Papers by Alexey Shevtsov
Археологические открытия 2017 год, 2019
Crystallography Reports, 2018
A unique artifact-the "idol" from the 10th century mound "Chernaya Mogila" ("Black Grave"), a fam... more A unique artifact-the "idol" from the 10th century mound "Chernaya Mogila" ("Black Grave"), a famous Old Rus' site, has been studied. The technological features of the "idol's" manufacture and decoration are revealed by studying the elemental composition of the metal substrate and surface layer of this object. The investigation has been performed by scanning electron microscopy with application of energydispersive X-ray microanalysis, X-ray fluorescence integral analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the "idol" surface was gilded using amalgamation technology.
![Research paper thumbnail of Состав и хронология монетных серий дореволюционных кладов серебра из Гнёздова [The composition and chronology of coin series of the pre-revolutionary silver hoards from Gnezdovo]](
Гнёздовский археологический комплекс. Материалы и исследования. Труды ГИМ. Вып.215. М. 2021. С. 397-414, 2021
The Gnezdovo settlement was a place of major coin influx and circulation in the 10th century. A t... more The Gnezdovo settlement was a place of major coin influx and circulation in the 10th century. A total of 14 hoards comprising c. 1400 dirhams (almost exclusively Samanid issues) have been found on its territory for the last 150 years. It was the finding of the first Gnezdovo hoards in the 1870-s that led to the discovery of the burial grounds and consequently the settlement. Although the first four hoards found between 1867 and 1909 became widely known, their coin composition has almost never been critically reexamined since their first publication by A.K. Markov in 1910. This was partly due to controversial and incomplete evidence of the first findings (which was further investigated by T.A. Pushkina), partly because the coins themselves were split between the collections of five museums and most of them got lost in between the two wars. Archival sources pointed out by T.A. Pushkina concerning the Great Gnezdovo hoard of 1867 and the 1870 hoard demonstrate that both complexes consisted of several finds in the settlement’s and burial ground’s areas in the course of the Orel-Vitebsk railway’s construction. Thus, the coin series cannot be regarded as either monolithic or synchronous to the jewellery and other items from different burial and hoard complexes that were mixed together. Nevertheless, a hypothetical division of the twelve coins from the 1867 complex is argued based on chronological differences and their state of preservation. The 1870 hoard’s coin composition also has a lot of inconsistencies between their first identification by V.G. Tiesenhausen and their consequent publications.
The dirhams from the 1885 and 1909 hoards are the two largest series found in Gnezdovo; together they amount to 2/3 of all coins from Gnezdovo hoards. Although they are dated closely by the latest coin (tpq 960/1 и 953/4 accordingly) their composition differ: the 1909 hoard consists mainly of 920/1–941/2 issues by Nasr ibn Ahmad, while the 1885 hoard represents the last wave of coin influx in Gnezdovo comprising predominantly Nuh ibn Nasr’s dirhams of the first half of the 950-s. The dirham composition of hoards deposited in Gnezdovo differ from the structure of the local coin circulation (reconstructed from settlement and burial finds) comprising in equal parts Abbasid and Samanid issues. Thus, the hoards represent large sums of silver accumulated by local families that were not mixed into the coin circulation. This influx of large quantities of silver coins that reached its peak in the mid-10th c. demonstrates the prominence of the Gnezdovo elite and their aptitude for long distance trade.
Российская археология, №4, 2020
The issue of dating the emergence of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex that functioned during t... more The issue of dating the emergence of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex that functioned during the Rus state formation period is the subject of decades-long discussion between the supporters of two versions – the “early” (the 9th century) and the “late” one (the 10th century). Given the blurred dating of most artifacts and the absence of a dendrochronological scale for Smolensk region, the site chronology was clarified with radiocarbon wiggle-match dating. The results made it possible to date the settlement foundation to no later than the last quarter of the 8th century.
A unique artifact-the "idol" from the 10th century mound "Chernaya Mogila" ("Black Grave"), a fam... more A unique artifact-the "idol" from the 10th century mound "Chernaya Mogila" ("Black Grave"), a famous Old Rus' site, has been studied. The technological features of the "idol's" manufacture and decoration are revealed by studying the elemental composition of the metal substrate and surface layer of this object. The investigation has been performed by scanning electron microscopy with application of energydispersive X-ray microanalysis, X-ray fluorescence integral analysis, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the "idol" surface was gilded using amalgamation technology.
