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The actual founder of the Tiantai Buddhist School -Zhiyi made a great contribution to the development of Chinese Buddhism. In his masterpiece, The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra, he presented his philosophical system of Buddhism, a... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist Studies
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      Pierre BourdieuSocial PracticeAnalogy (Philosophy)
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      SemanticsHilary PutnamPierre BourdieuSocial Practice
In Ladson Hinton and Hessel Willemsen (eds), Shame, Temporality and Social Change: Ominous Transitions (London and New York: Routledge, 2021), pp. 103–23.
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      PsychologyPsychoanalysisPhilosophyContemporary French Philosophy
First Edition: 14 February 2024 (modified 26 February: format adjustments, list of references and a few more titles added).
Second Edition: 1 July 2024 (updated 25 July with a modified introduction).
Third Edition: 14 February 2025.
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      Film StudiesFilm TheorySexualityCinema
Husserl's theory of empathy plays a crucial role in his transcendental phenomenology. At the core of various critiques leveled at Husserl's theory lies the issue of bodily similarity between oneself and the other – not only because... more
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    • Social Cognition
胡塞爾的他者構造理論雖然扮演著重要作用,但也招致了諸多批評。以許慈為代表的批評者認為該理論事實上是一個不成熟的理論。他們通過檢討第五《笛卡爾式沉思》,認為胡塞爾的他者理論預設了一種自然主義立場,而這一立場原則上與胡塞爾的超越論立場相悖。本文通過重構胡塞爾的類比理論並分析他的研究手稿,檢討上述自然主義批評,認為胡塞爾事實上還提出了一種與自然主義立場不同的人格主義立場。根據該立場,對他者的經驗首先是對他者身體之為“表達性統一體”的經驗,而不是以他者軀體作為構造的出發點;其次,這種... more
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      PhenomenologyEmpathyPhenomenology of Intersubjectivity
In recent years, the phenomenological approach to empathy becomes increasingly influential in explaining social perception of other people. Yet, it leaves untouched a related and pivotal question concerning the unique and irreducible... more
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[Abstract] In the first Logical Investigation, Husserl proposes an important theory of sign theory, but he substantially revises this theory in manuscripts that are now called the " 1914 text " after the " transcendental turn " and gives... more
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McDowell motivates a disjunctive conception of experience in the context of other minds skepticism, but his conception of other minds has been less frequently discussed. In this paper, I focus on McDowell’s perceptual account of others... more
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McDowell motivates a disjunctive conception of experience in the context of other-minds skepticism, but his conception of other minds has been less frequently discussed. In this paper, I focus on McDowell's perceptual account of others... more
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      Edmund HusserlMartin Heideggeraffective intentionality
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    • 基督教
Social cognition primarily explains interpersonal understanding on the basis of two classical models, i.e., "theory theory" and "simulation theory." Although this classical framework contains various insights, it also consists of... more
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      Social CognitionEmpathy (Philosophy)
In his papers on empathy (2008, 2012), Iso Kern discusses various problems regarding empathy from both Confucian and phenomenological perspective. By using Husserl's theory of empathy, Kern characterizes basic intentional features of... more
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    • Empathy
Recent enactive approach to social cognition stresses the indispensability of social affordance with regard to social understanding and contends that it is affordance that primarily solicits one's reaction to the other, such that one... more
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    • Empathy (Philosophy)
It is well-known that Husserl denies bodily behaviour as expressive in the I. Logical Investigation but he dramatically changes his view and holds that bodily behaviour is essentially expressive in works such as Ideas II. A mainstream... more
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