Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)... more Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in many regions of the world. The present study was conducted to find out if the variations in biochemical changes in reaction to WSMV infection in F2 generation of either potentially resistant (Adl-Cross) or susceptible (Marvdasht) cultivars are genetically inherited. A factorial experiment was employed with two factors of: genotypes (Adl-Cross, Marvdasht, reistant F2s and susceptible F2s), and inoculation (either infected or non infected) at Shiraz University, Iran during 2007-2009. Leaves of seedlings were harvested at different time intervals for total protein, total phenolic compounds and peroxidase activity analysis. Results indicated that virus infection caused stress in all genotypes. Total protein reduction in the inoculated resistant Adl-Cross and in its F2s was not significant whereas it was significant in the inoculated susceptible Marvdasht and its susceptible F2s. Viral in...
The complete nucleotide sequence of the coat protein (CP) gene of Bermuda grass etched-line virus... more The complete nucleotide sequence of the coat protein (CP) gene of Bermuda grass etched-line virus (BELV), including 376 nucleotides (nt) of the region to its 5 0 side, was determined and compared with sequences of the other viruses associated with the genus Marafivirus, substantiating the assignment of BELV to this group. The CP gene coding sequence was 585 nt in length. Inferred amino acid sequences showed homologies among marafiviral CP gene products ranging from 41% to 59%. A non-coding sequence motif characteristic of the marafiviruses lies in the region adjacent to the CP gene to the 5 0 side. In contrast to various homology levels in the coding regions of the CP genes, the interspecific sequence homology in this 18 nt motif was almost perfect.
Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) is a widespread potyvirus inducing mosaic on Bermuda ... more Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) is a widespread potyvirus inducing mosaic on Bermuda grass in warm regions of southern Iran. In this study, various geographical isolates of the virus were compared phylogenetically. Bermuda grass samples showing mosaic symptom were collected from Jiroft,
The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of wheat Eqlid mosaic virus (WEqMV) (excluding the... more The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of wheat Eqlid mosaic virus (WEqMV) (excluding the poly A tail) comprised 9636 nucleotides including 5' and 3' noncoding regions of 137 and 172 nt, respectively. It contained a single ORF coding for a polyprotein of 3,109 amino acid residues and had a deduced genome organization typical of members of the family Potyviridae and with proteinase cleavage sites very similar to those of the members of the genus Tritimovirus. Pairwise and multiple alignments and phylogenetic analysis showed that WEqMV is a distinct species in the genus Tritimovirus. WEqMV and Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) shared the greatest nucleotide sequence identity in the NIb and HC-Pro cistrons (63.2% and 60.8%, respectively) and the lowest sequence identity in the P1 and CP cistrons (51.2% and 51.1%, respectively). Sequence identity for the complete genome of WEqMV and WSMV was 56.8% at the nucleotide level and 50.7% at the amino acid level. WEqMV had 57.2% nucleotide identity and 50.6% amino acid identity with Oat necrotic mottle virus and 52.5% nucleotide identity and 45.5% amino acid identity with Brome streak mosaic virus. The relationship of WEqMV with other members of the family Potyviridae was more distant. Structural analysis of WEqMV protein showed presence of potential transmembrane helices in 6k1, 6k2, and P3 proteins.
Curly top disease (CID) is one of the most economically important diseases of sugar beet (Beta vu... more Curly top disease (CID) is one of the most economically important diseases of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Iran. Resistant varieties have been used effectively for controlling CTD. In the present study, 50 accessions of sugar beet germplasm were evaluated for curly top ...
... Arch. Virol. 148: 357 372. ALI, A., NATSUAKI, T., OKUDA S. (2006). ... genetic diversity of ... more ... Arch. Virol. 148: 357 372. ALI, A., NATSUAKI, T., OKUDA S. (2006). ... genetic diversity of a natural population of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus. J. Gen. Virol. 86: 815-822. MASSUMI, H.,SAMEI, A., HOSSEINI POUR, A., SHAABANIAN, M. and RAHIMIAN, H. 2007. ...
