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Bring an Android version please


In the future maybe, but now I rather spend time making this a good game and refine it before thinking about android.


Alright, I know this is just an early demo but I'm gonna list the issues I've seen with it so far while avoiding stuff people have mentioned already.

-The enemy can push you into the box debris things and softlock you there after you break out of their scene. This is really easy to make happen.

-The collision for the box things isn't perfect and you can find places to walk through them by just pressing up against them.

-If you get up against corners of the map or in doorways you can see through the map's geometry.

By the way, I'm liking how this is coming along. I know making a game is hell and it won't look like much for several months, but I think with some perseverance you could actually make something interesting here.


Thanks for the feedback, Is always important!
Im so excited to start the next version 0.1.X after christmas and little by little start making the game the way I want.
Next version is going to be a big one and is expected to arrive in really early march but I will give an updated in a few days.

has potential but if you look down before she slams you to the ground you see that the animation isnt finished. please update the game and dont abandon the game


Thanks! We know about the bugs unfortunally, but thanks for the feedback, it's important! This version was rushed until the very last minute.
Im not abandoning the project, He is just about to start, the problem is that I didn't had a programmer and Im not a programmer so I was doing 3D, Art, Programming, Marketing all at the same time in just 2 months, but I finally have a programmer so I can focous 100% on Art and we will fix the bugs!

(1 edit)

So i finished playing the new demo, and i do have to say there's a lot of promise. still pretty barebones but the mechanics are there. one small thing i'd like to point out is that it was pretty confusing finding where the elevator was since it wasn't marked with anything special. also there was a bug where if she pushed you, but didn't jump directly on top of you, even after you did the qte, you wouldnt get up.

ETA: i also noticed two other things, she will only ride you for a couple of seconds before getting up again, regardless if you complete the QTE. also, when the bar is drained and she knocks you over, some blue text saying morreu would pop up, not sure what that meant.


Thanks! yeah the game was rushed last minute but we will fix that, the mechanics are about the same but the game will have a good 360 on the next version since I can finally focous 100% on Art and a new characther is planned to be added on next version.
About the elevator, the idea is each elevator having a texture saying how many keys are needed and the player will understand the mechanics before that and will not have that objective bar, that was temporary for this version alone, Im excited to start working on version 0.1.X!