Papers by rahman el junusi

The return and risk of stock investment have a high level of volatility because it depends on fun... more The return and risk of stock investment have a high level of volatility because it depends on fundamental and technical conditions and the influence of micro and macro variables. This study aims to determine the risk and return on investment in insurance companies and analyze the effect of macroeconomic variables on the level of risk and return on investment in insurance companies. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling.Ā Data analysis shows that for three years, Asuransi Jasa Tania Tbk has the highest level of conclusion, which is 22.3%, and Asuransi Harta Aman Pratama Tbk. has the lowest rate of -3.3%. For three years, the value of Gross Domestic Product has increased successively so that this will cause a stock return that is proportional to the level of risk that will be faced. Changes in the inflation rate up and down for three consecutive years have a different effect every year where when the inflation rate decreases, the rate of return on investment will be high....

Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry
The Covid 19 pandemic caused significant changes, especially those relating to marketing that led... more The Covid 19 pandemic caused significant changes, especially those relating to marketing that led to digital usage. This article aims to determine the prospects and effects of digital marketing in the pandemic period and develop the concept of digital marketing from an Islamic perspective. The methodology of this article uses a descriptive qualitative approach by analyzing various literature on digital marketing. The results of this study found that advances in information technology played a role in the development of digital marketing, especially during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The characterization of digital marketing from an Islamic perspective will open new avenues for future research and will make researchers more theoretical. Sensitive to the ontological and epistemological assumptions underlying Islamic marketing research. This article contributes to the development of digital marketing from an Islamic perspective by introducing and characterizing potential new fields of Islam...

Journal of Islamic Accounting and Finance Research
Purpose - The purposes of this study are to determine the implementation of internal control, to ... more Purpose - The purposes of this study are to determine the implementation of internal control, to determine the application of good university governance, and to determine the effect of internal control on good university governance.Method - The research design is a survey with a quantitative approach. The object of research is UIN Walisongo that has carried out an institutional transformation. The population in this study is all structural officials at UIN Walisongo with 184 people in total. From the distribution of questionnaires, 106 questionnaires were obtained. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis with the AMOS program.Result - The results showed that the application of internal control was carried out in the good category, the application of university governance was in the very good category, and internal control had a significant effect on good university governance.Implication - The result of the study provide fu...

IQTISHODUNA: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
This study calculates and analyzes the Islamic financial inclusion index which covers three dimen... more This study calculates and analyzes the Islamic financial inclusion index which covers three dimensions; accessibility, availability, and usage of sharia banking. The results showed that the level of Islamic financial inclusion in Indonesia was classified as low during the study period and DKI Jakarta Province was the most inclusive province in Indonesia. Furthermore, this study analyzes the effect of the Islamic financial inclusion index on Islamic financing channeled to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. Using the saturated sampling method, a total of 33 provinces in Indonesia were selected as samples with an observation period. The results show that the Islamic Financial Inclusion Index (IIK) has a significant positive effect on sharia financing channeled to the MSME sector, one of the regions that appears to be growing faster than other regions is Aceh. This research is different from previous financial sector inclusiveness studies that still see and study ...

Penyelenggaraan PTAIS di Kopertasis X Jawa tengah terdapat 36 PTAIS yang telah melaksanakan kegia... more Penyelenggaraan PTAIS di Kopertasis X Jawa tengah terdapat 36 PTAIS yang telah melaksanakan kegiatan proses belajar mengajar, ada 11 PTAIS yang telah mengantongi Akreditasi. Dari sebelas PTAI dapat akreditasi A hanya satu yaitu FT. Unissula. 11 prodi mendapat akreditasi B dan 3 prodi mendapat akreditasi C. Sedangkan yang lain belum mengurus akreditasi Dari data tersebut dapat dilihat fenomena bahwa beberapa PTAIS tidak mempunyai ijin penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan akreditasi. Dari potret tersebut dapat dipahami bahwa kualitas PTAIS masih minim. Oleh karena itu dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu PTAIS diperlukan rumusan strategi peningkatan kinerja PTAIS untuk mencapai visi dan misi PTAI melalui meningkatkan kualitas pendidik dan tenaga. Oleh karena itu peneliti menawarkan konsep balanced scorecad yang bersifat teknis, taktis dan operasional dengan mengimplementasikan prinsisp-prinsip good governance sebagai bahan kebijakan strategi pengembangan PTAIS di masa yang akan datang.Peneliti me...

