Papers by Denis Zhuravlev
Crystallography Reports, 2024

Кристаллография, 2024
A comprehensive study of antique red-glazed pottery fragments (terra sigillata) belonging
to the ... more A comprehensive study of antique red-glazed pottery fragments (terra sigillata) belonging
to the Pontic, Bosporan and Eastern groups has enabled the identification of distinctive technological
characteristics of the slip layer and ceramic mass. The Eastern sigillata samples exhibited superior
technological characteristics. The small size of the pores and inclusions is indicative of the utilisation
of finely dispersed clay. Furthermore, the presence of a mixture comprising two distinct clay types was
identified: a ferrous clay and a more refractory calcareous clay. The particular and likely meticulous
preparation of the clay suspension for the slip layer production was indicated by the addition of a
potassium-containing preparation, presumably potassium potash, to enhance the glazing of the layer,
as well as an iron-containing pigment, probably ocher. The samples were fired at a temperature of
approximately 1000°C. Pontic sigillata products were distinguished by the addition of potassium potash
in accordance with Eastern techniques and the absence of a specially added pigment in the varnish
mixture. The firing temperature was lower, falling within the range of 850–900°C. = На основании проведенных комплексных исследований фрагментов античной краснолаковой
керамики (terra sigillata) понтийской, боспорской и восточных групп выявлены характерные технологические особенности изготовления лакового слоя и керамической основы. Наиболее высокое качество имели образцы восточной сигиллаты. Малый размер пор и включений говорит
об использовании мелкодисперсной глины, при этом выявлено применение двух типов глины –
железистой и более тугоплавкой известковой. Специальная и, видимо, тщательная подготовка
глиняной суспензии (шликера) для изготовления лакового слоя состояла в добавлении калийсодержащего препарата, предположительно, калиевого поташа для лучшего остекловывания слоя,
а также железосодержащего пигмента, вероятно, охры. Температура обжига для данной группы
образцов составляла ~1000°C. Изделия понтийской сигиллаты отличались от восточной меньшим содержанием калиевого поташа и отсутствием в лаковом слое специально добавленного
пигмента. Температура обжига была ниже – 850–900°C. Для боспорских изделий характерна
заметно менее качественная подготовка и глиняного сырья как основы, и лакового слоя, а также
наименьшая температура обжига по сравнению с другими группами (500–900°C).

Russian Archaeology, 2024
The article presents three blown glass miniature flasks from the collection of the State Historic... more The article presents three blown glass miniature flasks from the collection of the State Historical Museum: a flask shaped as two Medusa heads facing in different directions and two faceted amphorisks. The archaeological context of the vessels is unknown. The circumstances of finding the closest analogies to the Medusa-shaped flask are also unknown, and the proposed datings are justified by the stylistic
proximity to the few finds of similar flasks of other variants originating from dated contexts. The vessel is made of natron glass of the Syro-Palestinian origin. The case of faceted amphorisks is clearer, several such vessels were found in dated complexes, which gives grounds to date them to the second half of the 1st – early 2nd century AD. It is difficult to determine the centre or region of production of small
vessels by their area, since the origin of the overwhelming majority of them is unknown. Few flasks, the provenance of which is known more or less accurately, come from the Syrian-Palestinian region, from the eastern coast of the Adriatic, from the Northern Pontic and Transcaucasia. However, in terms of the number of finds, none of the regions stands over the others. It can be assumed that one of the published faceted amphorisks (judging by their quality of manufacture and the chemical composition of glass, based on the halophytic plant ash) was made in some local workshop following examples brought from the main centre of their production.

ВДИ = Journal of Ancient History, 2024
The article presents the results of a natural-science study of several figured vessels from Cypru... more The article presents the results of a natural-science study of several figured vessels from Cyprus, originating from the former collection of A.S. Uvarov and now stored in the State Historical Museum. X-ray tomography made it possible to reliably reconstruct the manufacturing technology of Cypriot figured vessels of the Middle and Late Bronze Age. Most of the vessels are handmade, some of them are made from one piece of clay mass, and some are composite. Additional parts (legs, spout, handle and some decorative elements) were made separately and later attached to the vessel’s body. The volume of these vessels was extremely small – from 20 to 220 ml, which suggests their use for storing aromatic substances. The composite vessel Б 602/70 has two containers, directly fixed to one another (the upper one is inserted into the lower one), while their insides are isolated, and each container has a separate spout, allowing it to be used independently. The body of the composite
askos Б 602/6 is formed by three containers in shape close to spheres, connected to each other with the tubes. To make the body of the rhytons in the form of a bull Б 605/126 and a goat/doe Б 605/127 a potter’s wheel was used, and then body’s ends were closed and smoothed on the outside.
= Статья посвящена изучению внутренней конструкции фигурных сосудов с острова Кипр, происходящих из бывшего собрания А.С. Уварова и хранящихся ныне в Государственном историческом музее. Исследования с помощью рентгеновской томографии позволили детально реконструировать технологию изготовления кипрских фигурных сосудов эпохи средней и поздней бронзы. Большинство изученных сосудов лепные, часть из них изготовлена из одного куска глиняной массы, некоторые являются составными. Дополнительные детали изготавливались отдельно и прикреплялись к тулову сосуда. Объем этих сосудов был чрезвычайно мал – от 20 до 220 мл, что позволяет предполагать их использование для хранения ароматических веществ. У композитного сосуда Б 602/70 две емкости непосредственно закреплены одна на другой. Их объемы изолированы, и у каждой емкости существует отдельный носик, дающий возможность ее независимого использования. Тулово композитного аска
Б 602/6 образовано тремя емкостями по форме близкими к сферам, соединенными между собой при помощи трубочек. Для изготовления тулова ритонов в виде быка Б 605/126 и козла/лани Б 605/127 использовался гончарный круг, затем оно было сомкнуто с торцов и заглажено с внешней стороны.

Hypanis. Труды отдела классической археологии ИА РАН. 6, 2024
The collection of the State Historical Museum contains a significant collection of ceramic oil la... more The collection of the State Historical Museum contains a significant collection of ceramic oil lamps from the Northern Black Sea region and the Mediterranean region of the 6th century BC – 5th century AD. An important part of these lamps comes from sites of the Asian Bosporos. It should be noted that the studied objects were found not only in settlements, but also in cemeteries and separately located cult complexes. Corona lamp from the sanctuary of Demeter from site Beregovoi 4 deserve special attention. The lamps of the Asian Bosporus come from excavations of the 19th century (K. K. Goertz), from the 30s to the 70s of the 20th century (excavations by V. D. Blavatsky, N. I. Sokolsky, N. P. Sorokina and other researchers), and from excavations in recent years (D. V. Zhuravlev). The authors raise the question of the import and local production of various types of lighting devices of ancient and late antique periods. Most of the lamps published in the article are published for the first time = В собрании Государственного исторического музея хранится значительная коллекция керамических светильников из Северного Причерноморья и Средиземноморья 6 в. до н. э. – 5 в. н. э. Значительная часть этих светильников была найдена на памятниках Азиатского Боспора. Важно отметить, что рассматриваемые светильники выявлены не только на городищах, но также в некрополях и отдельных культовых комплексах. Отдельного внимания заслуживает светильник типа «корона» из святилища Деметры со святилища Береговой 4. Светильники Азиатского Боспора происходят из раскопок 19 в. (К. К. Герц), 30‑х – 70‑х годов 20 в. (работы В. Д. Блаватского, Н. И. Сокольского, Н. П. Сорокиной и других исследователей), и из раскопок последних лет (Д. В. Журавлев). Авторы ставят вопрос об импорте и местном производстве разных типов осветительных приборов античного и позднеантичного времени. Большинство публикуемых в статье светильников издаются впервые

