Papers by Katarzyna Papaja

Moderna Språk, 2024
The aim of the article is to present the research results on two important character virtues, nam... more The aim of the article is to present the research results on two important character virtues, namely creativity and curiosity. Creativity is very significant in the teaching profession, as it involves researching, looking for solutions, and making choices. Curiosity involves "the active recognition, pursuit, and regulation of one's experience in response to challenging opportunities" (Peterson & Seligman, 2004: 125). The research was conducted in Poland among 149 Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) teachers for whom these features are indispensable, bearing in mind various obstacles they have to face, e.g., lack of proper teaching materials. In order to collect the data, the VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) was disseminated among Primary, Junior High School and Secondary School teachers. In the following article, only the data concerning creativity and curiosity is discussed. The findings indicate that self-reported scores for the statements connected with CLIL teachers' creativity and curiosity did not correlate significantly with the teachers' experience in CLIL and none of the tested aspects significantly depended on the educational level of the teachers' employing institutions.
Beiträge zur allgemeinem und vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft / Contributions to General and Comparative Linguistics, 2024
The aim of the paper is to discuss CLIL and non-CLIL teachers' language fossilisation in terms of... more The aim of the paper is to discuss CLIL and non-CLIL teachers' language fossilisation in terms of speaking. Firstly, there is a brief overview of fossilisation, focusing on its definition and scope. Secondly, the spoken discourse of CLIL and non-CLIL teachers in the classroom is described. Thirdly, there is a discussion of current research and the data collected through a questionnaire conducted among CLIL and non-CLIL teachers in Poland. This shows that slight differences in terms of language repertoire have been found between CLIL and non-CLIL teachers, placing the former at the forefront due to the strategies they tend to use frequently and the language areas they do not consider to be difficult or problematic at all.
The Practice of English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) Around the World, 2023
The present chapter provides an overview of issues related to English medium instruction (EMI) in... more The present chapter provides an overview of issues related to English medium instruction (EMI) in Central and Eastern Europe, with the following countries being included in this region: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine. In the first part, contextual issues will be addressed, and selected policies and research findings will be briefly overviewed. The second part will be devoted to the presentation of a study that explored the perceptions of EMI among university students and teachers in Poland.

Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 2023
The following article discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in European Highe... more The following article discusses Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in European Higher Education, which has become popular in recent years due to the status of English as a foreign language. Firstly, the difference between CLIL and EMI will be explained then CLIL Modules in Higher Education will be presented. Furthermore, CLIL special pedagogy in Higher Education will be described. The next section will be devoted to benefits and challenges of CLIL in Higher Education as listed in the literature and finally an insight into research on language in CLIL Higher Education context will be addressed. The data presented in the following article is based on an in-depth literature review and research conducted in higher institutions in Europe. The findings show that even though CLIL has become a popular approach in Higher Education in recent years, adapting this concept has been a great challenge due to very little preparation, proper methodological training, and complex linguistic learning situations.
Language Use, Education, and Professional Contexts, 2022
Online learning and teaching have increasingly become a part of education in recent years worldwi... more Online learning and teaching have increasingly become a part of education in recent years worldwide. However, this type of education was optional and usually chosen by older students. The spread of COVID-19 at the beginning of 2020 led to the closure of schools and universities all over the world and forced the transition to compulsory online learning.
The current research presented in the following pages aimed to investigate the challenges that students were facing while studying online as well as the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. Additionally, it aimed to determine the ways that online education can be improved from the perspective of the university students.
Współczesna glottodydaktyka wobec zmian edukacyjnych. Nowe wyzwania i innowacyjne rozwiazania, 2022
The aim of the article is to discuss the research results on one of the most important character ... more The aim of the article is to discuss the research results on one of the most important character virtue, namely open-mindedness. The research was conducted among CLIL teachers for whom this virtue seems to be indispensable, bearing in mind various obstacles, which they have to face in CLIL education e.g. lack of teaching materials. In order to collect the data, the VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) was disseminated among Primary, Junior High School and Secondary School teachers. The VIA Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) is a 120-item measure of character strengths, with each of 24 character strengths assessed by 10 items. In the following article, only the data concerning open-mindedness will be discussed.

