Sri lankan government has recently announced cement bag price has increased in 105 SL currencies unit. in this way concrete prices has been increased in market. with this document enables to figure out the increased prices and details of... more
Seeking Pro-Management for EPC, Record Keeping, Systematic Scheme of Claims, Scheme of Notices
For Large Scale Projects
For Large Scale Projects
This is the theoretical approximate quantities measured by use of Caterpillar Lifting/Handling Capacities. Result on the paper is the exact haulage calculation basis only. Under working condition that may differ due to risks and condition... more
Covid 19 has a major affect in the construction industry whilist, this is to find a method to calculate and mitigate risk response cost within project. thus project can be delayed will be reinvested. within the context that seeks a method... more
Employing Motor Graders for Projects. Analysis of Current Cost Using Empirical Formula. To Initiate Nominal Working Hours for Motor Graders – 00.00016.10.03.21 -Cost of Projects in Sri Lanka. -Scientific Formulae use in many quantity... more
In This way Diverse Project Activity Analyst gets support for internal project Costing at 2018
A copy of Journal published on RICS... more
Concrete price in sri lanka has varous fluctuations due to the economic situation where 6/1/2023 cement price recorded SL Rs. 2700.00. Therefore following doc. Pdf. Content allowes user to identify various mix designs and content with... more
An innovation Ai Based Claims Management in Construction Agreement Forms.mp3 trimmed Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: An innovation for AI based contract management Podcast;... more
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Construction Estimate Application 2024 1000+ works estimates in Canadian NRM application Civil engineering cost guide for America (English Edition) Estimate guide for Australia... more
Railway transport is essential for the economic development of countries. However, railway project management faces a number of challenges. This scientific article analyzes the current problems and proposes solutions for the optimization... more