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      Italian CinemaMuseums of cinema
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    • Italian media
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      Social MovementsSocial NetworkingCriminalisation of Politics
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      Media representation of womenItalian media
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      Crime newsNews CoverageItalian media
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      Globalization and MediaItalian media
My aim in this chapter is to suggest how postcolonial theory is relevant to the interpretation and study of contemporary ethnic minority media cultures and to demonstrate how they relate to the 'metropolitan centre' of Britain. I intend... more
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    • Postcolonial Media Theory
Autrici, critiche e curatrici Iris Barry, Lotte Eisner e Kashiko Kawawita sono tra le prime donne ad aver sostenuto nel mondo, dalla prima metà del Novecento, il riconoscimento specifico del cinema come arte e sistema produttivo nei... more
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      Museum StudiesJapanese CinemaMuseums of cinemaMuseums
This chapter analyses the coverage of the 2016 EU referendum in the Italian press and a key broadcast political talk show, taking as its focus the changed context of the Italian political landscape with the rise of populist anti-European... more
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    • Political Science
I have to confess that I have ambivalent feelings about Karen Ross and Carolyn Byerly's Women and Media: International Perspectives. As a university instructor who has taught an undergraduate media and gender course for several years, I... more
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      SociologyFeminist Media StudiesCanadian Communication Studies
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    • Postcolonial Media Theory
Italy is one of the core founding members countries of the European Economic Community (EEC), along with Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the then West Germany; and, for most of its post-Second World War history, has been... more
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Anthropological and ethnographic cultural institutions generally hold large collections of audiovisual material connected with several European nations' colonial past. Many of these institutions are now aware of the ethical challenge they... more
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      Cultural HeritagePostcolonial StudiesModernity/coloniality/decoloniality
Starting with the translation and publication of the Nobel Laureate Odysseas Elytis’s magnum opus ‘The Axion Esti’ in 1974 and spanning nearly 30 years of continuous presence of Modern Greek poetry in English, this overview focuses on the... more
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      Poetry TranslationTranslation ProcessModern Greek PoetryTranslators
The German occupation of Greece is a particularly obscure and emotion-ridden period in Greek history, one that has left indelible marks still recognizable more than half a century later. An eminently sensitive issue, one that reaches the... more
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      Translation and IdeologyInterpreters and Translators
The research object of this study is the symbolic capital of poetry translators and how it shapes and is being shaped by the current practices and self-descriptions of translators of Modern Greek poetry into English. A number of case... more
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      Modern Greek literatureTranslation of PoetryPierre BourdieuSociology of Translation
This paper reports on the findings of a survey designed to investigate the emotions experienced by subtitlers who work on sensitive audiovisual material and whether these emotions affect their subtitling performance. For the purposes of... more
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      ResilienceSubtitlingAudiovisual TranslationEmotional Regulation
The object of this paper is to engage in the ongoing discussion within Translation/Translator Studies regarding how the translator’s gender affects and is affected by the profession and the field of translation (Schaeffner 2013, Al-Jarf... more
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      Gender StudiesTranslation as a ProfessionTranslation and Gender
This paper discusses the emotions experienced by subtitlers who subtitle sensitive audiovisual material. "Sensitive audiovisual material" refers to audiovisual texts which deal with controversial and emotive topics, such as abuse, war,... more
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      Emotion RegulationEmpirical Research
Kimon Friar’s (1911-1993) voluminous translation work of Modern Greek literature in English has been lauded by fellow translators (Keeley 2000), poets and reviewers alike. The annual Kimon Friar lectures, delivering talks on Greek... more
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      Translation StudiesGatekeepingModern Greek and Comparative LiteratureArchival Research