Papers by Enrique Oracion

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2015
This paper examines the development preference of settlers surveyed along the upstream, midstream... more This paper examines the development preference of settlers surveyed along the upstream, midstream, and downstream sections of Pagatban River in Negros Oriental in central Philippines. The majority of 120 respondents, equally distributed along the three sections of the river, are against the restoration of mining but are in favor of tourism development considering the ecological costs and economic benef its they have to bear with and enjoy, respectively. Specif ically, the data show that the number of respondents who do not prefer the restoration of mining is highest among downstream households while the number of those who do not prefer tourism development is highest among upstream households. The midstream respondents generally prefer both development projects. The chi-square test proves signif icant differences in the development preferences of respondents across settlements along the river. There are also signif icant differences in tourism preference according to the sex of the respondents, and in mining preference according to farm access, and monthly income of their households. The signif icant differences in household farm access and income relative to their locations further explain why economic and geographic variations result in divided preference for mining. Given that tourism development is preferred over restoration of mining, how the former's benef its can be enjoyed across settlements should be looked into and planned with genuine community participation.

Environmental Management
Fisheries compliance has been explored conceptually and empirically in numerous contexts but in m... more Fisheries compliance has been explored conceptually and empirically in numerous contexts but in many fisheries, compliance with rules is not sufficient to return to sustainable levels of effort. Failing to understand the context and what drives fishers to behave the way they do, has the potential to misdirect investments. The authors present a conceptual model of fisheries ecosystem stewardship (FES) that expands upon fisheries compliance with the addition of moral obligation for fishing communities. This paper uses household survey data from fishing communities in three marine key biodiversity areas (MKBA) in the Philippines to test part of the FES model using logistic regression and multiple regression analysis with empirical data to test the model. Data shows that apart from the respondents’ location (i.e., which MKBA is adjacent to their community), knowledge of laws protecting coastal/marine resources was the most important predictor of environmental stewardship, followed by support for limiting fishing effort and knowledge of illegal fishing. Individual decisions about if and how-to fish are influenced by the economic context and available livelihood opportunities. However, the moral obligation to “do the right thing” is equally, if not more important to consider for fisheries ecosystem stewardship in fishing communities.
Fisheries, 2003
... marine protected areas. P Christie, BJ McCay, ML Miller, C Lowe, AT White, R Stoffle, DL Fluh... more ... marine protected areas. P Christie, BJ McCay, ML Miller, C Lowe, AT White, R Stoffle, DL Fluharty, LT McManus, R Chuenpagdee, C Pomeroy, DO Suman, BG Blount, D Huppert, R-LV Eisma Fisheries 28:1212, 22-25, 12/2003. ...

Davao Research Journal
Employing quota sampling technique, 240 fishing households were interviewed in six sites along Ma... more Employing quota sampling technique, 240 fishing households were interviewed in six sites along Mayo Bay (Dahican), Pujada Bay (Tamisan, Lawigan), and Balete Bay (Dawan, Mamali, Macambol) all in the City of Mati, Davao Oriental. These areas have established, or yet to be delineated as Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Poverty incidence among households in all sites was high since their income fell below Php 7,000.00 per month. More men (64%) were engaged in agricultural enterprise than women. They had low (15.42%) participation in organizations which were engaged in coastal resources management. They participated in decision-making processes that were relevant to coastal resource management but majority (59.96%) had less influence especially in policy making. Social facilities and services the households availed of included pre-school, elementary and high schools. Only few (10%) had collegiate education. Health centers were present in almost (92.92%) all sites. Safe sources of water wer...

Philippine Social Science Journal
This descriptive qualitative study explored the experiences of older persons how they availed of ... more This descriptive qualitative study explored the experiences of older persons how they availed of and assessed the quality of available healthcare services to address their needs given their capacity to pay. The focus revolved around the concept of financial capacity for healthcare needs to address health problems during old age. Experiences were documented through face-to-face interviews of purposively identified eight older persons using semi-structured guide questions. Thematic analysis was applied, which revealed that financial capacity matters in health quality relative to the particular health problems the older persons have endured. The findings further revealed differentiated access to healthcare services given the variable economic conditions of older persons. This paper reiterates their recommendations that providing them the needed healthcare assistance and information about the management and prevention of common ailments affecting them may avert their health problems fro...
Philippine Studies, 2009
The development of Balanan Lake in Negros oriental for ecotourism has accommodated its protection... more The development of Balanan Lake in Negros oriental for ecotourism has accommodated its protection as a natural heritage, the economic needs of the local population, and the quest for attractions and the recreation of tourists. The efforts of the state, through the provincial government, have been central in transforming and recreating the social and natural features of the lake and its environs both as commodities and as vital sources of human sustenance. The conservation and ecotourism programs are legitimized to restore the lake's quality and aesthetics, but some locals who had agreed to resettlement resented the disruption of their social and economic activities.

