Papers by Veronika Murasheva
New studies carried out using synchrotron and neutron methods of imaging, electron microscopy, ne... more New studies carried out using synchrotron and neutron methods of imaging, electron microscopy, neutron diffraction and 3D-modelling of objects deposited in the most famous mound of Medieval Rus’ – Chernaya Mogila (10th century) – have led to the discovery of a previously unknown category of artefacts which may be interpreted as power insignia (‘barbarian scepters’). Ornaments in Mammen style (one of the styles of Scandinavian Viking Age art) and details of the artefact morphology clearly indicate the Scandinavian origin of the ‘scepters’ from this grave.
Край Смоленский, 2018
Областное государственное бюджетное учреждение «Редакция научно-популярного журнала "Край Смоленс... more Областное государственное бюджетное учреждение «Редакция научно-популярного журнала "Край Смоленский"» СМИ зарегистрировано в Управлении Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций по Смоленской области ПИ №ТУ67-00285 от 20.07.2017 г.
A unique artifact-the "idol" from the 10th century mound "Chernaya Mogila" ("Black Grave"), a fam... more A unique artifact-the "idol" from the 10th century mound "Chernaya Mogila" ("Black Grave"), a famous Old Rus' site, has been studied. The technological features of the "idol's" manufacture and decoration are revealed by studying the elemental composition of the metal substrate and surface layer of this object. The investigation has been performed by scanning electron microscopy with application of energydispersive X-ray microanalysis, X-ray fluorescence integral analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the "idol" surface was gilded using amalgamation technology.
Областное государственное бюджетное учреждение «Редакция научно-популярного журнала "Край Смоленс... more Областное государственное бюджетное учреждение «Редакция научно-популярного журнала "Край Смоленский"» СМИ зарегистрировано в Управлении Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций по Смоленской области ПИ №ТУ67-00285 от 20.07.2017 г.
The paper presents the results of nondestructive studies of metal objects from the Chernaya Mogi... more The paper presents the results of nondestructive studies of metal objects from the Chernaya Mogila (Black Grave) mound (10th century, Chernigov) from the collection of the State Historical Museum: a helmet, spearhead, sword fragment, and conglomerate of sintered weapons. In order to analyze the artifacts internal structure, assess their reservation, clarify the manufacturing technology and localize possible decorations, a complex of visualization methods was used. It includes X-ray computer tomography, synchrotron radiography, and tomography performed on the “KSRS-Kurchatov” synchrotron radiation source, and neutron tomography carried out at the IR-8 neutron source research reactor. The data obtained made it possible to reveal the design, ornamental, and technological features of the studied weapon items.
Радиоуглерод в археологии и палеоэкологии: прошлое, настоящее, будущее. Материалы международной конференции, 2020
Хазарский альманах. Том 17., 2020
Российская археология, №4, 2020
The issue of dating the emergence of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex that functioned during t... more The issue of dating the emergence of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex that functioned during the Rus state formation period is the subject of decades-long discussion between the supporters of two versions – the “early” (the 9th century) and the “late” one (the 10th century). Given the blurred dating of most artifacts and the absence of a dendrochronological scale for Smolensk region, the site chronology was clarified with radiocarbon wiggle-match dating. The results made it possible to date the settlement foundation to no later than the last quarter of the 8th century.
Археологические открытия. 2017 год, 2019
Города и веси средневековой Руси : археология, история, культура : к 60-летию Николая Андреевича Макарова, 2015
Studien zur Siedlungsgeschichte und Archäologie der Ostseegebiete Band 14, 2017
The present paper deals with the early urban site Gnezdovo that played an important role in a net... more The present paper deals with the early urban site Gnezdovo that played an important role in a network of trade and communication routes between the Baltiс and the East via the Oka and Volga river systems and between the Baltiс and Black Seas. From the very beginning, Gnezdovo was settled by Scandinavians, Slavs and a local population belonging to the Long-barrow culture.
// Археология поймы: рельеф, палеосреда, история заселения. Тезисы научного семинара, Москва, Инс... more // Археология поймы: рельеф, палеосреда, история заселения. Тезисы научного семинара, Москва, Институт археологии РАН, 23 апреля 2019 г. / Под ред. А.Л. Александровского, Н.А. Кренке. – М.: «КДУ», «Университетская книга», 2019.
Российская археология, №1, 2019
The article is dedicated to the famous antropomorphic figurine from Chernaya mogila. During the r... more The article is dedicated to the famous antropomorphic figurine from Chernaya mogila. During the reestoration the original surface of the object was cleaned and new details have been opened.
Славяне восточной Европы накануне образования Древнерусского государства. Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 110-летию со дня рождения И.И. Ляпушкина, 2012
Byulleten Pochvennogo institute im. V.V. Dokuchaeva., 2016
The history of applying soil micromorphology in archaeology in Russia and abroad is overviewed. T... more The history of applying soil micromorphology in archaeology in Russia and abroad is overviewed. The main objectives of soil micromorphological analysis of archaeological objects are specified. The possibilities offered by this method are illustrated by the example of a micromorphological study of a cultural layer of an Early Medieval settlement. The prospects of archaeological soil micromorphology development are outlined.
Археология Древней Руси: актуальные проблемы и открытия. Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения Д.А. Авдусина/ гл. ред. Е.А. Рыбина; отв. ред. Н.В. Ениосова., 2018
Large archaeological collections are often dispersed across several museums and institutions loca... more Large archaeological collections are often dispersed across several museums and institutions located in different countries. Moreover, objects belonging to such collections may be fragmented and different parts of the same object stored in various locations.
Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук. Том 19, № 3 (2). Самара, 2017.
The paper describes results of the radiocarbon dating of coal, residue encrustation on clay pots ... more The paper describes results of the radiocarbon dating of coal, residue encrustation on clay pots and calcinated human bones. To verify the data obtained, additional geochemical and archaeobotanical studies were carried out. The paper discusses limitations of dating human calcinated bones and a need to verity dating data with the use of residue encrustation.
Papers by Veronika Murasheva
Публикуемые работы представляют интерес для историков и археологов, занимающихся периодом с IX по XI в. в отечественной истории.
The book is infused with illustrations that bring to life the history of the region and offer a glimpse of the splendor and gruesomeness of the Chernihiv area in the era of conquest, slavery and silver. A host of data on numismatics, archaeobotany, archaeozoology and conservation reinvigorates the historical debate and o ers ample food for future thought.