Papers by Justyna Ciesielczuk

Geochemical analyses for trace V and Cr have been made on a representative sample of a typical hy... more Geochemical analyses for trace V and Cr have been made on a representative sample of a typical hydrothermal dickite/kaolinite filling vein at Nowa Ruda. The mineralogy of the sample is comparatively simple, dickite being the principal component (ca. 91% of total sample). Geochemical fractionation and inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) indicate that most (>90% of total metal) of V and Cr reside in the dickite. Electron spin resonance (ESR) shows that most (>70%) of V in the dickite structure is in the form of vanadyl (VO2+) ions. A high concentration of Cr3+ is also detected in this structure by ESR. The combination of geochemical and spectroscopic tools applied on VO2+ and Cr3+ allow one to specify the Eh (>0.4 V, highly oxidizing) and pH (≤4.0, highly acidic) of the solution during the formation of dickite from the Nowa Ruda Basin. Substantial proportions of V and Cr (as well as VO2+ and Cr3+) in the dickite structure were probably contained...

Coal waste dumps superstructuring the former rubbish dump frequently undergo processes of selfhea... more Coal waste dumps superstructuring the former rubbish dump frequently undergo processes of selfheating and selfignition of organic matter dispersed within the wastes. It generates special conditions for plants growing, what was investigated for 2 years on the coal waste dump in Katowice-Wełnowiec, Poland. The most frequent set of plants observed on the ignited places are: Sisymbrium loeselii, Artemisja vulgaris, Sonchus arvensis, Chenopodium album, Achillea millefolium, Cirsium arvense, Amaranthus retroflexis, Atriplex nitens, Solanum nigrum. It is also possible to enter some new, rare species as Portulaca oleracea which was noticed in 2011. Most of them reveal tendency to form specimens of huge size, what is called gigantism. It is possible mainly because of plentiful CO2 emission. Additionally, plants growing there are not attacked by insect pests. Overheating of the ground liquidates the natural seeds bank and after soil cooling these places are sown by species which give seeds at...
Since the XIX th century the Strzegom-Sobótka granitic massif is regarded as one of the classical... more Since the XIX th century the Strzegom-Sobótka granitic massif is regarded as one of the classical occurrences of intragranitic miarolitic and vein pegmatites famous for their complex hydrothermal mineral assemblages. The tour is intended to present the participants with the recent state of knowledge on various aspects of magmatic and postmagmatic evolution of these pegmatites and the host granites. Mineralogical clou of the trip are visits to working quarries providing the unique opportunity of collecting fresh samples.

El Cañón del Colca y el Valle de los Volcanes poseen valores sobresalientes del entorno natural y... more El Cañón del Colca y el Valle de los Volcanes poseen valores sobresalientes del entorno natural y algunos sitios arqueológicos. Ellos son estudiados por científicos polacos con el fin de proteger esta área mediante el establecimiento de un nuevo Parque Nacional. La delimitación de la zona y los principios de protección deben conciliar los aspectos económicos y naturales. Se presenta un análisis de la Geodiversidad como estructuras geológicas: tectónicas, vulcanológicas, hidrogeológicas y la valoración del paisaje natural. La región del estudio comprende un mosaico de formaciones geológicas, unas formas del relieve extraordinariamente bellas, y una riqueza de estructuras tectónicas y morfológicas. Un profundo corte erosivo en el Cañón del Colca, genera una riqueza de paisajes y la presencia de varios estratos climático-ecológicos. El Cañón es un gran libro educativo para explicar la génesis de los fenómenos de la naturaleza y la correlación del mundo dinámico y el paisaje rocoso. El ...

Introduction Long-term intensive analyzing of a variety of mineral samples from various burning p... more Introduction Long-term intensive analyzing of a variety of mineral samples from various burning post-mining dumps from Upper and Lower Silesia allowed to find a number of examples, where processes acting in such anthropogenic environment are highly analogous to many geological processes of natural environment. These analogies include the formation of so-called "paralavas" (parabasalts, scoria, or rather anatectites), that usually contain both typically metamorphic (indialite, cordierite-sekaninaite, corundum) and magmatic (olivine, tridymite) minerals, as well as spinels and glass. On the other hand, the formation of paralavas and other rocks found on burning heaps is known from natural geological environment like the Hatrurim formation in Israel (Sokol et al. 2005). K-bearing indialite is known from both burning dumps and buchite xenoliths from some volcanic complexes (Schreyer et al. 1990; Balassone et al. 2004). Thermal chamber A great tool for a more detailed studies o...

Oceanic polymetallic nodules PN show enrichement in Ni, Co, Cu, REE and in Mn and Fe. These eleme... more Oceanic polymetallic nodules PN show enrichement in Ni, Co, Cu, REE and in Mn and Fe. These elements are used as geochemical indicators of geological processes. The geological evolution of the nodule-bearing oceanic area within the Clarion-Clippertone Fracture Zone (CCZ) is unique with regard to geodynamic activity, age, structure, rate of subsidence, nature of sedimentary cover, depth of nodule formation, configuration of the oceanic floor, Carbonate Critical Depth (CCD) and biological productivity. Detailed geological-geophysical investigations in the CCZ by the Interoceanmetal Co. reveal differences in the distribution, mode of occurrence and in metal concentrations in PN. The aim of our study was to define the distribution of elements within single nodules of hydrogenetic-, hydrodiagenetic-and diagenetic types and to reveal any dependence between the composition of the nodules and their origin and growth. Their internal structure and composition was determined by optical microscopy, scanning SEM+EDS, XRD and electron microprobe EMPA. The hydrogenetic nodule examined comprises a nucleus ∼5 mm in diameter surrounded by concentric Mn-Fe layers of total thickness ∼8 mm that represent 2 generations. The hydrodiagenetic nodule has a nucleus (∼10 mm) enclosed by 3 generations of layers (∼14 mm). The diagenetic type comprises of nucleus (∼4 mm) with a Mn-Fe envelope ∼24 mm thick. The nuclei are typically cut by 5-30 micrometres thick mineralized veins. Microprobe chemical analyses were performed on all of the distinct growth generations and on veins in the nuclei. On the basis of bulk chemical analyses, the following elements were confirmed in the nodules: FeO, MnO 2 , Nd2O 3 , V2O 3 , CoO, NiO, CuO, ZnO, Na2O, MgO, K2O, CaO, TiO 2 , Cl, SO 2 , MoO 3 , P2O5, BaO, La2O 3 , Ce2O 3 , Al2O 3 , SiO 2 and Y2O 3 . Manganese is the dominating element in all parts of all of the nodules. Average contents are similar in the hydrogenetic-, hydrodiagenetic-and diagenetic nodules, but there are differences in its distribution between growth generations. The oldest generation and veins cutting the nuclei display the highest MnO 2 concentrations whereas iron and cobalt is mainly concentrated in the youngest generations. Copper and nickel concentrations, decreasing with nodule growth, show positive linear correlations with manganese. Vanadium and zinc contents remain constant. With the growth of the nodules, there is an increasing tendency for CaO, TiO 2 , Cl, SO 2 to correlate inversely with Na2O, MgO, K2O. Cerium, the only REE above the detection limit, is concentrated in nodules of hydrogenetic-and hydrodiagenetic origin -mainly in the first generation and in veins cutting nuclei. The content of Nd2O 3 , MoO 3 , La2O 3 and Y2O 3 is below the EMPA detection limit.
Papers by Justyna Ciesielczuk