Forum Filologiczne Ateneum 1(9), 2021
Images presented in advertisements are very powerful and have huge impact on our perception of th... more Images presented in advertisements are very powerful and have huge impact on our perception of the world. The roles of women and men have changed within the last decade and therefore it is worth investigating the way they are perceived in advertising. The purpose of our study was twofold. First, we aimed to find out how Polish students from the English Department at a tertiary level institution in Poland, who are mainly females, perceive the image of a man in advertising. Our second purpose was to analyse their reception of slogans used in the advertisements. In order to find out the answers to our research questions concerning the image of males in advertising as well as language of advertising, we have decided to design a special questionnaire in which the students were asked to comment on advertisements associated with particular image concerning men.
ELT: New Horizons in Theory and Application, 2015
The article is aimed at presenting a theoretical background of CLIL with the main focus on the ro... more The article is aimed at presenting a theoretical background of CLIL with the main focus on the role of language, and at discussing the results of a study
whose purpose was twofold: First, it was to find out what language skills and subsystems CLIL teachers concentrate on the most while teaching
their content subjects and what kind of language competence they would like their students to develop.
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature Vol 45, No. 3 (2021), 2021
The aim of the article is to discuss the research results of the study conducted on English teach... more The aim of the article is to discuss the research results of the study conducted on English teachers' negative emotions experienced during COVID-19. In order to collect the data, 30 English teachers from secondary schools were asked to keep a diary for one semester and describe situations that aroused feelings of anxiety, anger, and loneliness. The study was of a qualitative nature, and it showed that most of the emotions that the English teachers experienced were associated with the lack of support from the government and their colleagues, and also with the uncertainty about the future.

Issues in Foreign Language Teaching and Teacher Development: Reflection and Analysis, 2021
This study aims to explore the relationship between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLI... more This study aims to explore the relationship between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and effort, expectancy, and global orientation, namely the impact of CLIL on these dimensions in different cultural contexts. As part of a larger research project, this study is conducted at the high school level in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland and includes students enrolled in CLIL programs. The participants completed a questionnaire based on scales already used by Gardner (1985), Schmidt and Watanabe (2001), and Lasagabaster and Doiz (2015), which is a measure of various affective factors. The learners' responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale covering the range: strongly agree; rather agree; don't know; rather disagree; strongly disagree. The responses were transformed into numerical values ranging from 1 to 5 for statistical analysis, thereby allowing the comparison of effort, expectancy, and global orientation over time and among the nations under investigation.
Keywords: effort, expectancy, global orientation, CLIL, affective factors, individual differences, SLA.

Gender w języku, kulturze i literaturze, 2013
Bearing in mind the importance of motivation in learning / teaching a foreign language as well as... more Bearing in mind the importance of motivation in learning / teaching a foreign language as well as in learning / teaching content subjects, I have decided to conduct a research on the impact of gender on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) among Polish. Austrian and Dutch lower secondary school learners. The aim of the research was to find out if there is a difference between males and females as far as motivation is concerned and what type of motivation is present when analysing these two genders. One of the very important aspects was the possibility to conduct the study in three difference countries, namely Poland, Austria and the Netherlands which allowed me to compare the results and answer the question whether there are any differences not only between genders and its impact on motivation but also between the learners who are at the same age but come from different countries.

TAPSLA, 2020
The aim of this article is to provide an outline of the research on code-switching in CLIL, inclu... more The aim of this article is to provide an outline of the research on code-switching in CLIL, including the use of mother tongue vs. target language by CLIL teachers, as well as teacher perception of CLIL learners' language use and language problems, attention being given to spoken and written discourse difficulties and ways of overcoming them. The study was conducted among 29 Secondary School CLIL teachers teaching geography, biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, or history in English, and was based on a questionnaire especially prepared for this study. The main aim of the study was to investigate the situations of switching the codes and reasons for particular linguistic behaviours in CLIL classrooms, especially through the prism of teacher and learner code-switching functions, and find out both positive and negative aspects of this phenomenon. Switching between languages (the target language) and the native language in the FL learning classroom is a common practice when the learners' proficiency in a given FL is incomplete, and the teacher feels it necessary to use the first language in order to make his or her learners understand certain concepts. Even though the term Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) may create an image that all instructions in a given course should take place in the target language, it is not true as CLIL learners often face many challenges with acquiring content-specific terminology and there is a need to translate certain concepts into their native language.

