Shumen University
Visual Arts
The paper aims to present in broad outline the iconography of St. Reverend Mary of Egypt. The Hagiographical sources of information about the life and spiritual exploit of St. Mary will be discussed, as a basis for developing the... more
Present paper deals with the iconographical patterns in which mandorla, colored in red is used as a visual symbol of the Glory of God. In broad outlines will be described the visual device of mandorla in the Christian iconography, its... more
Симболичка разноврсност, уграђена у верску доктрину и истанчан филозофскисистем хришћанства, је огромна. Значење неких од хришћанских симбола као што сусв. Крст и крстни знак например, јасно је дефинисано и никада се није мењало... more
Present paper aims to trace out in broad outlines the process of "migration"of the ancient symbol of "Vesica piscis" across the centuries and religions. Special attention will be paid on transition of the symbol in the Early Christianity... more
The paper aims to trace out in broad outline the idea of usage the mandorla within the framework of Christian art, its further growth and changes in its semantic meaning. During the different stages of development of the East Orthodox... more
The visual culture of Byzantium was profoundly religious in its character and was intended to serve as “theology in images” equal to theology in words. The gradual development of the Orthodox theology over the centuries has caused... more
Orthodox iconography is focused on the idea of representing the cosmos, the essence of God’s creatio ex nihilo, thus serving as a visual cosmology and thence - as cosmography of all being. Icons depict the image of the archetypal world in... more
Although a comparison between Orthodox icons and geographic maps sounds like an extravagant idea, if we set them in a broader context, we will see that they are actually akin. Both, the Orthodox εικών and the medieval mappamundi are... more
Based on the complex interrelations between word and image, present paper aims to elucidate penetrating correlation of the theological thought of the time with the art of a specific epoch. Accent is putted on the Hesychasm and its... more
An unpublished until now icon of SS. Cyril and Methodius from the Holy Ascension Church in Shumen, painted in 1896 by the local iconographer Nikola Vassilev, has preserved an unusual representation of the old Bulgarian capital Veliki... more
Present paper aims to describe an unpublished icon of an unknown until this moment member of the Shumen iconographic school during the National Revival period – zograph David from Marash village. The icon represents St. Triphon the Martyr... more
The present paper aims to describe in broad outlines the artistic style of the painters from the Shumen iconographical school in representing the Nativity of Christ. The study focuses on the work of Vassil Hr. Bedelev, whose obvious... more
В историята на българското възрожденско изкуство са записани само двама зографи от Шумен – Никола Василев и Васил Христов Беделев. Биографичните данни за тях не са много, а творчеството и на двамата никога не е било систематично... more
The present paper aims to discuss the conception of the sacred space in which God dwells and its visual representation in Christian iconography. It deals with the problem of the origins of the mandorla symbol that appears on the... more
Orthodox iconography is focused on the idea of representing the cosmos, the essence of God's creatio ex nihilo, thus serving as a visual cosmology and thence-as a cosmography of all being. Icons depict the image of the archetypal world in... more
This paper presents a new interpretation of biographical data about the three known iconographers from Shumen – Nikola Vasilev, Vasil Hristov Bedelev, and David Georgiev. It is built on some recent information obtained in a research on... more
This research aims to identify the unique model of representation of St. St. Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles in the artistic work of Nikola Vasilev – the most famous iconographer from Shumen during the Bulgarian National Revival... more
This paper presents an unpublished bilateral icon written by a previously unknown icon painter from Shumen region – Radush (Dimitrov). Small sized and in very bad condition the obverse side of the icon bears the face of the most revered... more