Many managers in global firms regard the ability to obtain a return on investment (ROI) from expatriates as important, given the substantial costs associated with global staffing practices, particularly international assignments, and the... more
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the relevance of the personal value called self-transcendence as an explanatory factor regarding gender differences in the socio-cultural adjustment of expatriate employees.
Measuring the outcomes from human resource management (HRM) activities has been described as an important indicator of value to the firm. In the field of international HRM, international assignments and expatriation are recognised as... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine strengths and limitations of current experiential approaches for enhancing international business education, and propose a new, particularly cost-effective approach grounded in the travel... more
Chinese academic style, with a considerably higher percentage of quotes than might be expected in a western academic paper. The Chinese original version was then translated into English, by Antonio Graceffo. The quotes from Chinese... more
Chinese Language paper中国语文的文章 Before the 1920's professional wrestling was real. Catch wrestling was both a popular professional sport and was included in the Olympics. After the mid 1920's catch was dropped from the Olympics, and... more
Chinese Language paper中国语文的文章 : Before the 1920's professional wrestling was real. Catch wrestling was both a popular professional sport and was included in the Olympics. After the mid 1920's catch was dropped from the Olympics, and... more