Forum Filologiczne Ateneum 1(7), 2019
Although the term Deep Learning does not seem to be a new term in language learning, it attracted... more Although the term Deep Learning does not seem to be a new term in language learning, it attracted relatively little attention until just a few years ago. Different fields of study show that Deep Learning leverages a sophisticated process to learn multiple levels of abstraction from the data; however, in languages, the term has been widely accepted as the key concept in the transformation and personalisation of the learning process. In this paper, we take the definition of Deep Learning, and we corroborate the theories by use of the study which aims to assess the needs of students in the context of language exercises, resources as well as tools and modern technological solutions. A proper understanding of Deep Learning is necessary to examine the potential benefits for students and the broadly defined society. Therefore, the essence of the research is to obtain the answers to what is important in the education of modern foreign languages and also what the teacher’s role is. A quantitative study was conducted on 441 students of English Philology. The results of the needs analysis of foreign language students allow for a greater understanding of their expectations towards themselves and their teachers; additionally, to answer the question about what kind of education recipients they are and whether they are active participants in the whole educational process.

Konin Language Studies Vol. 7/2, 2019
This study aims to explore the relationship between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLI... more This study aims to explore the relationship between Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and language learning anxiety, namely the impact of CLIL on students’ anxiety in different cultural contexts. As part of a larger research project, this study is conducted at the high school level in the Netherlands, Germany, and Poland and includes students enrolled in CLIL programs. The participants completed a questionnaire based on scales already used by Gardner (1985), Schmidt and Watanabe (2001) and Lasagabaster and Doiz (2015), which is a measure of affective factors. The learners' responses were measured on a 5-point Likert scale covering the range: strongly agree; rather agree; don't know; rather disagree; strongly disagree. The responses were transformed into numerical values ranging from 1 to 5 for statistical analysis, thereby allowing the comparison of anxiety over time and among the nations under investigation.
9th International METU Postgraduate Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching: Selected Papers, 2013
The article aims at providing an outline of the research on the role of grammar in CLIL starting ... more The article aims at providing an outline of the research on the role of grammar in CLIL starting with a brief insight into the phenomenon of CLIL and a general overview of the study. The study to be presented was carried out in one of the Bilingual Secondary Schools in Poland. One bilingual class was observed through a period of one school year. A special observation sheet concerning grammar was designed for the study. Attention was paid to different types of grammar activities, types of interaction as well as to grammatical errors made by the learners. Additionally, a special questionnaire was designed for the purpose of the study directed to the learners in which certain CLIL- related grammatical aspects were paid attention to.

Zweisprachigkeit und bilingualer Unterricht, 2014
There is a very close relationship between different ways of talking about content and learning o... more There is a very close relationship between different ways of talking about content and learning opportunities. According to Barnes (2008: 2) “the communication system that a teacher sets up in a lesson shapes the roles that pupils can play, and goes some distance in determining the kinds of learning that they engage in”. The CLIL classroom is a familiar environment for teachers and learners, and the knowledge of the routines enacted within it can allow them to get by with a minimum of explicitness (Dalton-Puffer, 2007).
The article is aimed at presenting how teachers and learners from the CLIL environment use classroom talk to represent different types of knowledge and to organise the social world of the classroom. Additionally, I am going to concentrate on the interaction and dialogue through which teachers and learners communicate about the knowledge in a foreign language in order to present different types of communication systems that are used in the CLIL classroom in order to achieve pedagogical / educational purposes.

Linguistica Silesiana 35, 2014
The academic language has certain features that do not occur in typical informal interaction abou... more The academic language has certain features that do not occur in typical informal interaction about everyday things. The texts studied and produced in academic disciplines have different functions, and are structured in different ways. The linguistic features play an important role in the realization of different types of meanings. Some are important for their role in the expression of content (e.g. types of lexis, prepositional phrases or markers of logical relations between clauses). Others are involved in the role of the writer (e.g. informing, questioning or evaluating) or the organization of the content in the text.
The following paper provides an outline of the research on Academic Key Words studied in the texts of university students taken from the written corpora: the International Corpus of Learner English (the Polish and Turkish component of ICLE). Starting with a brief insight into the features of academic language, the article focuses on the analysis of chosen academic nouns, nouns, adjectives and adverbs as well as some basic clauses used by the Turkish and Polish university students of English as a Foreign language.