Вестник РФФИ-Russian Foundation for Basic Research Journal, 2024
The application of modern methods of materials science to cultural heritage allows us to obtain f... more The application of modern methods of materials science to cultural heritage allows us to obtain fundamentally new information about historical materials, necessary for solving both fundamental problems of history and archeology, and applied issues of preservation of cultural and historical monuments. The proposed integrated approach to multilevel research of ceramic historical materials, based on a combination of integrated and localizing physico-chemical structural methods of materials science and developed for the study of antique ceramics. The resulting data set of macro- and micro indicators (the size and quantitative
content of inclusions and pores, mineralogical and elemental composition of natural and artificial impurities etc.) allows us to identify the characteristic parameters of products from various production centers, since it contains information about the specifics of the materials used and the features of the manufacturing technology of the objects under study. This approach has shown its effectiveness for the study of not only ceramics, but also other multiphase multicomponent mineral composite materials of cultural heritage sites of various eras – in particular,
medieval building ceramics (tiles), ancient Roman terra sigillata and medieval mortars and plasters.

Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии. Вып. XХIX, 2024
This article presents a small collection of mould-blown square vessels, residing in the State His... more This article presents a small collection of mould-blown square vessels, residing in the State Historical Museum, Moscow. Regrettably, most of them have come from unknown contexts. All but one of the regarded jugs have a Charlesworth-2 type rim (one of variant 2a, the others of variant 2b), which is considered a characteristic feature of Eastern Mediterranean origin. The only specimen with a ‘western-type’
rim (Charlesworth-1b) differs from the other ones in the glass colour (olive). Four jugs have base moldings of types widespread both in the Eastern Mediterranean and in western provinces of the Roman Empire. The peak of use of square jugs falls on the period between c. 70 and 120/130 AD. The jugs under consideration are most likely from the same time. Square jars are represented in the collection with the only specimen. Similar vessels are known both in the West and in the East, but the Greek inscription on our vessels speaks in favour of its Eastern Mediterranean origin. The context from which it comes is dated to the mid-third century AD at the latest. Finally, known to us analogies to two square bottles with funnel-shaped necks originate from Turkey and Syria and are dated to the fourth and fifth century, though the conditions of their discovery are unknown. Chemical composition of glass of seven vessels has been studied with SEM-EDS technique. Most samples belong to the group of Roman blue-green glass of the Syrian-Palestinian origin, with MnO content up to 0,5%. The glass of two vessels, decolourized with manganese, have a composition closer to Jalame glass. One of them is a collared square jar originated from a context which is to be dated no later then the mid-3rd century AD. A collared square bottle is made of mixed Mn-Sb glass.

Cristallography, 2024
This article presents the results of comprehensive studies of three Attic plastic vessels from th... more This article presents the results of comprehensive studies of three Attic plastic vessels from the 4th century BC, drawn from the State Historical Museum collection. The application of X-ray tomography, large-scale XRF mapping, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis under SEM and synchrotron XRD analysis enabled a comprehensive examination of the vessels' state of preservation, including the identification of restoration traces and the delineation of the manufacturing technology
employed. Additionally, the analysis facilitated the identification of the pigments utilized in the surface painting. A reconstruction of the polychrome painting of the vessels was proposed based on the pigment
residues identified both visually and on XRF maps. Given the poor state of preservation of the coating on the surface of two vessels, a reconstruction of their possible polychrome painting was performed based
on a comparison with known analogues.
Причерноморье в античное и раннесредневековое время. Выпуск 3. Ростов-на-Дону; Таганрог, 2024
The article presents several plastic vessels from the collection of the State Historical Museum i... more The article presents several plastic vessels from the collection of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. The Hellenistic Magenta ware group includes a panthershaped vessel found in Pantikapaion (purchased from E.R. Zaporozhsky). Vessel in the shape of a ram figure – a find by N.I. Veselovsky in the barrow at the village Tiflisskaya obviously refers to the Knidian products of the 2nd century AD. Several fragments of similar
vessels adjoin it. A fragment of a patera handle with a ram's head at the end, the find place of which is unknown, and a Cnidian laginos from the Belbek IV burial ground (excavations by I.I. Gushchina), decorated with relief erotic scenes, date back to Roman times.

Russian Archaeology = Российская археология, 2024
Статья посвящена двум хрестоматийно известным книдским фигурным сосудам из собрания Государственн... more Статья посвящена двум хрестоматийно известным книдским фигурным сосудам из собрания Государственного исторического музея (г. Москва). Один из них – в виде фигуры барана – происходит из раскопок Н.И. Веселовского в Прикубанье, второй – лагинос с эротическими сценами на тулове – был найден И.И. Гущиной в позднескифском могильнике Бельбек IV в Юго-Западном Крыму. В рамках проекта изучения античных памятников из собрания ГИМ в НИЦ “Курчатовский институт” было проведено рентгенотомографическое исследование этих сосудов,
позволившее уточнить технологию их изготовления. = The article considers two textbook-famous Cnidian plastic vessels from the collection of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. One of them, shaped as a ram, comes from the excavations of N.I. Veselovsky in the Kuban region, the second one – a lagynos with erotic scenes on its body – was found by I.I. Gushchina at the Late Scythian burial ground Belbek IV in the Southwestern Crimea. As part of a project to do research on monuments of the classical period from the State Historical Museum
collection, an X-ray tomographic study of these vessels was conducted at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, which made it possible to clarify the technology of their manufacture

