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Portland Works is a Grade II* Listed integrated cutlery factory. A hundred years ago, it was the birthplace of stainless steel manufacturing. Today it is a hub of craft and innovation, home to a community of diverse and thriving... more
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      ArchitectureCommunity DevelopmentCommunity OrganizingIndustrial Heritage
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      ArchitectureMappingGlobalization and Interdependence
This book brings together a series of reflections and practices around issues of local and trans-local cultural production within different contexts in Europe, prompted through the agency of a collaborative and networked project: Rhyzom... more
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URBAN ACT. A handbook for alternative practices Editor: atelier d'architecture autogérée (aaa), PEPRAV Contributors: Texts by Jochen Becker, Kathrin Böhm (public works), Axel Claes (PTTL), Margit Czenki, Siynem Ezgi Saritas, Jesko... more
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      Cultural PracticesSpatial AgencyCollective Scholar Activism
The ‘Common Grounds’ Colloquium was a workshop-based event which took place on the 14th/15th of January 2011 at Gladstone’s Library, St. Deniol’s. It was organised by James Benedict Brown and Anna Holder, students from Queens University... more
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      ArchitectureCritical PedagogyArchitectural Research Methods
This paper critically examines the relationship between the practices of participation and participation as economy. In recent years, and particularly in response to the global market failure of 2008 and subsequent global recession, the... more
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      ArchitectureCommunity Engagement & ParticipationSocial ActivismUrbanism
This article draws on three case studies, which illuminate a number of practical, ethical and intellectual issues that arise from ‘engaged’ teaching activities within the curriculum. Projects from the disciplines of Architecture, English... more
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      Critical PedagogyCommunity-Engaged ScholarshipArchitecture Teaching PedagogiesLive Projects
The Co-series has been developed by artist Charlotte Morgan and designer Julia Udall through a common interest in the points at which art and architecture practices intersect. Exploring the multiple ways in which we engage with the city,... more
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      Work and LabourParticipatory Decision MakingDiverse Economies
The Co-series has been developed by artist Charlotte Morgan and designer Julia Udall through a common interest in the points at which art and architecture practices intersect. Exploring the multiple ways in which we engage with the city,... more
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      ArchitectureFamilyDomestic SpaceSelf-Built Housing
The Co-series has been developed by artist Charlotte Morgan and designer Julia Udall through a common interest in the points at which art and architecture practices intersect. Exploring the multiple ways in which we engage with the city,... more
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      Visions And DreamsDreams (Psychology)DreamsCities
The project ‘The Elephant in the Room & The Lice on the Bald Head: Visualising and Challenging Barriers to Domes=c-­‐ Interna=onal Student Integra=on’ sought to draw out issues around intercultural relations in peer-learning, and... more
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      Architectural EducationVisual CommunicationInternationalisation of Higher Education
This practical, hands on introduction guides you through the basics of undertaking research in day-to-day architectural practice helping you to exploit the growing opportunities on offer. It explores how developing a research specialism... more
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      Design ResearchDesign thinkingSocial ArchitectureArchitectural Research
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      ArchitectureCommunity Engagement & ParticipationSocial ActivismUrbanism
Abstract The subjects of this paper are the ‘Little Mesters’ of Sheffield, UK. The ‘Mesters are self-employed master craftspeople whose day-to-day work is dependent on repairing, recycling, and maintenance, in ways that are intertwined... more
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This paper explores the creative uses of stories and storytelling to engage groups and individuals with consideration of changes in energy systems across time and place. It summarises three story-based experiments that responded to the... more
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      Climate ChangeEnergyStoriesCo-Production
Both a learning platform and a pedagogical experiment, Urban School Ruhr is built upon the foundational belief that experts and amateurs can, together, build a space of critical exchange and knowledge transfer. USR prioritises exchange... more
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      ArchitectureCritical PedagogyPedagogyCritical Spatial Practice
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      Critical Spatial PracticeCoproductionDeisgn
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and BUSHAJ, Zamira (2021). An unfinished lexicon for autonomous publishing. Ephemera: theory and politics in organization, 21 (4).
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In this session, we propose speaking across and from three different spatial practices of which we are part, and which are situated in different socio-spatial conditions: a place of their own (an art/spatial research practice); Studio... more
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