Contemporary English Language Teaching and Research, 2015
The aim of this article is to present how the English Philology students (Internet users) adapt t... more The aim of this article is to present how the English Philology students (Internet users) adapt their language to the reality of Computer-Mediated Communication, which is defined as “a written natural language message sent via the Internet” (Baron 2011: 10) and what impact it has on learning foreign languages. There is no doubt that language used while communicating via the Internet is different from the one used offline which is dues to the limitations of the written text and the lack of face-to-face contact which omits the whole spectrum of body language, facial expression, tone of voice and other extra-linguistic features. Social media which is a group of Internet-based applications take on many different forms such as blogs (e.g. Twitter), social networking sites (e.g. Facebook), content communities (e.g. YouTube), photographs or pictures (e.g. Instagram), wall-posting (e.g. Pinterest), rating and social bookmarking (e.g. Foursquare) and many others.
The questionnaire, which was especially designed for the purpose of the study, consisted of closed-ended and open-ended questions. More than 100 students from the English Department (University of Silesia and Institute of Neophilology) took part in the study. The obtained data allowed us to find out how the English Philology students adapt their language to the reality of Computer-Mediated Communication and what impact it has on foreign language learning. Additionally, we will be able to distinguish which linguistic and extralinguistic features have influence on messages conveyed through social media applications / devices, e.g. pronouns, apostrophes, abbreviations, acronyms, contractions or acronyms.

