Tim Berners-Lee and the Freedom of The City

Side on photo of Sir Tim giving a speech in the Guildhall.

Originally written in 2014 - but lost somehow. Last week, I had the privilege of being invited into the Guildhall to watch Tim Berners-Lee receive the Honorary Freedom of the City. I was one of a dozen bloggers and tweeters asked to live tweet the ceremony. As The City moves into the digital era, it is beginning to modernise and so this was the first ceremony open to bloggers and the first to be live broadcast on the web. I got a pretty good seat for the ceremony :-) Terence Eden is on…

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Quick Thoughts on Google Glass

Me wearing a Google Glass. I've been photoshopped to look like a cyborg.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. Well, I've had Google Glass for all of 30 minutes - so I thought I'd give you my first impressions. No, I haven't read the manual. The first thing to note is that it is really well packaged. Everything from the USB cable to the bundled sunglasses are held together beautifully. As someone who doesn't wear glasses, I found them fairly light and not too intrusive. The screen sits slightly above my line of site…

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Can You Power an iBeacon with a Lemon?

Photo of ten lemons wired up to a multimeter.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. Sadly, most of the photos have fallen down the memory hole. So use your imagination. Energy efficiency is the next battleground for electronics. As the price of electricity soars, people will become less and less enamoured with charging their devices every single day. Even if cold-fusion brings us unlimited free energy - plugging your gadgets into a wall just seems so primitive! That's where BlueTooth Low…

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QR Codes on Energy Bills

Photo of an eBook. It is demonstrating how a customer can scan a QR code on their bill to see what their energy usage is.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. Sadly, the follow-up post has fallen down the memory hole. You can still read Sharon's response to it. Well, we can finally unwrap one of the little projects The Lab has been working on. Along with the Department of Energy and Climate Change we're aiming to stick QR codes on customers' energy bills. The proposal has the grand name of: "A consultation on proposals to amend domestic energy supply licence…

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Paper (Plane) Prototyping

The Lab's logo.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. Sadly, all of the photos have fallen down the memory hole. So use your imagination. One of our missions in The Lab is to introduce the ideas of prototyping and rapid innovation into the business. That's a fairly hefty systemic change for any company - so how do we go about doing it? Paper aeroplanes. Yup. Sheets of paper, crudely folded and then thrown are the perfect way to get people collaborating,…

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3D Printing at Over The Air

Various pieces of 3D printed gadgets.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. We had an amazing time at Over The Air 2013. We’ve teamed up with ThingMaker to digitally scan attendees. Our long term aim is to release on GitHub a collection of faces which artists and game designers can re-use. The definite highlight was scanning Annie, one of the veterans of Bletchley Park. Our thanks also to Faberdashery who were able to supply us with filament for the 3D printer in exactly the r…

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Demoing BlipDrop at Mobile Monday London

Terence standing up demoing to a room full of people.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer. I really loved the idea of geolocated ephemeral content. And I was a little disappointed that the business never saw the potential for it. Maybe I'll find a way to relaunch it in the future. I’ve been attending Mobile Monday London for years. It’s a great (free!) way to meet people in the mobile industry, to learn about new trends, and to demo products. Because I know so many people there, it’s always a bit ne…

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Are Megabytes Meaningless To Customers?

The Lab's logo.

This is a necropost - resurrected from the now defunct blog of a previous employer.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTEqKd92kcI Pop quiz: How many MB did you use watching that YouTube video? When dealing with data usage, a familiar cry in the telco world is “Customers just don’t understand what a MB is!” Is this true? The theory goes something like this… Some elements of a phone bill are easy to conceptualise. Customers understand how many minutes they’ve used, texts they’ve sent, etc. T…

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Back to BlackBerry

Photo of me taking a photo of my BlackBerry. My face is reflected in the screen.

This is a Necropost - rescued from AudioBoo and transcribed by AI because I'm lazy. 🔊 Back to BlackBerry boo🎤 edent 💾 Download this audio file. Hello there, AudioBoo. I'm just in the middle of another grand phone experiment. I'm moving back to BlackBerry. Yes, after about a year, year and a half of being an Android Boy, it's time to go back to BlackBerry. So I've picked up the Torch, which is the slider and I'm having mixed feelings. It's hard to go back. I wanted to go back to a …

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Luncheon vouchers?!?!

Faded photo in the the window which says "We accept Luncheon Vouchers." Photo by Alex Liivet.

🔊 Luncheon voucher boo🎤 edent 💾 Download this audio file. Hello, AudioBoo and Internet World. I'm just weirded out. I've been sent as payment for a small project I did... Luncheon vouchers! I know it's churlish to complain when people pay you, but I've literally in my life, in 31 years of living on planet earth, I have never even seen a Luncheon Voucher. I thought they died out in the 80s, but I'm here with £14 worth of 50p luncheon vouchers. I don't know if I have to use them indivi…

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N8 Fail - Reasons Why the Nokia N8 Sucks

Way back in 2010, I was sent a Nokia N8 to review. It was dreadful. Simply one of the worst devices I've ever used. My original ranty blog posts have been lost from tumblr, so I've reposted it here as a single post. It is pretty slapdash. I've added some commentary. Warning! There be swearing ahead! On signing in to the N8, I was prompted to log in with my Ovi account. I have an account, but I can't remember the password. In order to retrieve it I must prove that I am human. Oh, cool! A…

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XMTS - X Marks The Spot

Back in 2010 I tried to launch a Location Based Services app. It didn't quite work - mostly because I didn't have the business acumen to sell it onwards. Still, here are the slides, audio, and some photos of the presentation I did at BarCampBrighton 5. Terence, 2016. Location Based QR Codes - Introducing //xmts.mobi/ from Terence Eden 🔊 💾 Download this audio file. …

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