Das Altertum, Band 69, Seiten 127-148 , 2024
Der Artikel ist die erste Veröffentlichung, die dem archäologischen Komplex „Krasnyi Oktyabr 1“ ... more Der Artikel ist die erste Veröffentlichung, die dem archäologischen Komplex „Krasnyi Oktyabr 1“ in der Kuban-Region gewidmet ist. Die mehrphasige Anlage (von der Wende des 6. zum 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. bis zur Neuzeit) erstreckt sich auf einer Fläche von etwa 70 ha, auf der
teilweise moderne Gebäude stehen. Die zentrale Befestigungsanlage der Siedlung mit hohen Wällen und Gräben ist erhalten geblieben, ebenso eine zweite befestigte Plattform westlich davon, die möglicherweise aus dem 18. oder frühen 19. Jahrhundert stammt. Der genaue Zeitpunkt der Errichtung der zentralen Befestigungsanlage ist noch unbekannt. Bei den Ausgrabungen wurden Spuren eines Produktionskomplexes für Töpferwaren aus der ersten Hälfte des ersten Jahrhunderts n. Chr. gefunden, in dem Webgewichte und andere Kleinteile hergestellt wurden. Zu den besonderen Funden gehören bislang eine provinzialrömische Bronzestatuette des Zeus/Jupiter, eine grautonige Lampe in Form einer Silenos-Maske und verschiedene Räuchergefäße
Российская археология. № 1., 2024

Журавлев Д. В., Смокотина А. В. Позднеримская и ранневизантийская краснолаковая керамика с акрополя Пантикапея // Этнокультурные процессы на северных границах Восточной Римской империи: сборник статей / Отв. ред. А. И. Айбабин, Э. А. Хайрединова. Симферополь: ООО «Антиква», 2024. С. 114–122., 2024
Найденная на акрополе Пантикапея краснолаковая керамика позднеримского и ранневизантийского време... more Найденная на акрополе Пантикапея краснолаковая керамика позднеримского и ранневизантийского времени поступала в город на протяжении IV – первой половины VI в. преимущественно из северо-восточной и западной части Малой Азии (группы Понтийской краснолаковой керамики – PRS и Фокейской краснолаковой или Поздней Римской С – LRC/PhRS), а также в незначительном количестве из Северной Африки (группа Африканской краснолаковой керамики – ARS). Преобладают находки доюстиниановского периода (V – первой четверти VI в.), при этом наиболее поздними на участке исследований являются фокейские сосуды LRC/PhRS 3F и 3G второй четверти VI в.
Полевой дневник. Восточная Европа в античное время и Средние века: сборник статей памяти О. В. Шарова, 2024
Статья посвящена публикации нескольких позднеантичных светильников с территории Боспора. Среди ни... more Статья посвящена публикации нескольких позднеантичных светильников с территории Боспора. Среди них преобладают малоазийские (эфесские) светильники, есть также мезийский и североафриканский экземпляры. Несмотря на небольшой размер выборки светильников, эти находки расширяют представление о торговых партнерах боспорских городов в эпоху поздней античности.
The article is devoted to the publication of several late antique lamps from the territory of the Bosporus. Among them, Asia Minor (Ephesian) lamps predominate, there are also Moesian and North African examples. Despite the small size of the collection, these finds expand the understanding of the trading partners of the Bosporan cities in Late antiquity and Early Byzantine period

Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры, 2024
Данная работа является третьей частью обзора археологической керамики из фондов одела археологиче... more Данная работа является третьей частью обзора археологической керамики из фондов одела археологических памятников в секторе раннего железного века и раннего средневековья и в секторе средневековья ГИМ и посвящена она материалам эпохи средневековья. Материал представлен по разделам в соответствии с географическим, культурным и хронологическим принципами: керамика раннеславянского и древнерусского времени, Центральной Азии и Поволжья, византийского и хазарского периода, средневекового Крыма, Боспора и позднего средневековья. Хронологические рамки публикуемых материалов – от эпохи раннего средневековья до начала XX века. Раннеславянский и древнерусский блок представлен материалами из Гнёздова, памятниками Ярославского Поволжья и т.д. Коллекции Центральной Азии включают материалы таких памятников как Афрасиаб, Джанбас-Кала, Замахшар, Наринджан-Баба и др. Поволжские коллекции состоят из материалов Болгара, Биляра, Сувара, Маджар, Селитренного, Водянского и Царевского городищ. Большой блок византийской керамики представлен материалами Херсонеса. Коллекция керамики хазарского периода представлена классическими памятниками салтово-маяцкой культуры. Керамические коллекции Крыма и Боспора иллюстрируются материалами «пещерных городов», Феодосии, Керчи и Фанагории. Материалы времени Московской Руси – это керамика города Москвы и всех близлежащих губерний. Керамические сосуды происходят из различных памятников, многие из которых являются эталонными для своего времени. Фонды формировались с конца XIX в. и продолжают пополняться и в настоящее время. Многие коллекции до сих пор не изданы или изданы частично и требуют изучения и введения в научный оборот на современном научном уровне.

КСИА - Brief Communications of the Institute of Archaeology, 2023
The paper examines a vessel from the Jerusalem collection of the Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin... more The paper examines a vessel from the Jerusalem collection of the Archimandrite Antonin (Kapustin) assembled in the second half of the 19th century. The study was conducted using two of his photographs kept in the collection of the State Hermitage Museum (earlier kept in the Russian Archaeological Institute in Constantinople). The object was also examined de visu. The archival photographs provided grounds to ascribe the Yessel to the group of Late Hellenistic red slip pottery with applique reliefs, presumably, of Pergamene origin, though there were some doubts about it. The examination of the Yessel in the museum Building on the Mount of Olives confirmed these doubts. Analogies to the depicted scenes were not identified in the collected data on the Pergamene applique reliefs, images on Late Hellenistic glazed pots, or the Pergamene items of the Early Roman period. Distinctive traits of the iconography show that its elements were compiled from larger originals. The fig leaf covering the nakedness of a young man with a dog leaves no doubt that this vessel is a much later imitation rather than an Antique item. It is possible that this "antique" was bought by Fr. Antonin from Moses Shapiro, a well-known Jerusalem antiquities dealer.

Man sieht nur, was Man weiß. Man weiß nur, was Man sieht. In: J. Schneeweiß, M. Nawroth, H. Piezonka, H. Schwarzberg (Hrsg.). Globalhistorische Perspektiven auf Interkulturelle Phänomene der Mobilität. Festschrift für Hermann Parzinger zum 65. Geburtstag. , 2024
Several groups of Roman trays or dishes of
various shapes, often decorated with a relief image i... more Several groups of Roman trays or dishes of
various shapes, often decorated with a relief image in
the center, were discovered in the Northern Black Sea
region. Sometimes they are found as a part of “sets”
of several copies of different types of vessels. The
most widespread ones are red slip trays of oval shape,
with relief handles framed with volutes. The images
of mythological scenes – Heracles with the Keryneian
Hind or the sphinx – are typical on the bottom. Some
of the trays had no decoration. Round dishes were
also made with or without handles, and the most
characteristic decoration was the image of Helios on a
chariot. These vessels, dated to the end of the 2nd – first
half of the 3rd centuries AD, belong to the group of the
Pontic sigillata A. Another group of the trays have a
quadrangular shape and much higher quality. Perhaps
they can be attributed to the Pontic Sigillata B and
date within the first half to the third quarter of the 3rd
century AD. All these trays and dishes were produced
as imitations of metal (silver and bronze) vessels.