Konin Language Studies, 2015
The purpose of this particular study is twofold. First, we aim to find out how ELT students from ... more The purpose of this particular study is twofold. First, we aim to find out how ELT students from both countries perceive social skills relevant to English language teaching. To this aim, we have asked an open-ended question about the social skills an English teacher should have. Our second purpose is to measure and analyse social skills among future Polish and Turkish English teachers. In order to measure the social skills we have decided to use Social Skills Inventory designed by Riggio and Carney (2003). The SSI is a 90-item instrument measures social skills in six domains and provides a total score to reflect a global level of social skill development indicative of overall social competence or social intelligence. The obtained data have allowed us to find out what the level of emotional expressivity, emotional sensitivity, emotional control, social expressivity, social sensitivity and social control among future Polish and Turkish students are and what impact it might have on teaching.
Modernizing Educational Practice. Perspectives in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), 2016
The article aims at presenting and examining two books used in Polish secondary CLIL education du... more The article aims at presenting and examining two books used in Polish secondary CLIL education during geography and history classes. The books are evaluated according to the standardised criteria used by Crystal Springs Books as well as the 4Cs dimensions of CLIL (Coyle 2006). The authors of the article strongly believe that content, cognition, communication, and culture must be an inseparable part of each CLIL lesson and therefore of each CLIL course book.
Papers by Katarzyna Papaja
The current research presented in the following pages aimed to investigate the challenges that students were facing while studying online as well as the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. Additionally, it aimed to determine the ways that online education can be improved from the perspective of the university students.
whose purpose was twofold: First, it was to find out what language skills and subsystems CLIL teachers concentrate on the most while teaching
their content subjects and what kind of language competence they would like their students to develop.
Keywords: effort, expectancy, global orientation, CLIL, affective factors, individual differences, SLA.
The article is aimed at presenting how teachers and learners from the CLIL environment use classroom talk to represent different types of knowledge and to organise the social world of the classroom. Additionally, I am going to concentrate on the interaction and dialogue through which teachers and learners communicate about the knowledge in a foreign language in order to present different types of communication systems that are used in the CLIL classroom in order to achieve pedagogical / educational purposes.
The following paper provides an outline of the research on Academic Key Words studied in the texts of university students taken from the written corpora: the International Corpus of Learner English (the Polish and Turkish component of ICLE). Starting with a brief insight into the features of academic language, the article focuses on the analysis of chosen academic nouns, nouns, adjectives and adverbs as well as some basic clauses used by the Turkish and Polish university students of English as a Foreign language.
The questionnaire, which was especially designed for the purpose of the study, consisted of closed-ended and open-ended questions. More than 100 students from the English Department (University of Silesia and Institute of Neophilology) took part in the study. The obtained data allowed us to find out how the English Philology students adapt their language to the reality of Computer-Mediated Communication and what impact it has on foreign language learning. Additionally, we will be able to distinguish which linguistic and extralinguistic features have influence on messages conveyed through social media applications / devices, e.g. pronouns, apostrophes, abbreviations, acronyms, contractions or acronyms.
The current research presented in the following pages aimed to investigate the challenges that students were facing while studying online as well as the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. Additionally, it aimed to determine the ways that online education can be improved from the perspective of the university students.
whose purpose was twofold: First, it was to find out what language skills and subsystems CLIL teachers concentrate on the most while teaching
their content subjects and what kind of language competence they would like their students to develop.
Keywords: effort, expectancy, global orientation, CLIL, affective factors, individual differences, SLA.
The article is aimed at presenting how teachers and learners from the CLIL environment use classroom talk to represent different types of knowledge and to organise the social world of the classroom. Additionally, I am going to concentrate on the interaction and dialogue through which teachers and learners communicate about the knowledge in a foreign language in order to present different types of communication systems that are used in the CLIL classroom in order to achieve pedagogical / educational purposes.
The following paper provides an outline of the research on Academic Key Words studied in the texts of university students taken from the written corpora: the International Corpus of Learner English (the Polish and Turkish component of ICLE). Starting with a brief insight into the features of academic language, the article focuses on the analysis of chosen academic nouns, nouns, adjectives and adverbs as well as some basic clauses used by the Turkish and Polish university students of English as a Foreign language.
The questionnaire, which was especially designed for the purpose of the study, consisted of closed-ended and open-ended questions. More than 100 students from the English Department (University of Silesia and Institute of Neophilology) took part in the study. The obtained data allowed us to find out how the English Philology students adapt their language to the reality of Computer-Mediated Communication and what impact it has on foreign language learning. Additionally, we will be able to distinguish which linguistic and extralinguistic features have influence on messages conveyed through social media applications / devices, e.g. pronouns, apostrophes, abbreviations, acronyms, contractions or acronyms.
Through language education we might promote positive values and assist students to take responsibility for their actions in order to see themselves as global citizens who can contribute to a more peaceful, just and sustainable world. This publication results from selected presentations given at FOL2018 conference, which took place in Freiburg, Germany. The main focus of this event was to reflect on the challenges that academicians, researchers, teachers and educational authorities need to face in the field of language education. This collection embraces original contributions in different areas of foreign / second language practice.
