This article critically analyses the impact of reforms to the student financial support system in English higher education. Comparative analysis of financial support mechanisms and patterns of outreach engagement with groups... more
This paper argues that the introduction of access agreements following the establishment of the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has consolidated how English higher education institutions (HEIs) position themselves in the marketplace in... more
This paper explores the linkages between national identity and educational traditions, and the range and flexibility of the incarnations of tradition. It investigates in detail three versions of a specifically English tradition in... more
One form of ecological fallacy is found in the dictum that 'you are where you live'otherwise expressed in the idea that you can infer significant information about an individual or their family from the prevailing conditions around their... more
This project, funded by the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU), was carried out by the Centre for Research and Evaluation (CRE) at Sheffield Hallam University and the Centre for Research into Quality (CRQ) at the University of... more
- by Colin McCaig
4 These surveys were part of a wider HEFCE evaluation which comprises of comprises tracking surveys of young people building on Excellence Challenge cohorts from 2001, an analysis of existing and linked administrative databases and a... more
- by Colin McCaig
The Labour Party's policymaking structures in the United Kingdom have changed in a way that has allowed new ideas to emerge in the party's VET discourse. The trade unions, who wished to return to the Industrial Training Boards financed by... more
This paper argues that the introduction of access agreements following the establishment of the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has led to changes in the way that higher education institutions (HEIs) position themselves in the marketplace... more
A large number of the Business and Administrative Studies programmes are in post 92 HEIs and specialist institutions/colleges, but generally type or size of institution do not seem to influence this variable. There is no particular... more
- by Colin McCaig
4 These surveys were part of a wider HEFCE evaluation which comprises of comprises tracking surveys of young people building on Excellence Challenge cohorts from 2001, an analysis of existing and linked administrative databases and a... more
- by Colin McCaig
Over a period of around fifteen years English higher education has become characterised by an increasingly marketise and differentiated system, most recently with the encouragement of new “challenger” providers potentially creating price... more
Over a period of around fifteen years English higher education has become characterised by an increasingly marketise and differentiated system, most recently with the encouragement of new “challenger” providers potentially creating price... more
This paper uses critical discourse analysis of English higher education institutions’ policy statements about access to explore the changing ways that institutions have used language to shift their market positionality away from widening... more
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- by Colin McCaig
This paper engages with the continuing emphasis given to evidence-based policy and 'what works' approaches in educational research, highlighting some of the continuing epistemological challenges from a post-positivist perspective. To... more
This paper argues that the introduction of access agreements following the establishment of the Office for Fair Access (OFFA) has led to changes in the way that higher education institutions (HEIs) position themselves in the marketplace... more
This document is the author deposited version. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from it. Published version TAZZYMAN, Sarah, BOWES, Lindsay, MORETON, Rachel, MADRIAGA, Manuel and MCCAIG, Colin... more
- by Colin McCaig
Based on the evidence brought together in this report, most HEPs are keen to receive guidance on how to better conceptualise, plan, deliver and evaluate pre-16 outreach activity. There is a strong commitment to working with younger age... more
- by Colin McCaig