Археологические вести = Archaeological News, 2023
В Государственном Историческом музее в Москве хранится фигурный сосуд II–I вв. до н. э. в виде ф... more В Государственном Историческом музее в Москве хранится фигурный сосуд II–I вв. до н. э. в виде фигуры пантеры, происходящий, скорее всего, из некрополя Пантикапея и купленный музеем в 1895 г. у торговца древностями Е. Р. Запорожского. В рамках проекта изучения античных памятников из собрания
ГИМ в НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» было проведено рентгенотомографическое исследование этого сосуда, позволившее уточнить технологию его изготовления. Тулово сосуда было изготовлено в двух формах, голова была сделана отдельно в третьей форме, дополнительно подработана инструментом при помощи насечек и скреплена с туловом. Цилиндрическое горло сосуда и ручка были также изготовлены отдельно
=At the State Historical Museum, Moscow, there is kept a figure vessel of the 2nd or 1st cen. BC in the form of a panther (Fig. 1) with an inscription on the bottom drawn on raw clay: Εὐλόγος ἐποίει (made by Eulogos). The vessel was acquired by the museum in 1895 from a dealer in antiquities E. R. Zaporozhskiy and originated most probably from the necropolis of Pantikapaion. According to the project of studies of ancient objects from the collection of the State Historical Museum, at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” there was conducted an X-ray tomographic investigation of the mentioned vessel using a commercial X-ray tomograph X5000 (NSI) allowing us to define more exactly the technology of the object’s manufacture. In zones of the concentration of construction elements of the vessel, characteristic elongated cavities are observable in the places of the attachment of the handle to the throat and at the upper body (Fig. 2, 2; 3, А1, 1, 3). The cylindrical throat of the vessel and the handle were modelled separately (Fig. 3). The body of the vessel was manufactured using two moulds; in the area of the junction, a clay appliqué is clearly discernible (Fig. 4, Д1, 1; 5, 1); the head was modelled separately in a third mould with incisions made with some tool and it was attached to the body (Fig. 4, Д1, 2; 5, А, 2; 7, А1, 1). In the mouth of the figure, a through round-hole orifice is punched from outside for pouring out ofthe liquid (Fig. 7, Б1). The paws are modelled in a single mould together with the upper body of the vessel (Fig. 6). The maximum volume of the liquid which the vessel is capable to hold is estimated as ≈2,2 l or about 2,1 l when it is filled up to the lower edge of the throat (Fig. 8)

