Wieslaw Banys
Research specialisation:General linguistics and romance linguistics, with a special focus on:• semantic grammar and predicates-arguments grammar• cognitive linguistics • cognitive computational lexicography,• logical foundations of linguistics• semantics and pragmatics relationship• philosophy, epistemology and methodology of linguisticsApplied linguistics, with a special focus on:• machine translation and computer-aided translation,•electronic databases of specialised lexicons (FR - ENG - PL) modifier-modified formatSome research results:•construction of a semantic theory in the form of logical calculus fulfilling the criteria of K. Popper’s hypothetico-deductive model (cf. Théorie sémantique et "si....alors". Aspects sémantico-logiques de la proposition conditionnelle, Katowice: University of Silesia Publishing House, 1989, pp. 185, Tempus Phare fellowship) •cognitive description, in the form of a ‘cognitive map’ realising the original cognitive approach, of the system of French language constructions expressing conditionality and implication (cf. Système de „si” en francais moderne. Esquisse d'une approche cognitive, Katowice, University of Silesia Publishing House, 2000, pp. 400),•development of a theory of description of object-oriented language, integrating linguistic semantic hierarchies and concepts of frames and scripts, to be used for e.g. disambiguation and machine translation (cf. Bases de données lexicales électroniques – une approche orientée objets. Partie I: Questions de modularité, „Neophilologica”, XV, 2000, Bases de données lexicales électroniques – une approche orientée objets. Partie II: Questions de description, „Neophilologica”, XV, 2000, Désambiguïsation des sens des mots et représentation lexicale du monde, „Neophilologica”, XVII, 2005)
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Papers by Wieslaw Banys