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From Russia with love

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May. 26th, 2009 | 09:17 pm
posted by: egomaci in shihtzuluv

Hello everybody.

I’m glad to join this shitzu lovers’ community. Let me introduce myself. My name is Winston.
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I’m 11 month old. I live in Moscow in a big flat with a such lovely people. I owe 2bedrooms flat, beautiful country house and a car (but I don’t like it so much). When I’m getting tired with staying at home, those lovely people drive me to my country house, where I can eat grass, run and play all day.

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But my favorite game is running out of boarders to our neighbors. I like them (lovely people) to looking and running for me.

I have some problem with licking everything (floor, doors and my PEE from training pads (!)). Could you please advise me what to do with this problem?

Great news! I’m going to have a brother. But I don’t know what breed would be better for me to become friends with. Do you? Do you have any sis or bros?

Thank you for your help and attention, dear friends.

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from: egomaci
date: Jan. 13th, 2010 06:45 pm (UTC)

oh, what a tongue!!! ))))

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