Noticing that traditional copra production was yielding only meager returns, an association of sm... more Noticing that traditional copra production was yielding only meager returns, an association of small coconut farmers in Negros Oriental, Philippines ventured into virgin coconut oil (VCO) production. The primary goal was to raise members’ incomes amid volatile copra oil prices in the world market. However, the venture had never fully taken off because operation had remained below full capacity. If production were maximized, the association could easily pocket at least Php 1.5 million (US$35,714.29) in net income per year which was 34 times more than it had been earning. A study of the VCO supply chain was conducted to determine the factors constraining the association’s operational efficiency. The chain characteristics were mapped out to describe among others, the flow of product, information and payments. The results indicated that the lack of raw materials for VCO production was the primarily constraint to operational efficiency. Specifically, the production of organic VCO promise...

This paper examines the secular reasons of college seminarians for entering diocesan priestly for... more This paper examines the secular reasons of college seminarians for entering diocesan priestly formation in two dioceses in Visayas and Mindanao. The perceived division between the spiritual and secular is problematized in order to bring out the complexity of drivers for considering priestly vocation. Results from self-administered questionnaire of 40 respondents show that some of the stereotypes of priests documented 50 years ago still prevails at present and are reflected in the secular reasons for entering priestly formation. Reasons cited by respondents are categorized into themes revolving around social recognition, social involvement, social influence, and social vehicle for mobility. These reasons are connected to, and have even reinforced, “spiritual” reasons for undertaking priestly formation. Thus, secular reasons are equally important in understanding the entrance of young Filipinos to diocesan priestly formation, as well as for promoting priestly vocation among prospectiv...
Victor T. King (1999: 182) has described tourism as "packaging culture" and "selli... more Victor T. King (1999: 182) has described tourism as "packaging culture" and "selling nature." He has portrayed how host destinations, par? ticularly those in developing tropical countries like the Philippines, have been exposed to and engulfed by a global market of visual and leisure consumption and by an economy based on service production. He shows how traditional ways of life and nature's biodiversity are being trans? formed into aesthetic commodities for the affluent who come from devel?

This paper examines the development preference of settlers surveyed along the upstream, midstream... more This paper examines the development preference of settlers surveyed along the upstream, midstream, and downstream sections of Pagatban River in Negros Oriental in central Philippines. The majority of 120 respondents, equally distributed along the three sections of the river, are against the restoration of mining but are in favor of tourism development considering the ecological costs and economic benef its they have to bear with and enjoy, respectively. Specif ically, the data show that the number of respondents who do not prefer the restoration of mining is highest among downstream households while the number of those who do not prefer tourism development is highest among upstream households. The midstream respondents generally prefer both development projects. The chi-square test proves signif icant differences in the development preferences of respondents across settlements along the river. There are also signif icant differences in tourism preference according to the sex of the ...

A framework on the structure and dynamics of fisheries management is described. It is used to ide... more A framework on the structure and dynamics of fisheries management is described. It is used to identify four opportunities and two challenges for fisheries policy in the Philippines if it were to rationally harness fisheries as fulcrum for sustainable food and protein security in the country in the next 10-30 years. This is, when climate conditions in the country (and in the world) may reach ireversible changes per some reports. Four specific recommendations on the focusing policies are presented if the Philippines were to achieve a more environmentally-anchored (“greener”) management of fisheries: reconciling and balancing public and private sector interests over fisheries; providing incentives for “green investments” on fisheries; ensuring the economic and ecological sustainability of culture fisheries as a pressure-easing complement to capture fisheries, and rationalizing land use to improve the viability of culture fisheries.

Climate, Disaster and Development Journal, 2021
This paper investigated the flood experiences of entrepreneurs in communities along the Ocoy Rive... more This paper investigated the flood experiences of entrepreneurs in communities along the Ocoy River in Negros Oriental. It further examined the relationships among flood disaster risk perception, sense of place, and flood disaster preparedness of the respondents composed of 36 non-probable samples of owners and managers of enterprises near the river. The face-to-face survey revealed that most had accumulated damage and losses during floods, reinforcing their high flood disaster risk perceptions. But the latter was positively and significantly related to their sense of place score, which suggests a high value they assigned to their communities despite a high flood risk. However, they had a low disaster preparedness score which is not significantly related to flood disaster risk perception and a sense of place. Only place dependence had a positive and significant relationship to flood disaster preparedness which explains their reluctance to relocate their operations. Therefore, as part...
Papers by Enrique Oracion