Self-Injury Awareness
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Self Injury Awareness

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Advice on diminishing appearance of white but raised scars [26 Dec 2011|12:30pm]

[ mood | hopeful ]

Hi. I have quite a few scars from when I was an depressed teenager all over my left arm. I am now a perfectly (well, almost!) mentally and physically healthy woman who is unable to wear short sleeves due to what I did over 7 years ago.

Does anyone have any advice on how to lessen the appearance of these scars? They are small-most no longer than one inch- but the fact that they are raised makes them noticeable. The scars are white, so I know I will likely not be able to regain the pigment, but has anyone undergone any effective treatments to making already white scars flatter?

I've read about silicone sheets but I'm unsure as to whether they only flatten red, hypertropic scars.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

P.S. Please no comments about "wearing scars with pride" or whatever. I want them gone. And to anyone who is still doing s-i: you need to realize that when you do get better, which will probably happen, a constant reminder of how you used to be is NOT a good thing, especially when you are trying to thrive in a professional environment.

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Still recruiting participants for study on self-harm [01 Dec 2010|02:29pm]
Hi there,

I know some members from this group have participated in our research, so I wanted to send along a quick update and to let you know that we are still recruiting participants for our research on self-harm.  The Characteristics Associated with Self-Injury Study began in March 2009. Since we began, over 350 people from 18 different countries have participated in this study. 83 people are currently participating in the longitudinal portion of the study, completing questionnaires every three months. This part will help us understand patterns of self-injury over time, as well as what motivates people to recover or stop from self-injuring. 

Below is some more information about the study. Please email us at [email protected] if you have any questions or if you are interested in participating!

Best wishes!
The Personality and Emotion Research Lab


Hello again from the Personality and Emotion Research Laboratory (PERL)!

Would you like to help us understand how to help people who self-harm? We are currently recruiting participants for the second phase of our research on self-harm, and we want your help! Participating in the study takes 2 hours, and you will receive an online gift certificate worth $10 CAD for each time point you complete, plus a chance for a $25 bonus if you complete all the follow-ups for a total of $75.

If you are interested in participating, please email us at [email protected]. All your information will be kept confidential, and no identifying information is linked to your responses.


Background Information:

Self-injury (sometimes called “self-harm”) involves harming yourself on purpose. Some examples include cutting or burning yourself, taking an overdose of pills, or banging your head. Right now, very little is known about why people start or stop self-harming. The Personality and Emotion Research Lab (PERL), a research team from Simon Fraser University in Canada, is conducting a study to learn more about the experiences of people who self-harm, and we want your help! We are interested in how emotions, life experiences, stress and coping styles affect self-harm. We hope that this research will help other people understand more about why people self-harm and what they can do to help.

What you can do:

If you want to participate in this study, you will fill out online questionnaires on self-harm, emotions, coping, symptoms, and life events. These questionnaires will take approximately 2 hour to complete. Later, you’ll have a chance to complete follow-up questionnaires over a 12 month period. Although the first session is long, the follow-up questionnaires are shorter, and usually take on 30 to 90 minutes to complete.

Who can participate:

We are looking for people who currently self-harm (whether you are trying to stop or not), AND those who have self-harmed in the past and quit.You must be at least 16 years old to participate.

What’s in it for you:

Participants who complete the questionnaires will receive a $10 (Canadian currency) gift certificate each time you complete the questionnaires (from or PayPal). In addition, you will receive a $25 bonus if you complete all five follow-ups in the first year! Telling us about your experiences will give us important information on how self-harm changes over time, and could help develop and improve treatments for people who want to stop self-harming.

Important Information:

This study is the second phase of this line of research, and builds on the previous study. If you have already participated in our research (in a study called “Characteristics Associated with Self-Injury”), you are still eligible to complete this study.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Personality and Emotion Research Laboratory (PERL)
Simon Fraser University
Department of Psychology
RCB5246, 8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6

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Please Help Researchers Understand Self-harm [27 Jul 2010|02:34pm]
Hello again from the Personality and Emotion Research Laboratory (PERL)!

