Joanna Janusz
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Papers by Joanna Janusz
anticanonico. Anche l’immaginario dello scrittore perpetua alcuni motivi topici della tendenza: un io parlante fortemente marcato, la propensione per i momenti di contatto con il pubblico, il rifiuto della rappresentazione immediata della realtà e la sua trasfigurazione soggettivizzata, la ricerca di una verità sovratemporale sul mondo nata dalla fusione delle
contraddizioni, rendono la scrittura di Mari affine alla tendenza. Ma l’essenza dell’espressionismo di Mari sta nella sua insofferenza del presente, nell’altezzoso ribrezzo provato nei confronti della banalità del
quotidiano che sfocia nell’esibizione di una sofisticata letterarietà in cui l’espressione precede e sopravanza la realtà.
dimension collective:à travers la narration et l’ensemble des expériences historiques, politiques et culturelles, la collectivité forme l’identité individuelle de chacun de ses membres. La deuxième dimension est celle de l’autoréflexion qui mène à l’individualisation de la personne par rapport à la société. L’autoréflexion se révèle particulièrement importante pour le personnage principal, obligé à confronter son identité individuelle avec
celle de l’écrivain, définie comme une fusion de différentes identités des personnages littéraires de ses œuvres. Le roman de Covacich fait partie de la discussion sur l’identité et l’altérité ainsi que du débat initié en Italie dans les années 90, autour de l’autofiction et du réalisme dans la littérature.
My history is the history of the Other. Narration and identity in A Nome Tuo by Mauro
This article focuses on the issue of building identity in relation with the Other / Stranger in one of the novels of a contemporary Italian writer, Mauro Covacich. The identity, defined as a dynamic structure that is influenced by numerous things, is shaped in the analysed novel in two dimensions. The first dimension is the community one in which, through
narration and common historical, political and cultural experiences, the community is shaping the identity of an individual. The other dimension is that of self-reflexion, which leads to individualization of a person facing the community. Self-reflexion is particularly important when it comes to the main protagonist, who confronts his individual identity with the identity of the writer understood as a combination of various identities that exist in literary protagonists created by that writer. Covacich’s novel falls into the category of literary reflexion over identity and otherness, but it also is a voice in a discussion that took place in Italy in the 90s of the 20th century that focused on autofiction and realism in literature.