Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
This paper aims to investigate potential causal relationships between the digital gig economy, CO... more This paper aims to investigate potential causal relationships between the digital gig economy, COVID-19, and unemployment in Malaysia. The initial part of the study consisted of determining whether the variables were stationary. The ADF findings indicated that all variables are stationary at the level and first difference. Because series are integrated with different orders, this study employs the Vector Autoregression (VAR) model to investigate the impact of the pandemic and unemployment on the digital gig economy. A variance decomposition or forecast error variance decomposition (FEVD) is employed as additional evidence presenting more detailed information regarding the variance relations between the selected variables. The evidence points to the fact that COVID-19 has a significant negative short-run impact on the digital gig economy. The Granger causality test shows a unidirectional relationship between COVID-19 and the gig economy. Variance decomposition results found that the ...

International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
The number of women venturing into business is increasing. There are numerous factors at play for... more The number of women venturing into business is increasing. There are numerous factors at play for why women are starting to assert themselves in business. The study aims to explore the motivating factors of women venturing into business in Malaysia. Survey questionnaires were collected from 150 women business owner using convenience sampling. Descriptive analysis and factor analysis were employed in analyzing the data. Findings revealed the most critical factor motivating these women to venture into business was for them to be able to pass on the business to the next successor. Venturing into business for fun was found to be the least important factors. Motivation factors were factor analyzed to determine the main groupings of variables that lead women entrepreneurs to venture into business. Factor analysis conducted led motivation factors into two main factors; Business Achievements and Individual/Personal & Family Influence. This study will help improve strategy for women entrepre...

International journal of academic research in business & social sciences, Sep 7, 2023
Research on students' fatigue in universities may emerge as one of the interesting fields of expl... more Research on students' fatigue in universities may emerge as one of the interesting fields of exploration in higher education for some reasons. It is associated with unfavourable outcomes such as diminished engagement, achievement and motivation, which may result in dropout. By investigating the connection between students' effort and their outcome and performance, this study aims to shed light at identifying the perception of learners on burnout as the outcome of effort and how it might affect students' performance. The sample size consisted of 100 students of UiTM Centre of Foundation Studies from different programmes namely Engineering, Science, TESL and Law. The quantitative survey used in this study is adapted from the instrument of 5 Likert-scale pioneered by Vroom (1964), Campos, (2011) and Pintrich & De Groot (1990), and comprises six sections: Demographic Profiles, Motivational Scales, Expecting Component, Affective Component, Burnout-Exhaustion and Burnout-Disengagement. A total of 40 items were employed in this survey. The findings reveal that there is significantly low relationship between outcome (burnout) and effort, effort and performance as well as performance and outcome (burnout), respectively. This study is believed to has further significant implication for both educators and learner if the practical consequences for reducing academic burnout and increasing students' selfdetermination are expanded.
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam, Sep 1, 2019
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Jengka, Jun 1, 2008
This research aims to identify the severity of the export barriers faced by small and medium scal... more This research aims to identify the severity of the export barriers faced by small and medium scales enterprises (SMEs) in Klang Valley. Ten export barrier were listed and the result shows the five main problems are "Adapt Products"

The fast-food industry has been growing rapidly since its first opening in Malaysia in 1980s. The... more The fast-food industry has been growing rapidly since its first opening in Malaysia in 1980s. The trend of consuming fast food continues to grow at a rapid rate especially among students. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate various key determinants of fast-food consumption among Malaysian undergraduates as they constitute a large percentage of fast-food consumers. A set of validated questionnaires was used in gathering data on the key determinants of fast-food consumption prevalence namely consumer behaviour, personal lifestyle, and product attributes. A quantitative investigation was conducted on the data using SPSS package. Few analyses namely Descriptive, Reliability and Multiple Regression were used. The Pearson Correlation indicates product attributes have a strong correlation while there is a moderate one for both consumer behaviour and personal lifestyle. Multiple Regression Analysis results highlight that personal lifestyle and product attributes are both positively significant while consumer behaviour, which positively affects fast food consumption among the Malaysian undergraduates, is not a significant determinant.