Książka podzielona jest na część teoretyczną i praktyczną. W części teoretycznej autorki definiują CLIL, opisują różne jego warianty i uwarunkowania modułowe, wskazują cele kształcenia przedmiotowo-językowego w kontekście polskim oraz międzynarodowym. Zwracają uwagę na korzyści płynące z wprowadzenia CLIL w szkołach. W części praktycznej prezentowane są sposoby nauczania oraz uczenia się w zintegrowanym kształceniu przedmiotowo-językowym ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na podejście poznawcze, konstruktywistyczne oraz komunikacyjne. Czytelnik uzyska praktyczną wiedzę dotyczącą planowania modułu CLIL (wybór treści, sposoby połączenia treści, język i procesów poznawczych, rozwijanie świadomości międzykulturowej), doboru środków dydaktycznych, tworzenia materiałów dydaktycznych oraz sposobów oceniania.
Z książki skorzystają studenci wszystkich ścieżek kształcenia nauczycieli języków obcych, jak również nauczyciele akademiccy przygotowujący przyszłych nauczycieli do pracy w szkołach, czynni zawodowo nauczyciele i lektorzy CLIL zainteresowani podnoszeniem swoich kwalifikacji oraz nauczyciele pracujący w szkołach dwujęzycznych, zarówno przedmiotowi, jak i językowi.
The changes in political, technological, economic and social realities of the modern world have led and still lead to more frequent contact between people of different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Globalization has made the world interconnected. The world is rapidly becoming a mixed global village where the role of languages is extremely important. In an integrated world, integrated learning is viewed as a modern form of educational delivery. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) which is often referred to as Content-based Instruction (CBI), Immersion Education, Bilingual Education has been a very popular approach to language teaching / language learning not only in Europe but also in other countries such as Japan, Malaysia, China, United Arab Emirates, etc. Even though CLIL is not of a uniform nature (lots of variations of CLIL exist all over the world), one of the main arguments for introducing it is that it creates conditions for naturalistic language learning (Snow et al. 1989, Snow and Brinton 1997).
This publication results from selected presentations given at the Ustroń CLIL 2013 conference. The main focus of this event was to reflect the internationality of CLIL by bringing the academicians, researchers, teachers and educational authorities from all over the world together and providing them with the opportunity to exchange an interdisciplinary dialogue on CLIL methodologies as well as purely practical consequences of implementing CLIL pedagogies in institutional educational practices at primary, secondary or tertiary level. This collection embraces original contributions in different areas of CLIL.
The aim of the first chapter is to provide a definition of CLIL together with its different variations and to present it in a historical outline. Additionally, the purpose of this chapter is to describe CLIL in the international and Polish context paying special attention to the support of this programme in the European Union.
In the second chapter CLIL is presented according to four aspects: language aspects, content aspects, learning environment aspects and attitudinal aspects and motivation. All these aspects are further elaborated on and closely linked to the empirical part of the thesis. In spite of that, the main features of the CLIL learner and the CLIL teacher are described.
The recent research on CLIL is illustrated in the next chapter. Even though, Wolff (2005) claims that “research on CLIL is unfortunately still in its infancy” (2005: 20), there are five fields of interest concerning CLIL: the acquisition of linguistic competence in a CLIL classroom; the acquisition of content subject competence in a CLIL classroom; the acquisition of intercultural competence in a CLIL classroom; content subject methodology in a CLIL context and the evaluation of CLIL by teachers and learners.
The aim of the fourth chapter is to present the beneficial effects of a generalized adoption of CLIL in schools which can be seen at four levels: the learners, the teacher, the school and the society at large (Coonan, 1998: 109-123).
The next chapter illustrates a brief description of the research, namely the aim of the research, the participants of the research, research instruments and research implementation. One of the main objectives of the study was to describe and analyse the changes which occur in the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classroom in Secondary Education throughout one school year. The study took place in 1st Secondary School in Krakow and a number of CLIL learners and CLIL teachers were examined. The study is based on analysing data gathered through classroom observation, questionnaires, interviews with the teachers and tests’ analyses. Various instruments of data collection were applied, which helped to investigate the changes which occur in a CLIL classroom.
The main purpose of chapter VI is to present the data aimed at investigating the changes which took place during the CLIL lessons throughout the whole school year. Such a focus seems to be fully warranted in view of the fact that bilingual education has become not only a possibility but a necessity in the 21st century especially in a country like Poland where the knowledge of languages in different contexts is very important due to the economical changes. Taking into consideration the changes which took place throughout one school year, the data is to be presented according to the “time-line” analysing three lessons (geography, biology and mathematics) each month. As a result, 18 lessons picked at random are to be presented and treated as sample CLIL lessons. All the data is to be presented according to the established categories namely: language aspects (second language development, the use of L1), content aspects, learning environment aspects (interaction, the teacher’s methodological approach, learner’s evaluation, teaching materials, classroom settings), attitudinal and motivational aspects. Additionally, the data obtained from questionnaires and from the analysed tests will be presented. Finally, the data gathered during the interviews with the CLIL teachers will be also provided.
In the next chapter data analysis based on the data presented in the previous chapter is to be provided. The analysis presented in this chapter is to be presented according to the established categories. Firstly, changes concerning second language development are discussed, secondly the use of L1 (code-switching), then content aspects, learning environment and finally attitudinal aspects and motivation. The answers to the research questions will be provided here, as well.
In the conclusion, the attention to particular changes which occurred in a CLIL classroom is driven and certain factors, which could have influenced the effectiveness of CLIL are described. Additionally, future recommendations which should be put into practice are discussed. The recommendations are divided into: classroom practice, school practice and educational system. Finally, suggestions concerning further research in CLIL are provided.
New approaches, new theoretical concepts and new methods are a prerequisite for dealing with particular educational issues, therefore CHALLENGE and OPPORTUNITIES have become the main theme of the book. This publication results from selected presentations given at LIF2014 conference, which took place in Antalya, Turkey. The main focus of this event was to reflect the internationality of the English language by bringing the academicians, researchers, teachers and educational authorities from all over the world together and providing them with the opportunity to exchange an interdisciplinary dialogue on the theoretical as well as purely practical implications of Applied Linguistics and ELT. This collection embraces original contributions in different areas of Applied Linguistics.