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically ... more Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically important potyviruses of cereals. BgSMV is very similar in genomic sequence to MDMV, but cannot infect Johnsongrass and is not transmitted by Rhopalosiphum maidis. Comparison of their genomes showed an additional stretch of 90 nucleotides in BgSMV coat protein but not in MDMV. Since the 90-nucleotide region is located in the N-terminal of BgSMV coat protein, it seems to have a role in biological properties such as vector transmission and pathogenicity. Recombinant virus constructs were made with and without the 90 nucleotides using SOEing PCR (MDMV (+90) and BgSMV (−90). Johnsongrass plants inoculated with the wild-type MDMV and recombinant BgSMV (−90) showed mosaic symptoms after 16 and 23 days, respectively, whereas plants inoculated with the wild-type BgSMV and recombinant MDMV (+90) didn’t show any symptoms until three months after inoculation. The qRT-PCR results detected significan...
Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz Universi... more Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran to evaluate the effectiveness of changes in protein content, peroxidase activity, phenolic compounds, free amino acids content and proline in response to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) infection, in screening resistant bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Fifteen wheat genotypes consisting of WSMV tolerant, intermediate and susceptible genotypes were grown in two randomized complete designs with three replications. The experiments only differed with respect to their inoculation (either infected or non-infected). The results indicated that viral infection increased the total protein and peroxidase activity of leaves in tolerant genotypes but viral infection decreased them in susceptible genotypes. Phenolic compounds increased in all infected genotypes but these increases are the highest in tolerant genotypes as compared to intermediate and susceptible ones. Viral infe...
Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz Universi... more Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran to evaluate the effectiveness of changes in protein content, peroxidase activity, phenolic compounds, free amino acids content and proline in response to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) infection, in screening resistant bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Fifteen wheat genotypes consisting of WSMV tolerant, intermediate and susceptible genotypes were grown in two randomized complete designs with three replications. The experiments only differed with respect to their inoculation (either infected or non-infected). The results indicated that viral infection increased the total protein and peroxidase activity of leaves in tolerant genotypes but viral infection decreased them in susceptible genotypes. Phenolic compounds increased in all infected genotypes but these increases are the highest in tolerant genotypes as compared to intermediate and susceptible ones. Viral infection reduced free amino acids in genotypes in general. The changes in proline content did not show a typical trend in tolerant, intermediate or susceptible genotypes. The analysis of variance indicated that the linear regression of leaf damage rating on the changes in total protein, peroxidase activity and phenols in the leaf was significant but the linear regression of leaf damage rating on the changes in free amino acids and proline in the leaf was not significant. Our results demonstrate the changes in total protein, peroxidase activity and phenolic compounds in a genotype could be used as suitable biochemical markers for assessing the WSMV tolerant wheat plants when grown under infected condition.
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically ... more Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically important potyviruses of cereals. BgSMV is very similar in genomic sequence to MDMV, but cannot infect Johnsongrass and is not transmitted by Rhopalosiphum maidis. Comparison of their genomes showed an additional stretch of 90 nucleotides in BgSMV coat protein but not in MDMV. Since the 90-nucleotide region is located in the N-terminal of BgSMV coat protein, it seems to have a role in biological properties such as vector transmission and pathogenicity. Recombinant virus constructs were made with and without the 90 nucleotides using SOEing PCR (MDMV (+90) and BgSMV (-90). Johnsongrass plants inoculated with the wild-type MDMV and recombinant BgSMV (-90) showed mosaic symptoms after 16 and 23 days, respectively, whereas plants inoculated with the wild-type BgSMV and recombinant MDMV (+90) didn't show any symptoms until three months after inoculation. The qRT-PCR results detected significantly higher levels of BgSMV (-90) and MDMV compared to BgSMV and MDMV (+90), respectively. Also, R. maidis was able to transfer only the wild type MDMV and BgSMV (-90) from infected to healthy plants. These results confirmed that the insertion of the 90-nt region into the coat protein of MDMV affects the pathogenicity of the virus.