Journal of International Business, Economics and Entrepreneurship, 2018
This paper intends to study the impact of remittance inflow on the Malaysian economy. It was foun... more This paper intends to study the impact of remittance inflow on the Malaysian economy. It was found that recipient countries benefited from the inflow of remittance economically, financially and socially. Malaysia is one of the remittance recipient countries besides Philippines, Mexico and India. In the Malaysian context, most of the remittances come from skilled workers or professionals. Although remittances received will have positive effects on the Malaysian economy, it also creates brain drain issues due to the outflow of high skilled workers and professionals to other countries. As reported, more than two million people have emigrated since Malaysia’s independence in 1957 resulting in increase in remittances which shows the inflow of capital. This is only the short run impact. In long term, the country might face ‘double whammy’ on decrease in the remittance inflow.
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019
The purpose of the study is to explore factors contributing to the success of women who embarked ... more The purpose of the study is to explore factors contributing to the success of women who embarked in entrepreneurship. The study was conducted on 150 women entrepreneur in Malaysia by distributing the survey questionnaire. using convenience sampling. The study found charisma and friendliness are the most crucial factors contributes to the success of women entrepreneur while government support is the least contributing factor. Factor analysis conducted on success factors of women entrepreneur in Malaysia categorized the factors into four constructs; Individual & Social Characteristic, Marketing & Business Support, Efficient Management and Customer Engagement. The study found that Customer Engagement Factor contribute the most to the success of women entrepreneur in Malaysia
... Sekian, terima kasih. Selamat Menjalankan Penyelidikan fu6 A DR. HABI Pengarah sk 1. Prof. Dr... more ... Sekian, terima kasih. Selamat Menjalankan Penyelidikan fu6 A DR. HABI Pengarah sk 1. Prof. Dr. Azni Zain Ahmed Penolong Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan) Tuan Haji Mohd Anuar Johari Ketua Timbalan Bendahari Puan Rosma Mohd Dom Koordinator Unit Penvelitidikan ...
The 4th SMEs in a Global Economy Conference 2007, 2007
This research aims to identify the severity of the export barriers faced by small and medium scal... more This research aims to identify the severity of the export barriers faced by small and medium scales enterprises (SMEs) in Klang Valley. Ten export barrier were listed and the result shows the five main problems are "Adapt Products"," Fluctuating Exchange Rate", "Lack of Foreign Channels of Distribution", "Risks Involved in Selling Abroad", "Lack of Capital to Finance" and "High Cost of Selling Abroad" regardless of the type of industries. The analysis indicated that the severity of the barriers differs from each industry to another. It is also found that with more years of experience in exporting the weaker will be the barriers since firms are able to cope better and learn from their experiences.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Pre-degree students need to decide regarding courses and universities to further their studies up... more Pre-degree students need to decide regarding courses and universities to further their studies upon completing their two semesters programmes at Centre for Foundation Studies, Dengkil Campus. This research is interested to investigate factors that influence the choice made on selecting courses and institution for further studies by students of Foundation in Science and Engineering of this preparatory centre. A total of 235 questionnaires were distributed to students of the two selected programmes in order to determine factors that influencing the students’ decision. Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 22 was used to analyze the most important factors considered by students. The test on reliability of the instrument in terms of internal consistency was done using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. The tested variables in selecting the university are academic qualification, campus features, cost of attending university and employment prospect. Results show that employ...

