? ?
01 April 2007 @ 12:21 am
i am leaving this community.

i would like to give up three players: jose reyes from the new york mets, jhonny peralta from the indians, and rafael furcal from the dodgers, too.

thank you.
31 December 2006 @ 09:29 pm

Flordia Marlins: Hanley Ramirez

Current Location: ottamen
Current Mood: worriedworried
Current Music: TV
14 February 2006 @ 12:34 am
Claims List Updated On February 14 2006!!!Collapse )
Current Mood: amusedamused
Current Music: Placebo-Without You I'm Nothing
14 February 2006 @ 12:36 am
Boston Red Sox
Alex Gonzalez

Cleveland Indians
Jhonny Peralta's eyes
28 December 2005 @ 03:43 pm
Claims List Updated On December-28-2005!!!Collapse )
Current Mood: bitchybitchy
Current Music: Nirvana-Heart Shaped Box
28 December 2005 @ 11:57 am
I'd like to claim J.J. Hardy of the Milwaukee Brewers, and if possible, I would also like to claim his eyes because they are the most gorgeous things ever. Thanks!
Current Mood: hopefulhopeful
27 December 2005 @ 02:05 pm
Claims List Updated!!!Collapse )
Current Mood: busybusy
Current Music: Nine Inch Nails-Only
27 December 2005 @ 12:32 am
I would like to claim Jimmy Rollins of the Philadelphia Phillies. :-) YEAH! LoL!
Current Mood: crazycrazy
26 December 2005 @ 10:48 pm
can i claim jose reyes from the new york mets, jhonny peralta from the indians, and rafael furcal from the dodgers, too??

thank you in advance.
Current Mood: crazycrazy
23 December 2005 @ 10:38 pm
I claim Derek Jeter, New York Yankees :) He's all mine!
Current Music: New York, New York