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Journal created:
on 31 January 2004 (#2072090)
on 11 June 2016
Shopping in Toronto!
Toronto, Canada
Posting Access:
Anybody , Moderated

the community about shopping in toronto.

share with us your underground secrets about finding great new places to shop, sales/discounts, and not-so-known places in toronto.

feel free to ask questions, make comments, or advertise events, promotions, or anything regarding shopping in toronto.

this community is open to anyone living in the greater toronto area, or frequent visitors who love the city. :)

to join, click here.

[ maintained by kaye - e-mail me for questions/concerns ]

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favourite shoptoronto links: - all you need to know about TO
toronto life magazine
toronto malls toronto - toronto tourism

2 for 1 sales, 50% off, accessories, aldo, american eagle outfitters, annex, antique stores, aritzia, athlete's world, auctions, b2, back alley, banana republic, bce place, bedo, best buy, bloor street west, blue marine and co, bluenotes, boathouse, boutiques, brown's, buffalo, c squared, caban, chanel, change room, chapters.indigo, chinatown, clearance sales, clothes, clothing stores, club monaco, coupons, danier leather, discounts, distillery district, dixie outlet mall, downtown toronto, dragon city, eaton centre,, eddie bauer, esprit, fairview mall, fashion district, future shop, gadgets, gap, get out side, giving gifts, grand opening sales, greek town, gucci, guess, henry birks and sons, hmv, holiday season, holt renfrew, holt renfrew last call, home outfitters, hudson's bay company, ice, impulse buying, jacob, jcy house, jean machine, jet rag, kensington, kensington market, kiehl's, la senza, le chateau, liquidation sales, little italy, loblaws, louis vuitton, mac cosmetics, malls, market village, mendocino, mexx, mississauga, money money money money, music world, new arrivals, nine west, noise, old navy, online shopping, outlet malls, over the edge, over the rainbow, pacific mall, pampering, pegabo, prada, queen street west, ready 2 wear, receiving gifts, roots, saving money, scarborough, scarborough town centre, scarpino, sears, sherway gardens, shoe stores, shoes, shopping, shopping sprees, sidewalk sales, silent auctions, so hip it hurts, special holidays, spending money, splurging, sport chek, sporting life, square one, st. lawrence market, sunglass hut, the danforth, the shoe company, thrift stores, tiffany and co, toronto, toronto antique centre, toronto life city guides, toronto life magazine,, town shoes, toys, transit, united colors of benetton, uptown toronto, urban behavior, urban outfitters, value village, vice, wal-mart, west 49, whole foods market, winners, yonge and eglinton, yonge street, yorkdale, yorkville, zara, zellers
