Conference Presentations by Endrit Mecini

When we talk about the urban identity of a place, it immediately, inadvertently, connects us with... more When we talk about the urban identity of a place, it immediately, inadvertently, connects us with the urban "character" of a certain area, therefore it is particularly important to make a clear distinction between the identity (character) and identification (visual appearance). Given that urban development policies, as well as sustainable urban development strategies, have the ability and potential to establish rule and order that leads to the creation of a unique identity of a city, it is more than necessary to make an in-depth analysis and detailing of the concept of what identity is and how it can be achieved, by not misinterpreting it only as construction and aesthetic regulations, which have a direct impact only on the physical appearance of the city. Prishtina, as the capital of the Republic of Kosovo, has gone through many different periods of political, economic, developmental, and social transition. Since Prishtina has been constantly under different powers since prehistoric times, each of them has left its mark in terms of social, economic, and political development, as well as in the urban and architectural development of the city. This paper aims to analyse and hence decipher the urban identity(ies) of the city formed over time through employment of six elements: morphological, perceptual, social, visual, functional, and temporal. As a result, the paper will try to find as to which aspects of the city's identity in time and space are lost, hidden, persist or are still visible in its current context.
Conference Presentations by Endrit Mecini