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)... more Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in many regions of the world. The present study was conducted to find out if the variations in biochemical changes in reaction to WSMV infection in F2 generation of either potentially resistant (Adl-Cross) or susceptible (Marvdasht) cultivars are genetically inherited. A factorial experiment was employed with two factors of: genotypes (Adl-Cross, Marvdasht, reistant F2s and susceptible F2s), and inoculation (either infected or non infected) at Shiraz University, Iran during 2007-2009. Leaves of seedlings were harvested at different time intervals for total protein, total phenolic compounds and peroxidase activity analysis. Results indicated that virus infection caused stress in all genotypes. Total protein reduction in the inoculated resistant Adl-Cross and in its F2s was not significant whereas it was significant in the inoculated susceptible Marvdasht and its susceptible F2s. Viral in...
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 2016
To evaluate the mechanism and levels of herbicide resistance in Sinapis arvensis, a series of exp... more To evaluate the mechanism and levels of herbicide resistance in Sinapis arvensis, a series of experiments were performed. Sequencing of ALS gene in S. arvensis sub-populations was carried out and ALS-based resistance (substitution of Asp by Glu) was detected at position 376 in this weed species. Further, it was reported that combined application of herbicide mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron can cause up to 50% reduction in dry weight (GR50) of heterozygous resistant (FHR3), homozygous resistant (FHR2) and homozygous susceptible (MHS1) sub-populations and it was reported 2409, 603 and 289 g ha-1 , respectively. Further, resistance indices (RI) were reported 8.3 and 2 for FHR3 and FHR2 sub-populations, respectively. Based on LD50, RI values were 8.5 and 4.5 for FHR3 and FHR2, respectively. Growth reduction occurred in the resistant homozygous when compared with the heterozygous sub-population in the presence of mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron.
... Plant Res. and Develop. 49:7-18. IRWIN , ME and THRESH, JM 1990. Epidemiology of barley yello... more ... Plant Res. and Develop. 49:7-18. IRWIN , ME and THRESH, JM 1990. Epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf: A study in ecological complexity. Annu. Rev. ... Proc. 16th Iran. Plant Protec. Cong., Tabriz, Iran, 57(Abst.). SAHRAGARD, N., TAHERI, M. and IZADPANAH , K. 2004b. ...
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)... more Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in many regions of the world. The present study was conducted to find out if the variations in biochemical changes in reaction to WSMV infection in F2 generation of either potentially resistant (Adl-Cross) or susceptible (Marvdasht) cultivars are genetically inherited. A factorial experiment was employed with two factors of: genotypes (Adl-Cross, Marvdasht, reistant F2s and susceptible F2s), and inoculation (either infected or non infected) at Shiraz University, Iran during 2007-2009. Leaves of seedlings were harvested at different time intervals for total protein, total phenolic compounds and peroxidase activity analysis. Results indicated that virus infection caused stress in all genotypes. Total protein reduction in the inoculated resistant Adl-Cross and in its F2s was not significant whereas it was significant in the inoculated susceptible Marvdasht and its susceptible F2s. Viral in...
The complete nucleotide sequence of the coat protein (CP) gene of Bermuda grass etched-line virus... more The complete nucleotide sequence of the coat protein (CP) gene of Bermuda grass etched-line virus (BELV), including 376 nucleotides (nt) of the region to its 5 0 side, was determined and compared with sequences of the other viruses associated with the genus Marafivirus, substantiating the assignment of BELV to this group. The CP gene coding sequence was 585 nt in length. Inferred amino acid sequences showed homologies among marafiviral CP gene products ranging from 41% to 59%. A non-coding sequence motif characteristic of the marafiviruses lies in the region adjacent to the CP gene to the 5 0 side. In contrast to various homology levels in the coding regions of the CP genes, the interspecific sequence homology in this 18 nt motif was almost perfect.
Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) is a widespread potyvirus inducing mosaic on Bermuda ... more Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) is a widespread potyvirus inducing mosaic on Bermuda grass in warm regions of southern Iran. In this study, various geographical isolates of the virus were compared phylogenetically. Bermuda grass samples showing mosaic symptom were collected from Jiroft,
The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of wheat Eqlid mosaic virus (WEqMV) (excluding the... more The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of wheat Eqlid mosaic virus (WEqMV) (excluding the poly A tail) comprised 9636 nucleotides including 5' and 3' noncoding regions of 137 and 172 nt, respectively. It contained a single ORF coding for a polyprotein of 3,109 amino acid residues and had a deduced genome organization typical of members of the family Potyviridae and with proteinase cleavage sites very similar to those of the members of the genus Tritimovirus. Pairwise and multiple alignments and phylogenetic analysis showed that WEqMV is a distinct species in the genus Tritimovirus. WEqMV and Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) shared the greatest nucleotide sequence identity in the NIb and HC-Pro cistrons (63.2% and 60.8%, respectively) and the lowest sequence identity in the P1 and CP cistrons (51.2% and 51.1%, respectively). Sequence identity for the complete genome of WEqMV and WSMV was 56.8% at the nucleotide level and 50.7% at the amino acid level. WEqMV had 57.2% nucleotide identity and 50.6% amino acid identity with Oat necrotic mottle virus and 52.5% nucleotide identity and 45.5% amino acid identity with Brome streak mosaic virus. The relationship of WEqMV with other members of the family Potyviridae was more distant. Structural analysis of WEqMV protein showed presence of potential transmembrane helices in 6k1, 6k2, and P3 proteins.
Curly top disease (CID) is one of the most economically important diseases of sugar beet (Beta vu... more Curly top disease (CID) is one of the most economically important diseases of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) in Iran. Resistant varieties have been used effectively for controlling CTD. In the present study, 50 accessions of sugar beet germplasm were evaluated for curly top ...
... Arch. Virol. 148: 357 372. ALI, A., NATSUAKI, T., OKUDA S. (2006). ... genetic diversity of ... more ... Arch. Virol. 148: 357 372. ALI, A., NATSUAKI, T., OKUDA S. (2006). ... genetic diversity of a natural population of Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus. J. Gen. Virol. 86: 815-822. MASSUMI, H.,SAMEI, A., HOSSEINI POUR, A., SHAABANIAN, M. and RAHIMIAN, H. 2007. ...
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically ... more Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically important potyviruses of cereals. BgSMV is very similar in genomic sequence to MDMV, but cannot infect Johnsongrass and is not transmitted by Rhopalosiphum maidis. Comparison of their genomes showed an additional stretch of 90 nucleotides in BgSMV coat protein but not in MDMV. Since the 90-nucleotide region is located in the N-terminal of BgSMV coat protein, it seems to have a role in biological properties such as vector transmission and pathogenicity. Recombinant virus constructs were made with and without the 90 nucleotides using SOEing PCR (MDMV (+90) and BgSMV (−90). Johnsongrass plants inoculated with the wild-type MDMV and recombinant BgSMV (−90) showed mosaic symptoms after 16 and 23 days, respectively, whereas plants inoculated with the wild-type BgSMV and recombinant MDMV (+90) didn’t show any symptoms until three months after inoculation. The qRT-PCR results detected significan...
Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz Universi... more Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran to evaluate the effectiveness of changes in protein content, peroxidase activity, phenolic compounds, free amino acids content and proline in response to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) infection, in screening resistant bread wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Fifteen wheat genotypes consisting of WSMV tolerant, intermediate and susceptible genotypes were grown in two randomized complete designs with three replications. The experiments only differed with respect to their inoculation (either infected or non-infected). The results indicated that viral infection increased the total protein and peroxidase activity of leaves in tolerant genotypes but viral infection decreased them in susceptible genotypes. Phenolic compounds increased in all infected genotypes but these increases are the highest in tolerant genotypes as compared to intermediate and susceptible ones. Viral infe...
Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz Universi... more Two greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2008-2010 at College of Agriculture, Shiraz University, Iran to evaluate the effectiveness of changes in protein content, peroxidase activity, phenolic compounds, free amino acids content and proline in response to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) infection, in screening resistant bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes. Fifteen wheat genotypes consisting of WSMV tolerant, intermediate and susceptible genotypes were grown in two randomized complete designs with three replications. The experiments only differed with respect to their inoculation (either infected or non-infected). The results indicated that viral infection increased the total protein and peroxidase activity of leaves in tolerant genotypes but viral infection decreased them in susceptible genotypes. Phenolic compounds increased in all infected genotypes but these increases are the highest in tolerant genotypes as compared to intermediate and susceptible ones. Viral infection reduced free amino acids in genotypes in general. The changes in proline content did not show a typical trend in tolerant, intermediate or susceptible genotypes. The analysis of variance indicated that the linear regression of leaf damage rating on the changes in total protein, peroxidase activity and phenols in the leaf was significant but the linear regression of leaf damage rating on the changes in free amino acids and proline in the leaf was not significant. Our results demonstrate the changes in total protein, peroxidase activity and phenolic compounds in a genotype could be used as suitable biochemical markers for assessing the WSMV tolerant wheat plants when grown under infected condition.
Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically ... more Maize dwarf mosaic virus (MDMV) and Bermuda grass southern mosaic virus (BgSMV) are economically important potyviruses of cereals. BgSMV is very similar in genomic sequence to MDMV, but cannot infect Johnsongrass and is not transmitted by Rhopalosiphum maidis. Comparison of their genomes showed an additional stretch of 90 nucleotides in BgSMV coat protein but not in MDMV. Since the 90-nucleotide region is located in the N-terminal of BgSMV coat protein, it seems to have a role in biological properties such as vector transmission and pathogenicity. Recombinant virus constructs were made with and without the 90 nucleotides using SOEing PCR (MDMV (+90) and BgSMV (-90). Johnsongrass plants inoculated with the wild-type MDMV and recombinant BgSMV (-90) showed mosaic symptoms after 16 and 23 days, respectively, whereas plants inoculated with the wild-type BgSMV and recombinant MDMV (+90) didn't show any symptoms until three months after inoculation. The qRT-PCR results detected significantly higher levels of BgSMV (-90) and MDMV compared to BgSMV and MDMV (+90), respectively. Also, R. maidis was able to transfer only the wild type MDMV and BgSMV (-90) from infected to healthy plants. These results confirmed that the insertion of the 90-nt region into the coat protein of MDMV affects the pathogenicity of the virus.
Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)... more Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) causes extensive economic damage to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in many regions of the world. The present study was conducted to find out if the variations in biochemical changes in reaction to WSMV infection in F2 generation of either potentially resistant (Adl-Cross) or susceptible (Marvdasht) cultivars are genetically inherited. A factorial experiment was employed with two factors of: genotypes (Adl-Cross, Marvdasht, reistant F2s and susceptible F2s), and inoculation (either infected or non infected) at Shiraz University, Iran during 2007-2009. Leaves of seedlings were harvested at different time intervals for total protein, total phenolic compounds and peroxidase activity analysis. Results indicated that virus infection caused stress in all genotypes. Total protein reduction in the inoculated resistant Adl-Cross and in its F2s was not significant whereas it was significant in the inoculated susceptible Marvdasht and its susceptible F2s. Viral in...
Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, 2016
To evaluate the mechanism and levels of herbicide resistance in Sinapis arvensis, a series of exp... more To evaluate the mechanism and levels of herbicide resistance in Sinapis arvensis, a series of experiments were performed. Sequencing of ALS gene in S. arvensis sub-populations was carried out and ALS-based resistance (substitution of Asp by Glu) was detected at position 376 in this weed species. Further, it was reported that combined application of herbicide mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron can cause up to 50% reduction in dry weight (GR50) of heterozygous resistant (FHR3), homozygous resistant (FHR2) and homozygous susceptible (MHS1) sub-populations and it was reported 2409, 603 and 289 g ha-1 , respectively. Further, resistance indices (RI) were reported 8.3 and 2 for FHR3 and FHR2 sub-populations, respectively. Based on LD50, RI values were 8.5 and 4.5 for FHR3 and FHR2, respectively. Growth reduction occurred in the resistant homozygous when compared with the heterozygous sub-population in the presence of mesosulfuron + iodosulfuron.
... Plant Res. and Develop. 49:7-18. IRWIN , ME and THRESH, JM 1990. Epidemiology of barley yello... more ... Plant Res. and Develop. 49:7-18. IRWIN , ME and THRESH, JM 1990. Epidemiology of barley yellow dwarf: A study in ecological complexity. Annu. Rev. ... Proc. 16th Iran. Plant Protec. Cong., Tabriz, Iran, 57(Abst.). SAHRAGARD, N., TAHERI, M. and IZADPANAH , K. 2004b. ...
Papers by Mahmoud Masumi