Проблемы истории, филологии, культуры, 2023
Данная работа является второй частью обзора археологической керамики из фондов отдела археологиче... more Данная работа является второй частью обзора археологической керамики из фондов отдела археологических памятников в секторе раннего железного века и раннего средневековья Государственного исторического музея. Материал в статье представлен по разделам в соответствии с географическим, культурным и хронологическим принципами: фонд Кавказа, фонд античности, скифо-сарматский фонд, фонд Сибири и Азии, фонд Европейской части России, фонд Средневековья степи. Каждый раздел дает представление о cоставе коллекций, месте и авторе раскопок, характеристике памятника и степени его изученности. Керамические сосуды происходят из различных памятников, многие из которых являются эталонными и давшими название самим археологическим культурам (дьяковская, юхновская, черняховская и другие). Фонды сектора раннего железного века и раннего Средневековья формировались с конца XIX в. и продолжают пополняться и в настоящее время. Многие коллекции из раскопок до 1917 г., а также материалы, полученные в ходе работ более позднего времени, до сих пор не изданы или изданы частично и требуют изучения и введения в научный оборот на современном научном уровне, что является задачей как хранителей, так и специалистов по керамике из других организаций.
This is the second part of the survey of archaeological ceramics kept in the Department of Archaeological Monuments (sector of the Early Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages) of the State Historical Museum (Moscow). The published material is divided into sections in accordance with the geographical, cultural and chronological principles: the Fund of the Caucasus, the Fund of Antiquity, the Scythian-Sarmatian Fund, the Fund of Siberia and Asia, the Fund of the European part of Russia, the Fund of the Middle Ages of the Steppe. Each section informs on the composition of the collections, the principal investigator and the location of excavations, the characteristics of the object and the degree of its study. Ceramic vessels come from various sites, many of which are standard and gave the name to the archaeological cultures themselves (Dyakovo culture, Yukhnovo culture, Chernyakhov culture, etc.). The funds of the Early Iron Age and Early Middle Ages sector were formed from the end of the 19th century and continue to be replenished at the present time. Many collections from excavations before 1917, as well as materials obtained in the course of later works, have not yet been published or have been published only partly and require study and introduction into scientifi c circulation at the modern scientific level, which is the task of both curators and specialists in ceramics from other institutions.
Papers by Denis Zhuravlev
Comprehensive studies of three Attic plastic vessels dated to the 4th century BC from the State Historical Museum collection have been performed. The use of X-ray tomography (XRT), large-scale X-rayfluorescence (XRF) mapping, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) under scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD-SR) analysis made it possible to study in detailtheir state of preservation (including restoration traces) and the manufacturing technology, as well as to iden-tify the pigments used in painting the surface. Based on the pigment residues, identified visually and on XRFmaps, a reconstruction of the polychrome painting of the vessels was proposed. Because of the poor state ofpreservation of the coating on the surface of two vessels, the reconstruction of their possible polychromepainting was performed based on a comparison with known analogues
to the Pontic, Bosporan and Eastern groups has enabled the identification of distinctive technological
characteristics of the slip layer and ceramic mass. The Eastern sigillata samples exhibited superior
technological characteristics. The small size of the pores and inclusions is indicative of the utilisation
of finely dispersed clay. Furthermore, the presence of a mixture comprising two distinct clay types was
identified: a ferrous clay and a more refractory calcareous clay. The particular and likely meticulous
preparation of the clay suspension for the slip layer production was indicated by the addition of a
potassium-containing preparation, presumably potassium potash, to enhance the glazing of the layer,
as well as an iron-containing pigment, probably ocher. The samples were fired at a temperature of
approximately 1000°C. Pontic sigillata products were distinguished by the addition of potassium potash
in accordance with Eastern techniques and the absence of a specially added pigment in the varnish
mixture. The firing temperature was lower, falling within the range of 850–900°C. = На основании проведенных комплексных исследований фрагментов античной краснолаковой
керамики (terra sigillata) понтийской, боспорской и восточных групп выявлены характерные технологические особенности изготовления лакового слоя и керамической основы. Наиболее высокое качество имели образцы восточной сигиллаты. Малый размер пор и включений говорит
об использовании мелкодисперсной глины, при этом выявлено применение двух типов глины –
железистой и более тугоплавкой известковой. Специальная и, видимо, тщательная подготовка
глиняной суспензии (шликера) для изготовления лакового слоя состояла в добавлении калийсодержащего препарата, предположительно, калиевого поташа для лучшего остекловывания слоя,
а также железосодержащего пигмента, вероятно, охры. Температура обжига для данной группы
образцов составляла ~1000°C. Изделия понтийской сигиллаты отличались от восточной меньшим содержанием калиевого поташа и отсутствием в лаковом слое специально добавленного
пигмента. Температура обжига была ниже – 850–900°C. Для боспорских изделий характерна
заметно менее качественная подготовка и глиняного сырья как основы, и лакового слоя, а также
наименьшая температура обжига по сравнению с другими группами (500–900°C).
proximity to the few finds of similar flasks of other variants originating from dated contexts. The vessel is made of natron glass of the Syro-Palestinian origin. The case of faceted amphorisks is clearer, several such vessels were found in dated complexes, which gives grounds to date them to the second half of the 1st – early 2nd century AD. It is difficult to determine the centre or region of production of small
vessels by their area, since the origin of the overwhelming majority of them is unknown. Few flasks, the provenance of which is known more or less accurately, come from the Syrian-Palestinian region, from the eastern coast of the Adriatic, from the Northern Pontic and Transcaucasia. However, in terms of the number of finds, none of the regions stands over the others. It can be assumed that one of the published faceted amphorisks (judging by their quality of manufacture and the chemical composition of glass, based on the halophytic plant ash) was made in some local workshop following examples brought from the main centre of their production.
askos Б 602/6 is formed by three containers in shape close to spheres, connected to each other with the tubes. To make the body of the rhytons in the form of a bull Б 605/126 and a goat/doe Б 605/127 a potter’s wheel was used, and then body’s ends were closed and smoothed on the outside.
= Статья посвящена изучению внутренней конструкции фигурных сосудов с острова Кипр, происходящих из бывшего собрания А.С. Уварова и хранящихся ныне в Государственном историческом музее. Исследования с помощью рентгеновской томографии позволили детально реконструировать технологию изготовления кипрских фигурных сосудов эпохи средней и поздней бронзы. Большинство изученных сосудов лепные, часть из них изготовлена из одного куска глиняной массы, некоторые являются составными. Дополнительные детали изготавливались отдельно и прикреплялись к тулову сосуда. Объем этих сосудов был чрезвычайно мал – от 20 до 220 мл, что позволяет предполагать их использование для хранения ароматических веществ. У композитного сосуда Б 602/70 две емкости непосредственно закреплены одна на другой. Их объемы изолированы, и у каждой емкости существует отдельный носик, дающий возможность ее независимого использования. Тулово композитного аска
Б 602/6 образовано тремя емкостями по форме близкими к сферам, соединенными между собой при помощи трубочек. Для изготовления тулова ритонов в виде быка Б 605/126 и козла/лани Б 605/127 использовался гончарный круг, затем оно было сомкнуто с торцов и заглажено с внешней стороны.
content of inclusions and pores, mineralogical and elemental composition of natural and artificial impurities etc.) allows us to identify the characteristic parameters of products from various production centers, since it contains information about the specifics of the materials used and the features of the manufacturing technology of the objects under study. This approach has shown its effectiveness for the study of not only ceramics, but also other multiphase multicomponent mineral composite materials of cultural heritage sites of various eras – in particular,
