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We consider a Dirichlet problem in divergence form with variable growth, modeled on the p(x)-Laplace equation. We obtain existence and uniqueness of an entropy solution for L 1 data, extending the work of Bénilan et al.
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      InclusionPure MathematicsSpaceGradient
In this work, we address the convergence of a finite element approximation of the minimizer of the Freidlin-Wentzell (F-W) action functional for non-gradient dynamical systems perturbed by small noise. The F-W theory of large deviations... more
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    • Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
A general stochastic integration theory for adapted and instantly independent stochastic processes arises when we consider anticipative stochastic differential equations. In Part I of this thesis, we conduct a deeper research on the... more
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In this paper, we study the solutions of a stochastic differential equation with various anticipating initial conditions. We show that the conditional expectation of the solution of such a stochastic differential equation is not simply... more
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    • Mathematics
A stochastic process Xt is called a near-martingale with respect to a filtration {Ft} if E[Xt|Fs] = E[Xs|Fs] for all s ≤ t. It is called a nearsubmartingale with respect to {Ft} if E[Xt|Fs] ≥ E[Xs|Fs] for all s ≤ t. Near-martingale... more
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    • Mathematics
We review a new stochastic integral for adapted and instantly independent stochastic processes and show that it is well-defined. Then we prove a unified Itô formula for the new stochastic integral. This general formula is used to produce... more
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    • Mathematics
In this work, we construct a minimum action method for dynamical systems with constant time delays. The minimum action method (MAM) plays an important role in seeking the most probable transition pathway induced by small noise. There... more
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The time evolution of the probability distribution of a stochastic differential equation follows the Fokker-Planck equation, which usually has an unbounded, high-dimensional domain. Inspired by our early study in [9], we propose a... more
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A probabilistic approach for estimating sample qualities for stochastic differential equations is introduced in this paper. The aim is to provide a quantitative upper bound of the distance between the invariant probability measure of a... more
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Computing the invariant probability measure of a randomly perturbed dynamical system usually means solving the stationary Fokker-Planck equation. This paper studies several key properties of a novel data-driven solver for low-dimensional... more
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      MathematicsComputer SciencearXiv
In this work, we address the convergence of the finite element approximation of the minimizer of the Freidlin-Wentzell (F-W) action functional for a non-gradient dynamical system perturbed by small noise. The F-W theory of large... more
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      MathematicsNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
Computing the invariant probability measure of a randomly perturbed dynamical system usually means solving the stationary Fokker-Planck equation. This paper studies several key properties of a novel data-driven solver for low-dimensional... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer SciencePure Mathematics
A $n\times n$ matrix $A$, which has a certain sign-symmetric structure ($J$--sign-symmetric), is studied in this paper. It is shown that such a matrix is similar to a nonnegative matrix. The existence of the second in modulus positive... more
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      Spectral TheoryEigenvaluesSpectral PropertiesNonnegative Matrix Factorization
The existence of the second (according to the module) eigenvalueλ2of a completely continuous nonnegative operatorAis proved under the conditions thatAacts in the spaceLp(Ω)orC(Ω)and its exterior squareA∧Ais also nonnegative. For the case... more
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      Pure MathematicsEigenvalues
This paper is devoted to the generalization of the theory of total positivity. We say that a linear operator A : R n → R n is generalized totally positive (GTP), if its jth exterior power ∧ j A preserves a proper cone K j ⊂ ∧ j R n for... more
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      EngineeringMathematical Sciences
We establish the eigenvalue interlacing property (i.e. the smallest real eigenvalue of a matrix is less than the smallest real eigenvalue of any its principal submatrix) for the class of matrices, introduced by Kotelyansky (all principal... more
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      EngineeringMathematical Sciences
A generalization of the definition of an oscillatory matrix based on the theory of cones is given in this paper. The positivity and simplicity of all the eigenvalues of a generalized oscillatory matrix are proved. The classes of... more
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      EngineeringStabilityMathematical SciencesOscillations
A new class of sign-symmetric matrices is introduced in this paper. Such matrices are called J-sign-symmetric. The spectrum of a J-sign-symmetric irreducible matrix is studied under the assumption that its second compound matrix is also... more
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    • Pure Mathematics
In this paper, we study the continued fraction y(s, r) which satisfies the equation y(s, r)y(s + 2r, r) = (s + 1)(s + 2r − 1) for r > 1 2. This continued fraction is a generalization of the Brouncker's continued fraction b(s). We extend... more
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      Pure MathematicsFunctional Equations
The tensor and exterior squares of a completely continuous non-negative linear operator A acting in the ideal space X(Ω) are studied. The theorem representing the point spectrum (except, probably, zero) of the tensor square A ⊗ A in the... more
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      Tensor product semigroupsEigenvaluesSpectrumlinear operator