been a member on here, but i neglect to post. i've had my shih-tzu since he was only a few months old. he's now 10, but seems to think he's still about 4. his name is "Wikkit" after the ewok :) i work with animals for a living, and Wikkit gets to walk to work with me every day.
Wikkit monster-dog has been known as "MuddyPaw Filthbeast" or "Sir Shaggy Stench" for the last week or so. his fur is getting kinda long. i am going to get him groomed soon. he's been coming to work with me as usual, but lately i spend more time behind the desk being all manager-like so i've been letting him hang out behind the desk with me. it's helping the both of us get through these double shifts. he is really happy to be right next to me and getting attention, and he makes me laugh- so it's a good deal.
I saw this article about a Shih Tzu who saved her human companion from the tsunami in Japan and I had to share with others who I thought might appreciate it.
Penny/horrible groom update: Firstly, thanks so much to everyone for your comments and concern! I think I always try to imagine how hard it'd be to wrangle these little guys and have always felt slightly in awe of groomer's because it really seems to be a job where you'd need mega-patience (which I don't), dogs can't understand "be still" and don't have the best attention spans. In addition to that, I have a hard time being confrontational or overly contrary, but you all helped me to not feel like I was being too picky or "mean" when I was just sort of like D: Nooooooooooooooooooo when I saw their faces up close and then realized Penny's eye was not comfortable. Again, I really appreciate it!
I printed out those pictures and took them into the store and talked to the manager on duty (the store manager was gone for a week), she was incredibly nice. She went and found our invoice to see who did the hair cuts, and she said honestly she'd never seen anything that bad before in general, or from that specific person. I guess the groomer just had a bad day or were trying to cut corners due to time issues, I just really hate that it was the poor baby's first groom. Not the best initiation :( The manager was incredibly apologetic though, she kept saying "I'm so sorry" over and over. She refunded the cost of the grooms, and Penny is welcome to come see their vet for free. I can also take her to my vet and they will reimburse me. When I woke up the next morning, she was holding her eye open normally, with some residual redness that seems to be fading. I'm going to watch her, but I think she doesn't have any serious damage. This was last night:
Overall now that I'm not as concerned she's going to have a serious eye problem, I think she'll look decently cute until the hair grows out because she's so unform in her hair/skin/eye color it makes how closely she was cropped around her eyes hard to distinguish. But that poor little puppy :( Haha, she's so ugly right now... it's awful. I've been joking around telling my mom we need to get her a puppy hoodie or mask or something to be seen in public. Thank God hair grows back. I do think I will have to find a more permanent non-Petsmart groomer. I really have had some great experiences there before, but since I've moved to a different state, and had some extended visitation with family in yet another state, it's been sort of all over the place. Petsmart is always pretty available and I liked that they had a big window where you could see them grooming, so I felt more secure they wouldn't be manhandled or anything but I think that like someone commented, they need to have a relationship with the person who's putting scissors near their eyeballs haha. I'm almost settled in Austin, so then I'll find a good groomer.
I want to preface this post by stating that I hate this, I'm not a confrontational person. I'm not by nature someone who complains about customer service. I've taken Penny to various Petsmarts and have been pretty pleased overall. Typically the people are pleasant and the dogs look pretty good at a decent price. Myself having the majority of my jobs in Customer Service/Sales realm, I understand it can be very hard to make some people happy and just... a draining experience in general. I usually don't send food back, don't enjoy/get a thrill out of embarrassing or battling someone over a service, and so forth. That said, look at this face:
I saw a little activity in this comm, so though I'd post as well. I got my first DSLR camera for Christmas, so our Shih Tzu girl has been my muse while I'm learning how to use it :) Penny turns 1 on Jan 21st. We completely adore her!
this community has been quiet for a while, so i thought i'd ask: how did everyone and their shih tzus spend the holidays? any cute doggie Christmas outfits to share? ;)
I’m glad to join this shitzu lovers’ community. Let me introduce myself. My name is Winston.
( meCollapse ) I’m 11 month old. I live in Moscow in a big flat with a such lovely people. I owe 2bedrooms flat, beautiful country house and a car (but I don’t like it so much). When I’m getting tired with staying at home, those lovely people drive me to my country house, where I can eat grass, run and play all day. ( country houseCollapse ) But my favorite game is running out of boarders to our neighbors. I like them (lovely people) to looking and running for me.
I have some problem with licking everything (floor, doors and my PEE from training pads (!)). Could you please advise me what to do with this problem?
Great news! I’m going to have a brother. But I don’t know what breed would be better for me to become friends with. Do you? Do you have any sis or bros?
Thank you for your help and attention, dear friends.