medieval building ceramics (tiles), ancient Roman terra sigillata and medieval mortars and plasters.
rim (Charlesworth-1b) differs from the other ones in the glass colour (olive). Four jugs have base moldings of types widespread both in the Eastern Mediterranean and in western provinces of the Roman Empire. The peak of use of square jugs falls on the period between c. 70 and 120/130 AD. The jugs under consideration are most likely from the same time. Square jars are represented in the collection with the only specimen. Similar vessels are known both in the West and in the East, but the Greek inscription on our vessels speaks in favour of its Eastern Mediterranean origin. The context from which it comes is dated to the mid-third century AD at the latest. Finally, known to us analogies to two square bottles with funnel-shaped necks originate from Turkey and Syria and are dated to the fourth and fifth century, though the conditions of their discovery are unknown. Chemical composition of glass of seven vessels has been studied with SEM-EDS technique. Most samples belong to the group of Roman blue-green glass of the Syrian-Palestinian origin, with MnO content up to 0,5%. The glass of two vessels, decolourized with manganese, have a composition closer to Jalame glass. One of them is a collared square jar originated from a context which is to be dated no later then the mid-3rd century AD. A collared square bottle is made of mixed Mn-Sb glass.
employed. Additionally, the analysis facilitated the identification of the pigments utilized in the surface painting. A reconstruction of the polychrome painting of the vessels was proposed based on the pigment
residues identified both visually and on XRF maps. Given the poor state of preservation of the coating on the surface of two vessels, a reconstruction of their possible polychrome painting was performed based
on a comparison with known analogues.
vessels adjoin it. A fragment of a patera handle with a ram's head at the end, the find place of which is unknown, and a Cnidian laginos from the Belbek IV burial ground (excavations by I.I. Gushchina), decorated with relief erotic scenes, date back to Roman times.
позволившее уточнить технологию их изготовления. = The article considers two textbook-famous Cnidian plastic vessels from the collection of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. One of them, shaped as a ram, comes from the excavations of N.I. Veselovsky in the Kuban region, the second one – a lagynos with erotic scenes on its body – was found by I.I. Gushchina at the Late Scythian burial ground Belbek IV in the Southwestern Crimea. As part of a project to do research on monuments of the classical period from the State Historical Museum
collection, an X-ray tomographic study of these vessels was conducted at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, which made it possible to clarify the technology of their manufacture
teilweise moderne Gebäude stehen. Die zentrale Befestigungsanlage der Siedlung mit hohen Wällen und Gräben ist erhalten geblieben, ebenso eine zweite befestigte Plattform westlich davon, die möglicherweise aus dem 18. oder frühen 19. Jahrhundert stammt. Der genaue Zeitpunkt der Errichtung der zentralen Befestigungsanlage ist noch unbekannt. Bei den Ausgrabungen wurden Spuren eines Produktionskomplexes für Töpferwaren aus der ersten Hälfte des ersten Jahrhunderts n. Chr. gefunden, in dem Webgewichte und andere Kleinteile hergestellt wurden. Zu den besonderen Funden gehören bislang eine provinzialrömische Bronzestatuette des Zeus/Jupiter, eine grautonige Lampe in Form einer Silenos-Maske und verschiedene Räuchergefäße
The article is devoted to the publication of several late antique lamps from the territory of the Bosporus. Among them, Asia Minor (Ephesian) lamps predominate, there are also Moesian and North African examples. Despite the small size of the collection, these finds expand the understanding of the trading partners of the Bosporan cities in Late antiquity and Early Byzantine period
various shapes, often decorated with a relief image in
the center, were discovered in the Northern Black Sea
region. Sometimes they are found as a part of “sets”
of several copies of different types of vessels. The
most widespread ones are red slip trays of oval shape,
with relief handles framed with volutes. The images
of mythological scenes – Heracles with the Keryneian
Hind or the sphinx – are typical on the bottom. Some
of the trays had no decoration. Round dishes were
also made with or without handles, and the most
characteristic decoration was the image of Helios on a
chariot. These vessels, dated to the end of the 2nd – first
half of the 3rd centuries AD, belong to the group of the
Pontic sigillata A. Another group of the trays have a
quadrangular shape and much higher quality. Perhaps
they can be attributed to the Pontic Sigillata B and
date within the first half to the third quarter of the 3rd
century AD. All these trays and dishes were produced
as imitations of metal (silver and bronze) vessels.
ГИМ в НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» было проведено рентгенотомографическое исследование этого сосуда, позволившее уточнить технологию его изготовления. Тулово сосуда было изготовлено в двух формах, голова была сделана отдельно в третьей форме, дополнительно подработана инструментом при помощи насечек и скреплена с туловом. Цилиндрическое горло сосуда и ручка были также изготовлены отдельно
=At the State Historical Museum, Moscow, there is kept a figure vessel of the 2nd or 1st cen. BC in the form of a panther (Fig. 1) with an inscription on the bottom drawn on raw clay: Εὐλόγος ἐποίει (made by Eulogos). The vessel was acquired by the museum in 1895 from a dealer in antiquities E. R. Zaporozhskiy and originated most probably from the necropolis of Pantikapaion. According to the project of studies of ancient objects from the collection of the State Historical Museum, at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” there was conducted an X-ray tomographic investigation of the mentioned vessel using a commercial X-ray tomograph X5000 (NSI) allowing us to define more exactly the technology of the object’s manufacture. In zones of the concentration of construction elements of the vessel, characteristic elongated cavities are observable in the places of the attachment of the handle to the throat and at the upper body (Fig. 2, 2; 3, А1, 1, 3). The cylindrical throat of the vessel and the handle were modelled separately (Fig. 3). The body of the vessel was manufactured using two moulds; in the area of the junction, a clay appliqué is clearly discernible (Fig. 4, Д1, 1; 5, 1); the head was modelled separately in a third mould with incisions made with some tool and it was attached to the body (Fig. 4, Д1, 2; 5, А, 2; 7, А1, 1). In the mouth of the figure, a through round-hole orifice is punched from outside for pouring out ofthe liquid (Fig. 7, Б1). The paws are modelled in a single mould together with the upper body of the vessel (Fig. 6). The maximum volume of the liquid which the vessel is capable to hold is estimated as ≈2,2 l or about 2,1 l when it is filled up to the lower edge of the throat (Fig. 8)
This is the second part of the survey of archaeological ceramics kept in the Department of Archaeological Monuments (sector of the Early Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages) of the State Historical Museum (Moscow). The published material is divided into sections in accordance with the geographical, cultural and chronological principles: the Fund of the Caucasus, the Fund of Antiquity, the Scythian-Sarmatian Fund, the Fund of Siberia and Asia, the Fund of the European part of Russia, the Fund of the Middle Ages of the Steppe. Each section informs on the composition of the collections, the principal investigator and the location of excavations, the characteristics of the object and the degree of its study. Ceramic vessels come from various sites, many of which are standard and gave the name to the archaeological cultures themselves (Dyakovo culture, Yukhnovo culture, Chernyakhov culture, etc.). The funds of the Early Iron Age and Early Middle Ages sector were formed from the end of the 19th century and continue to be replenished at the present time. Many collections from excavations before 1917, as well as materials obtained in the course of later works, have not yet been published or have been published only partly and require study and introduction into scientifi c circulation at the modern scientific level, which is the task of both curators and specialists in ceramics from other institutions.
Comprehensive studies of three Attic plastic vessels dated to the 4th century BC from the State Historical Museum collection have been performed. The use of X-ray tomography (XRT), large-scale X-rayfluorescence (XRF) mapping, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis (EDX) under scanning electronmicroscopy (SEM), and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD-SR) analysis made it possible to study in detailtheir state of preservation (including restoration traces) and the manufacturing technology, as well as to iden-tify the pigments used in painting the surface. Based on the pigment residues, identified visually and on XRFmaps, a reconstruction of the polychrome painting of the vessels was proposed. Because of the poor state ofpreservation of the coating on the surface of two vessels, the reconstruction of their possible polychromepainting was performed based on a comparison with known analogues