Would you like to help us understand how to help people who self-harm? We are currently recruiting participants for the second phase of our research on self-harm, and we want your help! Participating in the study takes only 90 minutes, and you will be entered into a draw to win one of five prizes of $150 CAD. If you are interested, please email us at [email protected]. All your information will be kept confidential, and no identifying information is linked to your responses.


Background Information: Self-injury (sometimes called “self-harm”) involves harming yourself on purpose. Some examples include cutting or burning yourself, taking an overdose of pills, or banging your head. Right now, very little is known about why people start or stop self-harming. The Personality and Emotion Research Lab (PERL), a research team from Simon Fraser University in Canada, is conducting a study to learn more about the experiences of people who self-harm, and we want your help! We are interested in how emotions, life experiences, stress and coping styles affect self-harm. We hope that this research will help other people understand more about why people self-harm and what they can do to help.

What you can do: If you want to participate in this study, you will fill out online questionnaires on self-harm, emotions, coping, symptoms, and life events. These questionnaires will take approximately 90 minutes to complete.

Who can participate: We are looking for people who currently self-harm (whether you are trying to stop or not), AND those who have self-harmed in the past and quit.

What’s in it for you: Participants who complete the questionnaires will be entered in a draw to win one of five prizes of $150 CAD. Telling us about your experiences will give us important information on how self-harm changes over time, and could help develop and improve treatments for people who want to stop self-harming.

Important Information: This study is the second phase of this line of research, and builds on the previous study. If you have already participated in our research (in a study called “Characteristics Associated with Self-Injury”), you are still eligible to complete this study.

Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Personality and Emotion Research Laboratory (PERL)
Simon Fraser University
Department of Psychology
RCB5246, 8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC, Canada V5A 1S6

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Volunteers Needed for a Research Study on Self Injury [25 Jul 2010|10:53am]

Dear LJ Community,
The recruitment for our self injury study is now complete.
Thank you for your support of our research. Please feel free to email me with any questions you may have.
~Tatyana Kholodkov
Graduate Student
Old Dominion University 

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support site [09 Nov 2009|10:57pm]
i have a support site which has a forum on cutting and i think that you all could gain from it. hope to see you around.

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help [06 Nov 2009|08:21pm]

How do you deal when you have grown up with a extremely depressed parent and a major issue with trying to talk to a shrink...

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[02 Sep 2008|01:31pm]

A Confessional, should you need it...

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New To The Community [30 May 2008|11:05pm]


I thought I would take a few moments to introduce myself to the community. I’m a cutter, I would like to say former cutter (because I quit for 2 years) then my young (25) year old body suffered a devising illness which has left me in chronic pain. Live Journal is used as a positive escape for the depression that comes from the chronic pain and chronic pain itself. I suffer from traumatic disorders and depression from an abusive past, a brutal rape at 16, and my past ex tried to kill me (the law is involved its very recent). However my cutting is not daily, I have several positive escapes now such as this blog and a man who loves me for me and cares about me in every way. He suggest LJ and these communities knowing I am an avid blogger writing my soul out word for word like my disease, my words are all I have now. I am looking for understanding, acceptance, and friends so I welcome everyone who wishes to add me. I’m just so tired of walking this devil’s path alone.

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newww memberrr. [09 Jul 2007|01:46am]

hii :]
my name is jodie, i'm 20 years old. i suppose you could say self-mutilation is a part of my past, now. i rarely find reason to use it anymore.
i do believe that people need to be made more aware of it's occurance in our society, though. it's sometimes easy to overlook the fact that self-mutilation might be a part of someone's life.
that's why i joined this community.
i like knowing i'm active in the matter.
& i'd love to help out, in any way possible.

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New plea [08 Jul 2007|03:36pm]

New plea.