The fast food industry has been growing rapidly since its first opening in Malaysia in 1980s. The... more The fast food industry has been growing rapidly since its first opening in Malaysia in 1980s. The trend of consuming fast food continues to grow at a rapid rate especially among students. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate various key determinants of fast food consumption among Malaysian undergraduates as they constitute a large percentage of fast food consumers. A set of validated questionnaires was used in gathering data on the key determinants of fast food consumption prevalence namely consumer behaviour, personal lifestyle, and product attributes. A quantitative investigation was conducted on the data using SPSS package. Few analyses namely Descriptive, Reliability and Multiple Regression were used. The Pearson Correlation indicates product attributes have a strong correlation while there is a moderate one for both consumer behaviour and personal lifestyle. Multiple Regression Analysis results highlight that personal lifestyle and product attributes are both ...

Higher Learning Institutions today are increasingly required to produce highly mobile graduates a... more Higher Learning Institutions today are increasingly required to produce highly mobile graduates able to respond to the ever changing needs of the contemporary workplace. Through industrial training, interns will be exposed to ethical values and good working practices as well as to help them understand the safety practices and regulations inside the industry and to instill the spirit of teamwork and good relationship between interns and employees. The motivation for the current research study is to examine the implementation of industrial training conducted by Faculty of Business and Management of Universiti Teknologi MARA and industrial perception on Business Students during their practical period. This research is also prompted by the concern in the increasing number of unemployed among fresh graduates. Feedback from industries would give a better picture of what is required of students since employers are increasingly looking beyond a graduate's academic knowledge. Results sho...
The purpose of this study is to examine the antecedents of financial wellness among young employe... more The purpose of this study is to examine the antecedents of financial wellness among young employees in Kuala Lumpur. A survey was carried out to acquire data from 324 young employees using a self-administered on-line questionnaire, utilizing convenience sampling. Results showed that financial stress, work environment, locus of control and financial behavior has significant relationship with financial wellness. It was found that financial stress, work environment, locus of control and financial behavior has significant effect on respondents’ financial wellness. Based on the results, financial wellness can be enhanced through the decreased of the employees’ financial stress and increasing of their work environment, locus of control and financial behavior.

Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research
In twenty-first century, online shopping becomes increasingly popular as more people starts to sh... more In twenty-first century, online shopping becomes increasingly popular as more people starts to shop online using their smart phones and internet. Online shopping is a process of buying and selling of products and services through internet. The purpose of this paper is to examine online shopping behaviour among young adults in Malaysia. This paper investigates four variables that influence young adults online shopping behaviour namely convenience, customers satisfaction, persived and price level. A survey has been conducted by distributing google form questionnaires through WhatsApps applications.The collected data was analised using both frequencies and multiple regression analyses. The empirical findings of this study shows that convenience, customers satisfaction and price level positively influence the online shopping behaviour among adults. In contrast, persived risk has a negative effect with regards to online shopping. Among the four variables, convenience, persived risk and...

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Islam is a religion that guides people in every aspect of life. This involves guiding Muslims to ... more Islam is a religion that guides people in every aspect of life. This involves guiding Muslims to do business in a manner that is blessed (barakah). Thereafter, Muslim entrepreneurs would be able to become a role model to the non-Muslims not only on the aspects of business dealing, but also principles that lead to business success. However, despite guiding Muslims on how to operate business the Islamic way, not many Muslims turned out to be successful as they should be. Were they not practicing enough Islam that resulted in poor business performance? For the purpose of analysis, 110 data were obtained from an entrepreneurship program held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia The aim was to investigate the impact of religiousness and personal values on business performance. Multiple regression analysis was conducted to fulfill the objectives of the study. The analysis generated an unexpected outcome. Religiousness was inversely related to business performance. Intrinsic and extrinsic values were not significantly related to business performance; hence did not support the findings of previous studies. Justification for the unexpected results and recommendation for future research were also discussed in the paper.
... Tandatangan MUHD.KAMIL IBRAHI M Project Member ... Thus th e challenge sof creatin ga learner... more ... Tandatangan MUHD.KAMIL IBRAHI M Project Member ... Thus th e challenge sof creatin ga learner-centere d environmen t an d th e rol e technolog y can pla yin servin g thi s ne w missio n wil l alte r th e wa y peopl e carr y ou t thei r wor k an d ...