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Where is android version apk please

wHy No AnDrOiD vErSiOn??? :sob:

Deleted post

hello! i would like to know how to acsess the 512 x 512 on a samsung computer 

ive been a huge fan of for about 5-6 years i have insane builds on junon that are quite well known and im just thinking to my self im running out of room i need bigger maps and ive been trying for a couple months researching on how to get a bigger map and i finnaly discovered some people who already have massive maps. thx if u respond


You need found the 512x512 map’s file

my aquarium sandbox wont load because of error

я играю в junon 2 года

i play junon 2 ears

я люблю когда меня раком 


(1 edit) (+1)

All im gonna say is that junon has some things I dislike, but the good things out way them making it one of my favorite games. :)

(1 edit)

Can you add something like a backpack because i'm tired of not having enough space in the inventory


The person that commented about the unban thingy 1 year ago

Are you still working on the mobile version? I’m very interested in a IOS or Android version of this game.

Also guest accounts can't be banned so plz fix that

Also I typed fox instead of fix XD


someone please make a junon.exe game I would love it and see Luigikid play it and get scared


.exe files are just.. files.. a .exe of this game would just be a horror game, not a .exe game. a simple misunderstanding is SONIC.EXE. its a horror game with a .exe format. just wanted to rant, sorry

As any windows play will know, this statement is correct. must remain as the best .io game


Hey owner how to make a drill make pizza I need to know it as soon as possible


How do you know where raids spawn.

And can you add faster ways of mining like a bigger drill or a laser drill.

And maybe more weapons like a rocket launcher that does AOE damage (crafting:10 iron bars, 10 copper bars, 2 circuit boards)(ammo: missile) or a laser rifle that will do about 50 damage and has a chance to give mobs or players near the laser radiation poisoning unless wearing a hazmat suit. (crafting: 25 meteorite, 5 wires, 10 copper bars, 20 iron bars, 8 circuit boards, 5 glass)(ammo: charged battery)and to craft the charged battery, you need to craft a battery(crafting: 5 copper, 5 wire.) and to charge it you drop it on some wires. then you can fire the laser rifle, after firing the battery will become a normal battery, and after each shot the battery has a small chance of dying and stop working.

(I love a lot, hope more players start playing it.)

please i read this all and i want this too.

please i hope this will be added


simpleyuji can you add in secret items bath or something for bathroom?



Hello LG_rifty it is me zsoltika_unknown


simpleyuji can you add friend list please


Yes. It will be added.



you really added it, yaay

Where it spawns guards

Hi! I want the item from the first game

You mean refinery?

what did you use to develop the game

how about it being offline

Hey Simpleyuji! me and my freinds play this alot and i was wondering,hey! there should be more food options :D also uchu io is awesome keep up the good work! :D Also i keep getting banned for no reason like for stuff i didnt do likespamming could you fix that please?     User:That0nePlague
Freinds Users:Cynthia Tyrizzle01 ChocoFrost MintiiBlossom (im to lazy to write all of them ya know? that alot of people)

(1 edit)

can you Add Sushi and tacos for food and letes and a salad maker?

(1 edit)

why cant you Play ON apple Ipad?


you can just go to google chrome and play it there

cant it IS blocked

do at home if at school 

wait this game is not even a year how do you expect them to make one on ios

(1 edit)

"Hey! Maybe you could add some water-based aliens, and a "mudskipper" one that comes out of water at night to attack your structures (1 damage) and disable them for 5 minutes. I can see a lot of people suffocating thanks to these, so maybe they only start spawning at day 25?" -Ent

Also.. "There should be a block that's kind of like a trading table, 1x2 like it, but covered in books and sample jars. You'd need to craft it with a blood bottle (any fullness), 1 gel, 2 alien meat, 1 gear (we'll get back to that thing later), 10 fiber, 20 copper, 20 iron. It would be the Zoologist's table (though technically he studies EVERYTHING) and he would have a trading GUI different from the other traders. He wants things from enemies. He also sells the Beastiary for 10000 gold. The Beastiary is a placeable 3x3 block with a 1x1 hole in the front for a player to stand in. To use it, you need Entries (as items) from the scientist guy you just got. You put in the Entry into the single slot to unlock an entry in the Beastiary. Unlocked items and creatures stay between broken ones and different ones, so it's kind of like a global stat for the colony. Back to the trading guy, he'll give you the entries for items related to what you're unlocking. 5 iron ore 5 sand > Asteroid. You can then put the asteroid entry into your Beastiary and you'll know everything there is to know about asteroids. For mobs you'll need a different approach. Broods, for example, will have an exclusive drop that's useless for everything other than crafting the Brood Beastiary Entry (Brood fangs?). Now, about gears, we have 2 robots so far and definitely more to come, so a new block called the Robotics Bay that looks kind of like a tram station, cryo tube, and some other stuff all mashed up. Robots now drop "corpses" which are just broken robots. You can put them in the robotics bay to either repair them (costing wires, circuit boards, iron ingots, and for advanced robots: gears) or salvage them (iron ingots, gears, iron ore, wires, circuit boards, and other robot parts). Gears would now be used for advanced machinery, and can also be crafted with 10 iron ore > 1 gear (think of them as the iron version of circuit boards). If you repaired an Empire robot you'd get a "tamed" version. That's all I've got for now and I hope birch actually just puts this in quotes and says this is what I have to say, your game's cool. -Ent" heh

why does raids spawn in my base even thou i walled it up?

How are you even monetizing? This game looks like a nice Station 13-sque game. I would even buy it to play :O

Can there be a way to unban people? and u add unbanning people please

ive added the functionality to perma ban/unban people from your colony

(2 edits)

thank you very much i will recommed this to my friends

:D and not everyone has the update it's also not in my colony menu

if you haven't banned someone, nothing is gonna show up.

How do i even move



corpse was stuck in wall when i took it out of cryopod, lost a slime D:

(1 edit)

There is a bug with the bottle where I can not fill up O2 generators or collect blood on water. Can you fix this?

Sorry for the late reply. It should be fixed now

Please give the opportunity to combine 2 or 3 or more bases to 1.

Please create a radar that will enlarge the map, or create a 800 by 800 map.


I'm just wondering, but can you add a use for cleaning robots back? Right now their only real purpose is keeping the floors looking nice.

they help stop spider raids on important stuff

You should add a way to change your set username. Also, atmospheric pressure and meatballs in butcher table. Meatballs should be able to be made from any meat so that you can add mystery meats, and cook them in stove. 


can you please add a 2x2 car with different nozzles like a drill on the hood or an automatic machine + you can add some kind of radar to expand the territory of the game it will be fun)))

there a way to separate things in inventory if i want to give someone a few out of my stack


Stack splitting is not supported yet, but i'll add it in the future


stack split has been added btw (right click - similar to minecraft)

How do you do a rebell-spawnprof platform ? 'caus rebells are spawning everywere on my base that is surrounded by space and i had to restart multiple times 'caus i was instently killed by rebels when they spawn.

You can try surrounding your base with walls. They won't be able to path to your structures in that case. But in future update, some raiders would be able to break walls..

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