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      SociologyHousing Policy
Dahmash is an informal village of Israeli Arabs in the heart of Israel. Based on discourse analysis of legal sources, this paper argues that the state’s democratic procedural discourse is used in court to deny and cover over an... more
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceLiberalismEconomic Justice
Safe spaces offer relief from oppression, but they can do more and become spaces of social justice. Drawing on two case-study communities in the UK and Nancy Fraser's theory of justice, this paper argues that safe spaces can become just... more
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      SociologySocial JusticeNeoliberalismCommunities of practice
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own, except where work which has formed part of jointly authored publications has been included. The contribution of the candidate and the other authors to this work has been... more
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      SociologyPolitical SciencePoliticsVision
How can a long-standing cooperative respond to changes in society over time, and how do these changes affect the management of the cooperative? We looked at the visions, daily life and policies in a housing cooperative in the UK... more
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      CommonsSubjectivitiesPolitical ScienceHousing
Cohousing is widely celebrated as a socially and environmentally sustainable housing model, but remains a small sector with a distinct social profile: White, highly educated and with middle-high income. Drawing on mixed-methods research... more
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      SociologyHuman GeographyHabitusCultural Capital
Power to Change's Homes in Community Hands programme provides grants to help build and refurbish affordable housing. Specifically, the programme is supporting the development of community-led housing in England with £5.2 million. The... more
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Understanding the complex evolving relationships between the third sector, the state and the market is one of the most important and fruitful areas of research, policy attention and practice reflection in the third sector. Yet too often... more
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