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      Web 2.0E-learningThe Social WebPedagogy
Where does New Zealand design come from? It is debatable whether there is something that you can definitely call New Zealand Design. There is design from New Zealand and things that have been designed made or manufactured in New Zealand.... more
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      Sustainable materialsSustainable Design
Abstract: The excitement surrounding the potential of web2.0 tools within education has continued to grow. While almost everyone has now heard of POD Casting and YouTube, there are many more examples of social networking and content... more
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Based on three years of innovative pedagogical development and guided by a participatory action research methodology, this paper outlines an approach to integrating mobile web 2.0 within a tertiary education course, based on a social... more
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      Web 2.0E-learningPedagogy
Built on the foundation of four years of research and implementation of mobile learning projects (mlearning), this paper outlines the implementation of an mlearning model in the first year of a Bachelor of Product Design course in 2009.... more
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      Educational TechnologySocial NetworksAction ResearchElectronic publishing
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      Educational TechnologySocial NetworksAction ResearchElectronic publishing
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      Blended And Mobile LearningMobile Web
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      Product DesignStudent Centred LearningTertiary EducationFirst Year
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      Educational TechnologySocial NetworksAction ResearchElectronic publishing
This paper explores the development of a 2011 international collaborative mlearning project that builds upon the success of the implementation of over 30 mlearning projects by the researcher between 2006 and 2011. In particular the... more
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Keywords: Glass, Bioplastic, Design, Architecture. Abstract. The Art & Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University has been working with the sustainability agenda for a number of years, with much of its focus being on the... more
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This paper explores the development of a 2011 international collaborative mlearning project that builds upon the success of the implementation of over 30 mlearning projects by the researcher between 2006 and 2011. In particular the... more
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The excitement surrounding the potential of web2.0 tools within education has continued to grow. While almost everyone has now heard of PODCasting and YouTube, there are many more examples of social networking and content sharing tools... more
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      Product DesignStudent Centred LearningTertiary EducationFirst Year
... students. 2 Course Tutors Technology Steward (Thom Cochrane – CTLI) 2. Bachelor of Product Design (Year3). 8 ... students. 2 Course Tutors Technology Steward (ThomCochrane – CTLI) 3. Diploma of Contemporary Music. 11 ...
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Based on three years of innovative pedagogical development and guided by a participatory action research methodology, this paper outlines an approach to integrating mobile web 2.0 within a tertiary education course, based on a social... more
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      Participatory Action ResearchPedagogyLocation-AwarenessSocial Constructivism
Today, less than a billion people have access to computers, whereas around four billion people have access to mobile phones. At the same time,
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