Economica: Jurnal Ekonomi Islam
The purpose of this research is how to implement the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) at UIN Walisongo in... more The purpose of this research is how to implement the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) at UIN Walisongo in an effort towards world class university (WCU). The research design is policy research using explorative descriptive analysis techniques. The results show that in perspective (1) changes in research organizations: international collaborative research and international publications need to be improved, (2) human resource policies, increasing the number of professors and doctors and staff education, based on educational qualifications are still limited (3) academic programs, international accredited study programs need to be started, (4) Internal Governance, as an anti-corruption campus that applies the best Integrity zone in PTKI and (5) Funds, develops and explores funding sources from domestic and foreign partners to strengthen the internationalization program towards WCU.Tujuan penelitian adalah bagaimana implementasi BSC pada UIN Walisongo dalam upaya menujuĀ world class university (...

Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry
This study attempts to fill the gap in the literature between self-efficacy and entrepreneurial o... more This study attempts to fill the gap in the literature between self-efficacy and entrepreneurial orientation (EO). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of self-efficacy and EO mediated by moral intelligence. Data collection was carried out from a population of 17,603 Muslim entrepreneurs in the city of Semarang who are engaged in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sector. The data collected from the online survey was applied to structural equation modeling (SEM). From this study, it was found that self-efficacy has a significant effect on EO and moral intelligence, while moral intelligence affects EO. This study contributes to the literature on the role of self-efficacy and moral intelligence in increasing EO. The originality of this study is to offer the concept of moral intelligence which plays a central role in the relationship between self-efficacy and EO. Thus, no studies have investigated this causality.

Syariah banking is currently growing rapidly and become part of financial life in the Islamic wor... more Syariah banking is currently growing rapidly and become part of financial life in the Islamic world. However, there are two important realities to observe in the life of Islamic Banking in Indonesia. First, Islamic banks are faced with a market share that has not met the target by 5 percent. Second, compliance of Islamic banking to Islamic principles was decline. Therefore, it is needed a strategy of development through the implementation of syariah governance. Syariah Governance implementation is expected to have an impact on reputation and customer confidence which in turn can increase the market share of syariah banks. Based on this background, the research problem is how the implementation of syariah governance and its impact on the reputation and confidence in Islamic banks. This research object is Muamalat banks operating in Central Java (Semarang, Solo, Purwokerto). The research sample is 200 respondents using the techniques of analytical judgment. Measurement instrument using 1-5 Likert scale, from strongly disagree (STS) untill Strongly Agree (SS). Firth to know implementation of Shariah governance, it is used a quantitative descriptive analysis using the average (mean). Second, to examine the effect of the implementation of Shariah governance to reputation and customer confidence in Islamic banks, it uses Structur Equation Model (SEM) with program AMOS 4.0 Engineering Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) which consists of two kinds of technical analysis, the goodness of fit and regression weight on the SEM to assess the suitability of the model estimation based on measuring the level of significance of some of the goodness of fit good and bad in a model, so the degree of the model accuracy is determined by the cutoff value. This research concluded that calculations of total assessment on the implementation of Shariah Governance Islamic bank (Bank Muamalat) showed an average score of 3.427 in good categories. It shows that shariah compliance is a indicator giving biggest contribution in the implementation of Islamic governance. Compliance to sharia is the main factor to customer in establishing partnerships with syariah banks and deciding to retain syariah banks.
Papers by rahman el junusi