Dear all,

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for the fantastic support you have offered after my last post asking for photographic models. I received messages from people offering support, willing to have their photo taken or those wishing to fill in a questionnaire. I couldn’t have expected a better response and I hope I come across as genuine when I explain how grateful I am. That gratitude is also extended to all the moderators who kindly left my posts up for people to read. Thank you.
Your support on my last project has inspired me to push my creativity further and extend the self-harm project that I began over two years ago.
This time I am hoping other people might be willing to get involved as I am opening the 'requirements' up to include many more heath issues.
Although I have not yet written my Artist statement, I am hoping to make the most of my 4/5-month holiday by getting a head start on next term’s project.
The project I worked on for my first year of my BA(Hons) Photography, at Anglia Ruskin University, was surrounding the subject Self Injury/Harm. My initial plan was to put together a book of shots of young men and women who use self-harm. I had always planned to put these, headless, images in a book. However after much deliberation I decided to hand in a miniature version of the images, kept in a box for presentation and to save the book idea for my second year.
I now have another 8 or 9 months to put together a comprehensive collection of images that not only cover the issue of self harm, but also bring in other issues that may trigger self harm or are produced as a secondary to self harm (although I realize this is very different for everyone). I intend to create images that contain men and women, of all ages, colour or sexuality, who have had or who currently are experiencing issues with, self harm, anorexia/bulimia/EDNOS, depression, binge eating, disassociation, sexual abuse/rape survivors, participation in S&M, transgender/ transexuality, scaring from incidence etc. Essentially I am hoping to capture many aspects of mental health with a specific look at how mental health affects you physically and how you feel about your body.
As part of this work, I would like to follow 3 or 4 people through treatment. This could be in-patient or out patient, mental health related treatment or physical health. For ease, it would be great if the participating people lived near Cambridge or around the south of the country, however, I would be willing to travel if needed.
The idea of lots of people modeling once, representing their own lives and stories, means I can share very small insights into a mind set or situations. However, by having the chance to follow 3 or 4 (or more if possible) people through one part of their lives, documenting the details of their stories, I have the opportunity to show people a much deeper look into life with impairments.
I hope that the work is tasteful, that it never glorifies SI or any other issues that may be raised, yet at the same time offer people who don’t understand a chance to see how it affects people. That is where your help comes in!
I may be able to explain my own relationship with self-harm and mental/physical health, I may even be able to give statistics, but unless many people get to share their stories.. We can’t expect people to just get it.
Just like last time, I am looking for people from anywhere in the UK, 
any age (as long as your over 16 with parental consent or over 18), and either sex. I would be willing to help out with travel costs to my home and you would be more than welcome to stay at my house with a friend of yours.
This time the compassion of the images will be slightly different, but you will always have the last word on what you are happy to do.
The models I have used so far are my close friends, people who I love and would always want to protect, as well as the wonderful people who nominated them selves. I would never exploit anyone and I will include text in the book that describes just how grateful I am for the models co-operation. All models will need to sign a model release form.
I am telling you all about the book and my hopes for the future as I would like to ask if anyone would want to take part? I want to show all aspects of self-harm and mental health issues, not just scars or tears or meds. There is so much more to it. The smiles you have to put on for those around you, the depression you feel, the guilt, the eating distress, the arguments with loved ones, I want to try and communicate that too.
I am hoping to get moving as soon as possible, so if you have some free time over the summer and fancy a trip to Cambridge, please e-mail and we can work something out!
Feel free to contact me, Indigo.Clouds.Imagery[@]Gmail[.]com

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Hi [19 Jun 2007|05:32pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Hello. My name is Amanda. I am 14 and have been self injuring since I was 10. I am trying to stop and haven't cut in a week and 6 days. I have a website about SI ( It has lots of alternatives and much more. Feel free to check it out. Feel free to message me or whatever it is you do on this site (I am new).

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New Book About Cutting Released May 2007 [08 May 2007|05:25pm]

My name is Vanessa and I have struggled with anorexia for 20 years and self-injury for more than 30 years. In a quest to understand the reasons behind my behavior, I entered an intensive therapy program and the insight I gained was so valuable, I decided to share my story with others. Comes the Darkness, Comes the Light is a story of self-injury and redemption. By understanding some of the root causes behind my self-injury, I was able to go forward on a path to healing and have just celebrated my first year injury free!

I would love to have you visit my blog and respond to some of my entries!

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exposure [07 May 2007|09:59am]

i recently made the decision to start wearing tee shirts in public for the first time in about 3 years. my scars are all old enough to be completely white scar tissue, which is easier for me to expose than red lines ever were. so far no one has said anything directly to me, but i read a huge range of reactions on people's faces:


the only one of those that bothers me in the least is the scorn (which i guess is a form of misunderstanding as well). at this point in my life, i don't mind talking about my scars with friends or strangers, but no one has asked. is it just not a big deal to anyone else, or are they as scared as i am?