Областное государственное бюджетное учреждение «Редакция научно-популярного журнала "Край Смоленс... more Областное государственное бюджетное учреждение «Редакция научно-популярного журнала "Край Смоленский"» СМИ зарегистрировано в Управлении Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций по Смоленской области ПИ №ТУ67-00285 от 20.07.2017 г.
![Research paper thumbnail of Пути поступления византийских серебряных монет на территорию Древней Руси [Routes of Byzantine Silver Coins inflow in Old Rus' territory]](
Археология и история Пскова и Псковской земли. Материалы 62-го заседания (19–21 апреля 2016 г.), 2017
An important issue of monetary circulation is the way coins penetrated in their circulation area.... more An important issue of monetary circulation is the way coins penetrated in their circulation area. Eastern Europe in the 10th – 11th centuries was at the crossroads of different transit routes of a common silver market, thus the inflow of byzantine miliaresia could reach Old Rus' either directly or along with the prevailing inflow of silver dirhams or deniers from the according markets. This article regards a total of 53 coin complexes (including 36 silver hoards) containing miliaresia. The cronological and geografical distribution of the finds provides an insight into the dynamics of the import of byzantine silver coins that reached its peak in the second half of the 10th c. - first half of the 11th c. The presented data supports the key role of the route "From Varangians to Greeks" in the import of miliaresia to Old Rus'.
![Research paper thumbnail of Коллекции византийских монет Гнёздова и Киева в контексте контактов Руси и Византии в IX–XI вв. [Byzantine coin collections from Gnezdovo and Kiev in light of 9th-11th c. contacts between Rus’ and Byzantium]](
Гнёздовский археологический комплекс. Материалы и исследования. Труды ГИМ. Вып.210. М. 2018. С. 482-509, 2018
The paper presents a topographical and chronological survey of 50 byzantine coins found in Gnezdo... more The paper presents a topographical and chronological survey of 50 byzantine coins found in Gnezdovo. The chronological distribution of the finds provides evidence of at least two separate “waves” of active coin importation to the settlement. A comparative analysis of byzantine coin finds from Gnezdovo and Kiev suggests there were considerable differences in the inflow’s pattern of folles, miliaresia and nomismata to the two early urban centers. For instance, the predominance of early folles in Gnezdovo indicates that direct contacts with Byzantium up to the mid-10th century were frequent whereas numismatic data from Kiev suggests such contacts intensified only in the late 10th – mid-11th c. when the coin inflow in Gnezdovo virtually ceased.
Статья содержит полноценный каталог византийских монет из Гнёздова, для удобства разделенный на каталог находок (С.498), и каталог монет (с.505)
Large archaeological collections are often dispersed across several museums and institutions loca... more Large archaeological collections are often dispersed across several museums and institutions located in different countries. Moreover, objects belonging to such collections may be fragmented and different parts of the same object stored in various locations.

Статья посвящена фоллисам – византийским медным монетам императора Феофила, преобладавшим в обращ... more Статья посвящена фоллисам – византийским медным монетам императора Феофила, преобладавшим в обращении в империи во второй трети IX в., которые были найдены на территории Гнёздовского археологического комплекса. Анализ хронологического распределения позволил сделать вывод о ранней “волне” поступления фоллисов на памятник, возможно, связанной с дипломатическими или военными контактами руси и Византии в IX в. Полученные в ходе исследования данные могут внести определенные коррективы в устоявшиеся представления не только о датировке “раннего Гнёздова”, но и о роли, которую играло Гнёздовское поселение на начальных этапах формирования Древнерусского государства.
The paper deals with folles, copper coins of the Byzantine emperor Theophilus predominating in circulation of the empire in the second third of the 9th century AD, found in the territory of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex. An analysis of their chronological distribution enabled the author to trace an early ‘wave’ of the coming of folles to the site probably related to either diplomatic or military contacts of Rus and Byzantium in the 9th century AD. The data acquired in the course of the study may modify traditional views not only on the date of the ‘early Gnezdovo’ but on the role of this site in the formation of the Old Rus state as well.
