Shanghai University
Culture studies
This article deals with women and corruption in China. The aim is to bring gender in and to make good the lack of focus on gender in studies of corruption in China. The article outlines different forms of female involvement in corruption,... more
- by Dongchao Min
own understandings of feminism, often by mixing different theoretical and empirical trajectories of knowledge. The effort of delineating a clear, linear and progressive narrative of feminism in China is commendable; what such a history... more
Rozdzial z: The Quandaries and Foreign Development, ed. D. Mierzejewski, “Contemporary Asian Studies Series”
20世纪的人类社会步入了信息化的进程之中。人与技术的关系在这样一个信息时代得到了新的表征, 即赛博格。赛博格源于控制论思想, 并以此为理论基础将人与机器在现实中以杂糅体的方式实现。同时赛博格还以游走于现实和虚拟之间的方式成为个体的人的生存方式, 更进一步的, 从整个信息社会来看, 赛博格已经成为同样作为控制论有机体的信息社会的一部分。“我们都是赛博格”已经成为信息时代中人类文化新景观的一种描述。
- by Jing Chen
- by Jing Chen
数字人文(digital humanities)是近年在人文学科各领域中逐渐兴起的研究趋势,国内外学界关注甚多,但数字人文到底是什么,其为何出现,又能为人文研究带来什么,依然是学者们讨论甚多,却又众说纷纭的一系列问题。笔者试图就以上问题,在本文中从总体上加以概述,以及历时性的厘清,以期能帮助各位有兴趣的读者观其大概,得窥路径。
- by Jing Chen
If we follow the history of definition of digital humanities in the western context, that is, recognizing the computational linguistics as the predecessor of digital humanities, then digital humanities has actually a much longer history... more