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1 Considering the special needs and the learning styles of their learners, foreign language teachers should use the most effective methods or approaches which are appropriate for their teaching strategies. Redundant or a diverse range of... more
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    • Second Language Acquisition
[ Yavuz, Ayhan ] [ Fundamentals Of Curriculum Design For Translation Courses in Social Sciences for Undergraduate Students in the Departments of Translatıon and Interpretation ] [ M.A. Thesis ] [ Ankara, 2011 ] Just like... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageTranslation and Interpretation
Tum dunyadaki insanlarin, Ingilizceyi dogru ve akici kullanmalari yonuyle iletisimsel becerilerinin yani sira konusma kabiliyetlerinin de gelismesi, Avrupa Birligi ulkelerinde AOOC‘nin (Avrupa Ortak Olcut Cercevesi) formu le edilip sekil... more
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    • Philosophy
Considering the special needs and the learning styles of their learners, foreign language teachers should use the most effective methods or approaches which are appropriate for their teaching strategies. Redundant or a diverse range of... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionVocabulary
It is almost a century that Palmer (1937) first suggested about the significance of frequency in vocabulary acquisition. Since then on, countless discussions conducted over the issue from the points supporting and falsifying the claim.... more
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It is claimed by many interactionists that Corrective Feedback (CF) has an important role in steering learners' attention in L2. Accordingly, attracted considerable attention in SLA, CF was divided into two as explicit and implicit, which... more
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The mastery of academic writing in English or English as Academic Purpose (EAP) has a crucial role at Turkish universities; whereas some EAP problems still face Turkish Academics. One of the major EAP problems is 'writing'. This study... more
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Globalisation, without doubt, is one of the major defining characteristics of modern society. It constitutes both a threat and a challenge, depending on the points of view and the predisposition of the observer. Thanks to the... more
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Boosting, an authorial commitment, and hedging, a authorial mitigating, are two issues interconnected one another with a gaining importance in the last decades (for detail see Gillaerts & Velde, 2010). However, boosting has remained as an... more
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Awareness of language or language competency has greatly changed from the focus of language itself as form and structure to language use as pragmatics. Accordingly, it is widely accepted that different cultures structure discourse in... more
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Boosters are an important metadiscourse device for writers because it creates an emphatic impression in the reader. In addition, the competence of metadiscourse devices such as boosters is crucial in having native-fluency in academic... more
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Given the use of appropriate uncertainty, the right strength of claim for the data, politeness and proper positioning oneself, though hedging is an important component of western academic discourse there appears inadequate awareness. The... more
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In the field of ELT, a growing awareness has been paid to the use of correct and appropriate word combinations. Of methods and techniques existed in the literature, the issue of lexical collocation gets a great deal of attention. However,... more
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Collocations, no matter where to use them, are an important linguistic issue if it is native fluency that is longed for in academic writing. In line with that, the present study aimed at increasing the awareness towards the importance of... more
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    • Collocations
Ambiguities are naturally found in languages and largely categorized into lexical and syntactical ambiguities. They are responsible for ambiguous expressions and may cause confusion in readers; therefore, accurate evaluation of them is... more
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