С территории Гнёздова происходят 50 византийских монет, среди них обнаружено 3 подражания византи... more С территории Гнёздова происходят 50 византийских монет, среди них обнаружено 3 подражания византийским солидам и фоллис, химический состав которого кардинально отличается от нормы.
Talks by Alexey Shevtsov
Археология Древней Руси: актуальные проблемы и открытия. Материалы международной конференции, посвященной 100-летию со дня рождения Д.А. Авдусина/ гл. ред. Е.А. Рыбина; отв. ред. Н.В. Ениосова., 2018
Books by Alexey Shevtsov
by Sergei Kainov, Sergey Zozulia, Наталья Ениосова, Anna Dementyeva, Vasily Novikov, Tatiana Shvedchikova, Olga (Ольга) Orfinskaya (Орфинская), Vladimir Petrukhin, Alexandr Fetisov, Aleksey Shchavelev, Alexey Shevtsov, and Svetlana Ruzanova
Papers by Alexey Shevtsov
The dirhams from the 1885 and 1909 hoards are the two largest series found in Gnezdovo; together they amount to 2/3 of all coins from Gnezdovo hoards. Although they are dated closely by the latest coin (tpq 960/1 и 953/4 accordingly) their composition differ: the 1909 hoard consists mainly of 920/1–941/2 issues by Nasr ibn Ahmad, while the 1885 hoard represents the last wave of coin influx in Gnezdovo comprising predominantly Nuh ibn Nasr’s dirhams of the first half of the 950-s. The dirham composition of hoards deposited in Gnezdovo differ from the structure of the local coin circulation (reconstructed from settlement and burial finds) comprising in equal parts Abbasid and Samanid issues. Thus, the hoards represent large sums of silver accumulated by local families that were not mixed into the coin circulation. This influx of large quantities of silver coins that reached its peak in the mid-10th c. demonstrates the prominence of the Gnezdovo elite and their aptitude for long distance trade.
Статья содержит полноценный каталог византийских монет из Гнёздова, для удобства разделенный на каталог находок (С.498), и каталог монет (с.505)
The paper deals with folles, copper coins of the Byzantine emperor Theophilus predominating in circulation of the empire in the second third of the 9th century AD, found in the territory of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex. An analysis of their chronological distribution enabled the author to trace an early ‘wave’ of the coming of folles to the site probably related to either diplomatic or military contacts of Rus and Byzantium in the 9th century AD. The data acquired in the course of the study may modify traditional views not only on the date of the ‘early Gnezdovo’ but on the role of this site in the formation of the Old Rus state as well.
Talks by Alexey Shevtsov
Books by Alexey Shevtsov
The dirhams from the 1885 and 1909 hoards are the two largest series found in Gnezdovo; together they amount to 2/3 of all coins from Gnezdovo hoards. Although they are dated closely by the latest coin (tpq 960/1 и 953/4 accordingly) their composition differ: the 1909 hoard consists mainly of 920/1–941/2 issues by Nasr ibn Ahmad, while the 1885 hoard represents the last wave of coin influx in Gnezdovo comprising predominantly Nuh ibn Nasr’s dirhams of the first half of the 950-s. The dirham composition of hoards deposited in Gnezdovo differ from the structure of the local coin circulation (reconstructed from settlement and burial finds) comprising in equal parts Abbasid and Samanid issues. Thus, the hoards represent large sums of silver accumulated by local families that were not mixed into the coin circulation. This influx of large quantities of silver coins that reached its peak in the mid-10th c. demonstrates the prominence of the Gnezdovo elite and their aptitude for long distance trade.
Статья содержит полноценный каталог византийских монет из Гнёздова, для удобства разделенный на каталог находок (С.498), и каталог монет (с.505)
The paper deals with folles, copper coins of the Byzantine emperor Theophilus predominating in circulation of the empire in the second third of the 9th century AD, found in the territory of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex. An analysis of their chronological distribution enabled the author to trace an early ‘wave’ of the coming of folles to the site probably related to either diplomatic or military contacts of Rus and Byzantium in the 9th century AD. The data acquired in the course of the study may modify traditional views not only on the date of the ‘early Gnezdovo’ but on the role of this site in the formation of the Old Rus state as well.