Book Review - Terry Pratchett's Discworld Imaginarium

Paul Kidby has collected the very best of his Discworld illustrations in this definitive volume, including 40 pieces never before seen, 30 pieces that have only appeared in foreign editions, limited editions and BCA editions, and 17 book cover illustrations that have never been seen without cover text. If Pratchett's pen gave his characters life, Paul Kidby's brush allowed them to live it, and nowhere is that better illustrated than in this magnificent book.
Over 200 gorgeous images. Some mere pencil sketches, others in beautiful living colour.
As a Discworld fan, you know you're going to buy it anyway. At £3.99, it's a decent price for an eBook - or £25 for a sturdy coffee-table book. Or go bananas (ook!) and splash out for the £100 signed limited edition.
The eBook is only worth reading on a laptop or tablet. Monochrome just doesn't do it justice. But, that said, the images are frustratingly low resolution. The Bayeux Tapestry spoof is particularly hard to make out. And, while 200 images sounds like a lot - it is only a quick read.
One to ask for as a present, I think.
Verdict |
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- ISBN: 9781473223387
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