Sheffield Hallam University
Culture and Creativity Research Institute
This paper explores the intertextual approach used by Stanley Kubrick and Diane Johnson during the adaptation process of The Shining (1980). The exploration is approached through new analysis of pre-production documents relating to The... more
My research focusses on decentering narratives from the Stanley Kubrick Archive (SKA) to challenge the hegemonic white, heterosexual, cis gendered male centric history of film production. I am considering how intersectional methods,... more
The antonymous relationship between fact and fiction is prevalent throughout archaeological discourse; with issues of authenticity leading notions of value and form, from whose authority such decisions are attributed being of intrinsic... more
For: Changing Worlds: Engaging Science and Technology with Art, Academia and Activism at the Institute for Advanced Studies, the University of Vienna. November 18th - 21st November, 2015.
For the European Association of Archaeologist's 21st Annual Meeting, Glasgow, 2nd-4th September, 2015.
For The Academy of Modern Celtic Ethnography's international conference on Imagining Wales, Aberystwyth, 1st August 2015.
For TAG2015: 'Political Agendas and Sponsorship in Archaeology' 14th-16th December, 2015.
For: Reading the Fantastic: Tales Beyond Borders international interdisciplinary conference, University of Leeds, 23rd - 25th April 2015.
Abstract for a symposium on Storymaking by The Liverpool Screen School in collaboration with the ICC (Institute of Cultural Capital) and supported by the MeCCSA Practice Network. November 11th, at Liverpool John Moore's University.... more
For: the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) & Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA), May 2017. Deep Mapping Belief "A deep map is not a thin map… It is a folding of representations akin to the... more
For: Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 Years: The Creation of Landscapes V, Kiel, Germany. March 2017.
For: The British Association of the Study of Religions conference on 'Narratives of Religion' at the University of Chester, September 4-6th 2017. On Wednesday 27th November, 2002, sheltering from a torrential downpour worthy of... more
For Progressive Connexions’ Interdisciplinary Conference on Sprituality....and Culture, Lisbon, 17th & 18th March 2018. Nestled within the CFP shone the following incipit: “Other forms of participation…” - which reads rather like an... more TAG '17 Cardiff, Session: (S-ite)rations: Memory, Forgetting and the Temporal Architecture of Place." If different processes and phenomena become apparent at different scales of observation,... more
From the 15th to the 26th of October 2018, Madrid will be the capital of myth. This abstract is for a presentation which opens the Modern Panel for the Fifth International Conference on Mythcriticism: Myth and Audiovisual Creation