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New Book About Cutting Released May 2007 [04 May 2007|04:48pm]

My name is Vanessa and I have struggled with self-injury for more than 30 years. In a quest to understand the reasons behind my behavior, I entered an intensive therapy program and the insight I gained was so valuable, I decided to share my story with others. Comes the Darkness, Comes the Light is a story of self-injury and redemption. By understanding some of the root causes behind my self-injury, I was able to go forward on a path to healing and have just celebrated my first year injury free!

I would love to have you visit my blog and respond to some of my entries!

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Self harm image book. [21 Apr 2007|05:16pm]

Hey, my name is Jo. I am 24 and I live in Cambridge UK

I'm doing a fine arts degree, BA(Hons) Photography, at Anglia Ruskin University. I'm in my first year but I have worked as a photographer previously.

For my major project this year I am studying self harm. Its something I have worked with before and personal experience of.

I hope that the work is tasteful, that it never glorifies SI, yet at the same time offers people who dont understand it a chance to see how it affects people.

I decided that I didnt simply want the photos up on a wall as they were too private. So I am putting together a book. It wont be published, I will only make a handful of copys. It will be A4/5 size and each page will have 2 or 3 images on. Along with that will be a very small amount of text that's either commentory from me, statistics or quotes taken from the small questionair I have asked my models to fill in.

The models I have used so far are my close friends, people who I love and would always want to protect. I would never exploit anyone and I will include text in the book that describes just how greatful I am for the models co-operation.

I am telling you all about the book as I would like to ask if anyone would like to take part? I want to show all aspects of self harm, not just scars or tears. There is so much more to it. The smiles you have to put on for thoes arond you, the depression you feel, the guilt, the eating distress, the arguments with loved ones, I want to try and communicate that too.

I wonder how you might feel about helping me acheve that?

Models will need to be over 16 and have permission from parents if under 18. You will need to live in the UK and be avaliable for a photoshoot as soon as possiable. Models are not paid but I can help with traveling costs, offer you and a friend food/a bed for the night and you will have an opertunity to buy a copy of the book when finished if you would like.

I am needing people as quick as possiable as the project needs to finish in the next 4/5 weeks and some models backed out. That said, if you do offer, you will be under no pressure to do anything you are uncomfortable with. Even if that means you getting here and changing your mind. If you are interested I can show you some images I already have to see what you think. Feel free to pass this on to friends you think may be interested.

I hope this post isnt inapropreate, feel free to remove it. x-posted to other self harm communities.

You can leave messages here or you can e mail me at GumChewingFreak[@]Gmail[.]com

Thank you for reading, have a safe day xx xx

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*sigh* [20 Mar 2007|11:42pm]

Everything in my life seems to be caving in and bursting into flames
and any flesh and blood- see and touch friends i have cant seem to hear what i tell them
some times pain is too much
feelings arent thoughts
thoughts arent actions

i am pretty badly scarred all up my left arm
but its been over a year since there have been any of that noise

no drugs
no violence

but i feel trapped and manipulated
back against a wall
and I just dont want this anymore

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I'm An Ass [15 Mar 2007|03:38pm]

It's me, Love_Out_Me77. I had to delete that journal (like I did SoulScars before it) because I screwed up. I have two journals, one public, one private. I don't want anyone who reads my public journal to know anything about my self-injury, so I started a private one so I could meet others like me and have somewhere to vent my frustrations.

Anyhoo, I can't promise this is the last journal of mine you'll see, balancing two is harder than one might think. heh

So, if you were a friend of Love_Out_Me77, I invite you to friend me again. And if you weren't, well, friend me anyway! ;-)

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Sorry it's been so long... [15 Mar 2007|10:31am]

Hey gang, I know I've been away for awhile, but I'm back. Sorry if I worried any of you.

I've joined IMVU, too, as I know some of you hang out there, so swing by my LJ and let me know your IMVU name so I can add you!

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SIAD [01 Mar 2007|05:24am]


I hope everyone can stay safe! *hugs*

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[01 Mar 2007|11:42am]


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