will emphasize the least exposed work of
H.B.Reitlinger through his written book,where we can get a
definite evidence that this root formula has already been
derived by him almost half century before what Curzon &
Ahlborn did in 1975.It was way back in 1929 by Reitlinger
but due to the linguistic barrier his work was not spread
globally & still most of us are unaware of this important
piece of information. So by this article I want to upgrade the
valuable scientific information & hope that different
scientific society round a globe would consider this
important work of Reitlinger & place his work where it
deserved for in the context of Quantum Thermodynamics.