to the Pontic, Bosporan and Eastern groups has enabled the identification of distinctive technological
characteristics of the slip layer and ceramic mass. The Eastern sigillata samples exhibited superior
technological characteristics. The small size of the pores and inclusions is indicative of the utilisation
of finely dispersed clay. Furthermore, the presence of a mixture comprising two distinct clay types was
identified: a ferrous clay and a more refractory calcareous clay. The particular and likely meticulous
preparation of the clay suspension for the slip layer production was indicated by the addition of a
potassium-containing preparation, presumably potassium potash, to enhance the glazing of the layer,
as well as an iron-containing pigment, probably ocher. The samples were fired at a temperature of
approximately 1000°C. Pontic sigillata products were distinguished by the addition of potassium potash
in accordance with Eastern techniques and the absence of a specially added pigment in the varnish
mixture. The firing temperature was lower, falling within the range of 850–900°C. = На основании проведенных комплексных исследований фрагментов античной краснолаковой
керамики (terra sigillata) понтийской, боспорской и восточных групп выявлены характерные технологические особенности изготовления лакового слоя и керамической основы. Наиболее высокое качество имели образцы восточной сигиллаты. Малый размер пор и включений говорит
об использовании мелкодисперсной глины, при этом выявлено применение двух типов глины –
железистой и более тугоплавкой известковой. Специальная и, видимо, тщательная подготовка
глиняной суспензии (шликера) для изготовления лакового слоя состояла в добавлении калийсодержащего препарата, предположительно, калиевого поташа для лучшего остекловывания слоя,
а также железосодержащего пигмента, вероятно, охры. Температура обжига для данной группы
образцов составляла ~1000°C. Изделия понтийской сигиллаты отличались от восточной меньшим содержанием калиевого поташа и отсутствием в лаковом слое специально добавленного
пигмента. Температура обжига была ниже – 850–900°C. Для боспорских изделий характерна
заметно менее качественная подготовка и глиняного сырья как основы, и лакового слоя, а также
наименьшая температура обжига по сравнению с другими группами (500–900°C).
proximity to the few finds of similar flasks of other variants originating from dated contexts. The vessel is made of natron glass of the Syro-Palestinian origin. The case of faceted amphorisks is clearer, several such vessels were found in dated complexes, which gives grounds to date them to the second half of the 1st – early 2nd century AD. It is difficult to determine the centre or region of production of small
vessels by their area, since the origin of the overwhelming majority of them is unknown. Few flasks, the provenance of which is known more or less accurately, come from the Syrian-Palestinian region, from the eastern coast of the Adriatic, from the Northern Pontic and Transcaucasia. However, in terms of the number of finds, none of the regions stands over the others. It can be assumed that one of the published faceted amphorisks (judging by their quality of manufacture and the chemical composition of glass, based on the halophytic plant ash) was made in some local workshop following examples brought from the main centre of their production.
askos Б 602/6 is formed by three containers in shape close to spheres, connected to each other with the tubes. To make the body of the rhytons in the form of a bull Б 605/126 and a goat/doe Б 605/127 a potter’s wheel was used, and then body’s ends were closed and smoothed on the outside.
= Статья посвящена изучению внутренней конструкции фигурных сосудов с острова Кипр, происходящих из бывшего собрания А.С. Уварова и хранящихся ныне в Государственном историческом музее. Исследования с помощью рентгеновской томографии позволили детально реконструировать технологию изготовления кипрских фигурных сосудов эпохи средней и поздней бронзы. Большинство изученных сосудов лепные, часть из них изготовлена из одного куска глиняной массы, некоторые являются составными. Дополнительные детали изготавливались отдельно и прикреплялись к тулову сосуда. Объем этих сосудов был чрезвычайно мал – от 20 до 220 мл, что позволяет предполагать их использование для хранения ароматических веществ. У композитного сосуда Б 602/70 две емкости непосредственно закреплены одна на другой. Их объемы изолированы, и у каждой емкости существует отдельный носик, дающий возможность ее независимого использования. Тулово композитного аска
Б 602/6 образовано тремя емкостями по форме близкими к сферам, соединенными между собой при помощи трубочек. Для изготовления тулова ритонов в виде быка Б 605/126 и козла/лани Б 605/127 использовался гончарный круг, затем оно было сомкнуто с торцов и заглажено с внешней стороны.
content of inclusions and pores, mineralogical and elemental composition of natural and artificial impurities etc.) allows us to identify the characteristic parameters of products from various production centers, since it contains information about the specifics of the materials used and the features of the manufacturing technology of the objects under study. This approach has shown its effectiveness for the study of not only ceramics, but also other multiphase multicomponent mineral composite materials of cultural heritage sites of various eras – in particular,
medieval building ceramics (tiles), ancient Roman terra sigillata and medieval mortars and plasters.
rim (Charlesworth-1b) differs from the other ones in the glass colour (olive). Four jugs have base moldings of types widespread both in the Eastern Mediterranean and in western provinces of the Roman Empire. The peak of use of square jugs falls on the period between c. 70 and 120/130 AD. The jugs under consideration are most likely from the same time. Square jars are represented in the collection with the only specimen. Similar vessels are known both in the West and in the East, but the Greek inscription on our vessels speaks in favour of its Eastern Mediterranean origin. The context from which it comes is dated to the mid-third century AD at the latest. Finally, known to us analogies to two square bottles with funnel-shaped necks originate from Turkey and Syria and are dated to the fourth and fifth century, though the conditions of their discovery are unknown. Chemical composition of glass of seven vessels has been studied with SEM-EDS technique. Most samples belong to the group of Roman blue-green glass of the Syrian-Palestinian origin, with MnO content up to 0,5%. The glass of two vessels, decolourized with manganese, have a composition closer to Jalame glass. One of them is a collared square jar originated from a context which is to be dated no later then the mid-3rd century AD. A collared square bottle is made of mixed Mn-Sb glass.
employed. Additionally, the analysis facilitated the identification of the pigments utilized in the surface painting. A reconstruction of the polychrome painting of the vessels was proposed based on the pigment
residues identified both visually and on XRF maps. Given the poor state of preservation of the coating on the surface of two vessels, a reconstruction of their possible polychrome painting was performed based
on a comparison with known analogues.
vessels adjoin it. A fragment of a patera handle with a ram's head at the end, the find place of which is unknown, and a Cnidian laginos from the Belbek IV burial ground (excavations by I.I. Gushchina), decorated with relief erotic scenes, date back to Roman times.
позволившее уточнить технологию их изготовления. = The article considers two textbook-famous Cnidian plastic vessels from the collection of the State Historical Museum in Moscow. One of them, shaped as a ram, comes from the excavations of N.I. Veselovsky in the Kuban region, the second one – a lagynos with erotic scenes on its body – was found by I.I. Gushchina at the Late Scythian burial ground Belbek IV in the Southwestern Crimea. As part of a project to do research on monuments of the classical period from the State Historical Museum
collection, an X-ray tomographic study of these vessels was conducted at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute”, which made it possible to clarify the technology of their manufacture
teilweise moderne Gebäude stehen. Die zentrale Befestigungsanlage der Siedlung mit hohen Wällen und Gräben ist erhalten geblieben, ebenso eine zweite befestigte Plattform westlich davon, die möglicherweise aus dem 18. oder frühen 19. Jahrhundert stammt. Der genaue Zeitpunkt der Errichtung der zentralen Befestigungsanlage ist noch unbekannt. Bei den Ausgrabungen wurden Spuren eines Produktionskomplexes für Töpferwaren aus der ersten Hälfte des ersten Jahrhunderts n. Chr. gefunden, in dem Webgewichte und andere Kleinteile hergestellt wurden. Zu den besonderen Funden gehören bislang eine provinzialrömische Bronzestatuette des Zeus/Jupiter, eine grautonige Lampe in Form einer Silenos-Maske und verschiedene Räuchergefäße
The article is devoted to the publication of several late antique lamps from the territory of the Bosporus. Among them, Asia Minor (Ephesian) lamps predominate, there are also Moesian and North African examples. Despite the small size of the collection, these finds expand the understanding of the trading partners of the Bosporan cities in Late antiquity and Early Byzantine period
various shapes, often decorated with a relief image in
the center, were discovered in the Northern Black Sea
region. Sometimes they are found as a part of “sets”
of several copies of different types of vessels. The
most widespread ones are red slip trays of oval shape,
with relief handles framed with volutes. The images
of mythological scenes – Heracles with the Keryneian
Hind or the sphinx – are typical on the bottom. Some
of the trays had no decoration. Round dishes were
also made with or without handles, and the most
characteristic decoration was the image of Helios on a
chariot. These vessels, dated to the end of the 2nd – first
half of the 3rd centuries AD, belong to the group of the
Pontic sigillata A. Another group of the trays have a
quadrangular shape and much higher quality. Perhaps
they can be attributed to the Pontic Sigillata B and
date within the first half to the third quarter of the 3rd
century AD. All these trays and dishes were produced
as imitations of metal (silver and bronze) vessels.
ГИМ в НИЦ «Курчатовский институт» было проведено рентгенотомографическое исследование этого сосуда, позволившее уточнить технологию его изготовления. Тулово сосуда было изготовлено в двух формах, голова была сделана отдельно в третьей форме, дополнительно подработана инструментом при помощи насечек и скреплена с туловом. Цилиндрическое горло сосуда и ручка были также изготовлены отдельно
=At the State Historical Museum, Moscow, there is kept a figure vessel of the 2nd or 1st cen. BC in the form of a panther (Fig. 1) with an inscription on the bottom drawn on raw clay: Εὐλόγος ἐποίει (made by Eulogos). The vessel was acquired by the museum in 1895 from a dealer in antiquities E. R. Zaporozhskiy and originated most probably from the necropolis of Pantikapaion. According to the project of studies of ancient objects from the collection of the State Historical Museum, at the National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” there was conducted an X-ray tomographic investigation of the mentioned vessel using a commercial X-ray tomograph X5000 (NSI) allowing us to define more exactly the technology of the object’s manufacture. In zones of the concentration of construction elements of the vessel, characteristic elongated cavities are observable in the places of the attachment of the handle to the throat and at the upper body (Fig. 2, 2; 3, А1, 1, 3). The cylindrical throat of the vessel and the handle were modelled separately (Fig. 3). The body of the vessel was manufactured using two moulds; in the area of the junction, a clay appliqué is clearly discernible (Fig. 4, Д1, 1; 5, 1); the head was modelled separately in a third mould with incisions made with some tool and it was attached to the body (Fig. 4, Д1, 2; 5, А, 2; 7, А1, 1). In the mouth of the figure, a through round-hole orifice is punched from outside for pouring out ofthe liquid (Fig. 7, Б1). The paws are modelled in a single mould together with the upper body of the vessel (Fig. 6). The maximum volume of the liquid which the vessel is capable to hold is estimated as ≈2,2 l or about 2,1 l when it is filled up to the lower edge of the throat (Fig. 8)
This is the second part of the survey of archaeological ceramics kept in the Department of Archaeological Monuments (sector of the Early Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages) of the State Historical Museum (Moscow). The published material is divided into sections in accordance with the geographical, cultural and chronological principles: the Fund of the Caucasus, the Fund of Antiquity, the Scythian-Sarmatian Fund, the Fund of Siberia and Asia, the Fund of the European part of Russia, the Fund of the Middle Ages of the Steppe. Each section informs on the composition of the collections, the principal investigator and the location of excavations, the characteristics of the object and the degree of its study. Ceramic vessels come from various sites, many of which are standard and gave the name to the archaeological cultures themselves (Dyakovo culture, Yukhnovo culture, Chernyakhov culture, etc.). The funds of the Early Iron Age and Early Middle Ages sector were formed from the end of the 19th century and continue to be replenished at the present time. Many collections from excavations before 1917, as well as materials obtained in the course of later works, have not yet been published or have been published only partly and require study and introduction into scientifi c circulation at the modern scientific level, which is the task of both curators and specialists in ceramics from other institutions.
”Dorin Alicu este un exemplu pentru modul în care, printr-o muncă extrem de tenace si de mare deschidere, s-a impus în lumea științifică națională și internațională, cunoscut ca expert în arheologie, în artă si în artefacte romane. Au fost, cunoaștem asta, etape grele de eforturi intelectuale, familiale, pentru un tânăr venit din Țara Hațegului în capitala Transilvaniei, Cluj-Napoca, animat de dorința de a-si urma pasiunea pentru arheologie. Cu toate eventualele puncte negre, generate de greutățile inerente ale epocilor pe care le-a parcurs, Dorin Alicu se conturează ca o personalitate consacrată. El rămâne însă si un mucalit, un om pus pe șotii colegiale, un caracter deschis socializării neformale, această latură a personalității sale punând însă si mai bine în evidență caracterul de profesionist, de om al rigorii, extrem de atent și de aspru când este cazul, în primul rând cu sine, dar si cu colaboratorii săi.”
Doina Benea (1944-2019)
Am Anfang werden Impressionen der Ausstellungseröffnung am 07. Juni 2016 im Staatlichen Historischen Museum gezeigt (5-7). Darauf folgt ein Überblick über die Geschichte des ‘Bosporos Projekts’ auf der Taman'-Halbinsel, wobei ‘Highlights’ der Grabungstätigkeiten und der naturwissenschaftlichen Untersuchungsmethoden vorgestellt werden (8-20). Auf den allgemeinen Überblick folgen detaillierte Einblicke in die naturwissenschaftlichen Teilprojekte und der Bearbeitung ausgewählter archäologischer Funde. Die Paläogeographie hat die antike Landschaft rekonstruieren können, wie sie sich den Griechen dargestellt hatte. Völlig überraschend wurde dabei ein zweiter schiffbarer Wasserweg östlich der heutigen Straße von Kerč (dem antiken Kimmerischen Bosporus) aufgedeckt: der sog. Kuban-Bosporus (21-27). Diese Erkenntnis führte zur Zusammenarbeit mit Historikern und Philologen: archäologische und geomorphologische Erkenntnisse werden mit der historischen Geographie und Topographie abgeglichen (28-34). Im Rahmen des Projekts dienten zudem archäologische Surveys der Untersuchung des antike Siedlungssystem auf der Taman'-Halbinsel (35-39). Dann werden die zwischen 2006 und 2015 in der griechischen Siedlung Golubickaja 2 aufgedeckten Fundgattungen erläutert: die früheste griechische Importkeramik, die bis in das 1. Viertel des 6. Jh. v. Chr. zurückreicht (40-44); Terrakotten, die nach Herkunft, Datierung, Bedeutung und ihre Verwendung in der Antike dargestellt werden (45-51); Transportamphoren verschiedener Herstellungszentren, die aus einem Amphorenkomplex des 5. Jh. v. Chr. stammen (52-55); Amphorenstempel werden im Kontext des Bosporanischen Reichs nach Herkunft und Datierung vorgestellt (56-58); attische und attisierende schwarzfirnis Keramik aus dem 6. - 2. Jh. v. Chr. werden in ihrem Typenrepertoire erklärt (59-61); handgeformte Keramik wird im Bilde der Analogien aus den Nachbargebieten der indigenen Völker besprochen (62-64); Fundmünzen aus dem späten 6./Anfang 5. Jh. bis ans Ende des 2. Jh. v. Chr. erlauben einen Vergleich im Kontext des Bosporanischen Reichs (65-70); technische Geräte wie Reibsteine waren zur Herstellung des Grundnahrungsmittels Getreide notwendig (71-73); Knochenfunde geben Auskunft über die Zusammensetzung von Nutz- und Haustiere sowie des Speiseplans der Bewohner (74-76); ein ungewöhnliches Bodenobjekt neben der Siedlung gehört vermutlich zu einer Tonabbaugrube (77-79). Zuletzt werden noch zwei weitere Grabungsprojekte auf der Taman'-Halbinsel vorgestellt: Die Fortifikation der im 6. Jh. v. Chr. am Ufer des Kuban-Bosporus gegründeten griechischen Siedlung Strelka 2 (80-84) sowie das Heiligtum der Artemis Agrotera auf dem Berg 'Boris und Gleb' (85-89). Abschließend gewähren lokale chemische Gruppen sowie die Lokalisierung hellenistischer Keramik aus der sog. Kirbei-Werkstatt im kleinasiatischen Kyme einen Einblick in die laufenden archäometrischen Untersuchungen zur Herkunftsbestimmung der Keramik (90-93).